2020-07-08 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update July 8, 2020 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Cecily Clemons, Scott Smitherman, Lee Napier, Zora DeGrandpre, Amber Smith, Charles Skorzewski, Willie Painter, Matt Jaeger, Chris Halsell, Gary Fredricks, Lara McRea, Sonya Wohletz, Doug Carey, Daleyn Coleman, Eric Eisenberg, JP Anderson, Josh Metcalf, Steve Wohld, Andy Caldwell, Tamara Hayes, Graham Gowing, Tawni Shepherd, Tammy Martin, various members of the public and press Recorder: Rieva Lester Zora DeGrandpre and Sonya Wohletz discussed distance learning and telemedicine grants for which area entities are submitting applications. Zora said the county is being asked to provide matching funds if possible. Commissioner Stamper discussed a notice pertaining to competitive bidding: dispensing with advertisement and formal sealed bidding with respect to purchases and leases under twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars and notice of Lewis County vendor list and solicitation. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to terminate the franchise as approved by Resolution 06-018 for Water-Sewer District No. 5 as no agreement is necessary for County facilities. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to list the bids received and the contractor selected for the Mickelsen Parkway Project, CRP 2121. Eric Eisenberg indicated the county has received a bid protest. He said he would like to discuss the matter in executive session. JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve a contract amendment between Lewis County and Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), to add funds and extend the timeline. JP Anderson discussed a resolution to appoint Frank Corbin as a regular member to the Veterans’ Advisory Board (VAB) through June 30, 2021. JP Anderson and Charles Skorzewski discussed a resolution to approve a grant agreement with the Providence Health Care Foundation/Centralia for COVID-19 testing capabilities using Coronavirus Relief Funds. Charles said allocation for the reagent is expected in the next few weeks, which would allow for the testing to begin. Erik Martin and Scott Smitherman discussed a resolution to select DELTAWRX for the 911 Consolidation Feasibility Study. Erik Martin discussed Resolution 20-230 to approve an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Winlock and Lewis County and Authorizing County Manager signature thereon. He said the item would be presented to the commissioners the following day. Josh Metcalf discussed a hearing to approve a boundary line adjustment between Lewis County property and an adjacent property on Center Street in Chehalis. Daleyn Coleman said there will be not yet be a resolution regarding the PA’s salary. Commissioner Fund made a motion to move one notice item, two consent items, six deliberation items and one hearing to the Monday, 13, 2020, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Josh Metcalf provided an update on Water District 5. Becky Butler urged individuals to reach out with any COVID-19 reimbursement requests and to start working on their 2021 budgets. Tamara Hayes discussed activities at the fairgrounds as well as efforts to revamp Discover Lewis County website. Matt Patana discussed Facilities projects being tackled. Steve Wohld said the UV air handling units are being installed. Gary Fredricks discussed WSU’s efforts to distribute face masks. Amber Smith said Water District 5 will have its final dissolution hearing in roughly one month. Scott Smitherman said text to 911 testing is continuing to take place. JP Anderson said Lewis County has learned of five new COVID-19 cases, pushing the total to 88. The commissioners discussed their calendars. Andy Caldwell discussed continuity of government. He said he would like the commissioners’ approval on the proposed document. The commissioners said they would review the proposal for future approval. Josh Metcalf said Lewis County would need to provide a letter of support to WSDOT by July 14 if it would like to have Ed Carlson Memorial Field being considered for future expansion. At 3:23 p.m., Commissioner Stamper announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 5 minutes to discuss a bid objection related to the Mickelsen Parkway Project. At 3:30 p.m., the Board extended Executive Session for 5 minutes. Executive Session ended at 3:35 p.m. Commissioner Stamper noted that no decisions had been made. Meeting adjourned at 3:37 p.m.