2020-03-02 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up March 2, 2020 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Josh Metcalf, Becky Butler, Tamara Hayes, Lara McRea, Janelle Lindsey Guests: Frank Corbin, Mary Kay Nelson, Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Peter Lahmann Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Fund made a motion to add a proclamation honoring the Washington Farm Bureau. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Commissioner Fund said she’d like to hold the March 6 Mayors’ Meeting at Centralia College. The commissioners agreed. Peter Lahmann proposed inviting someone to discuss apprenticeship programs to an upcoming Mayors’ Meeting. Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund and Commissioner Stamper said they’d like to appoint Ross Petersen to the Public Facilities District (PFD). They directed Rieva Lester to draft a resolution to that effect. Commissioner Fund said she would contact the other applicant. Mary Kay Nelson and Tamara Hayes discussed the proposed Lewis County Outdoor Recreation and Tourism (LCORT) charter. The commissioners said they support the effort. Tamara left at 9:26 a.m. Commissioner Fund said the Ways and Means Committee will discuss HB 1154 later in the day. Erik Martin discussed the recently released draft Environmental Impact Study (EIS) for the proposed water retention facility. Commissioner Fund made a motion to approve a Historic Preservation grant of up to $5,643.60 to the Cowlitz River Valley Historical Society. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Motion passed 3-0. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Rieva Lester: Draft special meeting notice regarding March 6 Mayors’ Meeting and have staff reach out to participants Draft PFD appointment Draft memo re: Historic Preservation grant Draft press release re: LTAC vacancy Draft thank you letter for Larry Jones The commissioners directed Rieva Lester to draft a memo regarding their approval of the Cowlitz River Valley Historical Society’s Historic Preservation grant. The commissioners directed Rieva Lester to post for the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee vacancy and to draft a thank you letter to Larry Jones. Commissioner Fund, Becky Butler and Frank Corbin discussed matters before the state Legislature. Erik said he will meet with county leaders later in the day to brief them about prevention efforts in response to the coronavirus. Josh Metcalf discussed a slide at the recently closed Salzer Valley Road. Meeting ended at 9:52 a.m.