2020-07-13 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update July 13, 2020 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Janelle Lindsey, Lara McRea, Becky Butler (remotely) Recorder: Rieva Lester Internal Services Steve Wohld said he is exploring having a single entry point for the historic courthouse. Steve noted that some individuals at the Law and Justice Center have indicated they do not have to wear masks. The group discussed the health order that indicates visitors must wear masks. The group discussed hiring someone with security training to be the point of contact for the building. Erik said he would continue looking into the issues. Risk Management Tort claims: No discussion. Public Health and Social Services Commerce grant with Centralia: Erik said a Commerce grant is available and that the county may partner with Centralia to seek the funding. Animal shelter: Erik said Amy Hanson has retired. The board instructed Rieva Lester to writer her a thank you letter. Erik said an animal shelter employee was bitten by a dog and had to be hospitalized. COVID: Erik said work continues to address new cases. Community Development Update Benaroya: Erik said the county has completed its MOU with Winlock. He said he understands that Benaroya submitted a permit for review June 10. Personnel Administrative assistant senior position: Erik said Candy Hallom is leaving. Lara McRea said she would like to promote Tammy Martin to the vacated position. Lara said she would then like to backfill Tammy’s position with a casual for now. She and Erik said the casual position would be eligible for Coronavirus Relief Funding. Commissioner Fund left at 11:30 a.m. 911 Infrastructure and capital planning: Commissioner Jackson discussed planned phases to replace aging infrastructure. The group discussed work to identify funding options. CUC: Erik said the Combined User Committee will meet in the next couple of weeks. He said the group is expected to propose continuing the same formula from years past. He said the county is working on a model that addresses accountability. Community Development Permit revenue: Erik discussed permit revenue, noting that the county is at the same level as 2019 if the bump from the Skookumchuck Wind Farm is removed. Public Works / DEM Continuity of Government: Erik said he will meet with the Chair the following day and then present the plan to the Board July 15. Chipseal: Erik said the county plans to chipseal 125 miles of county road and also will do work for Pe Ell, Tacoma Power and others. Water systems: Erik said he would like to add to the July 15 Directors’ Update a discussion about lifting the moratorium in the former Water-Sewer District 5. Staffing: Erik said Ben Sabin has been hired. Meeting ended at 11:55 a.m.