2020-03-24 BOCC Wrap-Up COVID-19BOCC Wrap-Up / COVID-19 meeting March 24, 2020 4 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper (by teleconference), Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson (by teleconference), County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Steve Walton, Daleyn Coleman, Arny Davis, Matt Matayoshi, Joe Clark, Amber Smith (teleconference). Recorder: Lara McRea Erik reported there are no new cases that have been confirmed yet and testing availability is extremely limited. There were 13 tests completed over the weekend at one of the sites. Erik also said that John Abplanalp reported they are receiving many calls from businesses in regards to the governor’s order to see if it applies to them but the county cannot determine this. He said John has been directing these folks back to the State Department of Health or the Governor’s Office. Commissioner Fund said she received contact from Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler’s staff about the number of testing sites and John responded as health is advocating for more tests. Once a patient is tested, it could take up to 4-5 days to receive the results. She noted that Secretary Weisman said supplies are coming but the top 10 counties will receive the supplies first. These counties are the ones with the most cases. Erik said many offices and departments have been having discussions regarding mission-critical employees. He also said that housing is highlighted in the Governor’s orders as critical. Permitting also needs to be in this category. He discussed how some employees would be working from home. Erik said Ed Mund is set up to do videos and there has been an interested from several leaders to produce one. These videos put out good information to the public. Isaac Freemen will be helping with this effort. Commissioner Fund reported that the census has been pushed to a deadline of August 14. Erik noted that the webpage has been updated to include a section to make donations of supplies or cash. Arny Davis explained how the recordings are processed for real estate excise tax. Arny discussed the interest and property tax penalty for property taxes that are due April 30. He noted that at this point no decision has been made. The earliest a decision will be made would be April 15. He said if an extension is given, then a short-term loan to Public Works may be necessary so they can continue with scheduled projects this year. Further discussion was held. Arny left the meeting at 4:25 p.m. Erik spoke on the leave policy that was revised per the Governor’s new orders. He said employees will be paid through April 6 and they would not have to access their accrued leave banks. After April 6, Erik and the board will discuss how to proceed. Many employees are working remotely but some have to be at the office as they are mission critical. Some employees have broadband issues at their homes. Erik noted the federal benefit would go into effect April 2 in which there will be another 80 hours available. Under this policy, all employees will continue to get a full paycheck until April 6 and then there will be other options available. Further discussion was held. Becky left at 4:25 p.m. Daleyn discussed what some employees could be doing from home and HR is looking at online training through the Washington Counties Risk Pool. HR is working on enrollment information. Amber updated the board on the availability of their office. Erik noted that he did not feel that any leave that would be taken by employees would be reimbursable from the state or FEMA due to COVID-19. This is a cost the county would need to cover. Daleyn noted that the policy was sent out to the unions last week and there was good feedback. Any revisions to the policy will be forwarded to the unions. Andy entered the meeting at 4:42 p.m. All three board members noted they would like to move forward with the policy. Matt Matayoshi reported that the EDC is fielding calls and emails about exempt status employees. They have also been working to ensure that forest products will be part of the exemption. He noted a number of manufacturers fall under the exemption as well. There are also a number of people that are self-employed asking questions about services. Joe Clark said that with the 1-800 number, Twin Transit took about 80 calls, the second day 220 calls. They brought in staff to field calls. They anticipate delivering 1,250 meals in the next 3 days and after those 2,500 meals. Several organizations such as Catholic Community Services, United Way and Visiting Nurses have asked Twin Transit to help deliver meals. One concern is that the resources at the senior center are dwindling. If they go to 2,500 meals, a week the cost could go to $25k-$30k per week. They are looking at options for funding. Meeting adjourned at 4:59 p.m.