2020-06-10 Budget UpdateBudget Update June 10, 2020 3:31 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper (by phone), Commissioner Fund (remotely), Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Daleyn Coleman, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Steve Wohld, Josh Metcalf, Lee Napier Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler said the tax distribution for the end of June is estimated right now to be a 5 percent decrease from 2019. Becky said the wind farm has submitted its refund request to the Department of Revenue. She reminded the group that the wind farm can apply to receive up to 75 percent of the sales tax it paid. Becky discussed the possibility of voluntary furloughs. She outlined pros: • Useful for budget management. • Employees area eligible to receive an additional $600 per week right now. And cons: • It would be difficult for exempt employees. • There would be lots of administrative oversight for little return. • Electeds and directors have expressed concerns about already-existing staffing shortfalls. • The Employment Security Department already is behind on paying unemployment benefits. • It would only be for a short time (through the end of July). • The county would need to have 20 employees furloughed for 16 hours per week to see a benefit. Steve Walton said the cons would outweigh the pros. He and Becky said it appears to be a premature decision since it’s unclear what the budget picture will be. The group discussed the benefits of having budgeted conservatively. The commissioners did not ask to move forward with voluntary furloughs. Becky discussed Coronavirus Relief Funds. Becky said the Assessor’s Office has Dianne Dorey joined at 3:53 p.m. Dianne said she is requesting an additional position. Daleyn Coleman said she understands that the Assessor’s Office and GIS share the use of a program. Dianne said GIS started in the Assessor’s Office then moved to Public Works 20 years ago. The commissioners said they would hold off on making a decision until Josh Metcalf has a chance to review the proposal. Becky said Public Health is looking to add a fiscal supervisor using CRF funding. Daleyn Coleman said the Superior Court judges receive a pay increase July 1 and that the Prosecuting Attorney’s pay is tied to the pay. She said it would be a 2 percent with a 2.5 percent. She said she has reached out to the PA’s office regarding the match. Becky noted that the Salary Commission is reviewing the PA’s pay. Daleyn said the increase would be more than $3,000 annually. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.