2020-02-25 Update with PUDUpdate with PUD February 25, 2020 2:00 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper (via Phone), Commissioner Edna J. Fund, Chris Roden Lewis County PUD Manager, Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Frank Corbin, and Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Candace Hallom Chris Roden discussed projects at the Lewis County PUD. Chris discussed interviews coming up at the PUD for a new Government Affairs position. Chris discussed the PUD process for Strategic Planning. The PUD is looking at a 10-year plan. Commissioner Fund asked if water retention facilities are considered green power. Chris stated Hydroelectricity is renewable energy. There are requirements that show that hydroelectricity does not qualify for green electricity. Chris discussed the Snake River Dam. Chris stated he would be contacting The Chronicle to get a story on the impact to Lewis County PUD. Chris discussed the fear of blackouts in 2024 due to power sources being shut down without power to replace them. JP Anderson and John Aplanalp entering the meeting at 2:39 p.m. and informed the Commissioners of a press release regarding pods being moved to Maple Lane as a potential COVID-19 isolation and quarantine site. JP and John left the meeting at 2:42 p.m. The Commissioners asked Chris about Water District #2 and the streetlights being turned off. Chris said they have talked with the neighbors and have offered opportunities for the residents to pay individually for the light. One resident can pay the bill but the PUD will not send multiple bills to multiple residents for one light. Meeting ended at 2:54 p.m.