2020-04-09 BOCC Wrap Up COVID-19BOCC Wrap-Up / COVID-19 meeting April 9, 2020 2:31 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper (remotely), Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson (remotely), County Manager Erik Martin, Dr. Rachel Wood, John Abplanalp, Becky Butler, Amber Smith (remotely), Steve Walton (remotely), Daleyn Coleman (remotely), Ed Mund (remotely), Jonathan Meyer (remotely), Suzette Smith (remotely), Josh Metcalf (remotely), Megan Eastman (remotely), Daleyn Coleman (remotely) and others Guests: Various members of the public and press (remotely) Recorder: Rieva Lester John Abplanalp said the county has learned of another confirmed COVID-19 case, pushing the total to 18, including two fatalities. Dr. Rachel Wood discussed work to understand what criteria needs to be used to determine what would define recovery before the county can truly identify how many COVID-19 patients have recovered. She said there needs to be uniformity in how to determine whether someone has recovered, and that the litmus test could be any number of things, such as whether they’re still hospitalized, whether they’re still required to be isolated, whether they required a ventilator, etc. Erik Martin discussed work to create congregate and non-congregate housing at the fairgrounds. He said the county will submit a $2.9 million funding request to FEMA. He said the funding would cover costs for medical service providers, cleaning services, the construction of bathroom facilities, fencing and the possible purchase of RVs if needed and that the increase reflects the inclusion of meal costs. Dr. Wood discussed an order she signed on April 7, through which she instructed the county to create non-congregate housing. She noted that Meja Handlen and Jonathan Meyer helped draft the order. Erik Martin said the BOCC has named Josh Metcalf the applicant agent and Robin Saline the alternate for FEMA projects. Erik, Becky Butler and John said congregate housing may open the following week at the fairgrounds. Erik and John discussed test kits and masks. Erik said the Lewis County transfer station is limiting service to Lewis County residents beginning April 10 in an effort to keep employees and citizens safe. Josh said Thurston County has reopened its facility, noting that its closure had created the spike in out-of-county users locally. Commissioner Stamper discussed a letter from a constituent who needs a final inspection on their new home. Erik suggested the homeowner reach out directly to Doyle Sanford. Meeting adjourned at 3:01 p.m.