Weed Control Update Agenda Lewis County Board of County Commissioners UPDATE Weed Control Board Program Date: February 18, 2020 Agenda Start Time: 10:30 AM Commissioners present: Edna Fund,GaEyStamper, Bobby Jackson Others: Gary Fredricks, Mellisa Davis (Lewis Co. —WSU Ext.) Topics Actions Weed Board Member Appointments, Discussed process and status of pending appointment of Vic Khvoroff and Nancy Toenyan to the Weed Board. Pending BOCC Resolution State Legislation—Noxious Weed, Senate & House Bills (SB 6401, HB 2697), Informational Other program updates: Discussed value/benefit that noxious weed programs provide to citizens and landowners. Informational Education programs: Lewis County Invasive Weed & Pest Workshop March 26, 2020,Informational Valley Ag. Grower Mtg. March 18, 2020 Adna Garden Club, Home & Sportsman Show, Friends of Seminary Hill Natural Area, February programs. Handouts: Lewis County Invasive Weed & Pest Workshop flyer Prepared by: Bill Wamsley