2020-12-14 Quarterly update with PFD Quarterly update with the PFD December 14, 2020 2:46 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund Present via zoom: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Ron Averill, Dale Pullin, Suzette Smith, Arny Davis, Katie Conradi, Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Tammy Martin Financial Report: As of today, final audit for the general fund balance is $363,415, bond reserve balance $258,286. The PFD Board is working with contractors due to delays from COVID-19. In spite of COVID-19, revenues have still been strong. Project updates: Col. Averill is happy to report the project for the mezzanine is going well. The bid received for the mezzanine project came in lower than the grant amount. Framing is completed for several areas, but contracting out for the plumbing has been difficult. They have had to extend the contract through January 2021. The elevator project is a separate project and the elevator shaft is complete. The elevator itself will be installed in March or April of 2021. The elevator company has charged storage fees due to not completing the project on time. This should be complete in January 2021. The parking lot project is progressing nicely as well. Majority of the projects out to bid are coming under goal. This will leave the PFD in the good budget wise. Insurance came in $5,000 less than budgeted due to being the PFD being their own contractor. Dale Pullin said he is thankful all the construction will be completed and still meet COVID-19 restrictions. He said this greatly mitigates the impact to events. Adjourned 3:15 p.m.