2020-06-03 Economic Recovery MeetingEconomic Recovery Forum June 3, 2020 1:02 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Tamara Hayes, Rep. Ed Orcutt, Rep. Brian Blake, Sen. Dean Takko, Mayor Dennis Dawes, Toledo Mayor Steve Dobosh, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Morton Mayor Dan Mortensen, Mossyrock Mayor Randy Sasser, Napavine Mayor Shawn O’Neill, Christine Nhan of Sen. Patty Murray’s office, Sarah Kahout of Sen. Maria Cantwell’s office, Debbie Campbell, JP Anderson, Gary Fredricks, Matt Matayoshi, Suzette Smith, Matt Patana, Pam Peiper of Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler’s office, Joe Clark, Michelle Whitten, Cynthia Swift, Centralia City Manager Rob Hill, Teri Zambon, Joe Clark, Heather with ADP, Annalee Tobey, Mary Kay Nelson, Meri Hamre, Debbie Campbell, Julie Bullock, Maria Andrews, David Woodrum Guests: Other various members of the public and press Recorder: Rieva Lester Sen. Dean Takko said the state is opening up slowly and cautiously. Commissioner Fund and County Manager Erik Martin noted that Lewis County has a meeting planned for the following week to work on a variance application to request a move to Phase 3. Commissioner Fund noted that the state has said the review and approval process for Phase 3 applications may not be completed as quickly as those for Phase 2 were. Rep. Ed Orcutt said lawmakers are trying to push to get legitimate unemployment claims paid. Rep. Orcutt said there have been rumblings about a possible special session. He said he thinks revenue shortfalls are going to be larger than initially anticipated. He said he believes lawmakers will hold a special session. Sen. Takko said he would caution that lawmakers wait to hold the special session until they have a clearer budget picture. Rep. Brian Blake said he’d like the governor’s office to improve communication efforts and give some local control to county Boards of Health and county public health officers. Pam Peiper of Rep. Herrera Beutler’s office said the House has approved an extension for the PPE program. Chehalis Mayor Dennis Dawes expressed concerns about the pace at which counties are moving forward. Morton Mayor Dan Mortensen said the city is awaiting a move to Phase 3 to get businesses back up. Mossyrock Mayor Randy Sasser said the city has contacted Mossyrock businesses about grants to be provided. He said the city plans a community event in August. Toledo Mayor Steve Dobosh said many of the city’s diners are weathering the COVID storm well. Centralia City Manager Rob Hill said most city parks are open. He said the city is working with others to identify how to navigate Annalee Tobey of the Chehalis Community Renaissance Team said many businesses in the Chehalis area have reopened. She noted that she received a new “Main Street” toolkit that will be incorporated into what CCRT already is offering. Teri Zambon said Centralia Downtown Association has expanded the grants it’s offering. She said CDA has a couple grants still available to award. Annalee Tobey said she’ll share the checklist she’s working on so others can have access to it. Cynthia Swift of the East Lewis County Chamber said the atmosphere seems to be one of excitement and optimism. Maria Andrews said the Packwood area is enjoying an increase to outdoor recreation activities and an increase in volunteerism. Maria said real estate fears seem to be subsiding. She said some real estate sales are still falling through due to layoffs. Michelle Whitten said many of Toledo’s businesses are reopening. Debbie Campbell said United Way continues its effort to get 30 percent of the area’s residents out of poverty by 2030. She said the effort is of more importance now, given the economy. Matt Matayoshi said the EDC has secured help for area entrepreneurs. He said EDC is still working on its Working Washington grants for area businesses. Peter Lahmann said the Port of Centralia plans a phone-in meeting June 4. Commissioner Fund said Cathy Murphy of Onalaska Alliance expressed gratitude for the toolkits that were delivered. Tamara Hayes said Lewis County Together sent out a survey the previous week and had nearly 100 responses. She said the group will be delivering extra masks and hand sanitizer to the communities’ city halls so the cities can share the supplies with their area businesses. Meeting ended at 1:55 p.m.