2020-05-21 BOCC COVID-19 meetingBOCC COVID-19 meeting May 21, 2020 11:41 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Sheriff Snaza, John Abplanalp, JP Anderson, Dr. Rachel Wood, Steve Wohld, Becky Butler, Amber Smith Guests: Various members of the public and press (remotely) Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Stamper made a motion to approve Resolution 20-167, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Valley View to provide services upon receipt of CARES Act Funding. Commissioner Jackson seconded. JP Anderson said the MOU provides for testing and support for the county’s COVID-19 response. Motion passed 3-0. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve Resolution 20-168 to approve applying to the state for a variance to move to Phase 2 of Washington’s “Safe Start” approach to resuming recreational, social and business activities. Commissioner Stamper seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Erik Martin recommended taking another look at opening the buildings, noting that the commissioners cannot hold true open public meetings even if the buildings are open for essential business. Sheriff Snaza said he would like the Law and Justice Center to open for essential services June 1. JP Anderson cautioned that only essential services can be provided under Phase 2. Steve Wohld stressed the need for communication. The group discussed opening to the public for essential services June 15, noting that the courts plan to open June 1. Steve Wohld outlined some of the steps needed to open the Law and Justice Center, such as: • Third-party cleaning crew • Security crew • Barker • Three additional bailiffs The commissioners discussed their desire to open the historic courthouse to the public as soon as possible. Steve Wohld noted that the county is still waiting on orders for sanitization stations, plexiglass, etc. He suggested a proposed readiness timeline of: • June 1: Law and Justice • June 8: Community Development Permit Center and Health • June 15: Historic Courthouse Steve Wohld said the county can accommodate a 48-hour opening May 28-29 to allow for property tax payments. Sheriff Snaza thanked JP Anderson and his staff for the work they did to help facilitate the cleanup of the Mellen Street park n’ ride homeless camp. Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Fund said they will continue using their personal vehicles for essential county travel but will not seek reimbursement for their travels for the remainder of the year. Commissioner Stamper said he will cut back on travel as much as he can. Meeting adjourned at 12:26 p.m.