2020-08-24 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up August 24, 2020 9:06 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Jonathan Meyer, Lee Napier, Lara McRea, Tailor Albright, Alison Puckett, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, JP Anderson, Tamara Hayes Guests: Eric Carlson, Jacqui Spahr, Kevin Weeks, Frank Corbin Recorder: Rieva Lester The commissioners said they would like to hold in-person interviews for the two applicants for the Fire District 2 vacancy. Jonathan Meyer outlined public participation. Commissioner Stamper said the existing Fire 2 commissioners could attend as audience members. The commissioners said individuals could submit letters of support. Commissioner Jackson said he has heard from a number of individuals concerned about fishing restrictions regarding Columbia River salmon. Commissioner Stamper said sports fishermen do not want to see more gillnets allowed, whereas commercial fishermen want to see their limits increased. Commissioner Fund discussed an email she received from REAP regarding diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in Lewis County. She said the group wants to know what the county is doing to create diversity, inclusion and equality in Lewis County. Becky Butler said the proposed United Way grant agreement will be sent for review later in the day. Matt Jaeger said he revised the language in the courtroom upgrades resolution to reflect that the $250,000 for the courtroom upgrades would come from either the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) or Coronavirus Relief Funding (CRF). Becky Butler said additional CRF monies are expected in the next week or so. Jonathan Meyer discussed rules via court taking place via video. He said the rules have been relaxed during the COVID-19 pandemic but that those rules likely will become more stringent once the state’s emergency declaration lapses. Becky said WSAC would like to know how counties are allocating CRF. She said she will send out Lewis County’s Excel sheet outlining its expenditures and planned expenditures. Becky discussed the reallocation of CRF. She and Erik Martin discussed training available to help employees and officials in the wake of COVID-19. The commissioners signed the following letters of support: • To the Centralia Coal Transition Grants Board regarding the PUD’s grant application. • To the state Dept. of Commerce / Public Works Board regarding the PUD’s grant application. • To Washington state Department of Commerce regarding Twin Transit’s Regional Mobility Grant application. The group discussed the commissioners’ calendars. Meeting ended at 10:01 a.m.