2020-04-22 BOCC Wrap-Up COVID-19BOCC Wrap-Up / COVID-19 April 22, 2020 3:03 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper (remotely), Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson (remotely), County Manager Erik Martin, Fionna Velazquez, Josh Metcalf, Becky Butler, Andy Caldwell, Amber Smith (remotely), Scott Smitherman (remotely), Steve Walton (remotely), Candy Hallom Guests: Bill Serrahn (remotely), Frank Corbin (remotely) Recorder: Rieva Lester Josh Metcalf said Lewis County has not learned of any new cases. He said the county remains at 22 cases with three fatalities. Erik Martin said the governor’s website includes a loose checklist of sorts regarding what’s needed to reopen the state safely. He said the hope is to seem some specifics in the future. Andy Caldwell said Emergency Management reached out to adult family homes to gauge their PPE needs. He said those groups need to contact the county with any updated needs. Andy said a small supply shipment was been received earlier in the week. He said masks will be distributed to adult family homes and the county’s cities. Erik Martin said the county has developed a policy for field work. He aid Community Development has issued a press release regarding what services are available. He said permits will include a disclaimer that indicates that issuance of a permit does not mean that the county views the project as complying with the governor’s order. Steve Wohld said the county is ordering plexi-glass sneeze shields in preparation for a possible reopening effort. Erik said he will help develop best-practice guidance for reopening county buildings to the public. The group discussed calendars. The commissioners approved signing a letter to Gov. Inslee regarding a request for local decision-making authority. Commissioner Stamper asked Rieva Lester to sign on his behalf. The commissioners directed Erik Martin to draft a letter regarding upcoming festivals and events. The group discussed the legality and constitutionality of the governor’s Stay Home order as well as other counties’ responses to the governor’s orders. Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.