2020-07-30 BOCC Wrap-Up COVID-19BOCC Wrap-Up / COVID-19 July 30, 2020 3:04 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, JP Anderson, Andy Caldwell, John Abplanalp, Amber Smith, Daleyn Coleman, Becky Butler, and Josh Metcalf Zoom: Susie Palmateer, Tawni Shepherd, Gary Fredricks, Dusty Breen, Lee Napier, Annalee Tobey, Fionna Velazquez, and Alison Puckett Guest(s): Dr. Wood, Larry McGee, Meri Hamre, Matt Matayoshi, and Annalee Tobey Recorder: Tammy Martin COVID-19 updates, discussions and action(s) Cases: Seven new cases today. 180 cases total. Response: JP said that Thurston County will do online learning for the next school year. Commissioner Fund would like to have numbers for infected persons be located by zip code and Amber Smith said that may not be possible with HIPPA laws. JP said that the Health Dept. will provide as much information as ethically as possible. John Abplanalp presented a slide show that demonstrated an upward trend based on positive testing in Lewis County. Coronavirus Relief Funding: The committee and EDC presented a letter before the board. The award letters and contracts went out this morning. The EDC has invoiced the county and the payments will be sent out once the payment has been processed. Received 59 applicants and 34 were funded. Majority of the applications that were unfunded were due to incomplete applications. There were a few that didn’t meet guidelines. Larry McGee noted that there are 500 non-profits in Lewis County that were in-eligible for the CRF grant. Based on applications that were not approved, Matt Matayoshi and Andy Caldwell suggested that the next round of CRF Funding should be more geared towards the non-profits. It would require a new MOU/contract according to Amber Smith from the PA’s Office Amber suggested creating a non-profit grant in place of small business grant. The Commissioners agreed to talk about it next week (Tuesday). Once there is a MOU in place, the EDC can draft up applications. Amber received further guidance about the decision of MRSC. The 10 or fewer is to the total attendees. Please attend via zoom in efforts to keep numbers down. Public Works position request Josh Metcalf stated that records manager position was frozen and the money was still in the budget. He suggested eliminating 2 casuals, and a step 15 position. Becky agreed that it would be very minimal change in the Public Works budget. Staff on the maintenance side has less seniority and that contributes to the budget amount. Becky suggested adding the position back to the budget. Superior Court reclassification request This position is the Mental Health Court Program Coordinator. This position is supported by the sales and use tax. This position is dealing with outreach and supervision of mental health patients. Superior Court would like to change the position to a grade 21 and become an exempt position. Minimal impact to the budget according to Becky Butler and Daleyn Coleman. Susie Palmateer and Daleyn helped capture what the position did. The needs of the position have grown. All three commissioners agreed to support the change. Olympian subscription - $160 per year Commissioner Fund explained that it would be beneficial to the office to have the subscription to keep up with updates from Governor Inslee’s proclamations and the other two commissioners agreed. Announcements Commissioner Stamper has asked to help a local clinic for testing of covid-19. Becky would like to reach out to Commerce and do research to see if there are other funding available for local clinics/health care providers. Meeting adjourned at 4:23 p.m.