2020-04-29 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update April 29, 2020 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Josh Metcalf, Bill Wamsley, Steve Walton, JP Anderson (remotely), Steve Wohld (remotely), Casey Mauermann (remotely), Lara McRea (remotely), Tamara Hayes (remotely), Gary Fredricks (remotely), Lee Napier (remotely), Daleyn Coleman (remotely) Guests: Colton Dodgson (remotely), Dr. Lindsey Pollock (remotely), Larry McGee (remotely), and others (remotely) Recorder: Rieva Lester Doug Carey discussed a Request for Qualifications for Engineering and Architectural Services related to design of the new Animal Shelter Building. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve proposed changes to adopted right of way acquisition procedures. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve the Public Works Director to sign Applicant Resolution/Authorization between Lewis County and the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) for grant restoration projects in which funds are administered by RCO. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move one notice item, two consent items and two deliberation items to the Monday, May 4, 2020, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Rieva Lester discussed a proclamation honoring Corrections Officers. Announcements / Roundtable Bill Wamsley discussed work to help landowners with weed control. Josh Metcalf discussed Roads projects. He said the county is working with Sterling Breen to prepare for work at the airport. Josh said the drop in oil prices means the county will be able to chip seal an additional 10 miles of county roads. Doug Carey said he has moved to his new office in the bottom of the historic courthouse. Commissioner Jackson said he has spoken to a business owner who wants to know if he can operate his business on private property. The group talked about the governor’s upcoming press conference, during which Gov. Inslee may start easing restrictions. Gary Fredricks said he will work with IT when hotspot materials are delivered. Tamara Hayes said the SWW Fair is still planned for August but that she is looking at alternatives if necessary. She said some other fairs already have canceled. Steve Wohld discussed work to get the county ready for a possible reopen. Commissioner Fund said Tacoma Power has reported that it will reopen its boat launch and some day- use areas beginning May 5. Erik Martin said there have been no new COVID-19 cases reported locally. Meeting ended at 2:21 p.m.