2020-03-10 Update with SheriffSheriff’s Update March 10, 2020 10:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Sheriff Snaza, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Chief Chris Sweet, Chief Dusty Breen, Chief Bruce Kimsey, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, County Manager Erik Martin joined at 10:05 a.m. Guests: Frank Corbin, Linda Williams Recorder: Tammy Martin Chief Dusty Breen provided an update on the Special Services Bureau: • Staffing is going well for records, and detectives will be full in May. • Detectives have stayed consistently busy assisting with a large marijuana grow and working a homicide case in partnership with Auburn PD as well as numerous other incidents. • Firearms transfers are at 495 and climbing in 2 months. • Researching in-vehicle solution to connectivity options called Cradlepoint. Deputies are currently using hotspots that have troubles in remote access areas. Cradlepoint is a modem that is mounted to the vehicle and has precision GPS location. The LCSO has rolled out 3 units as test models. Each unit costs approximately $2000 per unit and installation. The life expectancy is about 7 years which is the average life span of the vehicles. So far, coverage has been approximately 98% of service locations which is a vast improvement on the repeater. They are working on a small technology grant through Country Financial Insurance, and Commissioner Jackson said he may have some ideas on funding as well. Chief Chris Sweet provided an update on the Corrections Bureau: • Discussed Covid-19. The jail currently has precautionary screening in place. They are partnering with NaphCare. There is a pandemic handbook as well as protocols and procedures in place when necessary. • Chief Sweet thanked the Commissioners for their support for the purchases of the body scanner. As soon as the painting/remodel is done, the scanner will be installed. The jail is on restrictive status until the project is complete. • 2 new deputies have just graduated from the academy and are on their FTO programs, with one person just finishing up the FTO program. There will be 4 new openings on the Corrections side. Chief Bruce Kimsey provided an update on the Field Operations Bureau: • Calls are up for the month. • 2 positions filled with another coming vacant in April. Two Deputies for the Corrections Bureau are going to Field Operations. They will be attending Basic Law enforcement Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA) for 6 months. Upon completion, they will be on the FTO program for 2 months before being on their own (2021). • 10 Pillars of Mental Performance Mastery will be offered at the Bethel Church on March 12, 2020 Undersheriff Rethwill provided updates to: • Region 3 Sheriff’s CIIT meeting/training due to WAC 139-12 being codified. Protocols are being finished out and the team will mirror the WAC • Touched bases on road vacancies and the jail side will be down between 4-7 positions from retirement and transfers. Job postings are out and will be attending local job fairs. • Had a few events that just took place. They’ve completed in-service training and the Target Zero Traffic Safety. Undersheriff Rethwill thanked the Commissioners for participating. • LCSO was awarded the U.S. Forest Service Directors Team Excellence Award for partnerships and training opportunities with the U.S. Forest Service. The award presentation is in San Antonio. • SECTOR Replacement Project Committee meetings. • Currently in contract negotiations with the Guild representing corrections deputies. Sheriff Snaza addressed: • East End substation. There is a need for an incident command/substation in the east end of Lewis County. Sheriff Snaza proposed using the county shop. Currently, county vehicles and rescue equipment are in open areas. Having them all in one central location would save time and resources. Currently, staffing does not allow for a support tech, but this was a topic being considered. • March 23 looking for a definitive decision for the jail transport van. Meeting ended 11:04 a.m.