2020-07-27 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update July 27, 2020 11:38 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Tammy Martin Guest: Gwen Turner Recorder: Rieva Lester Internal Services Update County buildings: Steve Wohld discussed the possibility of creating single-use, employee-only restrooms or change some of the public restrooms to employee-only restrooms. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson directed Steve to look into it further. Public Health & Social Services Update Blakeslee Junction WSDOT property: Erik Martin said code enforcement issued a citation related to a homeless can on WSDOT property. He said WSDOT said it will surplus the property. 911 Update Consolidation feasibility study: Erik said the study is underway. Staffing levels: Erik said the group is now fully staffed. He said a supervisor will be retiring at the end of the month. Motorola Call Works phone system: Erik said Scott Smitherman is continuing work with Cowlitz County on a possible Call Works system. Erik said there is hope to have the Chehalis Ridge tower in place within a year. He said infrastructure funding will need to be addressed. The group discussed potential partnerships with cell providers. Community Development Update Planning Commission: Erik said the Planning Commission will resume its meetings Aug. 11. WRIA 13 Watershed Plan: Erik had said he and Commissioner Stamper would attend a meeting July 28 regarding a potential reclassification/restoration proposal related to Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 13. Public Works/DEM Update South Lewis County taxiway improvements: Erik said work is nearing completion. Middle Fork water system transition: Erik said the PA’s Office will be asked to review the proposal as quickly as possible. He reiterated that the commissioners will have to decide on whether the county is willing to accept Water-Sewer District 2’s proposed higher rates just to get the moratorium lifted. Commissioner Stamper asked if it would be legal to lift the moratorium without an MOU with WSD2 in place. Solid Waste grievance: Erik said an ASFME grievance was filled in Solid Waste. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson said they would like the process to go to County Manager Erik Martin as the BOCC’s designee. Other Steve Wohld discussed COVID-19 projects taking place at the Fairgrounds in addition to maintenance projects taking there and across the county. Erik said Steve Wohld and Tamara Hayes have been asked to estimate the cost effects of the pandemic on the fair in the wake of the fair’s cancellation. Meeting ended at 12:13 p.m.