2020-05-27 Directors Update - COVID-19Directors’ Update May 27, 2020 2:14 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund (remotely), Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Doug Carey, Josh Metcalf, JP Anderson, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Steve Walton, Daleyn Coleman, Amber Smith (remotely), Casey Mauermann (remotely), Janelle Lindsey (remotely), Gary Fredricks (remotely), Lee Napier (remotely), Tamara Hayes (remotely), Lara McRea (remotely), Candy Hallom Recorder: Rieva Lester Josh Metcalf discussed a notice of hearing regarding a franchise to Rene & Jeannette Remund to install, construct, operate, and maintain Water facilities in Lewis County rights of way. Becky Butler discussed a notice of hearing for the Lewis County 2020 budget emergency and supplemental appropriations to and transfers within current expense and various funds. Josh Metcalf discussed the temporary closure of Graf Road to all through traffic. He said the closure will begin June 15. Josh Metcalf discussed the temporary closure of Jackson Highway South to all through traffic Doug Carey discussed a resolution to approve the purchase of HVAC disinfection units. He said the $71,695-plus contract will include disinfection units for the central air systems in the Jail, Public Works, Coroner’s Office and Historic Courthouse buildings. Doug Carey discussed a resolution to award a contract for the Historic Courthouse Masonry Restoration Project. He said the state has released funds for the project, so it can now proceed. Doug said the low bid was $53,460. Doug Carey discussed a resolution to award an Architectural and Engineering Services Master Contract for Capital Plan Projects. He said the county has chosen to work with KMB Architects of Olympia. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to ratify the Award of Contract for the Meade Hill MP 0.64 Guardrail Project, CRP 2190A from the Small Works Roster. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve a Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus and a Local programs State Funding Agreement between Lewis County and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for the Mickelsen Parkway Project, County Road Project (CRP) 2121. Josh said the project will go out to bid in June, with work likely to begin in July. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve a Master Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County and Town of Pe Ell and authorizing signatures thereon. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve an Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County and City of Centralia regarding work by county crews and authorizing signatures thereon. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to approve a $750,000 .09 (“Distressed Counties”) agreement with the Chehalis River Basin Flood Control Zone District. He said the resolution will be more of an interlocal instead of a grant agreement. He noted that the money will be used for consulting work, engineering design and mitigation efforts. Becky Butler and Amber Smith discussed a resolution to approve an MOU with the Port of Chehalis regarding .09 “Distressed Counties” payments for the Rail Transload and Grain Facility project. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move four notice items, two consent items and nine deliberation items to the Monday, June 1, 2020, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Steve Wohld said he and Tamara Hayes will tour area parks. He said Tamara will be working on a parks plan. He said the floors of the Historic Courthouse will be stripped and waxed soon. He reminded electeds and directors to alert HR and IT if essential employees will be returning to work in county offices person. Becky Butler said a resolution for Coronavirus Relief Funding will be presented June 8. Becky reminded the group to have contracts reviewed by the PA’s Office and to make sure any amounts of $40,000 or more are done via resolution and to add the grants manager, Tamara Hayes, as a collaborator. She said contracts should be dated to end Oct. 1, 2020, and that the money is for reimbursements only. Becky said a letter requesting internal service rates will be sent out the following week. Steve Walton said discussions about Corrections Guild contracts are beginning again. Tamara Hayes said the livestock sale will take place in August. She noted that Garlic Fest, Relay for Life and a host of other events have been canceled. Gary Fredricks discussed work WSU is doing to help plan activities in the wake of fair cancellations. The commissioners discussed the Lewis County Together toolkits they helped distribute. The commissioners reviewed their calendars. Becky asked offices and departments to respond to WSAC’s survey regarding legislative priorities. Erik Martin said a resolution to extend the county’s building closures is on the agenda for May 28. He said he chose an end date of June 15, which reflects the three-week window the state requires between phases. Commissioner Jackson said wedding venues have questions about when they can open. JP Anderson said the county Health Department does not approve or deny businesses’ plans but can provide guidance. Erik Martin said businesses should reach out to the state for clarification about whether they can open and that the county can help provide guidance. Commissioner Fund asked for the creation of a one-page document to help business owners navigate the requirements. The commissioners supported having the May 28 resolution list June 15 as the closure extension date. Meeting adjourned at 3:18 p.m.