2020-07-28 Budget UpdateBudget Update July 28, 2020 9:03 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Tammy Martin Recorder: Rieva Lester Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF): Becky Butler said the Office of Financial Management (OFM) has notified the Washington State Association of Counties (WSAC) that the current contract will be amended to provide additional funding. She said it’s possible the use deadline will be extended. Becky also discussed expanding business grants to include nonprofits. Becky discussed other possible funding, such as additional Working Washington. Becky provided the following updates: • Sales and use tax appears to be down roughly 8 percent from 2019, through the Department of Revenue (DOR) likely will release its projections within the next week. • County is reviewing use of Coronavirus Relief Funds to cover eligible salaries. • HEALS and HEROES Acts are under review and could add some flexibility regarding CRF. • CDBG CV-1 meeting with the area mayors is planned for July 29. Expenditure limitations Becky said the Board will need to make decisions regarding the following: • Whether COLAs will be given to non-union employees • Levy shift from Roads • Whether to use REET funds to backfill Roads budget • Whether to reduce non-mandated programs that have no revenue sources • Whether to reduce operating transfers to non-mandated and unfunded programs • Whether to continue General Fund-level support of Fair, Tourism, Senior Services, Discover Lewis County, WSU Extension (notification due Oct. 1) • Whether to use unrestricted bequest funds to support current Animal Shelter operations • Whether to use a portion of the Jail / Juvenile sales and use tax to cover some maintenance of the Facilities rate • Whether to outline salary reductions, such as furloughs, step freezes, COLAs Decisions needed by the following week: • Traffic funding • WSU contract • Senior services Meeting adjourned at 10:01 a.m.