2020-07-29 CDBG CV-1CDBG CV-1 grant discussion July 29, 2020 3 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Centralia City Manager Rob Hill, Toledo Mayor Steve Dobosh, Steve Dunk of the State Department of Commerce, Chehalis Mayor Dennis Dawes, Glenda Forga, JP Anderson, Meja Handlen, Annalee Tobey, Kaaren Roe of Commerce, Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Toledo City Manager/Clerk/Treasurer Michelle Whitten, Gwendolyn Turner, City of Chehalis Finance Director Chun Saul, Chehalis City Manager Jill Anderson and Kirsten York with the Community Action Council for Lewis, Mason and Thurston counties Recorder: Rieva Lester Kaaren Roe of Commerce outlined activities eligible for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG- CV1) funding: • Microenterprise assistance • Public services • Public facilities Kaaren discussed the similarities and differences between the CDBG-CV1 and the Coronavirus Relief Fund and noted that CDBG-CV1 applications are due by Sept. 3. Kaaren outlined the steps by which the cities and town could join the county’s potential consortium. Kaaren said the use of a subrecipient would require an additional agreement. Kirsten York with the Community Action Council (CAC) for Lewis, Mason and Thurston counties discussed services the CAC provides in Lewis County, such as rental and utility assistance. Kaaren Roe said there is no set amount for funding per household. City of Chehalis Finance Director Chun Saul asked about the practicality of the grant. Centralia City Manager Rob Hill said the city is deferring utilities payment and has a significant backlog of payments in the wake of COVID-19. Michelle Whitten said Toledo rental owners have concerns about non-payment of rent. The group discussed what currently takes place and Chun discussed nonpayments in Chehalis. Kaaren said a Public Services grant is awarded to the CAC for services in Mason and Lewis counties every year. She said that if Lewis County again went through the CAC, Mason County would hold the needed hearing, not Lewis County. Jill Anderson and Chun discussed nonpayments in Chehalis. Meja noted that there is a little bit of money from another source. Erik Martin asked what kind of outreach would take place to inform the public about the availability of the funding. Kirsten said word of mouth, press releases, mailings, social media are used to spread the word. Kaaren said notice of a public would need to be provided to area cities. Becky said the county could make its own application or that it could let Mason County apply on Lewis County’s behalf. Rob Hill asked if Mason County would receive administration costs. Kaaren said there is funding available for administrative costs. The group discussed the $1,000 incentive for those joining a consortium. Erik noted that even if the county deferred to Mason County, the funding would be available locally. Kaaren said a hearing would require five days’ notice. Commissioner Fund made a motion to work with Mason County in administrating the Community Development Block (CDBG) CV1 grant using CARES Act funding. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Kaaren provide updates on the additional $23 million (CV2) that may become available through Commerce. Motion 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.