2020-07-01 Directors' UpdateDirectors’ Update July 1, 2020 2:01 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson (remotely), Andy Caldwell, Tim Fife, Matt Patana, Megan Eastman, JP Anderson, Lara McRea, Meri Hamre, Matt Matayoshi, Amber Smith, Janelle Lindsey, Lee Napier, Gary Fredricks, Alison Puckett, Larry McGee, Dale Pulin Guests: Various members of the public and press Recorder: Rieva Lester Tim Fife discussed the temporary closure of King Road to all through traffic. Lee Napier discussed a grant contract between Washington State Department of Ecology and Lewis County, as well as, Authorization for the Director of Community Development to sign on behalf of Lewis County. Lee Napier discussed a resolution approving and entering into an interlocal agreement with Thurston County for the purpose of cost sharing in the Chehalis River Basin Flood Warning System. Tim Fife discussed the proposed acquisition of a temporary easement for Stowell Road bridge repair project. Andy Caldwell discussed a resolution extending the local declaration of a state of emergency in response to the COVID-19 virus in Lewis County. Lee Napier discussed an amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Winlock and Lewis County and Authorizing County Manager signature thereon. JP Anderson noted that a resolution to approve a grant agreement with the Providence Health Care Foundation/Centralia for COVID-19 testing capabilities using Coronavirus Relief Funds will hold a week. Tim Fife, Amber Smith and Lee Napier discussed a hearing to amend Chapter 18.10 LCC - Public Works Fee Schedule. Commissioner Fund made a motion to move one notice item, two consent items, five deliberation items and one hearing to the Monday, July 6, 2020, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Megan Eastman discussed a minimum salary implementation schedule for those on exempt status. Matt Patana discussed work to open the buildings to the public and keep offices and departments open. Tamara Hayes discussed grants the EDC and the county have partnered on. She discussed a planned auction to take the place of the fair. She said the Farm Guide has been completed. Larry McGee discussed Lewis County Together’s work to help area businesses. Tim Fife said the low bid for Mickelsen Park project came in at $2.3 million. Andy Caldwell said the county has learned of five new COVID-19 cases, pushing the total to 77. Andy said the county has received approval for FDA drought loans. Gary Fredricks said he has not yet heard any updates about wifi hotspots. Commissioner Fund said she had heard that the county expects to see 200 blueberry farmworkers to temporarily move to Lewis County. JP Anderson said the Health Department will be in close dialog to ensure the farmers’ health safety. The group discussed travel allowed under the state’s various phases. JP noted that individuals must adhere to the phase their particular county is in. Commissioner Jackson left at 3:19 p.m. The group further discussed the state’s travel restrictions. Amber Smith recommended that area sports facilities only extend invitations to sports teams from similarly-phased counties. The group discussed the commissioners’ calendars. Meeting adjourned at 3:36 p.m.