2020-06-03 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update June 3, 2020 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper (remotely), Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson (remotely), County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Doug Carey, JP Anderson, Steve Walton, Scott Smitherman, Tamara Hayes, Steve Wohld, Amber Smith (remotely), Gary Fredricks (remotely), Amanda Price (remotely), Tawni Shepherd, Alison Puckett (remotely), Lee Napier (remotely), Undersheriff Wes Rethwill (remotely), Matt Patana (remotely), Josh Metcalf (remotely) Guest(s): Colton Dodgson (remotely) and other members of the public and press Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin discussed a call for bids for the Mickelsen Parkway Project. Scott Smitherman discussed a Lewis County Microwave System Upgrade. Scott said the equipment will link to Crego Hill. He said the system will cost $95,000. He said the Combined Users Committee has OK’d the purchase. Becky Butler discussed a resolution to authorize an interfund loan from Capital Facilities Plan Fund No. 3100 to COVID-19 Response Fund No. 1410. Becky said the loan will front-load cash for the coronavirus fund. She said Commerce will provide the funding and that the county is merely front-loading the account. Erik Martin discussed the proposed acquisition of temporary easements for Highway 603, Chehalis. Erik Martin discussed a resolution extending the local declaration of a state of emergency in response to the COVID-19 virus in Lewis County. Tamara Hayes discussed a resolution to accept a grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce Coronavirus Relief Funds for Local Governments. Tamara said the grant is for $4.3 million. JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve an after-school program agreement with Cispus Learning Center. JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve MOU with Lewis County Seniors to provide nutritional services. JP said the contract is connected to FEMA’s allocations. He said the contract is for $270,000. Becky clarified that it is for reimbursement for meals for qualified individuals age 60 and older. Erik Martin discussed a hearing to approve a franchise to AT&T to install, construct, operate, and maintain telecommunications facilities in Lewis County rights of way. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move one notice item, two consent items, seven deliberation items and one hearing to the Monday, June 8, 2020, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Stamper seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Announcements / Roundtable Steve Walton discussed free training through the Risk pool. Becky Butler said Megan Eastman is doing a great job in her new HR role. Becky urged caution as the county looks at its 2020 and 2021 budgets. Becky said internal service rates will be due July 6. Doug Carey said the Historic Courthouse floors will be stripped and waxed over the weekend. Scott Smitherman said 911 is working on texting capabilities for 911 calls. Erik Martin said rules for the Open Public Meetings Act during the state shutdown have been relaxed to allow for more than just “routine and necessary” and COVID-19 topics. Erik said work continues regarding the proposed water retention facility. He and Commissioner Fund said proponents are undertaking mitigation efforts in response to the draft EIS. Tamara Hayes said fair refunds will be released earlier in the week. Steve Wohld said Facilities continues to prepare for future reopenings. Undersheriff Wes Rethwill said the Sheriff’s Office is offering fingerprinting and weapons permits by appointment. Amanda Price said IT continues purchasing to fill requests for telecommuting. Josh Metcalf said several county roads projects will start over the next few weeks. JP Anderson and Erik Martin discussed a new state dashboard available online. JP Anderson said there are no new COVID-19 cases to report. Erik Martin said work on a back-to-work guidelines continues. Candy Hallom said dentist offices can contact her with their mask needs. Meeting adjourned at 2:47 p.m.