2020-08-27 Salary Commission report discussionSalary Commission report discussion August 27, 2020 2:01 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Jonathan Meyer, Brittani Bonahoom, Steve Wohld, Scott Tinney, Becky Butler, Dianne Dorey, Graham Gowing, Lara McRea, Tawni Shepherd, Megan Eastman, Larry Grove, Marni Larson, Suzette Smith Guests: Frank Corbin, Eric Carlson, Bill Serrahn, Sean Swope, Sara Beigh Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer provided a brief history on the Salary Commission. Jonathan said most of the electeds listed in the Salary Commission report, aside from himself, have not received pay increases since 2014. He noted that the Salary Commission recommended a 10 percent raise for the commissioners, a move that took effect immediately, and that the commissioners must decide whether to approve the Salary Commission’s recommendation to increase the other affected electeds’ salaries by 10 percent. Becky Butler said the raises would increase the affected offices’ budgets roughly $2,500 per month through the end year. For the full year 2021, the change would have a $78,000 impact on the budget, Becky said. The commissioners discussed their reasons for and against approving the Salary Commission’s recommendation of a 10 percent salary adjustment for the remaining electeds, including budget restraints linked to COVID-19, compression issues, a lack of pay increases over several years, etc. Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Fund said they would prefer to wait until after budget season to make a determination. Jonathan Meyer outlined reasons he feels the board should approve the Salary Commission’s recommendations regarding the other electeds’ salaries, including the electeds’ lack of increases, pay increases given to others under the BOCC, etc. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to support the Salary Commission’s recommendation to provide the other electeds a 10 percent salary adjustment. Commissioner Fund seconded. The group further discussed reasons for and against approving the Salary Commission’s recommendation. Dianne Dorey said there will be more tax money coming in for new construction than anticipated. She discussed her concerns with compression issues in her office. Dianne said there are only six counties across the state in which the Assessor makes less than her. Motion failed 1-2, with Commissioner Stamper voting in favor and Commissioner Fund and Commissioner Jackson opposed. Commissioner Fund made a motion to reconsider the topic at budget time. There was no second. Meeting ended at 2:43 p.m.