2020-04-14 BOCC Wrap-Up COVID-19BOCC Wrap-Up / COVID-19 April 14, 2020 3 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper (remotely), Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Andy Caldwell, Meja Handlen, Josh Metcalf, Jonathan Meyer (remotely), Lara McRea (remotely), Amber Smith (remotely), Steve Walton (remotely), Tamara Hayes (remotely), Scott Smitherman (remotely), Candy Hallom Guests: Matt Matayoshi, Dr. Lindsey Pollock (remotely), Larry McGee (remotely), various members of the public and press (remotely) Recorder: Rieva Lester County Manager Erik Martin said the county has two new confirmed cases of COVID-19, pushing the total to 19. He said one of the new patients is in their 70s and the other is in their 80s. Meja Handlen said the new congregate housing center will open April 15 and that it already has a meeting scheduled for its first tenant. She discussed resources and services that will be offered to tenants in addition to housing. Tamara Hayes and Meja discussed the collaborative efforts to get the congregate housing up and running for the homeless population. Meja noted that the project is fully funded by the state. Tamara discussed the newly launched Lewis County Together website, which was created to help keep citizens and businesses connected during the COVID-19 pandemic. Commissioner Fund discussed a flyer George and Elaine Chandler donated about how locals can help and support the area’s local businesses. Matt Matayoshi said the EDC is Lewis County’s EDO. As such, he said, the EDC received a $98,000 grant allocation to distribute locally. He said the EDC received more than 160 applications within 48 hours. Matt discussed the fear and frustration local businesses are expressing regarding the statewide closures. He echoed the commissioners’ call to have construction listed as an essential service. Matt noted that those who are self-employed may be eligible for employment benefits. Josh Metcalf discussed the state Department of Health’s work to reach out to senior centers. Erik Martin said Lewis County is prioritizing repairs and maintenance on septic tanks. He said he is unsure of what’s being done regarding new systems. Erik said Lee Napier and JP Anderson are coordinating their efforts. Andy Caldwell discussed supply orders that have been filled. He said Candy Hallom has been named EOC Logistics Chief and is in charge of tracking the items received and distributed. Andy also noted that decontamination of masks, once estimated at more than $3 per mask, will now be done at no charge. Larry McGee said the bulk of the federal money earmarked for COVID-19 response – 70 percent of $350 million – already has been used and that much more money is needed to provide the needed personal protective equipment needed across the county, state and country. The group discussed work to get shuttered businesses operating again. Erik asked that the commissioners allow him to work with Commissioner Stamper, the PA’s Office and the Sheriff’s Office to address the Packwood Flea Market and other parades and community events. The commissioners approved minute folders for the weeks of March 23 and March 30. Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.