2020-06-04 Coronavirus Relief Funding workshopCoronavirus Relief Funding workshop June 4, 2020 3:56 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund (remotely), Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Josh Metcalf, Matt Matayoshi, Amber Smith, Larry McGee, Tamara Hayes, Steve Wohld, Matt Matayoshi, Susie Palmateer (remotely), Lee Napier (remotely) Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Stamper said he wants funding to go out to businesses as quickly as possible and with as little red tape as possible. Commissioner Jackson suggested earmarking $200,000 for the EDC to distribute to the grants to the businesses as quickly as possible. Becky noted that there will be no admin fees if the county creates an MOU with the EDC. Becky noted that the Coronavirus Relief Funds can go back to March 1. Tamara Hayes recommended urging businesses to submit rent or mortgage or other payments already paid to the committee for grant reimbursements. The commissioners agreed to give the review committee the final approval of the grants. Amber Smith said she will review whether county employees can apply for grants. The commissioners discussed setting aside $50,000 from the $200,000 for ecommerce to pay for online marketing and services. Matt Matayoshi suggested the BOCC provide a basic premise to allow some flexibility. Matt suggested limited the committee to five individuals, for the EDC to select. The commissioners said the committee should include one representative from each commissioner district. The commissioners said the committee with make the distribution approvals and cut the checks. Erik Martin left at 4:30 p.m. The commissioners directed: • County will develop an MOU with EDC • County will provide $200,000 in funding • EDC will select committee members • Committee will include five committee members with Matt Matayoshi as an ex-officio member • Committee will make final decisions about grant recipients • EDC will process the checks • Commissioners do not want to hold a follow-up meeting to review apps, etc. Matt suggested the grants be a minimum of $10,000. Becky said the group will hold a follow-up meeting the following week to discuss PPE allocations, etc. Meeting adjourned at 4:41 p.m.