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ORD 1323 - Amend Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and associated development regulations.
BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF: ORDINANCE NO. 1323 PUBLIC HEARING TO RATIFY ORDINANCE 1323 AMENDING THE LEWIS COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED DONE IN OPEN SESSION this 8th day of February, 2021. APPROVED AS TO FORM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jonathan Meyer, Prosecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON Eric Eisenberg Gary Stamper By: Eric Eisenberg, Gary Stamper, Chair Chief Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney ATTEST: •s�°�;,�;F.'!�;;•, Lindsey R. Pollock, DVM 'G'; y dse R. Pollock, DVM, Vice Chair •, :3, 014., � �.. Rieva Lester ••Sf��"�°�• Sean D . Swope Rieva Lester, Sean D. Swope, Commissioner Clerk of the Lewis County Board of County Commissioners Page 1 of 1 Ord. 1323 BOCC AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY BOCC Meeting Date: Feb. 8, 2021 Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Hearing - Ordinance Public hearing to ratify Ordinance 1323 amending the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and associated development regulations. Contact: Pat Anderson Phone: 3607402677 Department: CD - Community Development Description: A hearing to amend the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Approvals: Publication Requirements: Publications: User Status PA's Office Pending Additional Copies: Cover Letter To: Lee Napier, Pat Anderson COMPREHENSIVE PLAN HEARING POTENTIAL FORMS OF MOTION The Comprehensive Plan update hearing today is a four-part hearing. As a result, the motion at the end of the hearing will likely be more complicated than for most BOCC hearings. Below are potential forms of motion if the BOCC wishes to approve the proposed update in whole or in part. Option 1: [A Commissioner should use this option if he or she is prepared to discuss and vote on the entire proposal as a single unit.] "I move to approve the four-part 2020 comprehensive plan update and associated development regulations as they were presented today: the Padula rezone, the Jorgensen Timber rezone, the reduction to the Mossyrock UGA, and the update to the Utilities and Capital Facilities Element, all as recommended by the Planning Commission and presented by staff." Option 2: [A Commissioner should use this option if he or she would like to discuss and vote on the proposal in parts instead of as a single unit.] "I move to discuss the four parts of this proposed comprehensive plan update separately. I further move to approve the portion of the 2020 comprehensive plan update relating to [state one of the four options below], as recommended by the Planning Commission and presented by staff." (a) "The site specific comprehensive plan update and rezone request from Stephen Padula" (b) "the site specific comprehensive plan update and rezone request from Jorgensen Timber LLC" (c) "the reduction to the Mossyrock Urban Growth Area" (d) "the update to the Utilities and Capital Facilities Element" [After discussion and a motion on that part, move to approve a different part, and so on until all four have been considered.] NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS BEFORE THE LEWIS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND INTENT TO ADOPT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the LEWIS COUNTY,WASHINGTON, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS will hold public hearings to adopt Ordinance 1323.The hearing will take place at or after 10 a.m. Feb 8, 2021, in the Commissioners' Hearing Room on the second floor of the Historic Courthouse in Chehalis, Washington. Interested parties are encouraged to check the Commissioners' Business Meeting agenda for the Zoom log-in details.The agenda will be posted at https://lewiscountywa.gov/offices/commissioners/agendas=calendar/at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The public hearing will consider Ordinance 1323, which includes four actions as described below: 1. The first action is to consider the following changes to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan: Applicant is requesting a comprehensive plan change and site-specific rezone (RZ19-00002) to change the comprehensive plan designation for parcel 012708002005 from "Other Rural Lands" to "Agricultural Resource Lands" in the Land Use Element. In addition,the request will change the zoning ordinance map from Rural Development District,one residence per 20 acres (RDD-20)to Agricultural Resource Land (ARL). 2. The second action is to consider the following changes to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan: Applicant is requesting a comprehensive plan change and site-specific rezone (RZ19-0001)to change the comprehensive plan designation on parcels 014997000000 and 015001001000 from "Other Rural Lands" to "Mineral Resource Lands" in the Land Use Element. In addition,the request will change the zoning ordinance map from Rural Development District, one residence per 20 acres (RDD-20) to Mineral Resource Land (MRL). 3. The third action is to consider the following changes to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan: Review and update the Utilities and Capital Facilities Element of the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan to include the updated 10 year capital facilities project list and current inventory list. 4. The fourth action is to consider the following changes to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan:The City of Mossyrock is requesting a reduction to its urban growth area (UGA) by 60.24 acres. This will change the comprehensive plan designation from "Urban Growth Area"to "Other Rural Lands" in the Land Use Element.The reduction will change the zoning ordinance map to designate the property as Rural Development District,one residence per 5 acres (RDD-5).The city's request reflects it inability to provide urban services(sewer and water) due to capacity and topographical issues. During the hearing, individuals will be invited to speak and/or provide written statements regarding the proposed changes. All individuals wishing to speak are encouraged to attend. Written comments may be submitted in advance of the hearing to: Brianna Uy at Brianna.Uv@lewiscountywa.gov. Rieva Lester/Publish in the Chronicle on January 19, 2021 Details about the proposal are available at https://lewiscountywa.gov/departments/community- development/track-planning-projects/. Printed copies are available at the Lewis County Community Development Department at 2025 NE Kresky Ave.,Chehalis WA. Due to COVID-19 and the physical closures of the Timberland Regional Libraries and Senior Centers, copies are not available at those locations. If you wish to receive a paper copy of the proposals, contact Community Development at 360.740.1146 and a copy will be mailed to you. The meeting site is barrier free. People needing special assistance or accommodations should contact Rieva Lester at 360.740.1419 at the Community Development Department 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Rieva Lester/Publish in the Chronicle on January 19, 2021 ORDINANCE 1323 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF LEWIS AMENDING ) ORD 1323 THE LEWIS COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS WHEREAS, RCW 36.70A.040 requires Lewis County to plan under and in accordance with the Growth Management Act; and WHEREAS, RCW 36.70A.130 requires that comprehensive plans be subject to continuing review and evaluation by each county at a frequency no more than once every year; and WHEREAS, final legislative action on proposed comprehensive plan amendments may occur in the year subsequent to the docket year in which the amendments were considered, and be considered part of the prior year's docket under WAC 365-196-640(3)(a); and WHEREAS, RCW 36.70A.130 requires comprehensive plan changes to be considered by the governing body concurrently so the cumulative effect of the various proposals can be ascertained; and WHEREAS, RCW 36.70A.040 requires adoption of development regulations consistent with comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS, in the year 2020, Lewis County Planning Commission reviewed the following updates to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element that included amendments to maps under Chapter 17.200 LCC, hereby known as: • Stephen Padula Site Specific Rezone Request, File No: RZ19-0002 (Padula Rezone) • Jorgensen Timber, LLC Site Specific Rezone Request, File No: RZ19-0001 (Jorgensen Rezone) • Mossyrock Urban Growth Area (UGA) reduction; WHEREAS, the Lewis County Planning Commission further reviewed an amendment to the Utilities and Capital Facilities Element of the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Lewis County Planning Commission held workshops and open public hearings on the four proposals in accordance with LCC 17.12; and WHEREAS, on November 13, 2020, the Lewis County Community Development Department sent notice of the proposed Lewis County Comprehensive Plan amendment to the Washington State Department of Commerce for their 60-day review, which ended on January 12, 2021; and WHEREAS, on January 19, 2021, staff provided notice of a Public Hearing on the proposed Comprehensive Plan in the manner prescribed in LCC 17.12.050; and Ordinance 1323 - Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, the Lewis County Board of County Commissioners, pursuant to LCC 17.12.050 considered the Planning Commission recommendation to amend the Land Use Element and Utilities and Capital Facilities Element of the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan in a public hearing on February 8, 2021. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Lewis County Board of County Commissioners do hereby adopt the two quasi-judicial decisions and two legislative decisions (four total) to the Land Use Element and the Utilities and Capital Facilities Element of the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan that will subsequently amend the development regulations under LCC 17.200 to update the zoning map as follows: SECTION 1. Attachment A to this ordinance includes the adopted revision to the Land Use Element. Attachment B to this ordinance includes the adopted revision to the Utilities and Capital Facilities Element. Attachment C to this ordinance is the adopted revision to the zoning maps. SECTION 2. If any part of this ordinance is found to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the ordinance shall remain valid and continue in full force and effect, and in all circumstances, the most current version of the Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations shall be given the fullest possible lawful effect. DONE IN OPEN SESSION d DAY OF is/44C , 2021. APPROVED AS TO FORM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jonathan Meyer, Prosecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON C)--77 -S'1144/ / By: Eric Eisenberg, Deputy Pros. Attorney ry mper, Chai di, 9Z i 'fiat ATTEST: Linds; Pollock, D ice Chair -P- 4 Rieva Lester, Clerk of the Board S-- ""WO p , K•m /sic, -r •COUNTY, W9s•• 3�5,D�jtD OF`•9��•• :o o CE ,�c •J' SIB y,• • o • •4)v67ON• Ordinance 1323 - Page 2 of 2 . . .. . ,.. .. . ,, ' :'. . . • _ , . , Tilde driliOr.z;v:r-a - .... . . . 1 I LAND USE ELEMENT . . .....-- . A -.. . . . _. . . /411111111 .„ .....,_. - , , . --- . 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Page intentionally left blank LU-2 LAND USE General Context Existing Land Use Lewis County is located in the southwest part of Washington State.The More than three-quarters of the land in Lewis County is designated county touches eight other Washington counties:Grays Harbor,Thurston, for federal,state,and private resource uses.Of the land area,72 and Pierce Counties to the north;Yakima County to the east;Skamania, percent is devoted to forest resource uses and 6 percent is devoted to Cowlitz,and Wahkiakum Counties to the south;and Pacific County to the agricultural land.Approximately one-third of Lewis County is west.The boundaries of the county are purely political creations except for a designated as national forest. portion of the northern boundary that briefly parallels the Nisqually River Only 2 percent of the land lies within urban areas,with 1 percent and the eastern boundary which tracks along the crest of the Cascade located in cities and 1 percent located in unincorporated Urban Mountains. Growth Areas.Much of the urban land is committed to right-of-ways Lewis County is the largest county in western Washington.The county and public uses,or is constrained by critical areas. covers 2,452 square miles and measures about 90 miles(east to west)by 25 A further 1 percent of the land is classified as a"Limited Areas of miles(north to south).Topography of the area varies widely,from the More Intensive Rural Development"(LAMIRDs),which includes broad,relatively flat and low-lying western section of the county to the small towns,crossroad commercial areas and employment clusters in Cascade Mountains to the east.Roughly three-fourths of the county is unincorporated areas. rugged,mountainous and forested.The remainder is characterized by low rolling hills interspersed with rivers and tributaries including the Cowlitz Rural land,not including LAMIRDs,encompasses 19 percent of the and Chehalis systems.The major population centers of Centralia,Chehalis, total land area. and Napavine,are located on the flood plains of the Chehalis River and its tributaries,including the Skookumchuck and Newaukum rivers. Existing Future Land Use Designations in Lewis County Vicinity Map 2016 T- -,1 Legend =Agricultural ` f - County Boundary '�.\' •Forest l' Major Roads r„v —Interstate i.Mineral Z US Highway ■Parks and Tourism � � •Rural 1. I •LAMIRD I . � LEWIS t mill. j •Cities P. land r 'l :� *r '�,��Y e. 1 + I � Centra it I .. N. :'.1-.1 � halts 1 ' - I i .. i s 1 Napavine Onalaska PeEII - -- L -fr- i� ' MI'.S 5 Cardinal Glass 9 .`_ 1 Mossyroek`r Retract 60.24 acres i horn .1: 'Unmcorporeted Winlock UGA de41 naGOn ` t Toledo i,n E �� .. -� :, . , 'trader wP ; - --' � I . ''i e AdI — _ - This map is forpeneral planning purposes only.Lewis Gounty makes no representation as to the accuracy or fitness of the information for a particular purpose. i LU-4 I LEWIS COUNTY Urban Lands _ ----\\ (' ,--- .., . . „ . , ; ...i1:7AViorton. .. - . , • ,------------___ , ! . - . - ...- —•. 1-.1 11-*Yr 11.- : .1.- ,t--....... • , .r" ..., , -. - 1 ,:.....:..'., .• - 1 . . .. , • ' ,., .,,-,‘'''. -1 Al 1 1 ... 1' legend .,:. .\ i Major Highway Nil Major Industrml Development Y ''-`\ • , ... .... .. ■ , I l. I 1 , . I '.; • . ' IIIII City IIII Urban Reserve Area I t i•.— I ! • I I i 1111 Unincorporated Urban Growth Area 111111 lake ,, 1 . • i I " i Map LU-1 -1 EW I S COUNTY ),, i� ...._. . .- Urban Lands Centralia UGA I . . .) II illo ,, . IP • , Legend Highway -Gty ..... __.. - 1. .. ;. Unincorporated Urban Growth Area Lakes and Rivers /Iii.map is for gene,al planning purposes only. l.etris County makes no representation as to the accuracy or fitness of the information nfrr a particular purpose. 1(nth=4,000 feet Map LU-1A LU-6 LEWIS COUNTY . . N Urban Lands :, '4 )mil i - i. Legend °."'a Highway 1 .. Chehalis UGA igi Unincorporated Urban Growth �,- t Area rim Lakes and Rivers Tlric mop is for?vnvrul plannin:4 par/tom,only. I.vit is,Count. y 1 inch=5,000 feet make,no rrprv.cvnbrtion Ill co the orrurur��orlilnvs+of'thy - _.` inforntatunt fin-a particular purpow. �" Map LU-1B LEWIS COUNTY N ,,.. Urban Lands immai Legend Noway -atr all , Unincorporated in Urban Growth 1..• Area . ■ -takes and Rivers I This map is far general planning purpose only. Loris County makes no representation us to the accuracy or fitness of the information for a particular purpose. 1 inch=1,500 feet { LU-8 Map LU-1C ,I ■ LWIS CUNTY . Urban L Mossyrock UGA O Legend Retract 60 24 acres awn Uni corporatea USN aesgnetwn Highway -City _#hasUnincorporated Urban Growth Area Lakin and Riven This map is far general planning purposes only Lewis Count makes no representation us to the accuracy or fitness of the information,for a particular purpose. 1 Inch=1,500 feet • Map LU-1D LEWIS COUNTY • Urban Lands • Legend Highway -city Unincorporated Urban Growth Area - lakes and Rivers This Harp is fin-e,,neral planning purposes only. Lewis Count, makes no representation as to the accuracy or fitness of the information for a particular purpose. 1 inch=2,500 feet w-10 Map LU-1E L Urban Lands • 9 Legend •Highway City in Unincorporated Urban Growth Area .Lakes and Riven This map is fin'general planning purposes only. l.etcis County makes no representation us to the accuracy or fitness of the information for a particular purpose. 1 Inch=1,500 feet Map LU-1F LEWI COUNTY Urban Lands Toledo UGA Legend Highway �ry Unincorporated Urban Growth Area lakes and Rivers 7 This map is fin general planning purposes only. Lewis County makes no representation as to the accuracy or fitness of the + • information,for a particular purpose. i 1 Inch=1,500 feet LU-12 Map LU-1G LEWIS COUNTY Urban Lands rr A' e. Legend W;nlock UGA --Highway -City 1111 UnincU orporated rban Growth Area - Lakes and Rivers This neap is fin-g,neral planning purposes only.Lewis Count, makes no representation as to the accuracy or f n+esx of•the 1 inch=2,000 feet ia+fiumution for a particular purpose. Map LU-1H LEWIS COUNTY NI Urban Lands Vader UGA 1 1V, 1 Legend Highway -GH Unincorporated { Urban Growth Lakes and Rivers This map is far general planning purposes onh. tell is County makes no representation as to the accuracy or fitness of the information for a particular purpose. 1 inch•1,500 feet 11J-14 Map LU-1J 1 LEWIS COUNTY Urban Lands Onalaska UGA-County Legend •Highway Unincorporated Urban Growth Area Lakes and Rivers Thi.v amp is forgeneral planning purpose:.on(t. Lewis Omni, makes no representation as to the accuracy or fitness of the information for a particular purpose. 1 inch=1,500 feet Map LU-1K LEWIS COUNTY Urban Lands rdinal Glass UGA-County Legend wx °ry • V�ncorprated d,VmanG,owm Arta -Map/Indu#nal • • {{''/.i.'�,,{{77 Lakes and Rivers • This map is fur general planning purposes only: ',ew ,county makes no representation us to the accuracy or fitness of the information for a particular purpose. 1 inch=1,000 feet LU-16 Map LU-1L LEWIS COUNTY Urban Lands IPAT UGA-County Legend HIthwa/ -aW UwKorporated ®UEan Growth Nea Mapar lnduatfial NM-Oavbpmant Lakes and Risen This map is flu general planning purposes only. Lewis County makes no representation us to the accuracy or fitness of the information for a particular purpose. 1 inch=3,000 feet • Map LU-1M 1 V;,'; -..!•ilk r•• t 1 f is NW .L a=?tl I—C ._,� ^xy.,f ,sue' 41 2 Yi 3�1�170 tl �°7'. I Jr.7 Sii�° ®�" i t r:, t .-, y�/ E ,a ,r n s -fie 7 rr t. ` Lei IJ 'I t �' .. ' .4- "� �_S}'I>_ r� L C'7 c.. rE7- t^ .. a;4 frZliirs � y. -�1�Q' /1� 1 TYPES URBAN _ ".W� � b� r.,. -y . p Jf . .1 1 1 ,� *r v —fry ,t�, ., L�WI S COUNTY , M, }t- �,. x L�� 1 z• y ti. Urban Growth Area Major Industrial Development Character of Development -Predominant Development Form A variety of building types,sizes and scales.Buildings Larger manufacturing or industrial buildings in a rural area predominantly located close to each other isolated from another Urban Growth Area -Building Orientation Traditional development oriented toward nearest street,and Structures oriented in a number of ways more recent development oriented in a number of ways -Building Scale A mixture of scales including large commercial,residential and Predominantly large scale industrial buildings and smaller scale single family residences and shops Level of Urbanization Moderate to High High (Low,Moderate,High) High within the Major Industrial Development.Rural or Resource Land outside the Major Industrial Development Level of Pedestrianism Human scale in certain areas,such as historic downtowns,and Limited pedestrianism.Predominantly scaled to the automobile surrounding residential areas.Auto-oriented elsewhere and large industry Predominant Type of Water Service Public water Community/public water system Predominant Type of Wastewater Treatment Centralized wastewater treatment Centralized wastewater treatment Growth Management Act Designation City or Unincorporated UGA Major Industrial Developments(MID),MID—Master Planned Locations,MID—Master Planned Locations—Reclaimed Surface Coal Mine Sites Predominant Comprehensive Plan Designation City or Urban Growth Area Urban Growth Area.Industrial Land Bank may also be used for Major Industrial Developments—Master Planned Locations Examples in Lewis County Incorporated cities and their Urban Growth Areas,as well as non Industrial Park at TransAlta(IPAT)and Cardinal Glass -municipal unincorporated Urban Growth Areas LU-18 Artwork provided by Pot Anderson URBAN GOALS AND POLICIES Goals and policies related to urban areas in Lewis County are shown POLICY URBAN 1.2 below: Ensure that sufficient area is included in urban growth areas to URBAN GROWTH AREAS accommodate the county's adopted 20-year population forecast,to allow for market choice and location preferences,and to provide for URBAN GOAL 1.0 I Designate urban growth areas based on the economic development opportunities. standards of the Growth Management Act. POLICY URBAN 1.3 POLICY URBAN 1.1 Confirm that the location and size of urban growth areas match the Classify and size urban growth areas based on RCW 36.70A.110. capability of the affected community to serve the areas with urban levels of governmental services. POLICY URBAN 1.4 OBJECTIVE 3A—STRONG URBAN CENTERS Consider the provision of greenbelt and open space areas,fish and Strengthen the historic downtowns of communities in Lewis County wildlife habitat,migration routes,floodways,corridors associated and their surrounding residential areas. with flooding rivers and related streams,and other environmentally sensitive areas when determining the land requirements for urban POLICY URBAN 3A.1 growth areas. Sustain the historic centers of Lewis County communities by focusing infrastructure expenditures to the areas. Concentrated Development POLICY URBAN 3A.2 URBAN GOAL 2.0 I Focus development in urban growth areas. Encourage infill development and traditional forms of city building POLICY URBAN 2.1 within the urban centers(with structures facing the street, Accommodate more intense types of commercial,industrial,and pedestrian-orientation,etc.),rather than strip development residential land use,and their associated public facilities in urban patterns. growth areas. OBJECTIVE 3B—ATTRACTIVE MAJOR CORRIDORS POLICY URBAN 2.2 Maintain a visually attractive appearance along the Interstate 5(1-5) Locate intensive development where adequate public services and and US 12 corridors. facilities are present,or can be provided concurrently with POLICY URBAN 3B.1 development. Work with WSDOT and cities adjoining the 1-5 and US 12 corridors POLICY URBAN 2.3 to develop minimum landscape standards for interchanges and Encourage infill development and higher density zoning where appropriate road segments. services have already been provided and/or sufficient infrastructure POLICY URBAN 3B.2 capacity exists. Require landscape screening for large commercial/industrial Desired Forms of Development structures and outdoor storage areas to provide a visual buffer along the highways. URBAN GOAL 3.0 I Promote the following desired forms of urban development. OBJECTIVE 3C—PRESERVED HISTORY Encourage the preservation of history in Lewis County. LU-20 POLICY URBAN 3C.1 POLICY URBAN 48.1 Preserve sites of historical significance within the urban areas of Encourage commercial development in areas where adequate Lewis County. facilities and services are available or can be provided concurrent with development. OBJECTIVE 3D—HOME OCCUPATIONS Permit home occupations. POLICY URBAN 48.2 Site and design new commercial developments to facilitate travel by POLICY URBAN 3D.1 transit,car/vanpools,pedestrians,bicyclists,and other alternative Home-based businesses and industries should be allowed in modes of transportation(where available). residential areas. POLICY URBAN 4B.3 Commercial Land Ensure the pattern and scale of commercial centers are suitable for URBAN GOAL 4.0 I Ensure an adequate supply of well-planned their locations and populations served. commercial land is available to provide goods and services to POLICY URBAN 48.4 citizens of Lewis County and the traveling public. Encourage minimal land use conflicts between commercial uses and OBJECTIVE 4A—ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND other uses through proper siting and design(to the degree Provide a sufficient amount of developable commercial land in the practicable). urban growth areas of Lewis County. POLICY URBAN 48.5 POLICY URBAN 4A.1 Minimize the potential adverse impacts of commercial development Evaluate the extent of available commercial land as part of requests on nearby resource uses and critical areas. to amend urban growth areas. When necessary,encourage the Industrial Land consideration of a variety of options,beyond just the expansion of urban growth areas,to increase the amount of commercial land. URBAN GOAL 5.0 I Confirm that a sufficient amount of industrial land is available to support Lewis County's existing and traditional OBJECTIVE 4B—WELL-PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT industrial economic base. Guide commercial development and redevelopment to appropriate locations within incorporated and unincorporated urban growth OBJECTIVE SA—ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF INDUSTRIAL LAND areas. Assure an adequate supply of prime industrial sites are available to meet market demands for industrial development over the planning horizon. POLICY URBAN 5A.1 avoid premature land segregation and the development of uses Locate sites for industrial use in areas: that are potentially incompatible with,or preclude later,urban development. • With appropriate access to arterial roadways; POLICY URBAN 6.1 • With existing or potential utility service;and • Where major environmental constraints,such as unsuitable Preserve opportunities for the future siting of large industrial,mixed soils,floodplains or wetlands,are minimal or able to be use retail/commercial,or tourist-oriented uses,through the use of mitigated. urban reserve area overlays. POLICY URBAN 5A.2 POLICY URBAN 6.2 Ensure an adequate supply of prime industrial land is available in Apply urban reserve area overlays at sites well served by existing or designated urban growth areas in accordance with the countywide planned transportation systems,or adjacent to an existing urban planning policies. growth area. OBJECTIVE 5B—WELL PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY URBAN 6.3 Encourage job-producing economic development that is well- Classify lands within designated urban reserve area overlays as planned,attractive,and avoids significant adverse impacts. Rural or Resource lands that are subject to minimum lot size requirements that will not preclude more intensive future urban POLICY URBAN 5B.1 development. Mitigate intensive industrial development through landscaping, screening,buffers,graduated land use intensity,and other similar POLICY URBAN 6.4 techniques. Include urban reserve areas within a designated urban growth area prior to development.The designation or expansion of an urban POLICY URBAN 5B.2 growth area to include an urban reserve area may be initiated by Require new industrial areas to include common site design the county or a city.Such applications should have the support of elements such as open space,landscaping,integrated signage and the city impacted by the proposed expansion and shall be adopted traffic control,and coordinated property management and according to the provisions of the Lewis County Comprehensive maintenance. Plan. URBAN RESERVE AREA OVERLAYS POLICY URBAN 6.5 Ensure that future developments within urban reserve areas URBAN GOAL 6.0 I Designate urban reserve area overlays in provide employment opportunities that offer higher wages than locations where future urban growth is likely.Use the approach to LU-22 prevail in the community and can be developed in an POLICY URBAN 7.1 environmentally sensitive manner. Review master plans in accordance with Table LU-1 and the goals POLICY URBAN 6.6 and policies below. Support the expansion of designated urban growth areas to include POLICY URBAN 7.2 urban reserve areas only if the economic development envisioned Utilize the relevant permit requirements in state law where an as part of this plan can and will occur,and the following inconsistency exists between Table LU-1,the policies below,and circumstances exist: RCW 36.70A.350,RCW 36.70A.365,RCW 36.70A.367,or RCW • Infrastructure,including,but not limited to,urban roads,public 36.70A.368. water,and public sewer is available to serve the urban reserve TABLE LU-1:A Guide for Master Plans in Lewis County area(or will be made available concurrent with the development of the area). Population Planning Hearing • Infrastructure requirements and costs for the urban reserve Allocation Commission Examiner area are able to be supported for the uses envisioned. Required? Required? Required? Major No No Yes-To review the • Requirements and standards to ensure appropriate economic Industrial specific proposal. development are in place. Developments Must be consistent • Provisions for the avoidance or mitigation of impacts to Priority (RCW with the criteria in Habitats or environmentally sensitive areas are included in the 36.70A.3651 RCW 36.l by the 2). y Approval by the proposal. Hearings Examiner amends the MASTER PLANS Comprehensive Plan to establish the URBAN GOAL 7.0 I Process master plans to create new urban UGA boundary. Major No Yes-To establish Yes-To review growth areas in a manner consistent with the standards in RCW Industrial an industrial land specific major 36.70A,and the provisions of the Lewis County Code. Development- bank'and industrial Master Planned development developments Locations regulations for within the industrial the review and land bank. (RCW approval of 36.70A.367) specific major 1 Please note:no urban growth areas are required as part of this type of proposal;rather,Industrial Land Banks are required to be established within the Comprehensive Plan. industrial POLICY URBAN 8.3 developments. Major No Yes-To put Yes-To review Require new major industrial developments(proposed under Industrial master plan specific major 36.70A.365)to meet all applicable criteria for the use,and the Development- components such industrial activity. relevant goals and policies for industrial development(listed as part Master Planned as the UGA Must be consistent boundary and with RCW of Urban Goal 5.0). Locations other relevant 36.70A.36814). (RCW items in the POLICY URBAN 8.4 36.70A.368) Comprehensive Plan.Process Consider the final approval of an application for a major industrial completed for development as an adopted amendment to the Lewis County the Industrial Comprehensive Plan(per RCW 36.70A.365(3)). Park at TransAlta (IPAT)in 2010. Major Industrial Developments— Master Planned Locations(RCW 36.70A.367) Major Industrial Developments(RCW 36.70A.365) URBAN GOAL 9.0 I Permit master planned major industrial URBAN GOAL 8.0 I Authorize the siting of specific major industrial developments within Lewis County. developments outside urban growth areas when designed in POLICY URBAN 9.1 accordance with relevant state and local requirements. Manage the development of major industrial development-master POLICY URBAN 8.1 planned locations as a two-step process:the designation of an Continue to monitor the need for industrial land and the availability industrial land bank area in the comprehensive plan;and the of industrial sites within the urban growth areas of Lewis County. subsequent review of specific major industrial developments Encourage potential industrial applicants to use the monitoring through a local master plan process(per RCW 36.70A.367). information to help meet the required standard in RCW 36.70A.365(h). POLICY URBAN 9.2 Continue to monitor the availability of industrial sites and the need POLICY URBAN 8.2 for industrial land within urban growth areas of Lewis County. Process Major Industrial Developments(proposed under RCW POLICY URBAN 9.3 36.70A.365)as a public hearing before the Hearings Examiner. Designate an industrial land bank within the Comprehensive Plan under the requirements in RCW 36.70A.367 when additional land for industrial development is found to be necessary. LU-24 POLICY URBAN 9.4 Process any application that would create a specific master plan within an industrial land bank as a hearing before the hearing examiner under the Lewis County Code. Major Industrial Developments— Reclaimed Surface Mine—Industrial Park at TransAlta (RCW 36.70A.368) URBAN GOAL 10.0 I Permit a master planned major industrial development at the TransAlta site,in accordance with the requirements of the Growth Management Act. POLICY URBAN 10.1 Consider the boundary shown on the urban growth area map as the extent of the urban growth area for the Industrial Park at TransAlta (IPAT). POLICY URBAN 10.2 Do not allow urban growth in nonurban areas adjacent to IPAT. POLICY URBAN 10.3 Process an application for a specific major industrial activity within a master planned location as a hearing before the Lewis County Hearings Examiner. POLICY URBAN 10.4 Review all applications for specific major industrial activities in accordance with the criteria in RCW 36.70A.368(4),the goals and policies related to industrial development(in Urban Goal 5.0),and the relevant standards in the Lewis County Code. 1 { Z I . i, �11�.1 � _ l lt�... '� •a F., I t �I I ��1 I ''-r - • - _ . : L_ I • fi Ste � L I 12-1' _ � f ;., ■ 1'" +.1. S _ 1 d . w . L. e 11 9tti ' I ` I I M ...0 {mac jj ! 6024 seas Inw'OMer Rural Land- ',... 1Ka I .i 1_ • j.i.1 i ,�,,,., .#� (�u....a,roor Eesgnanm J1 .4 . I 1=.;�i l - Retract 79.72 acres hue'Other�°. ' d}i}I t, -Qy' IF i "_ Land(non mew¢erdesignabm ; a .I 1.:. - `?.. v,. I i- e.+ err 'aC , ..,,,.,,,, 1. tiVI; , .� _ t_:i , _ .. . • 1?r:e 0 LIic`.:'+� •...y '. 'I t i 1 V� �� N. Retract 19.78 saes hcm'OTer Rural _ _I ...• I .1 , _ _ rceloeslgnaum '� --- This map is for general phrnnirtg purposes only. l.ett:is(:ounty makes no representation as to the nrrurnc"v or fitness of the 1 information for u particular purpose. 1 LU-26 ■ LEWIS COUNTY Rural Lands r_ • L e'n legend -Small Community , -.; � �-� -----' - p IS crowoids Commercial \' 111.Industrial/Employment I - -� 1 I Residential Settlement _ 4 lii„ Other Rural Residential ��`tt lakes and Rivers 1I 11 Major Highway M _' 'I Map LU-2 . . s+„d17 4,. `y . L ... „,..q ,,,...„(0.,,T;...,,t,„,,,,,i..„..,...„.4.,,.":,,..‘ ,.. , • . . ,„,..,. , , ,.z. s~U„ ..V- I. zut s!' TYPES 0F RURAL AN° ti, ■ENN RESOURCE LAND �,, __. DEVELOPMENT IN ” 't "� ` '� 'g LEWIS COUNTY A' Rural Area Industrial/Employment Rural Commercial Crossroad Character of Development -Predominant Development Form Structures in an existing area of isolated cottage industries or Detached residential or commercial structures at the new isolated small-scale businesses intersection of two roadways -Building Orientation Buildings oriented in a variety of ways Buildings predominantly oriented towards nearest major roadway -Building Scale Predominantly small scale,though some larger structures may Predominantly small scale,though some larger structures may be present be present Level of Urbanization Low/Moderate to Moderate Low/Moderate to Moderate (Low,Moderate,High) Level of Pedestrianism Primarily designed for the automobile Human scale at the crossroads,with automobile travel required to reach the area Predominant Type of Water Service Private well or community/public water system Private well or community/public water system Predominant Type of Wastewater Treatment Septic system or centralized wastewater treatment Septic system Growth Management Act Designation Type iii LAMIRD Type i or Type iii LAMIRD Predominant Comprehensive Plan Designation LAMIRD LAMIRD Examples in Lewis County Curtis Railyard,Ed Carlson Memorial Field,Jackson Highway and Boistfort,Cinebar,Curtis,Dorn's Corner,Ethel,Forest,Galvin, Smokey Valley Road Industrial Site,Morton Log Yard,PIS Log Leonard Road and US 12,Mary's Corner,SR 6 and Hwy 603, Yard,PSE Natural Gas Storage site,Ritchie Brothers Stinky Corner,1-5 and US 12,1-5 and SR 506,1-5 and Jackson Hwy LU-28 M�� fry x..",- 4�/,;^k °` .JtF! y > � t` ii ?nyl[}g� x� t�A� At [ \"���•'Oa :f a ..r l'..--4,--- -,-`4 - ,t( .4 i►i� . N ! ..tea _:;`3 . �� ,i 111 Olt �' I---- :Tr' •6. y iv �,1,p P+R. ` t 1 r e� -��`rt'7 Eis?r I. q :..4 q(�ydf sa r 1S,IP *7 / fi /_•., ?2i I t ;DV II x1111:'lea' �i Y i.t ` 7 •.. \ -..'Xi'��.tI, ,' k 9- ..,.� t 1 -,1,J�, 70,0. JP ,..My 1 4t.Jyti l,,h,-8�1 ..<\--.101j:'� f A �9ss ` \ .,Yd1;�JX" �"�.��-•� df_ L gr� w lkat•jt''741*�"a • ! 4 �; Qs '.$��'#'"••121 1 5;'�Y . \< rY��' `,^ttis, Y41,%"-':! ' i g'4 ti Cr \�� �: _ }� r a �tl.P fh a '� y/�\ 'U � xt y i-tY S� l °_•S�?� qi 'i.S SYti j, ;'may Tg�-Py A '...4..:lji t.I 1 I.'l5\' ~ 5.AY Small Town Small Rural Recreational Facility Master Planned Resort Detached residential,commercial or industrial structures in an Attached or detached lodging or commercial structures that A self-contained and fully integrated resort constructed in a site existing settlement.Some attached buildings are also present serve recreational or tourist uses and rely on a rural location and of significant natural amenities with attached or detached setting residential,lodging or commercial uses Structures largely oriented towards the nearest street Structures oriented in a variety of ways Structures oriented in a variety of ways Predominantly small scale,though some larger commercial, Predominantly small scale,though some larger buildings such as A mixture of large and small buildings institutional or industrial buildings may be present lodges may be present Moderate Low/Moderate to Moderate Moderate to High Human scale in the settlement with a variety of daily needs Human scale within the facility Human scale within the resort with trails/walkways to facilitate available movement through the area Community/public water system Private well or community/public water system Community/public water system Septic system or centralized wastewater treatment Septic system Centralized wastewater treatment Type i or Type iii LAMIRD Type ii LAMIRD Master Planned Resort LAMIRD LAMIRD Resource/Rural Land(at present).Master Plan(future) Adna,Cispus,Doty,Glenoma,Kiona,Mineral,Packwood,Randle, Various None at present Salkum,Silver Creek Artwork provided by Pat Anderson "` •.. ' k 0.ita0:.>tijY.Y4fL^V'..r„.0, .1Q.. 1 .,4, ._..n wy II i 1/ r s • c eir qt--1 if P,: �O. x. TYPE S OF'RURAL A ° - A . , , ! d:s o ff''• � :, RESOURCE �� s-.� t , ,,� �1. CE LAND 1. { „1% ' ` es DEVELOPMENT IN ,, ��r, 7a � ,�}� ,:r#�; t ; LEWIS COUNTY s-t� ` y 'tae Farm Cluster,Rural Compound Rural Lot Character of Development -Predominant Development Form A cluster of detached residential and agricultural structures, Detached residential and agricultural structures on standard surrounded by a large area(40+acres)of farm or forest lands rural lots(typically 5,10,and 20 acres in size) -Building Orientation Buildings grouped in a cluster,with a large amount of farm or Buildings oriented in a variety of ways forestland surrounding the structures -Building Scale Predominantly small scale,though some agricultural structures Predominantly small scale,though some agricultural and are larger accessory structures are larger Level of Urbanization Low to Low/Moderate Low (Low,Moderate,High) Low/moderate when looking at the cluster of buildings.Low when looking at the property as a whole Level of Pedestrianism Human scale within the cluster,with automobile travel required Human scale on the lot,with automobile travel required for for most trips outside the area most trips outside the area Predominant Type of Water Service Private well Private well Predominant Type of Wastewater Treatment Septic system Septic system Growth Management Act Designation Resource Land/Rural Land Resource Land/Rural Land Predominant Comprehensive Plan Designation Resource Land/Rural Land Resource Land/Rural Land Euamples in Lewis County Various Various LU-30 s. % 'i S 'a Y�`• J • ., I 414 o ,.✓ :n'� d fR, r < • 'i 'i r.l6.i:i `&'f'.. .'Sf'^7..0 ^i ..:�1y,'�.A.,L�;-,�...�.,. u.. •f.C>'.'l+ .. " Cs CS'cL jirR °!�l,� 4� _. 3. 2. . i,i ar�'ro,T,, n <' ... .......... ... ~` '". �c...4,3 :tr Vi"_1 ,•,'-:K L �iy s,�((.''�� ..y'v.c 'f,?i 'vim. n .......... !!1�,.'..:.. :.17>> ': .,,:is4Y' >r-;e° i 'pif i `i C 7 rjtr, ' ra. 1 e7t `Gl a, Y *y 4f s ,r 'gi Y •_;M1,,���tt M ��■ S ,.61;..M..,;:;.•,.. s A, v (F+ehr: _ 3 #'4: ti .�1 Vv. 4."p.. tfi a ti i... a �> j. �• N ;•• • t�L^,• v. ;114 2F��'�N� s' Y1 .F..'�S�' fr ,. :1.1.. ■ �1• '7.6 i f, 4 Pw l;"'..:,. ,ts . '� 1 ?. .y t,, ors * � ' ♦` �• } t.. f 4 f t , , is#.`i e.r 1.1 Vb�J S'• ZP y•e:a S _� ( 1 •• •• +� ei 3t' 'IL r; ' �u.t —��. r psi, tt a t N;. �� , .�� _ • B 1 y 4• Rural Residential Clusters Rural Residential Street Rural Residential Settlement Detached residential structures clustered to preserve natural Detached residential structures,on smaller lots set along a local Detached residential structures in a residential settlement areas or resource lands street.A large swath of farm or forest land,or open space is located nearby Structures oriented in a variety of ways Structures largely oriented towards the nearest street Structures largely oriented towards the nearest residential street Predominantly small scale,though some larger structures may Predominantly small scale,though some agricultural structures Predominantly small scale be present are larger Low to Low/Moderate Low to Low/Moderate Low to Low/Moderate low/moderate when looking at the cluster of buildings.Low Low/moderate when looking at the grouping of development when looking at the property as a whole along the street.Low when looking at the street and surrounding lands as a whole Human scale within the cluster,with automobile travel required Human scale along street,with automobile travel required for Human scale in the settlement with automobile travel required for most trips outside the area most trips outside the area for most trips outside the area Private well or community/public water system Private well or community/public water system Private well or community/public water system Septic system Septic system Septic system or centralized wastewater treatment Resource Land/Rural Land Resource Land/Rural Land Type i LAMIRD Resource Land/Rural Land Resource Land/Rural Land LAMIRD None at present Various Brockway,Curtis Hill,Harmony,High Valley Park,Mayfield Park, Lake Mayfield Estates,Mayfield Village,Mt.View Drive Addition, Newaukum Hill,Paradise Estates,Timberline Village,Valley Meadows areas Artwork provided by Pat Anderson RURAL GOALS AND POLICIES Goals and policies related to rural areas in Lewis County are • Assures the visual compatibility of rural development with the presented below: surrounding rural lands(including the preservation of expansive views of nature and natural resource lands). RURAL CHARACTER • Does not create demands for urban services for county RURAL GOAL 1.0 I Maintain the rural character of Lewis County. taxpayers to support. POLICY RURAL 1.1 POLICY RURAL 1.2 Encourage rural development,outside of defined urban growth Consider the Types of Rural Development shown in this section,and areas,in a pattern and density that: similar building forms,as development types that are consistent with the rural character of Lewis County. • Compliments rural character.' • Supports the surrounding and prevailing land use pattern. POLICY RURAL 1.3 • Minimizes impacts to resource lands and critical areas. Consider the small unincorporated communities,and other Limited Areas of More Intensive Rural Development(LAMIRDs),as key elements of the rural character of Lewis County.Existing LAMIRDs Rural character and components of rural character in Lewis County are reviewing future development applications,the county will ensure that the defined in Appendix A of this plan.In preparing county regulations and standards meet these characteristics. LU-32 provide the opportunity for rural residents to purchase goods and RURAL SERVICES services,and offer locations for residents to live,start a business or find a job. RURAL GOAL 3.0 I Ensure that rural development is provided with appropriate rural services and facilities.2 POLICY RURAL 1.4 POLICY RURAL 3.1 Continue to zone rural lands for a variety of densities and uses. Consider land capability,existing development characteristics, Ensure that rural public facilities and services are provided at levels proximity to rural facilities,and other relevant factors in the zoning that are consistent with the preservation of rural character and in of land. the historical and typical manner that is found in rural Lewis County. Use development regulations to ensure that water,wastewater POLICY RURAL 1.5 treatment and other services are consistent with established Encourage rural clustering,both at smaller scales(such as farm standards. clusters)and larger scales,as a means of balancing growth and the pouCY RURAL 3.2 protection of natural resources. Coordinate the review of rural development with rural water RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT systems,fire districts,and school districts.This coordination is intended to assure that new uses have adequate facilities in place RURAL GOAL 2.0 I Provide a variety of options for residents to concurrent with development or are able to develop adequate work in rural Lewis County. mitigation agreements when upgrades are necessary to meet POLICY RURAL 2.1 current standards.County development regulations will identify the Promote the development of a vital rural economy in Lewis County levels of rural services that must be available or provided to meet with jobs in agriculture,mining,timber production,home concurrency requirements. occupations,small businesses,and a variety of other industries. POLICY RURAL 3.3 POLICY RuRAL 2.2 Ensure that lots within new land divisions are appropriately sized Consider home occupations and isolated cottage industries as and configured for private wells and wastewater treatment facilities essential components of the rural economy,and permit the uses in (when those facilities will be used). accordance with appropriate development standards. 2 Rural services are defined in Appendix A of this Comprehensive Plan. LA M I R DS PouCy RURAL 5.2 View the existing small unincorporated communities as key RURAL GOAL 4.0 I Promote the vitality of existing LAMIRDs in population centers in Lewis County,and work to focus development Lewis County. in the areas at a size,scale and intensity that is compatible with the POLICY RURAL 4.1 rural character and the historic development of the community. Consider the unincorporated small communities,rural crossroad POLICY RURAL 5.3 commercial areas,rural areas of industrial development/ Actively promote the economic development of existing small employment,and rural residential settlements(as presented in this communities to ensure that the settlements can continue to provide chapter and mapped in Map LU-2)as LAMIRDs. goods and services,and offer employment opportunities to local POLICY RURAL 4.2 residents. Consider the boundaries shown on Map LU-2 as the"logical outer POLICY RURAL 5.4 boundaries"for LAMIRDs required under 36.70A.070((5)(d)(iv). Allow a variety of uses within small communities,so long as the POLICY RURAL 4.3 infrastructure within the community has the capability to handle the demands of the growth and the development is consistent with Ensure that future amendments to the boundaries or standards for rural character. LAMIRDs are consistent with the standards in 36.70A.070(5)(d). Small Communities Rural Crossroads RURAL GOAL 6.0 I Promote the establishment of new businesses, RURAL GOAL 5.0 I Ensure that the small community designation the delivery of rural services,and the creation and retention of promotes the vitality of the communities that have traditionally jobs within rural crossroad areas. been the service centers and hubs of employment in the rural portions of Lewis County. POLICY RURAL 6.1 POLICY RURAL 5.1 Utilize the rural crossroad designation to promote job creation or economic development. View the existing small unincorporated communities as key social, cultural,service and employment centers for the surrounding rural POLICY RURAL 6.2 lands,both historically and currently,and consider the communities Establish criteria for rural crossroad areas along the interstate to as an essential component of Lewis County's rural character. discourage new commercial/industrial development beyond the areas presently impacted by interchange-oriented development. LU-34 POLICY RURAL 6.3 PoucY RURAL 7.4 Discourage the development of residential units within rural Locate new rural industries or employment lands near accessible crossroad areas,particularly when the crossroads are located along transportation corridors such as federal and state highways or the interstate or are not currently characterized by housing railroads whenever feasible. development. Rural Residential Settlements POLICY RURAL 6.4 RURAL GOAL 8.0 I Allow the buildout of existing rural residential Require future development within rural crossroad areas to occur in settlements in Lewis County. a manner that is consistent with rural character. POLICY POLICY RURAL 8.1 OLICY RURAL 6.5 Consider the locations in Map LU-2 as the existing areas of rural Discourage the establishment of new resource related land uses in residential settlement.These settlements have been classified in rural crossroad areas located along the interstate. accordance with 36.70.070(5)(d)(i),and typically consist of: Rural Industrial/Employment Lands • Rural residential areas that have existing densities greater than RURAL GOAL 7.0 I Establish rural industrial/employment lands as one unit per five acres; settings to promote rural job growth. • Platted areas where lots have already been developed;or • Limited infill areas where water and wastewater disposal POLICY RURAL 7.1 provide for lots that are smaller than typical rural development. Allow industries such as warehousing,manufacturing and POLICY RURAL 8.2 distribution outside of urban growth areas(when appropriate). Permit the continued development of existing rural residential POLICY RURAL 7.2 settlements at a size,scale and intensity similar to current Consider the areas mapped in Map LU-2 to be the existing locations development. of designated rural industrial/employment land. RURAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT POLICY RURAL 7.3 RUAL GOAL 9.0 I Encourage development that is consistent with Permit additional areas of rural industrial development in isolated rural character in the rural development districts. rural locations when consistent with the rural character in Lewis County,the standards within the Lewis County Code,and the POLICY RURAL 9.1 provisions for a Type iii LAMIRD in RCW 36.70A.070(5)(d)(iii). Promote a variety of uses and densities within the rural development district designation,so long as the uses are consistent with the size,scale,and intensity of uses found within rural Lewis the open appearance of rural settings.Consider the allowance of County. density bonuses in certain instances to encourage the protection of POLICY RURAL 9.2 particular natural areas or features. Allow a wide range of rural economic activities within the rural RECREATION AND TOURISM IN RURAL AREAS development district so long as the uses do not infringe upon the RURAL GOAL 10.0 I Permit master planned resorts,or self- rights of neighboring property owners or cause environmental contained and fully integrated planned unit developments in degradation.Permittable activities may include home occupations, settings of significant natural amenities,within Lewis County. isolated cottage industries,or resource-related activities,among other appropriate uses. POLICY RURAL 10.1 POLICY RURAL 9.3 Verify that all proposed master planned resorts meet the Encourage farming and forestry uses within the rural development requirements in 36.70A.360. district. POLICY RURAL 10.2 POLICY RURAL 9.4 Require master planned resorts to be at least 40 acres in size. Periodically review the regulations for home-based businesses and POLICY RURAL 10.3 cottage industries to ensure compatibility between the uses and neighboring activities. Preclude new urban or suburban land uses in the vicinity of the master planned resorts,except in those areas otherwise designated POLICY RURAL 9.5 for urban development. Permit unique,regional commercial/industrial uses to locate along major transportation corridors within the rural development POLICY RURAL 10.4 district,when urban services are not required for the operation of Consider the requirement for significant natural amenities as a the facility.Ensure that the uses are sited and designed to maintain requirement that applies to amenities that exist on or off the the rural character of the surrounding area. individual project site.Significant natural amenities may include a POLICY RURAL 9.6 variety of natural lands,including but not limited to mountains, lakes or rivers,or views of,or access to,those natural features.; Encourage clustered development to protect rural character, promote the efficient and cost-effective use of land,and maintain According to the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings rivers,mountains,deserts and wetlands.These are features formed Board:"'Natural amenities'brings to mind ocean beaches,natural lakes, through nature's actions.Even though farmland can be attractive and LU-36 POLICY RURAL 10.5 Require an open space system/trail network as part of all proposed master planned resorts. POLICY RURAL 10.6 Permit residential and commercial uses within master planned resorts,so long as the primary use of the property is for short-term visitor accommodation. POLICY RURAL 10.7 Do not require proposed master planned resorts to establish an urban growth area boundary or be allocated a population projection. RURAL GOAL 11.0 I Allow small-scale recreational or tourist uses throughout Lewis County subject to the standards in RCW 36.70A.070(5)(d)(ii). POLICY RURAL 11.1 Limit the size of public services and facilities that serve the small- scale recreational or tourist use to the minimum amount necessary, and ensure that the facilities do not encourage low-density sprawl. POLICY RURAL 11.2 Allow a caretaker home for small-scale recreational or tourist uses that include overnight accommodations.Discourage all other residential structures as part of the use. interesting,few would consider this landscape as a'significant natural of'natural',it is not a'natural amenity,'no more than a golf course or amenity'.Neither can a twelve-acre man-made lake be considered water park."Friends of Agriculture vs.Grant County anything but a'developed outdoor recreational facility'.Just by definition fy" I..Y r, „ :. 2• 1rY¢rt.;T Q : r- T-'-�y 1 , y .1 11!F. t� {• e �j4.-4,1 yJ `' 4' ,11 a {" 1 Ill ;. A �� 1'1'y�r t o - z • .: ri -4:- n.� ,�• .� ' air ris,1 id• 1•,,, ".far r. ! 'W. r e I ,I,e .i.rr-Vale: r F .fir.• 11 R5 �} �Rr `�i ::r !f _ lull r' fT 3 • ,., 1.. a Y + 1 Y TI ,$�Li tar tiik'4f:�p .,f °'. :.n. ;1. as 1 - ,� '� r ► � s� w :-$:, r�u,r� �� .-�r '';:�+ ts 11 .,It, 9 I i. .. t d I �, r l.,,02,-,.i. _ We . :y. PY:� ��tt.j `� u ':� rM�1['+•� 4 2 1 ss 4s. ,�'lrJ�^.f,`- -2 '-'11- ' .M t j �y,�r1 'o�s1I • �'.• III"' 1 . 'W I a•lt ..yr 1 �"�. � , 777������•iii Y!� 2-ff a=1j �� :tea n. 'I y �\k 57\�, ... ► •. * �' '�,ss' 7`1943. f �..e. .i, .>t, •=� l��A y 4 om, ,...1 Add 7 a72 es el A.i a ar r.,3 ar� y p`I'c ,,r: ,r„_rU{+-�Aiv� Pit j _,..1, S \1 Vc !q�AFL '4:)1P.14,4`� i �; �i r4�' J !1 :4E--11::::! g- a 'lilt, ,fit r s •� •• M + .:. In aid• . t srr. ` " . Ei �r ?�: r lA ke y • ��I • .., Ps. 1 '�.3iyrp.11a- � C'Bizn u r ; -a:,Aoo 19.78 acres,nto Agnalarre cc-venation This map is for general planning purposes only.Lewis(:oulu■ ,sakes no representation as to the accuracy or fatness of the information for a particular purpose. LU•38 LEWIS COUNTY Resource Lands X11''''° r .td AiY l;:• j3 ...dr. a min rrOlt411 i a S " � ' I l l ..,,..1_,,i. z rc f CM ti 4 . t •• TWO- r � : . f_- Arl Legend - 'i pialtural Y .. L•� -forest r• Mineral -Federal Administration Major Highway •/ Map LU-3 Page intentionally left blank LU-40 RESOURCE LAND GOALS AND POLICIES Resource land goals and policies in Lewis County are shown below: POLICY NR 1.2 NATURAL RESOURCES AND COUNTY CHARACTER Strive to promote the economic viability of natural resource industries. NR GOAL 1.0 I Maintain agricultural uses,commercial timber production,and mineral resource extraction as fundamental PouCY NR 1.3 components of the character of Lewis County. Encourage resource uses,particularly agricultural and timber uses, in all rural areas. POLICY NR 1.1 View agricultural,timber,and mineral resource lands as an essential PoucY NR 1.4 feature of Lewis County's identity,contributing to local employment Ensure that the Lewis County Resource Lands Ordinance is and the retention of natural character. consistent with the provisions of this plan. DESIGNATION OF RESOURCE LANDS • The availability of public facilities. • Tax status. NR GOAL 2.0 I Designate lands that are suitable for long-term • The availability of public services. natural resource use as resource land. • Relationship or proximity to urban areas. OBJECTIVE 2A—RETAIN AGRICULTURAL RESOURCE LANDS • Predominant parcel size(20 acres is considered a suitable predominant parcel size for commercial agriculture). Promote the long-term economic viability of agricultural resource • Land use settlement patterns and their compatibility with lands. agricultural practices. POLICY NR 2A.1 • Intensity of nearby land uses. Designate agricultural lands of long-term commercial significance as • History of land development permits issued nearby. follows: • Land values under alternative uses. • Proximity of markets. 1. Identify those lands that are primarily devoted to the commercial production of agricultural products enumerated in RCW POLICY NR 2A.2 36.70A.030(2)of the Growth Management Act. Encourage the continuation of non-soil dependent agricultural 2. Identify lands that are classified as having prime farmland soils activities through development regulations and,where appropriate, that occupy a significant portion of the parcel.Prime farmland soils the designation of the land as agricultural land of long-term include soils classified by National Resource Conservation Service commercial significance. (NRCS)as"prime farmland,""prime farmland if drained,""prime POLICY NR 2A.3 farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not Allow uses that are complementary with agricultural production on frequently flooded during the growing season,"and"prime agricultural resource lands. farmland if irrigated."Lands with soils that are classified by NRCS as "prime farmland if drained"or"prime farmland if irrigated"are PoLlcy NR 2A.4 presumed to be drained or irrigated in the absence of evidence to Where possible,establish provisions to allow landowners the the contrary. opportunity to redesignate portions of their property that contain 3.Identify lands that have non-soil dependent agricultural uses such poor soils or are otherwise not suitable for agricultural purposes. as poultry,Christmas tree,horticulture,and fish hatchery POLICY NR 2A.5 operations. Continue to allow landowners the opportunity to request zoning 4.Consider the combined effects of proximity to population areas changes to agricultural resource lands that have been designated in and the possibility of more intense uses of the land as indicated by: error or based on incorrect information. LU-42 OBJECTIVE 2B—PROMOTE LONG-TERM FORESTRY ON RESOURCE LANDS Under 68 feet 6 Continue to designate large blocks of forest resource land in Lewis Red Alder 117 feet and over 6 County. Under 117 feet _ 7 POLICY NR 2B.1 *On a fifty year basis Utilize the following factors to classify forest resource land: **Land Grade 1=highest;Land Grade 7=lowest A. Forestlands of Long Term Commercial Significance:Designate B. Forestlands of Local Importance:Designate forestlands with the forests with a predominance of forest land grade 2 and forest land general attributes of Forestlands of Long Term Commercial grade 3(see Table LU-2),and a minimum block size of 5,000 Significance,but with less than the required minimum of 5,000 contiguous acres as forest lands of long-term commercial contiguous acres,as Forestlands of Local Importance.Forestlands of significance.Additionally,include all federally owned lands that are Local Importance may only be designated by an"Opt-In"process managed for their forest resources in the designation. and must generally be a minimum of 20 acres to be considered. Landowners petitioning to opt-in must commit that the property Table LU-2:Washington State Private Forest Land Grades will remain in the designation for a minimum of 10 years. Species Growth Potentials Land Grade** Douglas Fir 136 feet and over 1 OBJECTIVE 2C—DESIGNATE MINERAL RESOURCE LANDS 118-135 feet 2 Classify mineral resource lands in accordance with the standards of 99-117 feet 3 the Growth Management Act. 84-98 feet 4 Policy NR 2C.1 Under 84 feet 5 Western Hemlock 136 feet and over 1 Designate currently permitted surface mining operations as Mineral 116-135 feet 2 Resource Lands of Long-Term Commercial Significance.' 98-115 feet 3 POLICY NR 2C.2 83-97 feet 4 Allow the designation of new mineral resource lands as part of a 68-82 feet 5 land use application process. 'As part of the 2017 Comprehensive Plan update,Lewis County reviewed 2015.This report states that at the current yearly per capita usage and the sufficiency of the mineral resource land designation,and the adequacy total permitted aggregate supply,"Lewis County has a maximum of 45 of mineral resources in Lewis County for future needs.A key component of years(until 2060)of accessible aggregate."Given this finding,no change to this review was the consultation of the"Rock Aggregate Resource the existing mineral resource classification was considered necessary. Inventory Map of Lewis County,Washington"by Daniel Eungard dated July Poucv NR 2C.3 Poucv NR 4.1 Continue to review the latest information regarding the availability Encourage forest and agricultural resource lands to be placed in of mineral resources in Lewis County and conduct updates to the timber and current use property tax classifications consistent with mineral resource land designations when necessary. RCW 84.28(Property Taxes—Reforestation Lands),84.33(Property Taxes—Timber and Forest Lands),and 84.34(Property Taxes—Open RIGHTS OF RESOURCE LANDOWNERS Space,Agricultural,and Timber Lands—Current Use Assessment— NR GOAL 3.0 I Ensure that county policies support property Conservation Futures). owners that seek to utilize natural resource lands. POLICY NR 4.2 POLICY NR 3.1 Discourage the establishment or expansion of special purpose Continue to protect the interests of landowners who want to utilize taxing districts and local improvement districts on lands designated the natural resources on their property. for natural resource use. POLICY NR 3.2 POLICY NR 4.3 Ensure land use activities within or adjacent to natural resource Allow additional land use activities on resource lands,including lands are sited and designed to minimize conflicts with the small business and agritourism ventures,so long as the uses do not management of the resources and/or other activities on the land. jeopardize the long-term viability of the resource use or occur in a manner inconsistent with rural character. POLICY NR 3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Ensure that new incompatible land uses are appropriately buffered from existing agricultural,forestry,or mineral resource lands. NR GOAL 5.0 I Ensure resource activities protect the environment. POLICY NR 3.4 PoucY NR 5.1 Minimize the possibility that resource management activities, Work to ensure that agriculture(including ranching),forestry and performed in accordance with county,state,and federal laws,are mineral resource activities are conducted in a manner that subject to legal action as public nuisances. minimizes their adverse impacts on water quality,habitat,and other ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF DESIGNATION environmentally sensitive areas. POLICY NR 5.2 NR GOAL 4.0 I Strive to minimize the economic impacts of resource land designation for landowners. Cooperate with appropriate agencies to confirm that mineral extraction sites are restored in a manner consistent with Washington State and Lewis County laws and regulations. LU-44 POLICY NR 5.3 Strive to implement a voluntary stewardship program to regulate critical areas on agricultural lands. •,t I I 6 .,rrr m f, •" C Athol r •Z.7-1. .'--t? 4�� ti r I 1- i •-,t ,:0,-.11,. 4. .a. t l, y i y ..,tr f�/ • ,• '` + p-_ ? `� .,ii,,.„' t }, .•: :, , . a 4/�}y�,[`\y, C r +,(-• ,ter, c, ,' .,' ' I_•0, c F,g,;. . rC+ ;R•••7 M, r ,r 4 .'N ti� L J,, ,t-' • J1-[•r ,•I •^ ,,` J`•-� i .. � t �' ,Y ,L .�li,'.•'`.74-,‘,.‘i'-,r --- t i_ f 'N ., !, k A• r t }w .;•••;--....;.„.. .,,/'31-' t. %,�,-�,:• I�..� � ,;1��r i ��:IZS.A .xtw, .,� 'j�r ' r '' . Y ,•!. T ` .\ ' •, 1 "....u.'..-- k �'' m �. i Bhp. .. ✓ /:, '• a . 1` :_;t ---t,,, 1 I. 1 A7 Y� ,. re• iA 7�. ”Ii`re` %Ai 'c .`,.. I'' e.- r��rc��.1,t.4 ♦•Y1;. ,K `,`, ,,K•■ 4. 1 ♦4 ,rr rf .. f'' ,�,£ .s:� '_...47. , t ' 1%.*: ' 1,17 t''' `-•n "' '\ --p1 i' a- .t., •. x-r: • I :}- 6- .,r'7 ,f , £ 41411 -4 .t 1 '�1. • 1' ,tl.- <.` �.• '�: 1" 4 may'.•,l • �. `c Y^C W(nloc�C_ *'� s. n' ,t^•- i•-'' - .-r rJ 1 w4 .1ti. :,�• . •-• '- L .. -`T� t"'' - 'QV fd" i ✓i •.• tics•:,A;• `t• 1 X't 1 ;,..4...� •.. .%,r i, This map is for general planning purposes unh.Lewis County makes no representation as to the accuracy or fitness of the information far a particular purpose.. LU-46 LEWIS COUNTY Critical Area Locations- %.74ws, ,. -, .• ,•, '.44,' ',-." ' -r: r' f! � _ - \� �...✓ , • 7114 \) ' 444 s ,• y.--• r "i* \� / !{� •lam' • ,' tl `���s( .��•.Zr , ' ��_ ♦ ?1•.•r,,4'.'6''. `dim • •t$4 V i' ' .C. }lr ::••• '',1 ±: ( I • \ .C I�t ,1 %� ,�° • • ,t . . ,r, - _ try./ ‘Y.� ,(y'V • •q, ` \ 1 �/A,,,,,r K L" � l ,. _ , , �, ••� .• `�t`rr �• L.•,.t'> '�`1 �t ' /'. t. I ' )1` `y A' " . ", 1. *:. .7. -, `�1 ;. _ .-•• v'\. /.4.. .+}:. '-`/•• •., r ,.`. ••'• . I ly`,(1�.{` ��`~l� `•,P1 �y../I �r��,, ''7P) :t-t. t� -. -t.... `' ti •., `e,•.` � 5 '�t-! .•, l o.. -ter• y , .4 ,�y ' F. !. may'..—s— • ' - ' 1_. Vii( !- 5! ,/ t .., ' 1 +• `? � .i \• 4 !P - °^ .r ,N"',• =f�,. egend V.4 • 4 � .s ue r,a. 1-= , , •. - , t I _ ,, .:� Major Highway . Lake• �,•• •�'{ ,t ,! ! ,• •� a 1Ne+;,�'1 `c^. -------- River or Stream - Wetland i. tti f • , •tr7< r 1Ne ,R \• s- y t l, _ i • ! ,+'3w� �`•7 ,� Steep Slope Aquifer Sensitive Area f• ia, Map LU-4 ih , •.. '.',E.,._ oi,it' l'``. . ,, _, ''- '-\,... . p.',,,,...,:. ,..." ' --..-÷ '0 • • • '-1' 1 .• .:4,-. ..4._411 . ,, - . -it ,- , (,......„, I" 1 Ali ' .1...4..4'. ,! . _. _ • : [ • I 1 1 ' \ ' ; ' ,.'..'? 4:-• . -- 1 I + t , ,...,---I it" ,.' ' - •-4, ' '-- 1 ' -I [ . • , -Or--,-. -• ' .—,'....ii ,...„ ,../ ,• ' /I ', ' '. i • _ _ • .....„ if — k , \ • I N s''• NIkia'-'ir ,e ■ - I, • ''le.,'"T'""....' .' I '': i • . r . ''' '''', \r.I7 L l'''.— I . ■ f ' r1 , __ 1 , . (.- . i ' 1...1-47-‘ ,,..,„ 7 ,, l , -,..---- NI, ■ -. : \ VItock itell . . • , ...,_ 1 i . . . ., ,, #A v tif .. ' . 1 • '•• ....._ 7. 1—Vallter ( , T , , r I This map is for general planning purposes only Lewis County makes no representation as to the accuracy or fitness of the information for a particular purpose. LU-48 LEWIS COUNTY Floodplains and Floodways I , t. ,r ' r r _ i >- _ i . ; _ • _ i -t �.. 1 0, "N i. __:. . _.f - - { ' !. - 'N. - I- I I I I _. - i -- A , _...� I Cs i.-1 \ -.. /' 1 .r' it ., .._ I I - -• •r . I� ,....F,- _' . _ ... — l 1, f ` '''''' P ., t Legend ... -. i I 1 ---�Mayor Highway III Lake Ell FEMA 100-Year FloodVlain I II I y_ --— River or Stream -floodway . ; 1 F Map LU-5 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT GOALS AND POLICIES Environmental goals and policies in Lewis County are shown below: POLICY NE 1.2 PRESERVE NATURAL AND SCENIC BEAUTY Locate new development in areas that have minimal environmental constraints(e.g.,soils,steep slopes,bedrock,water table,and flood NE GOAL 1.0 I Preserve the natural and scenic beauty of Lewis prone lands). County,and minimize the impact of development on the county's environmental resources. POLICY NE 1.3 POLICY NE 1.1 Preserve hazardous areas(that are subject to geologic and/or flood hazards)as open space wherever possible. Encourage development to occur in areas with few environmental hazards to minimize the loss of natural resources due to POLICY NE 1.4 urbanization and the loss of capital investment and life due to Encourage the preservation of natural buffers along the county's natural disasters. rivers,lakes and streams. 1u-50 AIR QUALITY Encourage developments that are located near surface waters to minimize their impact on water supplies through increased NE GOAL 2.0 I Improve the air quality in Lewis County. setbacks,buffering and other mitigation techniques. POLICY NE 2.1 POLICv NE 3.4 Require activities that produce air pollutants and odors to comply Encourage intensive livestock operations to locate in areas with less with adopted air quality standards. productive soils and low potential for ground and surface water Poucv NE 2.2 contamination. Encourage the use of alternative,cleaner burning fuels and other CRITICAL AREAS sources of energy. LU GOAL 4.0 I Maintain the quality of the county's Policy NE 2.3 environmentally sensitive critical areas. Establish educational programs that address the impacts of wood POLICY NE 4.1 burning on Lewis County's air. Ensure revisions to Lewis County's critical area standards are WATER QUALITY consistent with Best Available Science and evaluated in accordance with WAC 365-195-915. NE GOAL 3.0 I Preserve and enhance the quality of water in Lewis County. OBJECTIVE 4A—SAFETY IN RELATION TO GEOLOGICALLY HAZARDOUS AREAS POLICY NE 3.1 Reduce risk to life and property from hazards associated with development in geologically hazardous areas. Encourage development on septic systems to occur in areas with few soil limitations for drainfields to help prevent the POLICY NE 4A.1 contamination of groundwater supplies. Utilize the following measures,among others,to reduce the risk to PoLICV NE 3.2 life and property from geologically hazardous areas: Nurture the establishment of public education campaigns,septic • Prohibiting,discouraging,and/or mitigating development in replacement efforts,and/or septic operation and maintenance areas of steep slopes or other areas with high potential for programs where surface water bodies are impacted by excess geological hazards. nutrients(as a result of septic systems). • Limiting the removal of vegetation during development to reduce the impacts of stormwater runoff and erosion. POLICY NE 3.3 • Requiring geotechnical studies to determine construction POLICY NE 4B.5 methods and technologies necessary to further public safety in geologically hazardous areas,including landslide areas and Promote the clustering of homes and development away from steep slopes. wetlands whenever new projects are proposed.Utilize flexible approaches with regard to allowed densities to permit the • Utilizing development design and construction technology maximum flexibility in the design of the proposed projects. appropriate to the soil limitations of the particular site in geologically hazardous areas. OBJECTIVE 4C—PROTECTED GROUNDWATER SOURCES • Replanting disturbed hillsides. Protect aquifer recharge areas to help ensure a long term,high OBJECTIVE 4B—PRESERVED WETLAND FUNCTIONS AND VALUES quality supply of water for Lewis County residents. Seek to retain the function and values of wetlands in Lewis County. PoLIcY NE 4C.1 POLICY NE 48.1 Consider the water quality goals and policies(listed above)as key components of the management of aquifer recharge areas. Work to make standards for wetland protection easy to understand, and consistent with Best Available Science. POLICY NE 4C.2 POLICY NE 4B.2 Encourage the infiltration of water into the soil near where it falls to help replenish groundwater supplies. Continue to revise wetland maps as new information becomes available. Policy NE 4C.3 POLICY NE 4B.3 Continue to apply standards and policies that limit unneeded impervious surfaces,especially in areas of critical aquifer recharge. Consult available wetland maps to determine if a proposed development will potentially impact a wetland.Where a wetland OBJECTIVE 4D—PEOPLE AND PROPERTY PROTECTED FROM FLOOD HAZARDS impact may occur,require developers/property owners to perform a wetland delineation and mitigate any impacts that may occur as a Protect life and property from flood hazards. result of the proposal. POLICY NE40.1 POLICY NE 4B.4 Support efforts to implement the Chehalis Basin Strategy to limit Require mitigation sequencing(avoidance,minimization,and impacts associated with Chehalis River flooding,as well as other mitigation)in the development of wetland mitigation plans. local flood hazard reduction projects. LU-52 POLICY NE 40.2 OBJECTIVE 4F: NURTURED FISH AND WILDLIFE HABITAT AREAS Prioritize land uses such as forestry,agriculture,public recreation, Protect and enhance critical resources and habitats. and water dependent uses in areas subject to flooding. POLICY NE 4F.1 POLICY NE 4D.3 Use Best Available Science to preserve and enhance resources for Discourage and/or mitigate residential development within the 100- anadromous fish and other local endangered,threatened or year floodplain. sensitive species. POLICY NE 4D.4 POLICY NE 4F.2 Prohibit development within floodways,unless a hydraulics and Ensure the preservation of the functions and values of critical hydrology study shows that the property is not within a floodway or resources,including threatened and endangered species and will not impact the pre-project base flood elevations,floodway habitats,through strategies such as: elevations or floodway data widths. • Public education about the value of the resource or species. POLICY NE 4D.5 • Support of reasonable community,non-profit,or government Utilize Lewis County flood standards to encourage developments to efforts to conserve the species or habitat. • Monitoring of ongoing research about the species. avoid damage from floods and include compensating design • Encouragement of landowners to explore potential site design features. options to protect the species or habitat. OBJECTIVE 4E—RETAINED FLOOD STORAGE CAPACITY • Establishment of new regulations(if necessary). Retain the flood storage and transmission capacity of rivers and POLICY NE4F.3 streams. Strive to promote the restoration of anadromous fish habitat, POLICY NE 4E.1 especially in areas with threatened fish stocks(see Table LU-3). Prohibit fill in wetlands and discourage fill elsewhere in the floodplain.Where filling is permitted,the carrying capacity and storage of the streams shall be retained. POLICY NE 4E.2 Continue to regulate flood hazard areas in accordance with LCC 15.35,17.35 and 17.35A. Table LU-3 NATURAL POPULATION SOURCE CH CO DE NI NATURAL ' CH CO DE NI Nisqually Coastal Cutthroat Cutthroat NW POPULATION SOURCE Toutle Coastal Cutthroat Cutthroat NW Population Name Species Winter Skookumchuck/Newaukum Steelhead NW Lower Cowlitz Fall(Tule) Chinook T Winter Steelhead Chinook CH=Chehalis River and tributaries Salmon Creek Fall(Tule) Chinook T CO—Cowlitz River and tributaries Chinook DE—Deschutes River and tributaries Upper Cowlitz Fall(Tule) Chinook T NI=Nisqually River and tributaries Chinook T—Threatened Species(according to Federal Government) Upper Cowlitz and Cispus Chinook T NW—Not Warranted for Protection(at this Time) Spring Chinook Please note:this data is from Cowlitz Fall Chum Chum T httos://fortress.wa.gov/dfw/score/score/maps/mao counties.iso as of August 1, Cowlitz Summer Chum Chum T 2016.Please check that site for the latest information. Salmon Creek Fall Chum Chum T POLICY NE4F.4 Lower Cowlitz Coho Coho T Tilton Coho Coho T Utilize projects from the Lewis County Shoreline Restoration Plan, Upper Cowlitz and Cispus Coho T the Chehalis Basin Strategy Aquatic Species Restoration Plan, Coho studies from the lead entities for salmon recovery,and other Lower Cowlitz Winter Steelhead T applicable reports to promote the restoration of anadromous fish Steelhead habitat within Lewis County. North Fork Toutle Winter Steelhead T Steelhead SHORELINE MANAGEMENT Tilton Winter Steelhead Steelhead T NE GOAL 5.0 I Manage shorelines that are subject to the state Upper Cowlitz and Cispus Steelhead T Shoreline Management Act in accordance with the Lewis County Winter Steelhead Shoreline Master Program. Chehalis Fall Chinook Chinook NW Chehalis Summer Steelhead NW POLICY NE 5.1 Steelhead Adopt the policies of the Lewis County Shoreline Master Program by Deschutes Coho Coho NW reference as part of this Comprehensive Plan. Cowlitz Coastal Cutthroat Cutthroat NW (.11-54 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION NE GOAL 6.0 I Strive to ensure that stormwater runoff does not NE GOAL 7.0 I Encourage the preservation of wetlands,open contribute to larger flooding issues,or pollute ground or surface lands,and habitat areas for the benefit of the county's indigenous waters. fish and wildlife,and the quality of life of county residents. POLICY NE 6.1 POLICY NE 7.1 Work to ensure that existing and new development: Promote the human use of open space lands in a manner that balances outdoor recreation,the preservation of fish and wildlife • Maximizes on-site infiltration. habitat,and the protection of watershed functions. • Avoids altering natural drainage systems. • Does not increase peak stormwater runoff. • Minimizes increases in the overall quantity of runoff. POLICY NE 6.2 Verify that increased stormwater runoff from new development will not adversely impact other properties. POLICY NE 6.3 Ensure that land use activities and septic tank discharges do not pollute stormwater runoff that degrades surface or groundwater. POLICY NE 6.4 Promote educational outreach about stormwater management. Focus on strategies that address: • Potential water quality impacts(including increased sediments, nutrients,oils and grease,pathogens,and trash). • Potential water quantity impacts(including increased runoff, reduced infiltration,decreased groundwater recharge,and alterations to stream geomorphology). il „„._.,..7_:- ,., , -, - , - ---r- . ......- :—7 . ) c''-r ir .....,, _.... g.P.A1 " 0 111P 4 UTILITIES AND CAPITAL FACILITIES iIMIS( ■ PAC O • Mi TIMBERLAND LIMB , RARY:. . „.,....ii,.. e.i. ....:::::::::::!!::::::::!11 • ...........„, .• . .,. ...6.: .....:: •:! !!:: :::: . . : : .:. , ..: :•. :•:.:... ,::.'':' :•••:•::.'.::::.: :'':'':..:.• •• ...:•.• .: :... : .. , . (;-0 -......„ , . ._ •••• ••• : : ••• :.:, ...,..::::::...:::. . J, I. ice. �.`._�_ �� ., :1 :? 4 • • J �.vJYiv'- i • • C • •S • Na e • y k yrock WOpck ToIdkIo - er This map is for general pluming purposes only. l.eu:is l.nu:u makes no representation as to the accuracy or fitness of the information f.r 48 particular purpose. LEWIS COUNTY County Buildings Marn Jr. Legend - Budding Type • Courthouse • Favg■ourel, Sento.(ewe: • othe,county BUildmg • Animal Sh,dtef lake •lkiaor CF-2 Map CF-1 CAPITAL FACILITIES INVENTORY County Building and Facilities The government of Lewis County operates a number of facilities. spread more throughout the county.Each of the facilities operated General government buildings are primarily located in downtown by the county are listed in Table CF-1,and shown on Map CF-1. Chehalis,while specialized services such as Senior Centers are Table CF-1:General Government Buildings Location Location Square Building Name (Address) (Community) Ownership Built Value($) Feet GENERAL GOVERNMENT Courthouse 351 N North Street Chehalis 00 1927 $15,520,000 58,960 Health Service Building 360 N North Street Chehalis 00 1953 $2,221,875 17,775 1978, Law and Justice Center 345 W.Main Street Chehalis 00 1995 $14,073,600 67,054 Jail 28 SW Chehalis Avenue Chehalis 00 1986 $17,776,200 66,964 "Rainier"Bldas 121.185 NW Chehalis AVE Chehalis 00 51.500,000 15.000 Juvenile Justice Center 1255 SW Pacific Avenue Chehalis LH 1979 $2,395,200 15,476 Coroner and Evidence 585 Center Chehalis 00 1950 $2,846,900 19,397 Motor Pool 476 W.Main Street Chehalis 00 1956 $1,179,900 19,100 Training Facility(old WSECU) 156 NW Chehalis Avenue Chehalis 00 1939 $150,000 2,316 Royal Bakery Star Tavern Building 242 NW Chehalis Avenue Chehalis 00 1910 $255,000 3,920 Facilities Building 571 NW Prindle Street Chehalis _ 00 1950 $750,700 14,000 Public Services Building 2025 NE Kresky Avenue Chehalis 00 1987 $1,388,700 12,650 Engineering/Design 2015 NE Kresky Avenue Chehalis LH 2,608 2990 U S Highway 12 Packwood 1{4 -- 472-la SENIOR CENTERS Twin Cities Senior Center and 1977, Storage 2545 N.National Avenue Chehalis Q1,-0421 1983 $902,279 9,560 . Morton Senior Center 103 Westlake Avenue Morton OL88 1977 $315,000 4,200 Building Name Location Location Square Ownership Built Value($) (Address) (Community) Feet Olequa Senior Center 119 SW Kerron Avenue Winlock OL-Q9 1987 $377,700 5,036 Packwood Senior Center and 12931 US Highway 12 Packwood OL-98 1983 $280,800 3,888 Storage Building Toledo Senior Center 150 Coal Street Toledo OL 88 1981 $290,400 3,872 PARK BUILDINGS Onalaska Parks Shop(SARI 951 Hwy 508 Onalaska - 00 1968 $162,000 4,320 South County Park Kitchen, 212 Ray Road Toledo 00 1995 $174,000 3,120 Restroom and Storage _ Schaefer Park Kitchen and SR 507 North of Centralia Centralia 00 1976 $90,000 1,800 Restroom Rose Park Picnic Shelter Penning Road 2 miles Adna 00 1975 $24,000 480 north of Adna Back Memorial Park 146 Dieckman Road Adna 00 1983 $48,825 1,302 OTHER Animal Shelter 560 Centralia Alpha Road Chehalis 00 1980 $274,400 2,688 Claquato Church Water Street Chehalis OL 1857 $107,000 Lewis County Historical Museum 599 NW Front Street 1 Chehalis I LH 1912 $1,094,000 8,752 - Southwest Washington 2555 N.National Avenue I See Appendix E Fairgrounds _ St.Urban Church Military Road Winlock LH 86 1884 $183,200 1,803 WSU Extension 17 SW Cascade Avenue Chehalis 00 1954 $135,750 2,172 Services Sheriff Storage 187 Kirkland Road Chehalis 00 1967 $237,975 6,346 Brick House(Water Conservancy) 19 SW Cascade Chehalis OL N/A $130,000 1,800 Notes:Information about square footage and year built is primarily from assessor data. 00-Owned by County and Occupied,OL-Owned by County and Leased,LH-Not Owned by County and Leased t I CF-4 Iii I c Gor, dctl ti ereyeo,,V y ::2, a } roc 4 x •: , / o.r 4 ` +. 7f/e N s.. a � t �, '� b o ` X a 4`y' �_l fPr� u , cop C FR c',,,. 1'' �'?,qa -�'. • `i,'yy ;�i '�.v---- a r III. I% `_ ..q k Oka. 9a----\_ 9§ � • �W� •'. t� Hotlhfal •. eE�.__----- Stote RO_ia.$ ■ •10 a �� _ p�D •— t•leP — '��� �ypr' h�, 4 R -=a--. (j r, �0 77 aNU k, r _3 It c' 1- r i mt ' t M 4•C• t� iy, ' 2/ tv�k� SPe� 6,i5\---,_ -,.� - NttuN' " - a , r� i•j r' �A be�1Rd .. x., " '—..3:9' 'F r a off' rak y; Stotr Route SOS is: S` r1,6. ~�, gate `oi '�-1 ,y ' r f this neap is Jaw aaenrral plurnninr purposes ortl■. I,iris Cuuttr stakes no representation us so ihe areurarr or filar..01'the in[urination lint a parlirnlur purpose. LEWIS COUNTY Parks and Trails . r 9 S n y . i. implel.?" _,. < :1:' Le ...:4..,:...•_:-..",i:.dL. a federal Orneraaip -Park Lake'Raw -Cowldi Wadafe Area-Waapa Maas Ira.' CF-6 Map CF-2 Park and Recreation Facilities Lewis County contains several parks and recreation facilities(see Lewis County owns and operates four parks.At this time,the county Map CF-2).These facilities include parks operated by the federal does not coordinate with other agencies,beyond the general review government,Washington State Parks,Washington Department of of permits,on their plans for parks and open space. Fish and Wildlife,Tacoma Power,Lewis County Public Utility District #1(PUD),the incorporated cities of the county,and a variety of other agencies. Table CF-2:County-Owned and Operated Park and Recreation Facilities • County Parks Acreage Location Facilities • Back Memorial Park 5.0 Dieckman Road in Adna(Just south of the Track,ball fields,playground, intersection with the Willapa Hills Trail) and picnic area • Covered picnic/kitchen area, Rose Park 20.9 Penning Road(South of SR 6) picnic area,playground,volleyball area,horseshoe pit,trail with exercise stations Schaefer Park 19.0 SR 507 and Big Hanaford Road River swimming,fishing,group use,playground,picnic area • South Lewis County 18 5 Ray Road(South of SR 505,just south of Swimming,fishing,boating, Regional Park Toledo) playground and picnic area Solid Waste Management Facilities Lewis County provides municipal and household solid waste recycling to one of the transfer stations,or have their trash disposal for area residents. collected by private companies as part of a curbside pickup program. The County's Solid Waste Services operates two transfer stations (one in Centralia and the other just east of the City of Morton). Trash collected in Lewis County is ultimately disposed in Wasco Businesses and residential customers may haul their solid waste or County Landfill in Wasco County,Oregon. Table CF-3:Solid Waste Facilities in Lewis County Solid Waste Transfer Section- Site Area Building Size Value Address Stations Township-Range (Acres) (Square Feet) Centralia 1411 S Tower Ave,Centralia 17-14-2W 88.50 15,900 $3,928,700 Morton 6745 US Hwy 12,Morton 13-12-4E 6.98 1 11,200 $379,800 Solid Waste Drop Boxes Address Section- Site Area Building Size Value (Abandoned) Township-Range (Acres) (Square Feet) Mineral Mineral Creek Rd,Mineral 10-14-5E 0.42 - $9,000 • Onalaska 2nd Street,Onalaska 30-13-1E 3.09 - $55,000 Randle Randle Drop Box Rd,Randle 13-12-6E 4.00 - $35,000 Winlock Winlock Vader Rd,Winlock 8-11-2W : 8.47 - $55,000 CF-8 IndepehdtplIt Quarry 7 l F _� l-___.— L ---- __._. ,' � ` AREA 1 ` . AREA 5 -- -Mes II Pit "\, .N ~ti Are T ^. . „ L.7-1.1,71/4.:' i i` I P * , !I Y ` I s r op .� t i- la�Shop � L .;''. AREA 2 ' . LPjt 6._ ' ea hop.M ,` y t H ,1 ' Area h6p. a '44.. i M rk-. 6. . ode t • 1 '_BnI - f. jT. AREA 3 Toledo This imip is for Renernl planning purposes only. Lewin County makes no representation as to the arrurary or fitness of the information for a',articular purpose. LEWIS COUNTY./ Maintenance Areas, Road Shops, and Pits or Quarries, _ T.- ., .. , ,. .J 4 M AREA 7 kP,1 r n Ateathop „'.F'�t Legend . ` i County Maintenance Area F��3C` ` City ifi,■ Lake ' • Pit or Quarry • Shop CF-10 Map CF-3 Transportation Facilities Lewis County contains a variety of facilities that are utilized to these facilities is provided below.The location of the majority of maintain existing county transportation infrastructure.These these facilities is shown in Map CF-3. facilities include shop buildings,sand sheds,and pits and quarries, which help to provide materials for area roads.A complete list of Table CF-4:Public Works/Transportation Facilities Section- Building Size Location Site Area Road Shops Location(Address) Township- (Square Value (Community) 1 Range (Acres) Feet) Area 1 Shop 148 Big Hanaford Rd Centralia 28-15-2W 19.38 9,916 $365,200 Area 2 Shop 307 Spooner Rd Chehalis 7-13-3W 53.80 � 10,231 $399,500 Area 3 Shop 111 Pleasant Valley Rd Evaline 9-12-2W 10.80 11,932 $224,100 8 20,876 $584,100 Onalaska 18-12-1E 11.4 Area 5 Shop _ 162 Brim Rd Area 7 Shop 8911 US Highway 12 Randle 10-12-6E 24.51 13,612 $1,500,000 Central Shop 109 Forest Napavine Rd Chehalis 19-13-1W_ 19.60 42,888 5810,600 Onalaska 28-13-1W 1.30 5, Onalaska Shop 951 SR 508 5,680 $173,900 Vegetation Shop 187 Kirkland Rd Chehalis , 14-13-2W 13.38 j 8,670 $354,200 Section- Location Pits and Quarries Location(Address) Township- Site Area Building Size Value (Community) Range (Acres) l (Square Feet) Brim Pit Brim Rd _ Onalaska ; 29-12-1E 15.55 - $142,000 Hale Pit Hale Rd Winlock 17-12-2W 12.85 - i $105,400 Independence Quarry Independence Rd ' Rochester 15-15-4W 2.50 - _ $41,400 Larson Pit Larson Rd Mossyrock 1-12-2E 15.88 - $155,900 Meskill Pit Meskill Rd — Chehalis- 10-13-4W - 138.28 $205,400 Packwood Pit Packwood (leased to PDA) 112 Norman Way 21-13-9E 16.68 $993,400 Uden Pit 180 Uden Rd E 22-12-5E 1.99_ - $25,900 1 , -1 Location Section- Site Area Building Size Stock Pile Sites Location(Address) Value (Community) Township- (Acres) (Square Feet) Range Mineral Mineral Creek Rd Mineral 10-14-5E : 3.30 - $33,900 Section- i Sand Sheds Location(Address) Location Township- Site Area Building Size I Value (Community) Range (Acres) (Square Feet) Animal Shelter 560 Centralia Alpha Rd Centralia 27-14-2W 14.49 1,224 $178,400 Toledo Collins Rd Toledo i6-11-1W 27.15 i 1,920 $125,000 CF-12 t cde Garrard Cr ec4-R V°6 ..p.471` ,1 r a.d .l nt. ypat _ , Q�e n -4. y r n� .'$ ' c ,'�. tv,, .,.State Rau¢SGS ` F ti .v r e `.,4 S,PP.as . p Q ra r� A ohtr Rd S a a a ° - t , _.R:.':. ck ` . a1 0 •r a"i 4 p ra _..t�^'c•, 4 - . Millik,t . I 913)01/ NM s r� To o Stot<:R,,.;r sc50';' i r Ay �.:.te,rcr eV r -t This tnop is based on Water.S%S11111 flans anti the known panels that are served b. Group 1 Ill utrr St stems. I)isrrrpattries may nisi between the locution of a Water Serrire Area within the Water Swarm Plans and the parcels shown nn the map.The mop is for general planning purpusett Haar. Lewis County stakes na representation u.s to the(meurary or fitness of the infiamation for a particular purpose. LEWIS COUNTY Group A Water Systems g , v . / X , `O _ 1•• a `4e Q`r a Legend fr to -water System Boundary Nernst,/of Colon Depict afferent Systems) .? (!7� f� forestROOd16 C3a '.No IAMIRDBountlary • I Mai.IdMM'ay take I CF-14 Map CF-4 Water Systems Lewis County is served by several public and private water utilities Due to the volume and complexity of information contained within (see Map CF-4).Of these utilities,Group A water systems are the these various plans,an inventory of existing facilities,necessary largest and: improvements,and financing information is not repeated within this Utilities and Capital Facilities Element.Instead a list of basic • Have 15 or more service connections,or information about the major water systems is provided in Table CF- • Serve 25 or more people 60 or more days per year. 5 These Group A water systems are required to prepare a Water Copies of the Water System Plans for Group A systems are kept on System or Small Water System Management Plan to assist in the file with the Lewis County Community Development Department future planning for their facilities. and considered a key component of the background data that has Lewis County only directly provides water service to the City of been reviewed in the development of this Comprehensive Plan. Vader(as a result of a Superior Court decision in 2010),but does review the water plans of each of the Group A systems to ensure consistency with the County's Comprehensive Plan and Countywide Planning Policies. Table CF-5:Major Water Systems in Lewis County System General Information Population Connections Source Characteristics Water Use Efficiency(WUE) Water Source Last Plan Non- WUE Total Water Last Date Governance Residential Residential Existing Approved (Permanent and Report Produced DSL1 j Seasonal Sources) (Year) 1 __. _._ . Boistfort Valley Little Mill Creek, Water 2011 Private 2,289 100 850 1,210 Chehalis River, 2014 90,866,306 16.8% groundwater well • LCWD#1— Special Randle 2011 District 192 982 109 147 Groundwater wells 2012 37,728,099 29.7% LCWD#2 2017 Special 600 1,383 220 2 4351 Groundwater wells 2011 12,064,382 9.1% Onalaska District System General Information Population Connections Source Characteristics Water Use Efficiency(WUE) • Water Source Last r • Plan WUE Total Water Last Governance Residential Non- Existing Approved (Permanent and I Date Residential Report Produced DSO Seasonal Sources) (Year) LCWD#3- Special Packwood 2011 District 380 240 314 486 Groundwater wells 2012 27,974,669 41.4%• LCWD#5- 2005 Special 35 1 17 100 Groundwater wells 2014 6,192,961 76.5% Birchfield District LCWD#6-Lake 2006 Special 350 87 262 270 Groundwater wells 2014 6,328,375 6.0% Mayfield Village District Centralia 2013 City/Town 15,751 9,616 7,959 NA' Groundwater wells 2014 751,000,000 9.6% North Fork Newaukum Chehalis 2011 City/Town 7,185 4,226 3,838 NA' River,Chehalis River 2014 681,491,000 7.1% Morton 2009 City/Town 1,140 1,000 630 NA' Connelly Creek 2014 112,406,700 53.0% Mossyrock 2007 City/Town 1,320 233 573 645 Groundwater wells 2014 32,509,755 12.9% Napavine 2016 City/Town 1,900 872 710 NA 3 Groundwater wells ; 2014 42,197,588 i 6.2% t Pe Ell 2016 City/Town NA NA 370 1,004 Lester Creek 2015 61,574,469 5.0% Toledo 2009 City/Town 725 1,033 364 420 Groundwater wells 2014 24,384,224 8.7% Vader 2010 County 920 65 365 675 Cowlitz River 2014 26,418,900 19.2% Winlock 2007 City/Town 1,400 1,067 631 NA 3 Groundwater wells 2014 132,763,000 35.1% Notes: 'DSL is Distribution System Leakage,the proportion of unaccounted for water produced by a water system. 2 Based on the draft Water System Plan by Gray and Osborne dated March 2017. 3 No maximum level was articulated for the community as part of the last Water System Plan. CF-16 Table CF-6:Additional Detail about Water Systems that Serve Unincorporated LAMIRDs and UGAs Maximum Maximum Instantaneous Annual Next Limiting Factor Locations Flow Rate(gpm) Volume(Qa) Boistfort Valley 1289 722 Source Production Capacity Curtis Hill,Curtis Hill Rail Yard,Adna, Water Brockway,LAMIRDs,Rural Lands • LCWD#1 600 230 Water Rights Randle area(Including the LAMIRDs Randle at SR 131 and Kehoe Road) LCWD#2- Onalaska 222(135) 160(156)' Source Production Capacity' Onalaska UGA and Rural Lands LCWD#3 680 560 Storage Packwood LAMIRD Packwood _ LCWD#5 159 50 Water Rights Birchfield Development Birchfield LCWD#6 Lake Water Rights(Application Mayfield Village 270 86.22 applied for 39.5 AFY and 150 Mayfield Village LAMIRD gpm in 2000) Totals are shown at left.Active totals are shown in parenthesis. 2 Based on the draft 2017 Water System Plan completed by Gray and Osborne. Wastewater Systems Lewis County reviews the sewer plans of jurisdictions and districts Lewis County Water/Sewer District 3—Packwood within the county.Review of these plans considers the growth forecasts used to project future wastewater flows and the District 3 serves the Packwood community.The district adopted a management of areas that are outside incorporated communities Wastewater Facility Plan in 2013,and is in the process of developing and their urban growth areas.The sewer plans are specifically a sewer treatment system. reviewed to ensure that:the district's planning area boundaries are Lewis County Water/Sewer District 4—Chehalis consistent with UGA boundaries and to make sure that urban areas are adequately planned for future service. District 4 serves the south Chehalis area.Wastewater from the system is treated at the Chehalis Regional Water Reclamation Beyond the wastewater treatment facilities located in incorporated Facility. jurisdictions,six water/sewer districts operate in Lewis County. Lewis County Water/Sewer District 5—North Onalaska Lewis County Water/Sewer District 1—Randle District 5 serves the Birchfield area.Wastewater from the system is District 1 serves the Randle area.At present,the district does not proposed to be treated by Water/Sewer District 2. have any facilities to treat wastewater. Lewis County Water/Sewer District 6—Lake Mayfield Lewis County Water/Sewer District 2—Onalaska District 6 serves the Lake Mayfield Resort and the Mayfield Village District 2 serves the Onalaska area.The district operates a LAMIRD.Wastewater from the area is treated at a small treatment wastewater treatment facility with an annual average capacity of plant along the shoreline of Mayfield Lake. 107,000 gallons per day(gpd).The system is detailed further in the subarea plan for Onalaska. CF-18 .. • " -._. -.,.-, .., - . ...: •. ,, U LI 111 _ Riverside Fire Authority . I • • II ' -r . . . 44aimm : ,, ' ' • . • t ? • ; • . , • ..- . ' ..,... City of Chehalis F 6 • 4 3 62 Lewis County FD#6 .. ' e • D 16 • • • • > : .• • , • , 2 • 5-1 1 . .-,. , • I Lewis County D#5 Lewis County FD#1 • 1. 1-7 • i•-■ • • '......*••■■•• 803 E01 . • Lewis County FD#8 *■,c, • Lewis County FD#13 1.: Lewis County FD#3 .i., County FD#11 • • 3, Lewis County FD#b .. • ..!-3 • , • Iliii, Lewis County FD#2 to Lewis County FD#20 . • .., This map is for general planning'purposes 110. LeWi. :Mint, makes no representation as to the accuracy or fitness of the information for a particular purpose. LEWIS COUNTY Fire Districts l ewis County FD 417 Lewis County FD#9 10-3 Lewis Co. FD#10 • Lewis County FD •4 Lewis C•. tyFD#18 Lewis County FD#14 Legend • Fire Station Lake Major Highway S CF 20 Map CF-5 tea, f j� LiOakville c,,, ��,�'' L .crr�aA„ ,..... IRochester _ }z �• 1 Centralia I C 4H/l• �l Rn ; R r s -- Adna ('-e4.4--R o e ehalis . „Attenpat-a. J s.. - ir Onalaska J 0 .{ \ l• 4 F /�ffn i �1 iii:004 . b h kd E aline c; .'4,,,, t.,0-.. t Boistfort L s Toledo '°b` Mossyrock b- J-- ti oe :1uz. °s 1"'gkY .,ICS - St'''' ir,. , Castle RotliA I Ius map is fot general plunn rug purposes only. Lents(.oeuth makes no representation as to the accuracy or fitness of the information for as particular purpose. LEWIS COUNTY Schools and School Districts — , ‘, ) ' Eato . , S. ., f Morton ,--I ,.1. ), i ..v,'. q — White Pass .c ..., • • ' ' Isiliotiori(.._ , . 41 -2 ' --)'Vz, Legend School I I j School District Elementary Major Highway 5 — .. .1 40 \ .,,,. fotestRoo0 i_it 1 " ,-. Middle Lake • High Po _, CF-22 Map CF-6 i 1 ay. C. r..• Ch-',Us • ' Nv e mock WWIlock '4, -. Toliido Vier This in up as for xen a er l planning purposes only. (: Lewis ourul `�; makes no representation as so the nrrurarr or fitness of the information for a particular purpose. LEWIS COUNTY Other Governmental Buildings =Jr. Moir • Legend • • • Post Office • College • Hospital ttrary r.7 or CF 24 Map CF-7 Other Facilities Fire Districts Libraries Lewis County contains 18 fire districts(see Map CF-5).A list of the Timberland Regional Library serves Lewis County.The library system fire districts,their stations,and their apparatus available is provided has six branch libraries within the County,and two kiosks where in Appendix E. library patrons can reserve and check out books(see Map CF-7). Details about the library system are provided in Appendix E. School Districts Lewis County contains 13 public school districts(see Map CF-6).' As part of this plan,Lewis County has reviewed each of the school district's adopted facility plans and summarized the school districts' inventories of school capacities,enrollment and needed facilities. A summary of the needs of the districts is provided in Appendix E. 'Some students from Vader travel to Castle Rock for school.The Castle Rock School District is not included within the appendix. UTILITY INVENTORY Centralia City Light Centralia City Light supplies power to approximately 10,000 Electricity customers in the City of Centralia and nearby areas,including Cooks Hill,Seminary Hill,and Salzer Valley.Of these customers,roughly 84 Lewis County Public Utility District No.1 percent are residential uses,and 16 percent are commercial or industrial uses. Lewis County Public Utility District No.1(PUD)serves all of Lewis County,except the City of Centralia and areas covered by Centralia The utility sold a total of 245,748 Mwh in 2015,and roughly 27 City Light.The utility provides electricity to over 31,000 individual percent of its power(69,568 Mwh)was produced at its Yelm electric meters.In 2014,the total energy load for the utility was hydroelectric plant.The plant was constructed by the City of 941,885 megawatt-hours(Mwh).Roughly 84 percent of the energy Centralia in 1929 and became operational in 1930.The remainder of came from hydropower. Centralia City Light's electricity in 2015 was purchased from the BPA. The utility district owns and operates the Cowlitz Falls Project.The facility: Natural Gas • Produces an average of 261,000 Mwh of electricity annually,or approximately 33 percent of the electric energy used by the Puget Sound Energy offers natural gas service to nearly 800,000 gas PUD's customers. customers in six counties,including consumers in Centralia, Chehalis,Toledo and Winlock.Gas is purchased from regional • Was developed through a partnership between the PUD and the suppliers,and transmitted to customers through local mains and Bonneville Power Administration(BPA).Under the partnership, service lines. the district owns the dam,and the BPA purchases the annual output of the facility under a long-term contract.In exchange All of the natural gas consumed by homes and businesses in the for the output of the dam,the BPA pays all costs associated Pacific Northwest comes from western Canada and the U.S.Rocky with the operation and maintenance of the facility. Mountain states.The majority of this natural gas moves straight to the customer through a network of pipelines,local gas mains,and In addition to the Cowlitz Falls Project,the utility has collaborated other utility infrastructure.Northwest consumers,however,also on or purchased energy shares from a variety of alternative energy receive a significant share of their natural gas supply—mainly in projects such as the Packwood Hydro project,the Burton Creek winter—from underground storage reservoirs. Hydro project,and the 9 Canyon and White Creek Wind projects. Puget Sound Energy co-owns and operates the Northwest's largest natural gas storage reservoir,the Jackson Prairie Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility in Lewis County.The Jackson Prairie CF-26 facility is able to store 25 billion cubic feet of working natural gas require the continued commitment to the development of and is capable of delivering 1.15 billion cubic feet of natural gas per telecommunications technology throughout the County,especially day—enough to meet the peak wintertime natural gas consumption in underserved areas. of the 1.2 million households in the Northwest. The Jackson Prairie Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility is a series of deep,underground reservoirs—thick,porous sandstone deposits—in which large volumes of natural gas are injected and stored for later use by utility customers across the region.The layers lie approximately 1,000 to 3,000 feet below the surface of the ground. Most of the acreage above the 3,200 acre facility is privately owned and is used for timber production,livestock grazing or residential use. Telecommunications A variety of telecommunications providers offer service in Lewis County.Ongoing changes in cellular and fiber technology have transformed the delivery of telecommunications,and these shifts in equipment and providers have contributed to an industry that offers several options for customers.Anticipating future characteristics given these swiftly shifting conditions is near impossible. Telecommunication providers are regulated by federal,state and local jurisdictions,and the County often reviews components of the service provision through the development review process. Moving into the future,improvements to telecommunication infrastructure and services will play an increasingly important role in strategies for transportation demand management and rural economic development in Lewis County.These strategies will UTILITIES AND CAPITAL FACILITIES UCF GOAL 1.0 I Develop capital facilities and utilities in a manner POLICY UCF 1.2 that supports the implementation of the Land Use Element. Maintain an inventory of existing public facilities and utilities POLICY UCF 1.1 including(where possible)the locations and capacities of such facilities and systems. Plan,design,and operate public facilities and utilities to: POLICY UCF 1.3 • Accommodate the demands of growth,consistent with the adopted land use and zoning designations. Acknowledge that"growth follows pipes and pavement"and install • Comply with appropriate state and federal laws. public amenities,utilities and facilities to serve as catalysts for • Protect public health and safety. beneficial community development. POLICY UCF 1.4 Encourage growth in areas served by public water systems(as a means to address the demand for new housing). CF-28 POLICY UCF 1.5 UCF GOAL 3.0 I Coordinate the utility,capital facility and Ensure that public facilities and utilities are compatible with transportation plans and designs of the county with other surrounding areas,adopted design standards and relevant state providers to leverage funding opportunities and effectively laws. manage the construction of improvements. POLICY UCF 1.6 POLICY UCF 3.1 Reassess the Utilities and Capital Facilities Element periodically to Make county plans,regulations and standards,including population ensure that utility and facility needs and financing are consistent forecasts and land use designations,available to utility and facility with the Land Use Element. providers to assist in their planning. Policy UCF 1.7 POLICY UCF 3.2 Strive to inform service providers about county construction Consider strategies to optimize the delivery of utilities,capital projects to promote the efficient sharing of utility and capital facility facilities and services whenever land use changes are proposed. corridors. COORDINATED POLICY UCF 3.3 UCF GOAL 2.0 I Coordinate land use,utility,and public facilities Consider potential concurrent utility or facility improvements when planning and management to prepare for future growth and utility or facility providers construct a project.Utilize the projects of ensure the availability of necessary services. service providers as an opportunity to enhance the county facilities POLICY UCF 2.1 when desirable. Ensure that the Utilities and Capital Facilities Element is consistent POLICY UCF 3.4 with other applicable local,county,regional and state plans. Utilize the agreements between the county,and utility and facility POLICY UCF 2.2 providers,as a means to: Work with cities to coordinate the planning,funding,and • Coordinate the functional plans of the provider and the capital construction of utilities and public facilities in urban growth areas. facility plans of the county. • Address the joint use of corridors and rights-of-way. POLICY UCF 2.3 • Ensure that development permit reviews address other affected When desirable,cooperate with cities and/or other service facilities and utilities. providers to plan,construct,finance,and operate regional utilities • Mitigate the impacts of utility and facility improvement and public facilities. projects. CONCURRENT POLICY UCF 5.5 UCF GOAL 4.01 Ensure adequate utilities,public facilities and Target a limited number of high priority areas for major facility services exist or can be provided concurrent with development. investments. POLICY UCF 4.1 POLICY UCF 5.6 Strive to monitor the capacity of existing utilities and capital Pursue outside grants for major projects,such as the Packwood facilities to understand when existing facilities are reaching their sewer system. available capacity. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE FINANCIALLY FEASIBLE UCF GOAL 6.0 I Use environmentally sound approaches to UCF GOAL 5.0 I Attempt to minimize the financial burden of construct,operate and maintain utilities and facilities. capital improvements on ratepayers and taxpayers. POLICY UCF 6.1 POLICY UCF 5.1 Promote the conservation of energy,water and other natural Maintain and operate public facilities in an efficient and responsible resources in the siting and design of new utilities and public manner. facilities. POLICY UCF 5.2 Poucy UCF 6.2 Use conservation and demand management principles to extend Design and construct utility and facility projects,such as storm the available capacities of utilities and public facilities. water drainage,water withdrawals,and sewage disposal,to respect the environmental limits of the area in which they are proposed. POLICY UCF 5.3 Poucy UCF 6.3 Ensure that developments pay their fair share for improvements. Utilize mitigation measures,impact fees and a variety of other Continue to use the standards for critical areas in the review of mechanisms to help collect the necessary funds. utility and capital facility proposals. POLICY UCF 5.4 COUNTY BUILDINGS Weigh operation and maintenance costs,as well as the financial UCF GOAL 7.0 I Anticipate the needs for future county buildings in impacts of ongoing debt service as part of the overall considerations a manner that is responsible with taxpayer monies. about whether to build major infrastructure. CF-30 POLICY UCF 7.1 POLICY UCF 8.3 Implement the County Campuses concept,which would concentrate Improve the connections between settlements and their the future development of county buildings in two primary neighboring recreational lands,particularly in the areas shown in locations:near the historic County Courthouse,and near the Public the Great Outdoors concept(Map T-12). Works Central Shop on Jackson Highway. POLICY UCF 8.4 POLICY UCF 7.2 Work to create well-defined points to access nearby park and Utilize the Ten-Year Capital Improvement Program shown in Table recreational lands for residents and visitors to Lewis County. CF-7 as the framework to guide major capital facility decisions within the county,and as the basis for the Six-Year Capital POLICY UCF 8.5 Improvement Program. Consider the financial implications of maintenance and operation of POLICY UCF 7.3 park land on general fund expenditures as part of future park decisions. Continue to proactively review the needs and priorities for improvements to capital facilities. SCHOOLS POLICY UCF 7.4 UCF GOAL 9.0 I Champion a high quality education system. Develop and adopt the official Six-Year Capital Improvement Program annually as part of the county budgeting process. Policy UCF 9.1 PARKS Promote the vitality of Lewis County's school districts,recognizing that schools are a key component of small town/community UCF GOAL 8.0 I Provide a high quality park and open space system character and vitality. that effectively utilizes existing open lands and minimizes costs for taxpayers. POLICY UCF 9.2 Encourage the improvement of school buildings to support high POLICY UCF 8.1 quality learning environments. Strive to find innovative and cost-effective ways to operate the existing parks owned by Lewis County. POLICY UCF 9.3 Encourage school districts to share available facilities and resources, Poucy UCF 8.2 particularly for elective activities. Partner with agencies such as Tacoma Power,the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife,Washington State Parks,and the US Forest Service to improve their park and recreation facilities. Poucv UCF 9.4 Poucv UCF 10.2 Urge school districts to act as centers for the surrounding Develop strategies to support the operation of small water systems community,recognizing that the districts offer indoor and outdoor and help address the technical,managerial and financial difficulties spaces that are useful to nearby residents and community that are experienced by small water providers.' organizations. Poucv UCF 10.3 Poucv UCF 9.5 Encourage the consolidation of water utilities when desirable. Continue to encourage higher education opportunities,and pursue the expansion and/or location of colleges,universities,and Policy UCF 10.4 vocational schools in Lewis County. Establish standards that require new residential,commercial and industrial development to use existing water systems(when the WATER facilities are available).The standards should: UCF GOAL 10.0 I Ensure that water supplies and infrastructure are • Promote the efficient use of existing water resources. sufficient to meet the needs of existing and future development in • Encourage a high level of water quality and reliability for the county. existing and future development. POLICY UCF 10.1 Poucv UCF 10.5 Foster improvements to public water systems,particularly within Implement Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6091 related to permit- unincorporated urban growth areas and Limited Areas of More exempt domestic groundwater withdrawals. Intensive Rural Development(LAMIRDS),to ensure that adequate water supplies and infrastructure are available to serve the future Poucv UCF 10.6 development of the areas. Participate in watershed planning for Water Resource Inventory Areas(WRIAs)11,13,23 and 26 to help shape the amount of groundwater withdrawals available for permit-exempt domestic groundwater withdrawals,and the type of projects used to mitigate groundwater and stream impacts. 'Difficulties experienced by small water providers include technical capita costs(to address the necessary regulatory requirements).For challenges associated with addressing water quality violations and making additional information about these difficulties,please see"Report to the needed repairs;managerial problems associated with staffing and Legislature:Small Public Water Systems,"dated July 2009,completed by understanding the requirements for operating small water systems;and the Washington State Department of Health. financial challenges that result from small customer bases and higher per- CF-32 WASTEWATER STORMWATER UCF GOAL 11.0 I Enhance wastewater collection and treatment UCF GOAL 12.0 I Reduce the potential impacts of stormwater on facilities to support development within designated UGAs,certain public health,property and safety. areas of more intensive rural development,and areas where known pollution or health hazards exist. Policy UCF 12.1 Use education and outreach to raise community awareness about POLICY UCF 11.1 the benefits of stormwater management,including its assistance in Strive to minimize the cost of existing and future wastewater retaining water quality and reducing flood hazards. treatment facilities through strategies such as the consideration of alternative and/or innovative approaches to sewage and biosolid MK,/UCF 12.2 treatment and disposal. Utilize best management practices,such as those outlined in the regional Road Maintenance Endangered Species Act Guidelines and Poucv UCF 11.2 the Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual,to Limit the extension of sewer lines outside of urban growth areas treat stormwater runoff. and the boundaries of water/sewer districts,LAMIRDs,and the other special areas mentioned in Appendix A,except when POUCV UCF 12.3 necessary to correct documented groundwater contamination,or Ensure adequate stormwater facilities,as defined within the Lewis existing or impending health hazards. County Code and other applicable regulations,are installed concurrent with development. Poucv UCF 11.3 Encourage properties within wastewater service areas to hook to SOLID WASTE the available system. UCF GOAL 13.0 I Provide solid waste services to residents of Lewis PoLiCV UCF 11.4 County in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Work to construct a sewer system within the Packwood LAMIRD. Poucv UCF 13.1 Policy UCF 11.5 Implement the strategies for solid waste management(including waste reduction,recycling and energy recovery)identified in the Strive to minimize the cost of existing and future wastewater Lewis County Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Plan. treatment facilities through strategies such as the consideration of alternative and/or innovative approaches to sewage and biosolid treatment and disposal. ELECTRICAL POLICY UCF 16.2 UCF GOAL 14.0 I Facilitate the provision of electricity to residents Target underserved locations such as Doty,Onalaska,Mineral,PeEll, of Lewis County. Vader,and Winlock for broadband expansion. Policy UCF 14.1 POLICY UCF 16.3 Craft the county's development regulations to be flexible and Coordinate with Lewis County PUD and Centralia City Light in the responsive to innovations and advances in telecommunications provision of electricity to customers. technology. POLICY UCF 14.2 POLICY UCF 16.4 Encourage underground utility distribution lines where feasible, especially in new subdivisions,LAMIRDs and unincorporated Urban Assure that the regulations for wireless facilities minimize the Growth Areas. potential adverse impacts from the facilities.Use adequate setbacks,appropriate landscape screening,and the utilization of POLICY UCF 14.3 existing sites and structures whenever feasible. Maintain development standards for the siting of electrical ESSENTIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES substation facilities. NATURAL GAS UCF GOAL 17.0 I Utilize a clear set of criteria and procedures to ensure that Essential Public Facilities,as defined in the Lewis UCF GOAL 15.0 I Encourage the use of natural gas within Lewis County Code,are not precluded from Lewis County. County. Policy UCF 17.1 POLICY UCF 15.1 Do not prohibit or exclude the siting of essential public facilities in Coordinate with Puget Sound Energy and other appropriate Lewis County. agencies to expand the availability of natural gas. POLICY UCF 17.2 TELECOMMUNICATIONS Identify and site essential public facilities,as established by the State Office of Financial Management,as follows: UCF GOAL 16.0 I Promote the development of a high quality telecommunications network in Lewis County. • The state or local government proposing to site an essential public facility shall provide a justifiable need for the public POLICY UCF 16.1 facility and for its location in Lewis County based upon Strive to expand the availability of broadband for internet. forecasted needs and a logical service area. CF-34 • The state or local government proposing to site an essential • Minimum acreage. public facility shall establish a public process by which the • Accessibility. residents of the county,affected communities and"host" • Transportation needs and services. municipalities have a reasonable opportunity to participate in • Supporting public facility and public service needs and the the site selection process. availability thereof. Policy UCF 17.3 • Health and safety. • Site design. Require Essential Public Facilities to meet adopted federal,state, • Zoning. and county land use regulations and be in conformance with the • Availability of alternative sites. Comprehensive Plan,unless adequate justification for,and Community wide distribution of facilities. •mitigation of,any deviation is made. • Capacity and location of equivalent facilities. Policy UCF 17.4 (b)Impacts of the facility: Require State Environmental Policy Act compliance and the concurrent availability of supporting capital facilities(at the time of • Land use compatibility. occupancy)as conditions of any project approval. • Existing land use and development in adjacent and surrounding areas. POLICY UCF 17.5 • Existing zoning of the surrounding areas. Incorporate public participation in the design(to determine • Existing Comprehensive Plan designation for the appropriate location,land use and intensity)and review(to surrounding areas. determine acceptance,need for modification or rejection)of a • Present and proposed population density of the proposed essential facility. surrounding area. • Environmental impacts and opportunities to mitigate the POLICY UCF 17.6 environmental impacts. Consult affected jurisdictions,agencies and utilities during the • Effect on agricultural,forest,or mineral lands,critical areas, planning of the project. and historic,archaeological and cultural sites. POLICY UCF 17.7 • Effect on areas outside of Lewis County. • Effect on the likelihood of associated development. Consider the following criteria in the siting of essential public • Effect on public costs,including operation and maintenance. facilities: (a)Specific facility requirements for each essential facility shall be determined and identified for the following: Table CF-7:Capital Facility Ten Year Project List' ' . ' . COURTHOUSE CAMPUS Courthouse and L&J Maintenance&Repairs /5Q,M R T Ongoing Maintenance and Improvements _,.. 1, Demolition of Buildings and Parking Improvements 100,000 BOND/BEET 2020-2021 Demolition of Old Credit Union and parking lot construction Renovation of Rainer bldgs on Chehalis Ave for 1,175,000 OND/REET 2020-2021 , Renovation of building to house Community Development and B Community Development Environmental Health , Renovate Public Services Building to incorporate,GIS.Engineering and Kresky Building Renovation 650 000 BOND/REET/ 2114- irfic --i.--___ TC Shop 750 000 _.__—..i-- BOND/REET 2021 I- Renovate for Traffic Control and Public Works Renovate Motor Pool 2.500,000 TBD 2027-2029 , Renovate building for conference center CENTRAL SHOP CAMPUS _.._ Central Shop Roof,Flooring 625.000 REET/ER&R 2020 Replace building roof and flooring on 2'4 floor 2025-2029 . A complex that includes a consolidated Emergency Management/E911 Emergency management,E911 12,430.746 TBD building.Could be a phased project, Renovate TC Shop to house Motor Pool §25M2 TBD 2021-2022 ' Remodel TC Shop to house Motor Pool - - JUVENILE JUSTICE CENTER _ Renovate Juvenile Center IMILM 1/10,BOND 2021-23 i Proiect to renovate Juvenile Center FAIRGROUNDS ,Fairgrounds Improvements 1,000,000 REET Ongoing Building improvements,improved paving,enhanced electrical ANIMAL SHELTER 1 — 1 Animal Shelter — Donations 3.125.000 2020-2022 . New animal shelter i ittgueSt fundSt EAST COUNTY SUBSTATION East County Substation ■ Unknown at this date REET 2026-2029 New substation at the Area 7 Shop PARKS Packwood River AcceS1 522S0 GRANT/REET 2019-2020 Cowlitz River access off Skate Creek Rd.5096 grant match Schaefer Bridge NM REET 3222 Replace Bridge Deck AIRPORTS 3.122.241(156.112 Reconstruction of main parallel taxiway and replacement of the Vertical Ed Carlson Memorial Field FAA/DOT/BEET Local M. ci 1 2020 Approach Slope Indicator with a Precision Approach Path Indicator. 200.000 Ed Carbon Memorial Field • ch FAA/DOT/REET 2020 Obstruction removal-South Side Trees(Phase 1)Environmental/design 1.1-$ Local Ma ' 78.370, Packwood Airport 13.918.50-Local FM/DOT/BEET 2922 Design and construction of an Automated Weather Observing Station imniosl wtALI 2 1 'Transportation projects in the Transportation Improvement Program,and the remainder of the Transportation Element are considered a component of this Capital Improvement Program for the purposes of REET funding. CF-36 Lewis County Proposed ARL ...._-..% U_ ! ARL 1; M ARL 5 RDD-1,0 RDD-20 RDD-20 �.l J Atli_ r ��' � � ARL _ / •c i ----- ..w..._......... _.. �- Indu trial (RAI) - /RDD-5 RDD-20 RDD-20 -20 Forest Rezone from RDD-20 to ARL 0 11113/2020,10:23:55 AM 1:18,056 I ' I ' r ' 1 0 800 1,600 3,200 ft NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington South FIPS 4602 Feet ::.0 e •,T,Fa LEWIS COUNTY '; _v Lewis County does not guarantee the accuracy of the information shown on this map and is not responsible for any use or misuse by others regarding this material.It is provided for general nfonnational purposes only.This map does not meet legal,engrreering,or survey standards.Please practice due diligence and consult with licensed enoerts before making decisions. 0 Lewis County GIS Lewis County Proposed MEI N --' =■ FRL-LI or 1111! -- 11 1 1111 ! 11=11plipg, �i■�I■l mil Ili \ P.1IL NI il 1-.1 P 111 �■fi1■� li IN -- = --- Rezone from RDD-20 to ■■ `_._� Mineral Resource. -•• RDD-20 - I I.RDD-10 j �I r ARL \ istfr. NMI MEI mull _ im mo -fiiiiiiii _ ■111.1 _• Ilk Forest 11111„" 11111111 17 a /' �- no mires /ARL FRL-LI 1 FA I_ mowI ill 1 el � ■ 1 ■"' � - = ..... ■ .....IMMIMEN11111111 in......i 11/13/2020, 10:24:14 AM 1:18,056 0 800 1,600 3,200 ft NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington South FIPS 4602 Feet AtAliAlik— i:i); 14 LEWIS COUNTY "`' /, / Lewis County does not guarantee the accuracy of the information shown on this map and is not responsible for any use or misuse by others regardng this material It is provided for general informational purposes only This map does not meet legal.engineering.or survey standards Please practice due dilgence and consult with licensed experts before making decisions ©Lewis CountyGIS Lewis County Proposed orest -T -RDD=10 Illing.11111 , 11► Harmony I ARL ", £ 1111 (RR -R2 ARL ARL 1 RDD-10 illil ARL I_ 6,2 "......impinimoo. ../ IIIM RDD-5 III nall, i .� 11 rrr� i 1111.1110011 : IIIII.IIIIIga*lijigjillLmligllll '. 111111 iiii-N111111111111,nor .� t urnt►ni ri:r ' zone fro Or II II a limit Nit! --'r�` A to RD r io ke F ill NIIIlMt� Al., .I � 11�� ...�. ii :Iasi nu. ■f.: ��` UGA II UGA �,! : RDD 5 if roiiiiiiimin �',.- - 111111174111!1111: 111::' 1111 ARL I e'I( 1 1 Yip. kilill I RDD)20 in i I- ii' , r I It----Ilign If RDD-10 IR'I1r �N r ..., i�� :.., . 11/13/2020, 10:24:30 AM 1:18,056 I I I I I I I 0 800 1,600 3,200 ft NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington South FIPS 4602 Feet .11416- , ,,. ,r.'..A. -4,V, Le 5.,. '01 �� LEWIS COUNTY , ‘;. Lewis County does not guarantee the accuracy of the information shown on this map and is not responsible for any use or misuse by others regarding this material It is provided for general informational purposes only This map does riot meet legal.engineering.or survey standards Please practice due diligence and consult with licensed experts before making decisions 0 Lewis County GIS LEWIS COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Lorie Spogen,Chair LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Lewis County Board of County Commissioners From: Lewis County Planning Commission Date: October 14, 2020 Subject: Transmittal to the BOCC: Amendment to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance Map for Stephen Padula's Site Specific Rezone Request (RZ19-00002) Dear Commissioners: The purpose of this report.is to transmit to the Board of County Commissioners a draft amendment to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan.The Planning Commission recommends approval for the site-specific rezone request from Stephen Padula that will amend the Comprehensive Plan designation for parcel 012708002005 from "Other Rural Lands" to "Agricultural Resource Lands". It will also change the zoning ordinance map from Rural Development District, one residence per 20 acres (RDD-20) to Agriculture Resource Land. General findings of fact: 1. RCW 36.70A.040 requires Lewis County to designate agricultural resource lands through its comprehensive plan and adopt development regulations conserving these designated agricultural lands. 2. Lewis County Code 17.05.040 allows site-specific rezone applications to change the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance map as a Type V application. The Type V application requires public notice, has workshops and a public hearing with the Planning Commission, and has the final decision adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. • 3. Stephen Padula submitted a Site Specific Rezone Request for a change in the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance map on December 30, 2019 for the 2020 comprehensive plan amendment. 4. The Lewis County Planning Commission held a public workshop to discuss Stephen Padula's Site Specific Rezone Request. At its August 25, 2020 public workshop, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to hold a public hearing at its October 13, 2020 meeting. 5. The county published a legal notice in The Daily Chronicle on September 22, 2020 advertising a public hearing for Stephen Padula's site-specific rezone request. Letter of Transmittal 1 6. Before the public hearing date, the Lewis County Planning Commission received and considered the staff report on the proposed amendment. Copies of all materials were available to the public in accordance with LCC 17.05 and LCC 17.12. 7. The Lewis County Planning Commission held a public hearing and received public testimony on the proposed site-specific rezone request on October 13, 2020. Conclusions After closing the public hearing, the Planning Commission deliberated on the site- specific rezone request and determined: 1. The rezoning is consistent with Lewis County Adopted Plans; 2. The rezoning is consistent with the county-wide planning policies, Growth Management Act (GMA), and other state or federal law or Washington Administrative Code; 3. The rezoning does not further impact public health, safety,welfare; 4. There are circumstances that justify the rezoning; 5. The rezoning is consistent with the neighborhood characteristics; 6. The rezoning would result in consistent regulations for each property with the same zoning designation countywide; 7. The rezoning aligns with the zone districts purpose and intent. Recommendation Based on the forestated findings of fact and conclusions, the Planning Commission recommends that the Board of County Commissioners pass an ordinance to adopt the proposed changes to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinance map as shown in Exhibits A. Submitted by Ato1�. Date ID I 1'T Lorie Spogen, Chair / Lewis County Planning Co ission Letter of Transmittal 2 Additional Notes 1. The Lewis County Community Development will forward a draft of the site-specific rezone request to the Washington State Department of Commerce for their 60-day review with all of the other proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments for 2020. WAC 365-196-640 requires comprehensive plans to be considered by the governing body concurrently and may not be considered more frequently than once every year,so that the cumulative effect of various proposals can be ascertained 2. The Lewis County Department of Community issued a Determination of Nonsignificance for the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) on this project on March 17, 2020. Exhibit A-Proposed Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance Map amendment Exhibit B- Planning Commission Decision Chart completed at the October 13, 2020 public hearing Letter of Transmittal 3 AulhenUslgn ID:E5306D97.2A53.4085.802C•E49039DA3261 LEWIS COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Leslie Myers,Vice Chair LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Lewis County Board of County Commissioners From: Lewis County Planning Commission Date: November 12, 2020 Subject: Transmittal to the BOCC: Amendment to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance Map for Jorgensen Timber, LCC's Site Specific Rezone Request (RZ19-00001) Dear Commissioners: The purpose of this report is to transmit to the Board of County Commissioners a draft amendment to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan.The Planning Commission recommends approval for the site-specific rezone request from Jorgensen Timber, LLC that will amend the Comprehensive Plan designation for parcels 014997000000 and 015001001000 from "Other Rural Lands (Non-Resource)" to "Mineral Resource Lands". It will also change the zoning ordinance map from Rural Development District, one residence per 20 acres (RDD-20) to Mineral Resource Land. General findings of fact: 1. RCW 36.70A.040 requires Lewis County to designate mineral resource lands through its comprehensive plan and adopt development regulations conserving these designated mineral resource lands. 2. Lewis County Code 17.30.850 includes an "opt in" provision for voluntary designation of properties as mineral resource land. The application for the designation is processed as a Type V application to amend the comprehensive plan and development regulations. 3. Lewis County Code 17.05 identifies the process for a Type V application.The Type V application requires public notice, has workshops and a public hearing with the Planning Commission,and has the final decision adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. 4. Jorgensen Timber, LCC submitted a Type V application for a site specific rezone request for the "opt in" provision on December 20, 2019 for the 2020 comprehensive plan amendment. 5. The Lewis County Planning Commission held a public workshop to discuss Jorgensen Timber, LLC's Site Specific Rezone Request. At its September 22, 2020 Letter of Transmittal 1 AuthentIstgn ID:E53136097.2A53.4D85.802C•E49039DA3261 public workshop, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to hold a public hearing at its October 27, 2020 meeting. 6. The county published a legal notice in The Daily Chronicle on October 6, 2020 advertising a public hearing for Jorgensen Timber, LCC's site-specific rezone request. 7. Before the public hearing date, the Lewis County Planning Commission received and considered the staff report on the proposed amendment. Copies of all materials were available to the public in accordance with LCC 17.05 and LCC 17.12. 8. The Lewis County Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 27, 2020 and received public testimony on the proposed site-specific rezone request. Conclusions After closing the public hearing,the Planning Commission deliberated on the site- specific rezone request and determined that the applicant's request: 1. Meets the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA), Lewis County Countywide Planning Policies, the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan, and all other state and federal laws; 2. Conforms with Lewis County Adopted Codes and Plans, including the "opt in" provision for voluntary designation of properties as mineral resource land (LCC 17.30.850); and 3. Protects the public's general health, safety, and welfare. Recommendation Based on the forestated findings of fact and conclusions, the Planning Commission recommends that the Board of County Commissioners pass an ordinance adopting a change to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinance map designating Parcels 014997000000 and 015001001000 as Mineral Resource Lands, as shown in Exhibits A. Authenfs,cv C fie.M.yem 11/20/2020 Submitted by Date 11r�a„��, Leslie Myers, Vice Chair Lewis County Planning Commission Letter of Transmittal 2 Authentisign ID:ES3D6097.2A53.4085402C-E49039DA3261 Additional Notes 1. The Lewis County Community Development will forward a draft of the site-specific rezone request to the Washington State Department of Commerce for their 60-day review with all of the other proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments for 2020. WAC 365-196-640 requires comprehensive plans to be considered by the governing body concurrently and may not be considered more frequently than once every year, so that the cumulative effect of various proposals can be ascertained 2. The Lewis County Department of Community issued a Determination of Nonsignificance for the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) on this project on March 17, 2020. Exhibit A-Proposed Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance Map amendment Letter of Transmittal 3 Authentisign ID:E53D6097.2A53-4D85-802C•E49039DA3281 LEWIS COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Leslie Myers,Vice-Chair LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Lewis County Board of County Commissioners From: Lewis County Planning Commission Date: November 12, 2020 Subject: Transmittal to the BOCC:Amendment to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan Adjusting the Boundary of the Mossyrock UGA Dear Commissioners: The purpose of this report is to transmit to the Board of County Commissioners a draft amendment to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan that recommends adjusting the boundary for the City of Mossyrock Urban Growth Area (UGA).The adjustment would reduce the UGA by 60.24 acres and designate it as 'Other Rural Lands (Non Resource).' In addition, the zoning designation would change to Rural Development District, one residence per 5 acres (RDD-5). General findings of fact: 1. RCW 36.70A.110 requires Lewis County to designate urban growth areas through its comprehensive plan. While the county has the responsibility to discuss how it sets UGA boundaries with the cities, the actual designation is a decision by the county. 2. The county conducts its consultation process annually through the Lewis County Planned Growth Committee (PGC), which provides a recommendation on such amendments. 3. During the 2020 PGC meeting, the City of Mossyrock requested the reduction to the UGA by 60.24 acres. 4. The PGC approved a motion at its February 20, 2020 meeting to recommend forwarding the proposal to the Lewis County Planning Commission. This recommendation from the PGC initiated Chapter 17.12 LCC, Public Participation Program, for amendments to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan. 5. The Lewis County Planning Commission held a public workshop to discuss the UGA amendment at its September 29, 2020 meeting. At its September 29,2020 public meeting, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to hold a public hearing on the amendment at its November 10, 2020 meeting. 6. The county published a legal notice in The Daily Chronicle on October 20, 2020 advertising a public hearing for the Comprehensive Plan UGA amendment. Letter of Transmittal 1 Authentisign ID:E53D6097.2A53.4085 802C.E49039DA3261 7. Before the public hearing date, the Lewis County Planning Commission received and considered reports on the proposed amendments submitted by Lewis County staff. Copies of all materials were available to the public in accordance with Chapter 17.12 LCC. 8. The Lewis County Planning Commission held a public hearing and received public testimony on the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment on November 10, 2020. Conclusions After closing the public hearing, the Planning Commission deliberated on the proposed amendments and determined that the proposed amendment adjusting the boundaries for the City of Mossyrock UGA. 1. Reflected the housing needs of countywide residents; 2. Met the intent and requirements of the Growth Management Act, the Lewis County Countywide Planning Policies, and the Lewis County Comprehensive; and, 3. Satisfied the public interest. Recommendation Based on the forestated findings of fact and conclusions, the Planning Commission recommends that the Board of County Commissioners pass an ordinance to adopt the proposed changes to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan adjusting the UGA boundary for the City of Mossyrock as shown in Exhibits A. The Planning Commission further recommends that the area retracted from the Mossyrock UGA be given a future land use designation of "Other Rural Land (Non-Resource) in the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designation of Rural Development District with a density of one residence per five acres (RDD-5). Authentisr,,, Rea 11/20/2020 Submitted by Date . r��'',vs Date, Leslie Myer, ice-`fair Lewis County Planning Commission Letter of Transmittal 2 Authentlsign ID:E53D6097.2A53.4D85.802C•E49039DA3261 Additional Notes 1. The Lewis County Community Development will forward a draft of the Comprehensive Plan Change to the Washington State Department of Commerce for their 60-day review with all of the other proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments for 2020.WAC 365-196-640 requires comprehensive plans to be considered by the governing body concurrently and may not be considered more frequently than once every year, so that the cumulative effect of various proposals can be ascertained. 2. The Lewis County Community Development issued a Determination of Nonsignificance for the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) on this project on October 13, 2020.The 14 day comment period ended October 27, 2020.There were no appeals in the 7 day appeal period, which ended November 3, 2020. Exhibit A-Proposed Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance Map amendment Letter of Transmittal 3 Authanthlign ID:E53D8D97.2A53-4D85-802C•E49039DA3261 LEWIS COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Leslie Myers,Vice Chair LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Lewis County Board of County Commissioners From: Lewis County Planning Commission Date: November 12,2020 Subject: Transmittal to the BOCC: Amendment to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan to adjust the Capital Facility 10-year Project List Dear Commissioners: The purpose of this report is to transmit to the Board of County Commissioners a draft amendment to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan.The Planning Commission recommends approval for the Capital Facility 10-year Project List. General findings of fact: 1. RCW 36.70A.070(3) establishes that a mandatory element of the comprehensive plan is the capital facilities element. 2. In the 2016 Lewis County Comprehensive Plan, the Utilities and Capital Facilities Element includes a 10-Year Capital Facilities Project List,Table CF-7 on Page CF-36. 3. Earlier this year, the Lewis County Capital Facilities Committee prepared a revised Capital Facilities 10-Year Project List that amends the list of projects within Table CF-7. 4. The updated 2020 Capital Facilities 10-Year Project List requires amending Table CF-7 in the current version of the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan. 5. LCC 17.12, Public Participation establishes procedures to amend the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan. 6. The Lewis County Planning Commission held a public workshop on September 29, 2020 to discuss the 10-Year Project List proposed by the Capital Facilities Committee. Upon conclusion of the workshop, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to hold a public hearing on November 10, 2020. 7. The county published a legal notice in The Daily Chronicle on October 20, 2020 advertising a public hearing on the proposed Capital Facilities 10-Year Project List. Letter of Transmittal 1 Authentisign ID:E53D6D97.A53-4D85-802C•E490390A3261 8. Before the public hearing date, the Lewis County Planning Commission received and considered the Capital Facilities 10-Year Project List. Copies of all materials were available to the public in accordance with LCC 17.12. 9. The Lewis County Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 10, 2020 and received public testimony on the Capital Facilities 10-Year Project List as a proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan. Conclusions After closing the public hearing, the Planning Commission deliberated on the amendment to Table CF-7 and came to the following conclusions: 1. The 2020 Capital Facilities 10-Year Project List satisfies the consistency requirements of the Growth Management Act, the Lewis County Countywide Planning Policies, and each element of the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan; and, 2. Satisfies the public's general health, safety, and welfare. Recommendation Based on the forestated findings of fact and conclusions, the Planning Commission recommends that the Board of County Commissioners pass an ordinance to adopt the proposed changes to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan as shown in Exhibits A. Aufheniist , crr &e Atge'tb 11/20/2020 Submitted by Date ar/20 i 1.06.05 AM Pa Leslie Mv[yers, Vice Chair Lewis County Planning Commission Additional Notes 1. The Lewis County Community Development will forward a draft of Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Washington State Department of Commerce for their 60- day review with all of the other proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments for 2020. WAC 365-196-640 requires comprehensive plans to be considered by the governing body concurrently and may not be considered more frequently than once every year, so that the cumulative effect of various proposals can be ascertained Exhibit A-Proposed Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance Map amendment Letter of Transmittal 2 COPIED AND PASTED ONTO ONE DOCUMENT Feb. 8,2021,from Tyler Gaskill My wife and I strongly object the amendment to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinance request made by Jorgensen Timber Company and the Lewis County Planning Commission.Our home is situated on parcel number 01499800700 and directly abuts the northeast corner section of Jorgensen's parcel number 014997000000.As we've stated in our previous letters to the Planning Commission,we're concerned about the impacts that this rezoning decision will have on our property value,the environmental impacts, our well water quality and our overall quality of life. Since we wrote our letters to the County Planning Commission,we've discovered some new concerns and some discrepancies with the proposed amendment change. According to the General Findings of Fact section in the Letter of Transmittal from the Lewis County Planning Commission it states that RCW 36.70A.040 requires Lewis County to designate mineral resource lands through its comprehensive plan and adopt development regulations conserving these designated mineral resource lands. I researched RCW 36.70A.040 and disagree that it is a requirement that this land must be designated as a mineral resource land. RCW 36.70A.040 clearly states that the county shall designate critical areas, agriculture lands,forest lands, and mineral resource lands and adopt development regulations conserving these designated agriculture lands,forest lands,and mineral resource lands and protect these designated critical areas.The parcels in question are already designated forest land which provides protections of the natural resources.With the current supply of minerals projected to last more than 40 years, I think it's safe to say that we have time to locate other areas of mineral resource lands with less impact on the environment and county residents. Also located in the General Findings of Fact section of the Letter of Transmittal it describes the amendment as a Type V application that requires proper public notice which is defined in table 17.05-1 under LLC 17.05.080.Type V applications must give the public notice in the following ways: mailed notice, notice posted on all road frontages that provide primary vehicle access to the subject property, notice published in the newspaper, and notice published at libraries and senior centers. My wife and I received a mailed notice,we don't subscribe to the newspaper(most people don't), libraries and senior centers have been closed due to Covid 19 and we drove all the roadways leading to the subject property to discover that no signs have been posted to notify the public. In summary,only the residents that live within 500 feet of Jorgensen's parcels were given adequate public notice. I does not appear all requirements for the Type V application was followed and we strongly believe that a better effort to give public notice should be required to allow public input. In the Conclusion section of the Letter of Transmittal from the Lewis County Planning Commission it states that the amendment meets the requirements of the Growth Management Act, Lewis County Countywide Planning Policies,the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and all other state and federal laws. It also states that it protects the public's general health, safety and welfare. Here's what I found under the Countywide Planning Policy: Page 1 of 10 8. Natural Resources Maintain and enhance natural resource based industries including productive timber,agriculture, mineral extraction,and fisheries industries. Encourage the conservation of productive forest lands and productive agriculture lands and discourage incompatible uses. 10. Environment Protect the environment and enhance Lewis County's high quality of life including air and water quality and availability of water. • 10.1 Floodplains, wetlands,watersheds, and aquifers are essential components of the hydrologic system and shall be managed through interagency agreements to protect surface and groundwater quality • 10.3 Septic systems, disposal of dredge spoils and land excavation,filling and clearing activities shall conform to critical area development regulations and not have significant adverse effect on Lewis County water bodies with respect to public health,fisheries,aquifers,water quality, wetlands and fish and wildlife habitat. • 10.7 All jurisdictions should work towards developing policies and regulations outlining best management practices within aquifer recharge areas to protect the quality of groundwater. After reading these policies it seems clear that we should encourage Jorgensen Timber to continue conserving the forest lands and growing marketable timber.The presence of another mine in the area will undoubtedly have a devastating impact on the environment. It will disrupt our quality of life, damage our community water supply and destroy wildlife habitat.The Lewis County Planning Commission workshop report for the Jorgensen property lists the potential land use impacts on the surrounding area including: noise from machinery and blasting,vibrations from blasting, dust,ground water contamination and alteration,aesthetic alteration, increased traffic, heavy loads or equipment on roadways, potential increase to fires and emergency response services, potential increase to law enforcement protection, and mine will need to access to a water supply. During our research we also discovered that a member of the Lewis County Planning Commission is a member of the Jorgensen Family. Lorie Spogen is the Manager of Jorgensen Timber, LLC, a member of the LLC and its registered agent.Jorgensen Timber is one of the largest land owners in Lewis County and having a chair on the Lewis County Planning Commission feels like an unfair advantage to their objectives and a conflict of interest. It's also alarming to have an agenda with the Lewis County Planning Commission that potentially awards Jorgensen Timber with an estimated 10 million dollars in mineral resources. Lastly see exhibit A and exhibit B attached below. Exhibit A is a picture of our back yard today. Exhibit B shows the natural buffer attempt made by Goods Quarry between the mine and the residents on Rayburn Rd.The giant dirt mound ridge directly abuts the property line of two resident properties and no attempts are made or enforced to plant vegetation along the buffer to disguise the mine and no attempts made for erosion control.This is concerning since my home sits roughly 40 feet from the Page 2 of 10 Jorgensen property line and sits perched on moderately steep slope.The beautiful treed landscape behind our home will be gone and the erosion and landslide concerns will become real.Jorgensen's attorney Heather Burgess downplayed our concern of how close the mine will be to our back door.She mentioned legally the mine must be 200 feet away from a residence.When you mention it as 200 feet it may seem like a sufficient distance but really that's only 66yards.That's barely over half of a football field and easy touchdown pass for Russell Wilson. Basically the workers of the mine and I will be able to play catch in the back yard. <END> Feb. 8,2021,from Heather Burgess on behalf of Phillips Burgess PLLC As you know,this firm represents Jorgensen Timber, LLC,the Applicant for the above-referenced application, and I appeared on behalf of the Applicant before the Planning Commission at the October 27, 2020 public hearing on the proposal. Pursuant to Lewis County Code ("LCC") 17.12.050(2)(e)(v), members of the public had up to one week following the hearing to submit additional written comments. On November 6, 2020,the County provided the Applicant with a copy of the additional comments received within this additional comment period,totaling sixteen pages. This letter provides the Applicant's response to these additional public comments. In the interest of efficiency,the additional comments are generally summarized below,followed by the Applicant's response in italics: Impacts of the Existing Quarry and/or its Proposed Expansion. Several commenters expressed concerns regarding various impacts of the existing Good Quarry and proposed expansion of that quarry on their homes and properties. Applicant's Response: The impacts of the existing Good's Quarry operation and any proposed expansion of the mining area of Good's Quarry on the commenters' properties are matters well outside the Applicant's control. Any impacts of this existing mine are respectfully also outside the scope of the criteria that the Planning Commission are to consider in evaluating the proposed rezone of the Applicant's property under the opt-in provisions for mineral resource land designation found in LCC 17.30.850. This does not mean that the commenters are without remedy or recourse, however, as the County has jurisdiction to enforce existing permit conditions, and any future expansion of the existing mine will require review under the State Environmental Policy Act("SEPA") (RCW 43.21C) as well as Hearing Examiner approval of a new Special Use Permit("SUP") applying specific land use standards for surface mines(LCC 17.142.200(1)). As County staff discussed during the October 27, 2020 Planning Commission public hearing, the County's approval criteria under LCC 17.142.200 for new and expanded surface mines are robust and must be met in addition to the general use findings in LCC 17.142.020 required for all applications. For ease of the Planning Commission's reference,an excerpt of the surface mining approval standards from LCC 17.142.200 is attached at Tab A. Environmental Impacts of Future Mine Operations. Commenters generally expressed concern with a number of potential environmental impacts of future mining operations including slope stability, water quality,well water quality, aquifer recharge, habitat,flooding, noise, and vibrations. Page 3 of 10 Applicant's Response: As described in the preceding response and detailed in the County staff's presentation and hearing report for the October 27, 2020 Planning Commission public hearing, these types of impacts will be reviewed at the time a specific future mine project is proposed at the Applicant's property. The timing and duration of possible mining activity will depend on market conditions such as price,demand, quality, and competition. In addition,the extent of potential mining on the Applicant's property also has not been determined at this stage of the process. Approval of any future mine will require County review under the State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPA") (RCW 43.21C) as well as Hearing Examiner approval of a new Special Use Permit("SUP") applying specific land use standards for surface mines (LCC 17.142.200(1)). County standards for surface mines in LCC 17.142.200(2) include specific requirements and limits applicable to setbacks/screening, road use, traffic safety, noise, light, blasting, and hours of operation. LCC 17.142.200(2)(e)imposes additional standards for surface mines proposed in aquifer recharge areas. With respect to one commenter's assertion that a future mine would be "within 40 feet of their backdoor"that is not legally possible;the minimum setback to an existing dwelling under LCC 17.142.200(2)(a)(iv) is currently 200 feet and state mining standards require a minimum of a 100-foot setback from the property line. Under applicable standards, any future mining permit will also require detailed analysis of groundwater conditions at the site to include assessment of potential impact to surrounding wells. With respect to environmental impacts specific to this non-project proposal,the Applicant also notes for purposes of the record that the March 17, 2020 SEPA determination for the proposed rezone was not appealed. Impacts of Future Mine Operations—Property Values. Some commenters expressed concern regarding potential adverse impact on their residential property values from future mine operations. Applicant's Response: As detailed in the County staff's presentation and hearing report for the October 27,2020 Planning Commission public hearing, a surface mine is an allowed use on the Jorgensen property with the existing RDD-20 zoning. The existing Good Quarry, located immediately to the south, is an example of a permitted mine within the RDD-20 zone. The commenters' claims of additional adverse impact to property values,which will result from designation of the Jorgensen property as mineral resource land are not substantiated with specific evidence. Moreover,while potential impacts to surrounding property values are not a factor for consideration within the approval criteria for the proposed rezone,the value of the expected mineral resource within the Jorgensen property is. The submitted Geologic Assessment for the Jorgensen property estimates that value at$10 million, or ten times what the code specifies as the minimum expected value for opt-in designation. See LCC 17.30.720(2). Current "Recreational" Use of Property. One commenter expressed that the Jorgensen property is currently a "safe area available for recreational ..." uses and so should not be converted to other uses. Applicant's Response: The Jorgensen property is privately owned, forested, property to which no recreational or casual users have current legal rights of access. Any members of the public who may be accessing the property for recreation as described in this comment are illegally trespassing and should respectfully cease and desist. Mr. Battuello's Qualifications. One commenter questioned the validity of Mr. Battuello's professional credentials based on an internet search. Page 4 of 10 Applicant's Response: A copy of Mr. Battuello's professional licensure is attached at Tab B. Mr. Battuello's CV documenting his academic and professional credentials and extensive experience with surface mines and related permitting in Washington was enclosed with the Applicant's comment for the October 27, 2020 Planning Commission Public Hearing and is part of the record. In general terms,the comments that the Planning Commission received during and after the public hearing opposing the Applicant's proposal express strong dislike of mining and community displeasure that the Jorgensen property may be mined at some point in the future. In Washington, it is well-settled that citizen complaints and expressions of community displeasure are not legally adequate grounds to deny a land use application. See Anderson v. Pierce Cty., 86 Wn. App. 290, 305,936 P.2d 432,441 (1997). Rather, in the land use context, a reviewing body,whether it be the Hearing Examiner, the Planning Commission,or the Board of County Commissioners, must confine its consideration to applying the standards and criteria in the laws and codes governing the application to the facts of the specific application under review. Maranatha Min., Inc.v. Pierce Cty., 59 Wn.App.795,804-05,801 P.2d 985, 991-92 (1990). While the Applicant's neighbors may object,the fact is that the Applicant's proposal meets the approval criteria in LCC 17.30.850 and is fully consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan as detailed in the staff's October 27,2020 hearing report. As a result,the Planning Commission both can and should recommend approval of the proposed rezone to the Board of County Commissioners. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this response to additional public comment. <END> Feb. 8, 2021,email from Julie Woolford We are opposed to Ordinance 1323.Allowing more mining is detrimental to the land. Since there currently are two mines in our area that have continual blasting going on, we certainly don't need or want another one. They have caused cracks in our home, violent shaking and everything else that goes along with blasts.We moved to this rural area believing that we would have peace and quiet, not mining blasts, quaking and ruined lands. <END> Feb. 5, 2021,from Brett and Tammy Wells My husband and myself, Brett and Tammy Wells, are writing in protest of the rezoning of Jorgensen's land to mineral resource land.This request appears to be in line with the Jorgensen family intending to mine the two parcels for basalt rock.We already have the detrimental Good Quarry within 2,700 feet of our home and are aware of their request to mine the entire hillside across to Hale Rd to the Johnson quarry. If the Jorgensen family is allowed to mine their two parcels, it will result in a second mine within Page 5 of 10 2,700 feet of our home.This means we would have two large mining operations a half mile away from us and many others in our community.These mines do and will greatly impact our tranquil community due to the noise pollution, disturbed water quality,and other issues. By allowing Jorgensen's proposal,the county would be disregarding our entire community of homes and farms with hundreds of residents within a mile of the existing and proposed mines.This proposal is particularly discouraging because, despite our seemingly close proximity,we would not have even known about this proposal if it were not for our neighbors having land abutting Jorgensen's property. This proposal was originally submitted in December 2019, but by Lewis County only requiring notification of those within 500 feet of the proposed mining area per Lewis County Code 17.05.080(3)(a)(ii)), it makes the county appear complicit in these entities' clear disregard for our entire community and way of life.And,while it is understood an ordinance to change LCC 17.05.080 would be required,the county would be remiss to disregard our concerns regarding these industrial applications. If county officials were present when the Goods' quarry blasts from a distance (2,680 feet) nearly identical in distance from where Jorgensen's land is located (2,670 feet),they would understand the impact of these mines far exceeds 500 feet as the blasts have quite literally shaken our homes. We quite literally hear and feel the resulting wave of sound as it comes barreling out of the pit in all directions. As such, we urge the county commissioners to consider the following effects that the mines have on our community: • The Good Quarry immediately to the south of the proposed area has already damaged homes—an additional, larger pit to the WSW will make the damage to our structures even worse. • The mines are damaging an entire community's water supply and its associated quality based on the increase in sediment and mineral deposits in wells around the community. Allowing continued, excessive mining within such a confined area could completely decimate our water table. • Every time the current quarry blasts, we see an immediate increase in sediment out of our faucets and we located 2,600 feet from the existing quarry. I can only imagine the impacts on wells closer to the mines. • The increased sediment clogs screens and filters in water heaters,well pumps, dish washers,and clothes washers, which causes them to fail years sooner than the expected lifespan of the appliances. • Since the good quarry opened in 2003,our water has become hard and polluted with increasing mineral deposits and other pollutants. It has gotten to the point that the water turns sinks and tubs orange due to the extra iron and now have to buy bottled water for regular consumption. • The existence of an additional quarry will cause property values to fall and deter future growth in the community. • The constant noise and shaking caused by the mining operations is detrimental to the community's quality of life—humans, animals,flora,and wildlife alike. • In addition to the large swath of Port Blakely land recently logged in an area adjacent to the projected land, the 80 acres of land affected by this permit would more severely impact local wildlife as it will displace them from their established home range and habitats, causing undue stress. Page 6 of 10 • The expanded operations removes hundreds of acres of safe area available for recreational horseback riding and hiking by the local community. • The blasting rattles and breaks delicate and valuable property in our homes and on our property. • The blasting damages windows and walls and cracks foundations of homes, making them unsafe and potentially ineligible for resale. The fact the county allowed the existing quarry to be opened so close to the water table and the critical aquifer recharging area is baffling. But to now allow that pit to expand and then allow another 80 acre pit immediately to the northwest is irresponsible planning by the county as it paints the county as greedy with zero regard for its residents. It is also quite unsettling that the conflicts of interest between the county and the proposed mine's land owners is not being duly considered. Laurie Spogen is a governing officer of Jorgensen Timber and also holds a seat on the county planning commission. While she may have recused herself from the planning commission vote to move the proposal forward, it still does not alleviate the county from being unduly influenced.A conflict of interest also presents itself in the fact that the county is a primary customer of Good's quarry currently and would also likely be so for the Jorgensen property.As such, the county would benefit substantially from these quarries thereby creating the conflict of interest. We urge the county leadership to not follow in their predecessor's footsteps by considering the community to be pests in the way of its quest to acquire rock from a convenient location. Please do not forsake an entire community out of pure convenience. But rather,consider that allowing the continued expansion of mining operations in such a confined area would decimate our entire community and way of life. <END> Jan. 28,2021,from Tammy Wells Thank you for your response and I understand your position as I am a state government employee myself. My primary intent of including you for this email was due to the lack of notification that was promised those that sent in letters previously who did not live immediately adjacent to the property in question. <END> Jan. 27,2021,from Tammy Wells Per the Planning Commission Public Hearing held on November 10, 2020, EVERYONE that wrote in for that meeting was supposed to be notified when the County was going to hear about the rezoning proposal for the Jorgensen property in Evaline at the Commissioners meeting, however only those living immediately adjacent to the property in question were notified today. Please explain why the rest of us were not notified? By choosing not to notify all parties, it makes me feel as if the county is trying to be Page 7 of 10 deceitful and hide the progression of this proposal as it moves through the approval process despite the county being well aware many in the nearby community are not in favor of this proposal. For proof of submission, I am responding by forwarding the email you acknowledged receiving in November last year. I am also cc'ing our district's Commissioner, so she is aware. <END> Feb. 4,2021,from Ken and Robin Pedrazzetti My husband & I took the opportunity to purchase our residence (parcel 014998006000) 26+years ago with the intention of creating our forever home to raise our two daughters in the natural environment of country living and give them the educational opportunities they would receive in smaller school districts. In 2005 we purchased parcel 014998008000 with the vision that one day we may want to build there or one of our children would have the opportunity to do so. Both pieces of property are our hope of leaving both daughters a financial foundation from which they could build upon after our lives are lived on in their hearts. We are opposed to the request of changing the Comprehensive Plan and ask that each of you try to put yourselves in our physical shoes. If these parcels were owned by you or one of your family members would you determine that$10 million dollars acquired by another stripping the minerals and disrupting the environment to maybe provide 4-10 jobs to our economy be worth the price you would pay for losing your livelihood? We already have Good's Quarry nearby which has initiated the process for expansion to the west. Within the past 1 1/2 years we have experienced a diminishment of well water quality& quantity,an increase of heavy equipment noise, rock blasting and probably a lower air quality. We have concerns about future land stability and effects to critical aquifer recharge areas.The only value that hasn't been reduced as of yet is Real Property. It is our hope that as you go through your check list of potential land use impacts, that you can also see through the eyes of our neighbors and the impact it has to all families residing in the Evaline District (which outweigh the number of jobs that might be created), please remember that trees are renewable; rocks are not and agree to deny this proposal.Thank you for your time&consideration. <END> Feb. 3 from Ted and Paulette Rautio Right up front, I will say my husband,Ted Rautio and myself, Paulette Rautio,are against the rezoning of Jorgensen's land to allow for a new rock quarry.We already have the Good Quarry in our neighborhood with its desire to mine the entire hillside across to Hale Rd. By allowing Jorgensen's proposal,the county would be disregarding the following ramifications to our small community: Page 8 of 10 • It is in a highly desirable and growing community of residents and farms with hundreds of homes within a mile of these mines. • It will further the damage to our water supply and its associated quality as they breach the aquifer and water table the entire community depends on. • The Good Quarry immediately to the east of the proposed area has damaged homes—an additional and larger pit will make the damage to our structures even worse • The existence of an additional quarry will damage the home values in the area • The constant noise and microquakes is detrimental to the community's quality of life—humans, animals, and wildlife alike • It will displace local wildlife from their natural habitat • The blasting rattles pictures and delicate decorations hung on our walls • The blasting damages windows, breaking the seals • The blasting damages walls and cracks foundations of homes • Every time the current quarry blasts,we see an immediate increase in sediment out of our faucets and we are 3,000 feet from the quarry. • Since the good quarry opened in 2003, our water has become hard and tastes weird due to increasing mineral deposits. The fact the county even allowed the existing quarry to be opened so close to the water table and the critical aquifer recharging area is baffling. But to now allow that pit to expand and then allow another pit immediately to the west is just plain irresponsible. By allowing another quarry in such close proximity, the county would be completely disregarding the community's quality of life. Unlike in the past, please do not discount us as pests, but rather,consider that allowing the continued expansion of these mines in such a confined area would completely decimate our entire community and way of life. Please do not forsake an entire community out of convenience of being able to get to some rock.### <E N D> Feb. 2,2021,from Lovejoy Schell I was typing an e-mail to you on the attached subject when I hit the wrong keys and I think it sent it to you before I was done,so please ignore whatever may have come in from me on your e-mail. I decided to send it via fax instead. The area to the east and southeast of this proposal is basically residential with lot sizes anywhere from 1/2 acre and up. I count approximately 38 lots in the vicinity between the existing rock quarry and Tennessee Road with almost all of them containing a residence.We have had to deal with the noise from a saw mill and a rock quarry for years. I can tell you that since the existing rock quarry went in I have been plagued with, to date, 9 sheetrock nails that have or are in the process of backing themselves out of our ceiling. Since the last expansion of the rock quarry the emergency hand pump we put down our well a few years ago is no longer picking up any water and will have to be redone. I have also noticed that I now have two double pane windows that have lost their seal.We are talking about a very well constructed stick built house from 2005 built by what we were told was one of your best contractors in Lewis County.When Page 9 of 10 the blast makes the metal pictures I have hanging on the wall rattle, I am smart enough to know that it is doing more to our house and possibly our well than just a little vibration. A family that lived in the Quary Lane cul-de-sac moved several years ago saying that the blasts had put a crack in their foundation. Obviously this new proposal will also have an adverse affect on our property values. I'm sure the County would love to have this rock quarry as it is close to a maintenance yard and area construction, but what if it were in YOUR backyard.Would you still be thrilled to have it?We have 12 families on our street and 10 of them all use one community well. If the aquifer sustains a crack that lets the water from our supply seep out,then what?This is not a land use that is compatible with a residential area. I'm sure there are other places in this county that have rock to mine that are not in a residential area. Please consider this proposal carefully, and if you still wish to pass it. please be smart enough to put conditions on it that will protect the residents in the area, like two small blasts instead of one big one; times of operation, noise mitigation, etc. You move to the country hoping for a little quiet when you go outside and instead all you hear part of the time is chunk chunk chunk chunk-chunk. chunk. chunk, chunk-for the next few hours. <END> Jan. 27,2021,from Georgie Nelson Parcel 014997000000 and Nelson Tree Farm share a property line.We have the 40 acres directly North. Our parcel is 014996000000 and we are concerned about our domestic water well. We are also concerned about our year round water spring situated in the south west corner of our property next to the property line with Jorgensen Timber.We are very concerned that the loss of either water supply will harm us very much. Thank you. Nelson Tree Farm Inc. President,Georgie Nelson <END> Page 10 of 10 Rieva Lester From: Brianna Uy Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 9:00 AM To: Rieva Lester Subject: FW: Ordinance 1323 Response Attachments: Jorgensen Timber.docx Rieva, Please see the attached public comment received today. Brianna From:Tyler Gaskill <tyhonker @yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 8:56 AM To: Brianna Uy<Brianna.Uy @lewiscountywa.gov> Subject: Ordinance 1323 Response External Email - Remember to think before you click! This message may contain links with malware, viruses, etc. Please ensure the message is le•itimate before o•enin• it. February 8, 2021 Brianna Uy, Planner Lewis County Planning Commission 2025 NE Kresky Ave Chehalis,WA, 98532 Re: Supplemental Objection to Re-Zoning of Parcels 014997000000&015001001000 to Mineral Resource Land Dear Ms. Uy and Board of County Commissioners, My wife and I strongly object the amendment to the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinance request made by Jorgensen Timber Company and the Lewis County Planning Commission. Our home is situated on parcel number 01499800700 and directly abuts the northeast corner section of Jorgensen's parcel number 014997000000. As we've stated in our previous letters to the Planning Commission, we're concerned about the impacts that this rezoning decision will have on our property value, the environmental impacts, our well water quality and our overall quality of life. Since we wrote our letters to the County Planning Commission, we've discovered some new concerns and some discrepancies with the proposed amendment change. According to the General Findings of Fact section in the Letter of Transmittal from the Lewis County Planning Commission it states that RCW 36.70A.040 requires Lewis County to designate mineral resource lands through its comprehensive plan and adopt development regulations conserving these designated mineral resource lands. I researched RCW 36.70A.040 and disagree that it is a requirement that this land must be designated as a mineral resource land. RCW 36.70A.040 clearly states that the county shall designate critical areas,agriculture lands,forest lands,and mineral resource lands and adopt development regulations conserving these designated agriculture lands, forest lands, and mineral resource lands and protect these designated critical areas.The parcels in question are already designated forest land which provides protections of the natural resources. With the current supply of minerals projected to last more than 40 years, I think it's safe to say that we have time to locate other areas of mineral resource lands with less impact on the environment and county residents. Also located in the General Findings of Fact section of the Letter of Transmittal it describes the amendment as a Type V application that requires proper public notice which is defined in table 17.05-1 under LLC 17.05.080.Type V applications must give the public notice in the following ways: mailed notice, notice posted on all road frontages that provide primary vehicle access to the subject property, notice published in the newspaper, and notice published at libraries and senior centers. My wife and I received a mailed notice, we don't subscribe to the newspaper (most people don't), libraries and senior centers have been closed due to Covid 19 and we drove all the roadways leading to the subject property to discover that no signs have been posted to notify the public. In summary, only the residents that live within 500 feet of Jorgensen's parcels were given adequate public notice. I does not appear all requirements for the Type V application was followed and we strongly believe that a better effort to give public notice should be required to allow public input. In the Conclusion section of the Letter of Transmittal from the Lewis County Planning Commission it states that the amendment meets the requirements of the Growth Management Act, Lewis County Countywide Planning Policies,the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan and all other state and federal laws. It also states that it protects the public's general health, safety and welfare. Here's what I found under the Countywide Planning Policy: 8.Natural Resources Maintain and enhance natural resource based industries including productive timber,agriculture, mineral extraction,and fisheries industries. Encourage the conservation of productive forest lands and productive agriculture lands and discourage incompatible uses. 10. Environment Protect the environment and enhance Lewis County's high quality of life including air and water quality and availability of water. • 10.1 Floodplains,wetlands, watersheds,and aquifers are essential components of the hydrologic system and shall be managed through interagency agreements to protect surface and groundwater quality • 10.3 Septic systems, disposal of dredge spoils and land excavation,filling and clearing activities shall conform to critical area development regulations and not have significant adverse effect on Lewis County water bodies with respect to public health,fisheries, aquifers, water quality, wetlands and fish and wildlife habitat. • 10.7 All jurisdictions should work towards developing policies and regulations outlining best management practices within aquifer recharge areas to protect the quality of groundwater. After reading these policies it seems clear that we should encourage Jorgensen Timber to continue conserving the forest lands and growing marketable timber.The presence of another mine in the area will undoubtedly have a devastating impact on the environment. It will disrupt our quality of life,damage our community water supply and destroy wildlife habitat. The Lewis County Planning Commission workshop report for the Jorgensen property lists the potential land use impacts on the surrounding area including: noise from machinery and blasting, vibrations from blasting, dust, ground water contamination and alteration, aesthetic alteration, increased traffic, heavy loads or equipment on roadways, potential increase to fires and emergency response services, potential increase to law enforcement protection,and mine will need to access to a water supply. During our research we also discovered that a member of the Lewis County Planning Commission is a member of the Jorgensen Family. Lorie Spogen is the Manager of Jorgensen Timber, LLC,a member of the LLC and its registered agent. Jorgensen Timber is one of the largest land owners in Lewis County and having a chair on the Lewis County Planning Commission feels like an unfair advantage to their objectives and a conflict of interest. It's also alarming to have an agenda with the Lewis County Planning Commission that potentially awards Jorgensen Timber with an estimated 10 million dollars in mineral resources. Lastly see exhibit A and exhibit B attached below. Exhibit A is a picture of our back yard today. Exhibit B shows the natural buffer attempt made by Goods Quarry between the mine and the residents on Rayburn Rd.The giant dirt mound ridge directly abuts the property line of two resident properties and no attempts are made or enforced to plant vegetation along the buffer to disguise the mine and no attempts made for erosion control. This is concerning since my home sits roughly 40 feet from the Jorgensen property line and sits perched on moderately steep slope.The beautiful treed landscape behind our home will be gone and the erosion and landslide concerns will become real. Jorgensen's attorney Heather Burgess downplayed our concern of how close the mine will be to our back door. She mentioned legally the mine must be 200 feet away from a residence. When you mention it as 200 feet it may seem like a sufficient distance but really that's only 66yards. That's barely over half of a football field and easy touchdown pass for Russell Wilson. Basically the workers of the mine and I will be able to play catch in the back yard. Exhibit A. Exhibit B. C 1.' ; ,....',.,'..1 A' �.. ,mayI. . , ij41 t, , . , .. • I; f \. • • • • Rieva Lester From: Brianna Uy Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 8:46 AM To: Rieva Lester Subject: FW:Jorgensen Timber - Applicant's Response Attachments: 2020.11.09 Ltr Lewis Co re Opt-In Application - Response to Additional Public Comment.pdf Importance: High Rieva, Please see applicants response to public comments. Brianna Brianna Uy Associate Planner Lewis County Community Development 2025 NE Kresky Ave Chehalis, WA 98532 360-740-2602 Brianna.Uv@lewiscountvwa.gov<—updated email Note my last name changed from Teitzel to Uy. Please update your contacts accordingly. From: Heather Burgess<hburgess @phillipsburgesslaw.com> Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 8:36 AM To: Brianna Uy<Brianna.Uy @lewiscountywa.gov> Cc: Dan Penrose -SCJ Alliance (dan.penrose @scjalliance.com)<dan.penrose @scjalliance.com>; peter.battuello @perteet.com; Eric Eisenberg<Eric.Eisenberg @lewiscountywa.gov>;Jens Jorgensen <jens @jorgensentimber.com> Subject:Jorgensen Timber-Applicant's Response Importance: High Dear Ms. Uy, As the public comments received for today's hearing before the BOCC generally mirror those received at the Planning Commission, and because I also understand that the BOCC will not have the entirety of the Planning Commission record in front of it, I respectfully request that the Applicant's prior letter responding to public comment dated 11/9/2020 (copy attached) also be provided to the Board. Best, Heather Heather Burgess Attorney hburgess@phillipsburgesslaw.com I website I v-card 1 We have moved!Our Olympia office is now located at: 111 21St AVE SW,Olympia,WA 98501 1 360.742.3500 Tacoma physical address:915 S.I Street,Tacoma,WA 98405 I Tacoma mailing address:PO Box 5496 Tacoma,WA.98405 1 253.292.6640 FaPHILLIPS � BURGESS PLLC REAL ESTATE I LAND USE I ENVIRONMENTAL LAW IMPORTANT/CONFIDENTIAL:This e-mail message(and any attachments accompanying it)may contain confidential information,including information protected by attorney-client privilege.The information is intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s).Delivery of this message to anyone other than the intended recipient(s)is not intended to waive any privilege or otherwise detract from the confidentiality of the message.If you are not the intended recipient,or if this message has been addressed to you in error,do not read,disclose,reproduce,distribute,disseminate or otherwise use this transmission, rather,please promptly notify the sender by reply e-mail,and then destroy all copies of the message and its attachments,if any. External Email - Remember to think before you click! This message may contain links with malware, viruses, etc. Please ensure the message is legitimate before o•enin• it. 2 PHILLIPS BURGESS PLLC REAL ESTATE I LAND USE I ENVIRONMENTAL LAW November 10, 2020 TRANSMITTED VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL ONLY Brianna.uv(a,lewiscountvwaiov Lewis County Planning Commission do Ms. Brianna Uy,Associate Planner Lewis County Community Development 351 NW North Street Chehalis, Washington 98532 Re: Jorgensen Timber, LLC—Resource Land Opt-In Application(RZ19-00001) Applicant's Response to Public Comments Received After October 27,2020 Public Hearing Dear Planning Commissioners: As you know,this firm represents Jorgensen Timber,LLC,the Applicant for the above- referenced application,and I appeared on behalf of the Applicant before the Planning Commission at the October 27,2020 public hearing on the proposal. Pursuant to Lewis County Code("LCC") 17.12.050(2)(e)(v),members of the public had up to one week following the hearing to submit additional written comments. On November 6,2020,the County provided the Applicant with a copy of the additional comments received within this additional comment period,totaling sixteen pages. This letter provides the Applicant's response to these additional public comments. In the interest of efficiency,the additional comments are generally summarized below,followed by the Applicant's response in italics: Impacts of the Existing Quarry and/or its Proposed Expansion. Several commenters expressed concerns regarding various impacts of the existing Good Quarry and proposed expansion of that quarry on their homes and properties. Applicant's Response: The impacts of the existing Good's Quarry operation and any proposed expansion of the mining area of Good's Quarry on the commenters'properties are matters well outside the Applicant's control. Any impacts of this existing mine are respectfully also outside the scope of the criteria that the Planning Commission are to consider in evaluating the proposed rezone of the Applicant's property under the opt-in provisions for mineral resource land designation found in LCC 17.30.850. This does not mean that the commenters are without remedy or recourse, however, as the County has jurisdiction to enforce existing permit conditions, and any future expansion of the existing mine will require review under the State 111-21"Avenue SW Olympia.WA 98501 I 360.742.3500 915 S.I Street.Tacoma,WA 98405 1 253.292.6640 WWW.PHILLIPSBURGESSLAW.COM Tacoma Mailing:PO Box 5496.Tacoma.WA 98415 Lewis County Planning Commission do Ms.Brianna Uy,Associate Planner November 10,2020 Page 12 Environmental Policy Act("SEPA') (RCW 43.21C) as well as Hearing Examiner approval of a new Special Use Permit("SUP") applying specific land use standards for surface mines (LCC 17.142.200(1)). As County staff discussed during the October 27, 2020 Planning Commission public hearing, the County's approval criteria under LCC 17.142.200 for new and expanded surface mines are robust and must be met in addition to the general use findings in LCC 17.142.020 required for all applications. For ease of the Planning Commission's reference, an excerpt of the surface mining approval standards from LCC 17.142.200 is attached at Tab A. Environmental Impacts of Future Mine Operations. Commenters generally expressed concern with a number of potential environmental impacts of future mining operations including slope stability,water quality,well water quality,aquifer recharge,habitat,flooding,noise, and vibrations. Applicant's Response: As described in the preceding response and detailed in the County staff's presentation and hearing report for the October 27, 2020 Planning Commission public hearing, these types of impacts will be reviewed at the time a specific future mine project is proposed at the Applicant's property. The timing and duration of possible mining activity will depend on market conditions such as price, demand, quality, and competition. In addition, the extent of potential mining on the Applicant's property also has not been determined at this stage of the process. Approval of any future mine will require County review under the State Environmental Policy Act("SEPA') (RCW 43.21C)as well as Hearing Examiner approval of a new Special Use Permit("SUP') applying specific land use standards for surface mines(LCC 17.142.200(1)). County standards for surface mines in LCC 17.142.200(2) include specific requirements and limits applicable to setbacks/screening, road use, traffic safety, noise, light, blasting, and hours of operation. LCC 17.142.200(2)(e) imposes additional standards for surface mines proposed in aquifer recharge areas. With respect to one commenter's assertion that a future mine would be "within 40 feet of their backdoor"that is not legally possible; the minimum setback to an existing dwelling under LCC 17.142.200(2)(a)(iv) is currently 200 feet and state mining standards require a minimum of a 100 foot setback from the property line. Under applicable standards, any future mining permit will also require detailed analysis of groundwater conditions at the site to include assessment of potential impact to surrounding wells. With respect to environmental impacts specific to this non project proposal, the Applicant also notes for purposes of the record that the March 17, 2020 SEPA determination for the proposed rezone was not appealed. Impacts of Future Mine Operations—Property Values. Some commenters expressed concern regarding potential adverse impact on their residential property values from future mine operations. Applicant's Response: As detailed in the County staffs presentation and hearing report for the October 27, 2020 Planning Commission public hearing, a surface mine is an allowed use on the Jorgensen property with the existing RDD-20 zoning. The existing Good Quarry, located Lewis County Planning Commission c/o Ms. Brianna Uy,Associate Planner November 10,2020 Page 13 immediately to the south, is an example of a permitted mine within the RDD-20 zone. The commenters'claims of additional adverse impact to property values, which will result from designation of the Jorgensen property as mineral resource land are not substantiated with specific evidence. Moreover, while potential impacts to surrounding property values are not a factor for consideration within the approval criteria for the proposed rezone, the value of the expected mineral resource within the Jorgensen property is. The submitted Geologic Assessment for the Jorgensen property estimates that value at$10 million, or ten times what the code specifies as the minimum expected value for opt-in designation. See LCC 17.30.720(2). Current"Recreational" Use of Property. One commenter expressed that the Jorgensen property is currently a"safe area available for recreational ..."uses and so should not be converted to other uses. Applicant's Response: The Jorgensen property is privately owned,forested,property to which no recreational or casual users have current legal rights of access. Any members of the public who may be accessing the property for recreation as described in this comment are illegally trespassing and should respectfully cease and desist. Mr. Battuello's Qualifications. One commenter questioned the validity of Mr. Battuello's professional credentials based on an internet search. Applicant's Response: A copy of Mr. Battuello's professional licensure is attached at Tab B. Mr. Battuello's CV documenting his academic and professional credentials and extensive experience with surface mines and related permitting in Washington was enclosed with the Applicant's comment for the October 27, 2020 Planning Commission Public Hearing and is part of the record In general terms,the comments that the Planning Commission received during and after the public hearing opposing the Applicant's proposal express strong dislike of mining and community displeasure that the Jorgensen property may be mined at some point in the future. In Washington, it is well-settled that citizen complaints and expressions of community displeasure are not legally adequate grounds to deny a land use application. See Anderson v. Pierce Cty., 86 Wn. App. 290, 305,936 P.2d 432,441 (1997). Rather, in the land use context,a reviewing body, whether it be the Hearing Examiner,the Planning Commission,or the Board of County Commissioners,must confine its consideration to applying the standards and criteria in the laws and codes governing the application to the facts of the specific application under review. Maranatha Min., Inc. v. Pierce Cty., 59 Wn.App. 795, 804-05, 801 P.2d 985, 991-92 (1990). While the Applicant's neighbors may object,the fact is that the Applicant's proposal meets the approval criteria in LCC 17.30.850 and is fully consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan as detailed in the staff's October 27,2020 hearing report. As a result,the Planning Commission both can and should recommend approval of the proposed rezone to the Board of County Commissioners. . Lewis County Planning Commission do Ms.Brianna Uy,Associate Planner November 10,2020 Page 14 Thank you for the opportunity to provide this response to additional public comment. Very truly yours, 4/egliWrIpAi/v Heather L. Burgess HLB/dlg cc: (via email only w/attachments) Client Dan Penrose,AICP, Principal,Planning Manager, SCJ Alliance (dan.penrose(a),scialliance.com) Peter Battuello, LG,LHG,Director of Environmental Services,Perteet (peter.battuello(aiperteet.com) Eric Eisenberg, Lewis County Chief Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney (eric.eisenberea lewiscountvwa.Qov) Attachments: Tab A—Code Excerpt, LCC 17.142.200(Land Use Standards—Surface Mines) Tab B—Professional License of Peter Battuello Tab A Code Excerpt, LCC 17.142.200 (Land Use Standards—Surface Mines) I17.142.200 Surface mining areas.° SHRRE (1) Applicability.This section applies to the creation of new surface mining areas or the expansion of lawfully permitted activities beyond an approved DNR reclamation plan area in effect on July 26, 1999; provided, however,this does not cover any mining activity which is less than three acres in size. (2) Mine Development Standards.All permits issued pursuant to this section shall require the following minimum standards.The hearing examiner may increase buffers and mitigation when good cause is shown. (a) Setbacks/Screening. (i)A 50-foot setback from the mine property and from all abutting property, consistent with and subject to the reduction provisions of LCC 17.30.810, shall be maintained for areas of direct cut or fill connected with resource extraction operations. For mining operations,the setbacks may be increased when necessary to provide lateral support for abutting properties or public rights-of-way. (ii) A 25-foot-wide screen,consisting of sight-obscuring vegetation, berms, or other methods approved by Lewis County, shall be maintained within the 50-foot setback on the mine property.This screen is meant to conceal the mine from public rights-of-way and/or property used for residential purposes. (iii) Any direct extraction operation areas within a public utility right-of-way shall be subject to the written conditions of approval from the affected utility, which shall be incorporated into the permit. (iv) A 200-foot setback shall be maintained between any mining activity and any existing structure occupied for sleeping or eating purposes but not including accessory structures such as barns or outbuildings, existing at the date of application. (b) Road Use. To assure the maintenance and development of adequate county roadways, owners of surface mining operations may be required to enter into a haul route agreement with the county engineer upon adoption and implementation of a haul route agreement program.The haul route agreement shall address impacts immediately attributable to the project use. (c) Traffic Safety. The operator may be required to install traffic improvement, control, and warning signs to assure adequate access and traffic safety. (d) Noise/Bright Lights. (i) No development or activity shall exceed the maximum environmental noise levels established by Chapter 173-60 WAC. (ii) Bright lights shall be shaded or shielded from adjoining residential properties. (e) Surface Mining Operation within Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas. Surface mining operations within critical aquifer recharge areas (as designated in Chapter 17.38 LCC) shall meet the following standards: (i) Fuel tanks and oil drums shall be double containment construction and protected by bermed areas having adequate capacity to accommodate, contain, and allow the removal of petroleum spills. Fuel nozzles shall not contain locking devices. Fuel storage shall be above ground. Fueling of mobile equipment shall be located at least 20 feet above the seasonal high ground water level or within lined and bermed areas with adequate capacity to accommodate, contain, and allow the removal of petroleum spills.Where the nature of the operation is such that the machinery cannot be moved for fueling, or the aquifer is less than 20 feet from the surface, the hearing examiner may approve an alternative fueling plan which accomplishes aquifer protection. (ii) All operations shall maintain a fuels/hazardous waste management plan maintained by the operator and available on the site at all times. (iii) Surface mines shall not use any noxious,toxic, flammable, compactable, or combustible materials not specifically authorized by Lewis County department of health for backfill or reclamation. Noncontaminated process water used for gravel washing shall be routed to settling ponds to minimize off-site discharges.A general permit from the Department of Ecology for process and stormwater discharge may substitute for these requirements. (iv) On-site truck and equipment wash runoff shall be routed to retention facilities equipped with an oil-water separator prior to its release to settling ponds. (v) Use of chemicals, petroleum or hazardous products, and disposal of such products, in concrete or asphalt plant operations within critical aquifer recharge areas shall meet the standards set forth in Chapter 90.48 RCW and Chapter 173-303 WAC. (f) Public Safety. Owners of surface mines shall ensure their operation(s)will not be hazardous to neighboring uses. Blasting activities shall be conducted so that ground vibrations comply with all state laws about peak particle velocity, air pressure, and other state requirements, including but not limited to Chapter 9 of the Blasting Guidance Manual identified below. All fly-rock shall be contained within the site.All activities shall comply with the standards set forth in official guidelines, including but not limited to Office of Surface Mining U.S. Department of Interior, Blasting Guidance Manual, 1987 ed., Explosives:WAC 296-52-493, Part F, or as revised. (g) Surface Water Permit.A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) sand and gravel general permit or individual permit, as appropriate, shall be a condition of approval and incorporated herein by reference. (h) Hours of Operation. Regular hours of operation shall be between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.; blasting shall only occur during the time period between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Prior to any blast, 24-hour notice shall be given to all property owners or residences within 500 feet of any mine property line. If a blast does not occur as scheduled in a notification, 24-hour renotification shall be required. The hearing examiner may inquire into the proposed hours of operation and set additional limits when deemed necessary to protect quiet enjoyment of neighboring residential properties.The hearing examiner may include provisions for exceptions from established regular hours of operation. Extended hours may be requested and approved under conditions set by the hearing examiner, particularly for work on public works contracts where an emergency may require work outside regular hours. (3) Exceptions. This permit process shall not be applicable to mines regulated under federal mining laws. [Ord. 1292 §23, 2018] Tab B Peter Battuello Professional License STATE OF WASHINGTON �.+•.t State (�1 DEPARTME NT OF LICENSING GEOLOGIST GEOLOGIST PROGRAM Hydrogeologist PO Box 9012 PETER A BATMELLO Olympia, WA 98507-9012 1228 GRAND AVE EVERETT WA 98201-1511 1 475 10,31!2021 -..a_.. r-.. License Number Expiration Date t L PETER A BATTUELLO 1228 GRAND AVE EVERETT WA 98201-1511 .,i. ^- _ i. ..: T:� -.- ... •s+—,��� Y.. _ ter_ a^s+nw,±-- .ti,. ._~`�`✓!' +i: - °�'T"r`°, STATE OF WASHINGTON E 1; ' .4SNi.tIC.IO1t It/A11Yl11 OF IrJ ° DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING-BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS DIVISION �l LICENSING i �•ry VY, THIS CERTIFIES THAT THE PERSON OR BUSINESS NAMED BELOW IS AUTHORIZED AS A 'iit!; 1• GEOLOGIST Hydrogeologist .) � I PETER A BATTUELLO I'j f. 1228 GRAND AVE h.} t EVERETT WA 98201-1511 1. t . 'I, (i to v)f 1L&)a, � L 475 02/15/2002 10/31/2021 .�flZ/YI'��, ,Number Issue Date Expiration Date 7'4141=4"'-'— 1•crcaii 1.•rnr.a.n,hire&/, r ■ .., v v� v�,#vs;,,,.�,�.:..o.�+.o.�o«�=.r...,..:►�w:.��.ao�s:....,:«��s:...-.....r.«..a�rc.�.�e.:,�:-...a.s+.`.o:.r.._a.". -., .. .. .. - .: (R/7/19)1 Rieva Lester From: Brianna Uy Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 8:25 AM To: Rieva Lester Subject: FW: Rezone Rieva, I have received another public comment for todays hearing. Brianna Brianna Uy Associate Planner Lewis County Community Development 2025 NE Kresky Ave Chehalis, WA 98532 360-740-2602 Brianna.UV @lewiscountvwa.gov<—updated email Note my last name changed from Teitzel to Uy. Please update your contacts accordingly. From:Julie Woolford <woolfordjulie @gmail.com> Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 8:23 AM To: Brianna Uy<Brianna.Uy @lewiscountywa.gov> Subject: Rezone We are opposed to Ordinance 1323. Allowing more mining is detrimental to the land. Since there currently are two mines in our area that have continual blasting going on, we certainly don't need or want another one. They have caused cracks in our home, violent shaking and everything else that goes along with blasts. We moved to this rural area believing that we would have peace and quiet, not mining blasts, quaking and ruined lands. Thank you. External Email - Remember to think before you click! This message may contain links with malware, viruses, etc. Please ensure the message is le•itimate before opening it. 1 Rieva Lester From: Brianna Uy Sent: Sunday, February 7, 2021 10:55 AM To: Rieva Lester Subject: Fw: Statement against Ordinance 1323 (Jorgensen Rezoning application) Attachments: Wells_JorgensenRezoningMining_LCCommissionHearing_022021.pdf Hi Rieva, Below I have received another comment for the 2020 comp plan update. Brianna From:Tammy Wells<tlwells83 @gmail.com> Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021 3:51 PM To: Brianna Uy Subject:Statement against Ordinance 1323 (Jorgensen Rezoning application) Hello, My husband and l's statement against the rezoning of Jorgensen's land to mineral resource land is attached. Sincerely, Tammy & Brett Wells External Email - Remember to think before you click! This message may contain links with malware, viruses, etc. Please ensure the message is le•itimate before o•enin• it. February 5, 2021 Tammy and Brett Wells 124 Lentz Rd Winlock,WA 98596 Lewis County Board of County Commissioners 351 NW North St Chehalis,WA,98532 RE:Jorgensen Timber's Request to Rezone Parcels 0149970000000 and 015001001000 from Rural Development District 20 to Mineral Resource Land Dear Lewis County Board of County Commissioners: My husband and myself, Brett and Tammy Wells,are writing in protest of the rezoning of Jorgensen's land to mineral resource land.This request appears to be in line with the Jorgensen family intending to mine the two parcels for basalt rock.We already have the detrimental Good Quarry within 2,700 feet of our home and are aware of their request to mine the entire hillside across to Hale Rd to the Johnson quarry. If the Jorgensen family is allowed to mine their two parcels, it will result in a second mine within 2,700 feet of our home.This means we would have two large mining operations a half mile away from us and many others in our community.These mines do and will greatly impact our tranquil community due to the noise pollution,disturbed water quality,and other issues. By allowing Jorgensen's proposal,the county would be disregarding our entire community of homes and farms with hundreds of residents within a mile of the existing and proposed mines.This proposal is particularly discouraging because, despite our seemingly close proximity,we would not have even known about this proposal if it were not for our neighbors having land abutting Jorgensen's property. This proposal was originally submitted in December 2019, but by Lewis County only requiring notification of those within 500 feet of the proposed mining area per Lewis County Code 17.05.080(3)(a)(ii)), it makes the county appear complicit in these entities' clear disregard for our entire community and way of life.And,while it is understood an ordinance to change LCC 17.05.080 would be required,the county would be remiss to disregard our concerns regarding these industrial applications. If county officials were present when the Goods'quarry blasts from a distance(2,680 feet) nearly identical in distance from where Jorgensen's land is located (2,670 feet),they would understand the impact of these mines far exceeds 500 feet as the blasts have quite literally shaken our homes.We quite literally hear and feel the resulting wave of sound as it comes barreling out of the pit in all directions. As such,we urge the county commissioners to consider the following effects that the mines have on our community: C \ • The Good Quarry immediately to the south of the proposed area has already damaged homes— an additional, larger pit to the WSW will make the damage to our structures even worse. • The mines are damaging an entire community's water supply and its associated quality based on the increase in sediment and mineral deposits in wells around the community.Allowing continued,excessive mining within such a confined area could completely decimate our water table. • Every time the current quarry blasts,we see an immediate increase in sediment out of our faucets and we located 2,600 feet from the existing quarry. I can only imagine the impacts on wells closer to the mines. • The increased sediment clogs screens and filters in water heaters,well pumps,dish washers, and clothes washers,which causes them to fail years sooner than the expected lifespan of the appliances. • Since the good quarry opened in 2003,our water has become hard and polluted with increasing mineral deposits and other pollutants. It has gotten to the point that the water turns sinks and tubs orange due to the extra iron and now have to buy bottled water for regular consumption. • The existence of an additional quarry will cause property values to fall and deter future growth in the community. • The constant noise and shaking caused by the mining operations is detrimental to the community's quality of life—humans,animals,flora,and wildlife alike. • In addition to the large swath of Port Blakely land recently logged in an area adjacent to the projected land,the 80 acres of land affected by this permit would more severely impact local wildlife as it will displace them from their established home range and habitats,causing undue stress. • The expanded operations removes hundreds of acres of safe area available for recreational horseback riding and hiking by the local community. • The blasting rattles and breaks delicate and valuable property in our homes and on our property. • The blasting damages windows and walls and cracks foundations of homes, making them unsafe and potentially ineligible for resale. The fact the county allowed the existing quarry to be opened so close to the water table and the critical aquifer recharging area is baffling. But to now allow that pit to expand and then allow another 80 acre pit immediately to the northwest is irresponsible planning by the county as it paints the county as greedy with zero regard for its residents. It is also quite unsettling that the conflicts of interest between the county and the proposed mine's land owners is not being duly considered. Laurie Spogen is a governing officer of Jorgensen Timber and also holds a seat on the county planning commission.While she may have recused herself from the planning commission vote to move the proposal forward, it still does not alleviate the county from being unduly influenced.A conflict of interest also presents itself in the fact that the county is a primary customer of Good's quarry currently and would also likely be so for the Jorgensen property.As such,the county would benefit substantially from these quarries thereby creating the conflict of interest. We urge the county leadership to not follow in their predecessor's footsteps by considering the community to be pests in the way of its quest to acquire rock from a convenient location. Please do not forsake an entire community out of pure convenience. But rather, consider that allowing the continued expansion of mining operations in such a confined area would decimate our entire community and way of life. Sincerely, Brett and Tammy Wells Rieva Lester From: Brianna Uy Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 1:43 PM To: Rieva Lester Subject: FW: Response regarding Jorgensen Rezoning Application Rieva, For the Public Hearing on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update on February 8, 2021 I have received the below public comment.Tammy and the rest of the parties of record were notified the next day via email. I can send that record as well if you need. Brianna Brianna Uy Associate Planner Lewis County Community Development 2025 NE Kresky Ave Chehalis, WA 98532 360-740-2602 Brianna.Uy@lewiscountywa.gov<—updated email Note my last name changed from Teitzel to Uy. Please update your contacts accordingly. From:Tammy Wells<tlwells83 @gmail.com> Sent:Thursday,January 28, 2021 4:34 PM To: Lindsey Pollock<Lindsey.Pollock @lewiscountywa.gov> Cc: Brianna Uy<Brianna.Uy @lewiscountywa.gov> Subject: Re: Response regarding Jorgensen Rezoning Application Hi Dr. Pollock, Thank you for your response and I understand your position as I am a state government employee myself. My primary intent of including you for this email was due to the lack of notification that was promised those that sent in letters previously who did not live immediately adjacent to the property in question. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Tammy Wells Thank On Thu, Jan 28, 2021, 4:27 PM Lindsey Pollock<Lindsey.Pollock(lewiscountywa.gov> wrote: Tammy Wells, 1 Thank you for reaching out. The nature of the hearing is such that as a Commissioner, I am legally required to consider only material entered into the record and presented at the Hearing. Unfortunately,that is a legal requirement as opposed to something we Commissioners can control. As such, I am holding off on reading the material you forwarded. Please continue your active engagement with Community Development as they are the office in charge of collecting the public comment material. I appreciate you being involved in our immediate community. Sincerely, Lindsey R. Pollock, DVM Lewis County Commissioner, District 2 o: (360)740-1120 c: (360)520-4938 351 NW North Street Chehalis,WA 98532 From: Tammy Wells<tlwells83@a,gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday,January 27, 2021 7:08 PM To: Brianna Uy<Brianna.Uyna,lewiscountywa.gov> Cc: Lindsey Pollock<Lindsey.Pollockna,lewiscountywa.gov> Subject: Fwd: Response regarding Jorgensen Rezoning Application Hello, Per the Planning Commission Public Hearing held on November 10, 2020, EVERYONE that wrote in for that meeting was supposed to be notified when the County was going to hear about the rezoning proposal for the Jorgensen property in Evaline at the Commissioners meeting,however only those living immediately adjacent to the property in question were notified today. Please explain why the rest of us were not notified? By choosing not to notify all parties, it makes me feel as if the county is trying to be deceitful and hide the progression of this proposal as it moves through the approval process despite the county being well aware many in the nearby community are not in favor of this proposal. For proof of submission, I am responding by forwarding the email you acknowledged receiving in November last year. I am also cc'ing our district's Commissioner, so she is aware. Sincerely, Tammy Wells Forwarded message From: Brianna Uy<Brianna.Uvna,lewiscountywa.gov> Date: Tue,Nov 3,2020 at 10:21 AM Subject: RE: Response regarding Jorgensen Rezoning Application To: Tammy Wells<tlwells83@a,gmail.com> I have received your comments and will add them to the file. 2 Brianna Brianna Uy Associate Planner Lewis County Community Development 2025 NE Kresky Ave Chehalis,WA 98532 360-740-2602 Brianna.Uv@lewiscountywa.gov Note my last name changed from Teitzel to Uy. Please update your contacts accordingly. From: Tammy Wells<tlwells83 @gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday,November 3, 2020 10:13 AM To: Brianna Uy<Brianna.Uy @lewiscountywa.gov> Subject: Response regarding Jorgensen Rezoning Application Hello, Please see the attached letter concerning the Jorgensen Rezoning Application. Thank you, Tammy & Brett Wells Remember to think before you click! This message may contain links with malware, viruses, etc. Please ensure the message is legitimate before opening it. Rieva Lester From: Brianna Uy Sent: Sunday, February 7, 2021 10:54 AM To: Rieva Lester Subject: Fw: BOCC meeting to adopt Ordinance 1323 on 02/08/2021 Rieva, I received the public comment below for the 2020 comp plan hearing on Monday. Brianna From: Robin Pedrazzetti<angeliccreator @gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, February 4, 2021 3:38 PM To: Brianna Uy Subject: BOCC meeting to adopt Ordinance 1323 on 02/08/2021 To: Lewis County Commissioners, My husband & I took the opportunity to purchase our residence (parcel 014998006000) 26+years ago with the intention of creating our forever home to raise our two daughters in the natural environment of country living and give them the educational opportunities they would receive in smaller school districts. In 2005 we purchased parcel 014998008000 with the vision that one day we may want to build there or one of our children would have the opportunity to do so. Both pieces of property are our hope of leaving both daughters a financial foundation from which they could build upon after our lives are lived on in their hearts. We are opposed to the request of changing the Comprehensive Plan and ask that each of you try to put yourselves in our physical shoes. If these parcels were owned by you or one of your family members would you determine that $10 million dollars acquired by another stripping the minerals and disrupting the environment to maybe provide 4-10 jobs to our economy be worth the price you would pay for losing your livelihood? We already have Good's Quarry nearby which has initiated the process for expansion to the west. Within the past 1 1/2 years we have experienced a diminishment of well water quality& quantity, an increase of heavy equipment noise, rock blasting and probably a lower air quality. We have concerns about future land stability and effects to critical aquifer recharge areas. The only value that hasn't been reduced as of yet is Real Property. It is our hope that as you go through your check list of potential land use impacts, that you can also see through the eyes of our neighbors and the impact it has to all families residing in the Evaline District (which outweigh the number of jobs that might be created), please remember that trees are renewable; rocks are not and agree to deny this proposal. Thank you for your time & consideration. Sincerely, Ken & Robin Pedrazzetti External Email - Remember to think before ou click! 1 Rieva Lester From: Brianna Uy Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 5:03 PM To: Rieva Lester Subject: FW:Good Quarry Expansion Rieva, I received the below comments on the 2020 comprehensive plan update hearing scheduled on February 8,2021. Brianna Brianna Uy Associate Planner Lewis County Community Development 2025 NE Kresky Ave Chehalis, WA 98532 360-740-2602 Brianna.UvPlewiscountvwa.gov<—updated email Note my last name changed from Teitzel to Uy. Please update your contacts accordingly. From: Paulette Rautio<tedpauletter @gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, February 3, 2021 4:43 PM To: Brianna Uy<Brianna.Uy @lewiscountywa.gov> Subject: Fwd: Good Quarry Expansion Subject:Jorgenson Timber Rezone, Hale Rd. To: <Brianna.Uy@lewiscountywa.gov Lewis County Planning Commission Chehalis, WA February 3, 2021 RE: Rezone Jorgenson Timber to Mineral Land Right up front, I will say my husband,Ted Rautio and myself, Paulette Rautio, are against the rezoning of Jorgensen's land to allow for a new rock quarry.We already have the Good Quarry in our neighborhood with its desire to mine the entire hillside across to Hale Rd. By allowing Jorgensen's proposal,the county would be disregarding the following ramifications to our small community: • It is in a highly desirable and growing community of residents and farms with hundreds of homes within a mile of these mines. • It will further the damage to our water supply and its associated quality as they breach the aquifer and water table the entire community depends on. 1 • The Good Quarry immediately to the east of the proposed area has damaged homes—an additional and larger pit will make the damage to our structures even worse • The existence of an additional quarry will damage the home values in the area • The constant noise and microquakes is detrimental to the community's quality of life—humans, animals, and wildlife alike • It will displace local wildlife from their natural habitat • The blasting rattles pictures and delicate decorations hung on our walls • The blasting damages windows, breaking the seals • The blasting damages walls and cracks foundations of homes • Every time the current quarry blasts,we see an immediate increase in sediment out of our faucets and we are 3,000 feet from the quarry. • Since the good quarry opened in 2003, our water has become hard and tastes weird due to increasing mineral deposits. The fact the county even allowed the existing quarry to be opened so close to the water table and the critical aquifer recharging area is baffling. But to now allow that pit to expand and then allow another pit immediately to the west is just plain irresponsible. By allowing another quarry in such close proximity,the county would be completely disregarding the community's quality of life. Unlike in the past, please do not discount us as pests, but rather,consider that allowing the continued expansion of these mines in such a confined area would completely decimate our entire community and way of life. Please do not forsake an entire community out of convenience of being able to get to some rock. Sincerely, Ted and Paulette Rautio 124 Lentz Rd. Winlock, WA 98596 tedpauletter @gmail.com External Email - Remember to think before you click! This message may contain links with malware, viruses, etc. Please ensure the message is legitimate before opening it. 2 Rieva Lester From: Brianna Uy Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 5:05 PM To: Rieva Lester Subject: 2020 Comp plan update Attachments: Public Comments rec.via Fax.pdf Please see the attached public comments I received via fax today. Brianna Brianna Uy Associate Planner Lewis County Community Development 2025 NE Kresky Ave Chehalis, WA 98532 360-740-2602 Brianna.Uy@lewiscountywa.gov<—updated email Note my last name changed from Teitzel to Uy. Please update your contacts accordingly. 02/02/2021 19:14 5036422734 SCHELL PAGE 02 TO: Brianna FROM: Lovejoy Schell 102 Quary Lane SUBJ: Comprehensive Plan Change from "Other Rural Lands" To "Mineral Resource Lands" in Evaline DATE: February 2, 2021 The area to the east and southeast of this proposal is basically residential with lot sizes anywhere from 1/2 acre and up. I count approximately 38 lots in the vicinity between the existing rock quarry and Tennessee Road with almost all of them containing a residence. We have had to deal with the noise from a saw mill and a rock quarry for years. I can tell you that since the existing rock quarry went in I have been plagued with, to date, 9 sheetrock nails that have or are in the process of backing themselves out of our ceiling. Since the last expansion of the rock quarry the emergency hand pump we put down our well a few years ago is no longer picking up any water and will have to be redone. I have also noticed that I now have two double pane windows that have lost their seal. We are talking about a very well constructed stick built house from 2005 built by what we were told was one of your best contractors in Lewis County. When the blast makes the metal pictures have hanging on the wall rattle, I am smart enough to know that it is doing more to our house and possibly our well than just a little vibration. A family that lived in the Query Lane cul-de-sac moved several years ago saying that the blasts had put a crack in their foundation. Obviously this new proposal will also have an adverse affect on our property values. I'm sure the County would love to have this rock quarry as it is close to a maintenance yard and area construction, but what if it were in YOUR backyard. Would you still be thrilled to have it? We have 12 families on our street and 10 of them all use one community well. If the aquifer sustains a crack that lets the water from our supply seep out, then what? This is not a land use that is compatible with a residential area. I'm sure there are other places in this county that have rock to mine that are not in a residential area. Please consider this proposal carefully, and if you still wish to pass it, please be smart enough to put conditions on it that will protect the residents in the area, like two small blasts instead of one big one; times of operation, noise mitigation, etc. You move to the country hoping for a little quiet when you go outside and instead all you hear part of the time is chunk chunk chunk chunk — chunk, chunk, chunk, chunk - for the next few hours. 02/02/2021 19: 14 5036422734 SCHELL PAGE 01 February 3, 2021 VIA FAX Brianna.Uy I was typing an e-mail to you on the attached subject when I hit the wrong keys and I think it sent it to you before I was done, so please ignore whatever may have come in from me on your e-mail. I decided to send it via fax instead. Thank you. Lovejoy Schell Rieva Lester From: Brianna Uy Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 1:37 PM To: Rieva Lester Subject: FW: Comprehensive Plan Change in Evaline Rieva, For the Public Hearing on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update on February 8, 2021 I have received the below public comment in response to the public notice. Brianna Brianna Uy Associate Planner Lewis County Community Development 2025 NE Kresky Ave Chehalis, WA 98532 360-740-2602 Brianna.Uy@lewiscountywa.gov<—updated email Note my last name changed from Teitzel to Uy. Please update your contacts accordingly. From: Lovejoy Schell<Irhstwo2 @gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, February 2, 2021 7:50 PM To: Brianna Uy<Brianna.Uy @lewiscountywa.gov> Subject:Comprehensive Plan Change in Evaline RE: Comprehensive Plan Change from "Other Rural Lands" to "Mineral Resource Lands" in Evaline The area to the east and southeast of this proposal is basically residential with lot sizes anywhere from 1/2 acre and up. I count approximately 38 such lots in the vicinity between the proposal, the existing rock quarry and Tennessee Road with almost all of them containing a residence. We have had to deal with the noise from a saw mill and a rock quarry for years now. I can tell you that since the existing rock quarry went in I have been plagued with, to date, 9 sheetrock nails that either have or are in the process of backing themselves out of our ceiling, Since the last expansion of the existing rock quarry the emergency hand pump we put down our well a few years ago is no longer picking up any water and will have to be redone. I have also just noticed that I have two double pane windows that have lost their seal. We are talking about a very well constructed stick built house from 2005 built by what we were told was one of your best contractors in Lewis County. When the blast makes the metal pictures I have hanging on the wall rattle, I am smart enough to know that it is doing more to our house and possibly our well than just a little vibration. A family that lived in the Quary Lane cul-de-sac moved several years ago saying that the blasts had put a crack in their foundation. Obviously this new proposal will also have an adverse affect on ouir property valukes. External Email - Remember to think before ou click! 1 Rieva Lester From: Brianna Uy Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 1:38 PM To: Rieva Lester Subject: FW: Public Hearings Notice Feb 8 2021 Rieva, For the Public Hearing on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update on February 8, 2021 I have received the below public comment in response to the public notice. Brianna Brianna Uy Associate Planner Lewis County Community Development 2025 NE Kresky Ave Chehalis, WA 98532 360-740-2602 Brianna.Uy @lewiscountywa.gov<—updated email Note my last name changed from Teitzel to Uy. Please update your contacts accordingly. From:Judy McBeth<wintrefrm @gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday,January 27, 2021 3:02 PM To: Brianna Uy<Brianna.Uy @lewiscountywa.gov> Subject: Public Hearings Notice Feb 8 2021 Parcel 014997000000 and Nelson Tree Farm share a property line. We have the 40 acres directly North. Our parcel is 014996000000 and we are concerned about our domestic water well. We are also concerned about our year round water spring situated in the south west corner of our property next to the property line with Jorgensen Timber. We are very concerned that the loss of either water supply will harm us very much. Thank you. Nelson Tree Farm Inc. President, Georgie Nelson. External Email - Remember to think before you click! This message may contain links with malware, viruses, etc. Please ensure the message is le•itimate before openin• it. 1 • 4 r _. , , . 4 . .. ._ ... 4 , rl 11 j 1 MI joi, ,,,c ... ,,,„ , . %,.,„ ., __J .4 i, ., 1 ■ . 1 ,, i > ,. . 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D pp " F. c. < = ) { m c n o. 0x) -, < 3 0 * * o < Z D n 0 (p c _0 5' c a v < = E 0, C r: N S '+ r. �, C O X A W m X oo (D s X IA 61 Z co 0 - — - (D co v) -. D r-4. lD m 0 Q- 0) co ^ o CD o i.e) D S D N O fC1 Z C (D Z O Q7 = C Q. Z (D o 3 vi 'o -1. Z (D r v) S 5' U' = U'i n o' C n. S . 0 a) O 0 U' (p . m a) v Q_ W CD W .•' 'a G w C D -o O' • v _ D y, p 3 t^ C N H f<D Fr <' 0 m • = 0) N 0) -, MI --s 7 N •-• Q v+ O + fD O Q vs.f G A 'O va Q_ r (D -' .O-). C C 0 m O (D c' O N C v 0 v < -0 (D 4. fD D Q C Q �' 2 p O* n O C Uq' O- C -, d 00 Z S 'p * c fD A d 7 (D D CD N ,••� Q_ Q_ a o Z y o 03 3 a) es. (D O. O (D p - -p c CM Z 0 -o = = Q N N 3 Q fl.. n w 0) E O) m O Q' n O 3 A x, a 3 0) O ,< (D (D C n (D 7 3 N 7 0) H q v (t) -< -' Oni 0 Q _3. a�i v -< 7 n Q 3 7 (p m Q_ C-CII(p 3 u, < 3 0 ft, of DU 0) v v GO C -% c * d 0 c n < co 0 3 °� m s z -, Q. s v S < C a m Q. 0) 3 v S v, m 0) y ] pq �^. n rA' p v O c N_ v 3 m 3 9:0 .G rp o- A 0) - m 0) a O 'o m v v 0) S 3. 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N C X CD _ °. y v , O a Q. a) c w N '+ C v Oat C G S O C = N O 6 = Q = W (D 3 3 N Q O (CD 7 0- * -a - W as c g • • • • n N C C - 3 "a O v a, O R 'C 0 O < o N O . CO N 7,-; _ Q v 0 Q (3' * 0 c v 3 o < O ni ft) 3 0 m a •—•• < m c LA co ru _ , v ca 0) -, CA _ 3 • n 7 O� 3 " O M V' a, u, O C N .. ° ° .. .- (D fD D 3 s o .. rD Q CO al vv, O le (D (D c •a -c a, c n 7' Z c rD 3 rp 7 .► v+ D - O N 3 Q `^ tD X rn v n v o 0 v " ', �, rD m m _ C m __CO •o rn ,� o 3 3 c -O ci ,_'•-•I Z = ° H M (7D O c N 7• o 0) 0 3 Q a _ < n, O O CD 0 _ ., U, v C a,3 < 0) N m a -�* Fi' 7 v O p' v, c <' 0 7 p 7 a, Q rD S N n 7 7 7 .•' 7 rD cu w - 7 n < v, -. rD Q rD C 0) G o <' G •9 O o 'a c v rD 7 rD a, 3 s `s n v0, ° Q a 3 m Q i• fp 3 = • Q O O 47 N a, O 0/ a, < 7' v. 0) Q CO• .. 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(D C O5' O * rD v, m > w v, rD < O * < D Q _s o q > o _ ' m • rn vi r• C — C rn v v 3 v rn 3 v C ti-, O CDD CDD co r(DD v coo a, v rD . 00 7 -s D v, v, D 7 3 D n rD Z .•. z z D w < o m - 0_ G) O X. a<i N O H' C v, 7 * Cr) z z 70 > -0 o 70 , - • N Jo o -°a -4 nn r�D C n C 0 ,cam.' 7 ems—. a, W 3 v 7 7 �D D 7 r —i C ar W a, v+ w n Cr v < Z 70 rl •o ▪ V'1 rD 3 rD P 0 �Of DO < z _. co 0 0 ft. 0 o of 3 C) = (D 77 -7 � .o 3 7 7 C N C 7 N n 7 rr dO * 7 3 n `'D Q.. vl CM r— W .+ 7' aa) `p' �' a, N M -' v •� O fD rD a' a v - 7 v CD a 0 D O C1 — _ C O W r'. a1 n, `L a ry < C v r� a, I > 12) K 26 T m = C 6l rD F' 7 -• (D O_-a m o v O 3 N •o c rD ., m a, rD 3 V N < al 0 3 m c n > ti 3 S a o * S '4 r'• C a) 0) -< O 6' Q 7 S'O 0, n O (D Q.0� C, • (D (D 0 O N S. CIO 77 cO S a) (D a, (D 7 N (D 7" m a p r. O p (D Q (D n < rD rD 7 7 0 S. y Q in fD a, D _ 3 'n -. •V a, 00 G '••* 7 (D _ W -- O C 7 O M • ? (D •7 rD l^, 0, (D N Q N (�D r,, 7 .7r (D ry r w v v to • m 0 C1 v Q 0. C N . 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VI 7 7 .+ w `t ., A X11 .................... po flp c 3 D, , tn 91 A S ti 3 O , ! 01 fD !D Q ro N H d 1 in Cu T 3 ca Ti a, co_ MI 3 c ? . co D`, co c 41 .1 `o' O10 a N } • ■ • W Z- • c < C o, — _, n 3 a, fu fD C O a 7 n • '; '�! N v o < 3 m � 2 0 3 c ma (D eL ti ID 3 °'cia CD 3 1 .I � " ,; a c .� �. f� z m m ro D, • o N 3 S o. 3 i 4` i•d a o o a `° 3 .JI� 7. 'r ■ < ii ry C 7 7 ��• � •t..... I 7 N fli N N •G Do fD d ,� �, '•` 1 O fD - 3 N n .-1.‘" 7i; '.4 }.... f rte'. 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(o p CP .. < !as (D rt3 5: D o p CN 3 c CD a) -, •-, O Cu rD▪ O .s. .•' 30 0 O a 0 T v- .-r N vs ,G O `< 0. n Z a) v, d a) O v, _ _ .t 'Y+ C 0 O a) n c = a — O 0 0 0 a) O 0 H CC-f N � r-r j C<p 7 OU 0 fD N n v, c 3 a Q - , 0 3 -w 3 v n u -. 3 N 3• O r TIT 0 S .▪ -+ w v CD 0 rD v' 7 eo S -4., S .r c N o CSp v v a) a) CD n v, a) n VI 7 N V, rD Z Q v N v, m O .r a 0 !^ m co `•" c 0 ,� 3 tai, 3 v, .Z+ = O 0. 0 .< fD W -s v m -o n n n • v, n v '.� C st s m v 73 0 0 lD C CD n C F 0 7 rD 5 C CD Q < Q .•r Q 7 a) -4 < O D ° rD z O 9' m 3 5 73 v m < * m - 70 ° r D S �, C CD -., v, -6M Q - o) C 0- 0 MO C • Gl r O 0 aS) 7 C v . .O•. .+ =, N o !n '.. ■ O O v 3 ...r O N CD .+ D O) o CD . > 6 ai N fD T -n CD 0 W -s N a, -1 N Q N W 0. N a) .N•f C W• C W < 0) Q v W _Q AT Q AT S c (4, N O 7 3 CD a? I y O• C■ - o * C v, 3 Q -, -s CD S '-I. Q — n .+ .� "d rp -O s r-`D • ('1 < ,� vn.•.+ �• ro -0 < s CAD m T _ rD ". N .N+ c N O .°J•+ a) N c 0- n• n' C • 3 c a fl,' rD -S• gy m * , a CD ro c p m n .O.cu C z 3 co c c s or V^ can 0 -o .: 3 7 DT c rD ai C < C ... C v 0 -s Q. ,.r N N O ,. m o N o 0. O r�D �? y -. O- CO Q is N v Q < n * tD 0) n. , - Q. • o0, 3 a (D < as c D) DD. Q. d `^ < m N a) rD -, o° `^ ro a vs 3 w a) Cr a) ,n.' 3 .tn-+• m v; O v, < .-' V, i -, -s CD Q v. CD N S -I, 3 ^' (D CD CD CD .* CD O n CS W 0 .o -I ..r '� ,.h C , Vf C CD (D C co c ? 0 ( D `- c n O H 0 In °: Q O CD N .�. vi •- as .n+ CCDD O .-1. Q 3 .Q 0. O °; s CCD CAD p„ S. „ O . d C 7 CD Q aC) ut a) —cu 15. CD• 3 .r .r .' -O t'n• '� (� 3 Q ci• Q C fD ca'•, " c 0.. < 5 .=i •-s••-s• CD 7 7 CD .s. .i Es. M < v' S vs c °1 m 0 o o (D 3 c 3 vt > 0 0 0 0 -o = 3 0 0 0 CD C r W r fD O (I+ C 3 3 7 p A 3 L2 '•' C N (• 'O -O N ("7 2 S o y a, -s 2 _ < -< v: n O a' v = 7) 3 S .fie r p o.,. 7, v N x, _, < ((D ca n r- 0 _ N O - CD c N (D (D Gl n N S c 3. -' c d 3 n 's c 0 Gl 7) 7 (D X D O+. M rr D v - D N 3" D Q 0 fl? S D 3 > 0 r. • S 3 (D -,, • ` (D ' r. (D r r' D n, — — rN. ui ((DCD < (D • n c . -' Cr . 3 2 ? K r VI n ,N-. N O F-� G n < E O C W O� o N D, 3 N 3 1--� C O O Oq N' fD , O N -s C 'O Q N 3 3 '„ A a _ 3 (D 3 'a n _ a Q O 3 7.. m 2 re s v Q. c C 7 !D d 3 O O N . 3 (D 7, 7.,.-,. D 3 - 4' O 0 r. Q O CU S ' N S N v' N ry 2. O n < n flcD OO N Q S C CD O , r. 3 C r N rr ✓ , S O ,-,. S 3 C O S D O n -o C 3 .e D N . -h M • aO N 3 v <Q 3 N r fl, (D r < ere N d r•. C p) N O_ n IL n : o 3 5 3 S 3 s N CD C O N rO v r. Q a (D Q 1:1) r r. ..i. o •.0 n -„ o -0 ,N. A a cc w C d C -4. O 0 3 Orn 73 O- 3 (D—N 3 � 3 `< d 3 3 a • NJ 0 •3+ (D r,: X `" S 3 ~ 3 n, fl, • N < N -s o- (D 3 (D 3' C .0W1 O D rNr d O ^ =' CD N "! 3 D) 3 LA 0 S N 'O OD n ,-',,, C (D -. CD 'e O O v (D -O 3 C S S -, N c re •'< D .9 O a m m c, -, N O ) ,y -s o. 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C N N .< O S (0 3 n o <' C (D 3- • -, r•. 3 n O O (ND fmi ' 2 ((D C N (D ,41* c c 3 E C 3 CT cu 0 -�. y Q (D (D r* 0. a) 3 c Q_ O Q c m °vi n) S(D c w ci+ • co (ND (D co C o 3 5. , A' (D a n Oo 3- (<D C 3 Q CU Z. 3 - _s• S 3- S (D S O 3 3 3 K c -, Q O O (o v) N (D O 3 !D •� = Q n N 3 C 3' < :" n 3 C (D C, C n) ., O " (D a) v) (D CD a) C (D O -t v °-' v 3 v o m CD N 0 3 O 3 0 c O 3 CO a) CM a) ,. 0 Q_ o) D Oa 3 w ;n N O 3 ao S M. 3• 0 a<j (-D C') -0 9, ,,, -,3 -v -a 70 -0 fD Is < -0 fD vs ri C 73 70 con) S o m -, Q_ _0 O a) o 13 O .fl ro O a 3 C T q 3 (D • 3- 3 3 0 _ o d 3 (-D C 73 3 -a (D c c 3 � c o (D G1 m a) S 3 C -* fD .-. y 3 x 3 A (D ,� ti, fl- 0 > O a) c •. CD a) a 3 S > (m 3 (D > N D , CU r- u, o) D —I o3i 3 -a H 3. o -, •a• 3- CD 0 fD Q c O -, O 3' O 3 Q F` , , N v v Q O0 'nt M. _0 A O 'S - W -O N W O F•a 3i c O z v • N n O_ C "O (D a) cu Ol O n O d 3 3 O*, < u, v _ O N �• c '•r -3 ((D 3 NO 3 3 V 0 3 �. 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G q z 0-O p� ,p o Q f?. nw 7 pCj S ,`rtr m v, -I ,Y D . 3 -„ 5 3 cu Q 3 O (D p, ut C p (D (D p H ° N SZ 3 r. O- C fll S C) D Z m 3 o Q c " o �° N 3 m a) IA CD vi w ic ° ° -p a E (D n d 3 3- 0 0) n (D Q v c 3 a, cn n n (D C p .N► �1 (D a) r) 7 3 5 all H �• H N (D ,• r+ �_ n 3 (D N ,� O� : 3 .+ (D S S S Z ,G C. N v -p -c O v. 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O 0 N 'a 0 -• x. 0 0 a .3-r rD r« a, < m -, o0i �? td,s o. rD D .y o .+ (D O d v, -0 d ate, vim, v Q = 0 rD 0 " O Q ;� m o rD a, O• rD a co < 3 o, ? c 3- g "O Q n S v, 0 ao , (D c< o0 • 3 fD a) 0 a- N OA ^ K d N fD 3 a, m (D rD " m aD 0 3 O �i, n .0 CA 'a j n i■ `- Q c °' c v O 0) C 3 m o 3 tD rD /, CD 0 Co L;'- S a C r• c tD �" d rm co c 3 -, < 7 3 v fp n 0) c < a O v, 7 0 OA cm fp 0 in n, c 0. 3 Q o a C. 0 o 3 = CU 3 CD CCD CD ( O - v 0 M 0 — rD - 7- S v v = IT, Z 0 O" t- o O S 3 m l3 a) n 3 < 3 a p z K rD r. Z c. v, CD > N 0) rn a c s • O. v-. ,-4. CD .. fl d O D H S ° c m a CD m m 0 3 ° -5 0) v C 0 m 7 3 y to q c a 0 m f) m v, r. a) 0 N r. 0 rD v, °° m •• o ° .0 0 .4 73 O ? 0 C S < -• 73 Di S `D D SfD � v — a) 7 ..< M Cu v) cr 3 Z re m• n2, rD rrDD =S a<, Q Z .•r < c O 3 O Q t1 rr r, 7 C a, " p o 7 A • o a, LA c4 S ► 3 3 = N fD N C . 0. -, 3 3 0 . C. 73 -4; 3 (D 0 C N J Lam} - ti. -; . `,. 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(3D (ND Q.. , * tri n ('1 w st 3 m -< (D rfl O w a N i t w O `^ z o c c n w g a°p S N o 3 w ° Z.CD O O (3D O ° Z m O a N m C > C C w 0 a v+ O A. 0 -., • w n Q N -. °: Col '_' 3 CDD O fD w C � °� C .(D. w .« 3 O H C(D + O- 0 S (3 0 ap ap -a z " C N O_ O i Z (D ap H O 11, on -,oa 3 O rs w (7). ff - <. �. N CU Od D• O n n ca z VI fD at o (D ,-. ap D O (D v n r* pj w N 'wr w .+ fD N r Q w -I (D Q. - N m Is O j Vii (D y N < fD (D '< n S N .< C CO w Q N °;a m n 0 a - = 3 (D (3 c cT = n c Q. 0 -. (D 3 (D co c (D < c n ❑. pnl 7 N O C w N (D • - Q (D n O O 7 3 O 3• OOp .+ ..< 3 .•. (D s 3 O .+ C O 00 -p S S O (D .+ fD S < a, fD n O c 3 7 (D .+ •D o N ts (D n o)• n • • • -0 -V C C -n a) O y n n T 00 -0 n °) D < N Gl o 3 o o (D n -tea D A - CD 3 Qa T O ,— —1 K Q B 3 N A. F• _ C - O y �, N C> rn .. /� fT S Q N a. N V• F. fD O 3' 'O ,� 3 C D fD S fD fD Z °� O fL fD °« O = d 3 CD v �. Q (D � A 0) O 3 C 3 D) 3 N a l 1 3 3 a) . D N m °r*' °° O -^ o -� r. fD CD_ .,, 0) 3 O 3 N. 0-s A o •A Q 00 O .. 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S T -, a) T S a) r .- v v, T r ar -f m S• a) m �' O 0) N j A N a) .-. N d 7 N Z rl 7 I--' 7 .-. rD 1-4). Oo '-P 1--,• rr) -r3 o- w p �+. i.) a a- •i-, < a o D u, M. v 0. c in a) c cn M CD 5 - A- C .+ a) c C- a 0 m `. �p m -< ,. vii (1 v, A O _ O S _, Cr O CJ A v■ m y D , 7 'O O rD r► rD p rD Q Q A. O 3 7 S m o, a r: C , 7 — N 7 tu -h 7 K CD A• fD N 0. a.-' a) .• O n A O 0) < �. -< •O — 7 3 .•. C (D C C) rD 7 co fD 7 .+ CD CL • S 0- .+ • V to .O -s ,+ rD ai 071. C ,G w - C rD Q 7 _. N p"') -O • -n y CND Q Q w A cn N �. 7 da u, 7 y A O (D C v, rD 7 '� 7 vt • CL N OD N 5 fAD ~ A rD CD O -w a) rn v' 7 O0 7 rD V, O o, o " 7 a rD 7 rD c 3' 3 c 3 CD S S 0. to 3 rD Q_ v = 0'0 7 O 2 CD 7 y rD C N '+ a) �• DA, frD 0I r(D 0 3 rD N rD rD (D N O O 7 01 E'O vi O A < 7 N D * z v A S -ti O 2, o v0 0. j C ,+ 7 0 3 a) V -a .+ r S v. 7 A A v, S C ;); H N + , . v■H fl. i D ,.z d_ ,y fD r�i 7 O • • • • 'a c - (,D C r) - AO 'O N 'O "O Q K -0 3 13 C 0 = 0 S ▪ _. 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CU .r .mr 3 m 'O '* :n a' ((DD Q Q n N m C o, m n (3D '< N 3 n n < K p O .� a C. S fD 3 -^ < O - 0 7' O N N 7 O m m (D 3 Op .- -a -' .. 3 S 3 o-f• 10 O 3 3 n) n co CD •(D O -" S m 0- 3 3 m rt ,--, fll u, Q N �• O 6 3 (p N sa n F..... bp O ACT < a'(D C O O O p Oi to O O P1 Z 3 n 0 3 r m N - p C „ < N m 0.0 N 3 0 Z a c C <_. 0- fl, C y (nD p C (ci O = .< O C 3 d C -, D eL .••. 4, O 5• p. T N •-•• T :' D O K C-� T .3•' T m V n O al 3 3 al 3 Ol O Q, Z m N u, N 3 to S fl, v n r+ m a 3 a) p CO 'a N W ao 0 N S n F-' m O (D 01 m cn m 3 CD m tan (D 0 ' — T as a C a m d a) _ —N+ m co m 3 Fri Z v c 3 3 • n �Z1 "• N« 3 ea fl. co D �, m 3• v Y/ 3 N < '-. 3 O < O -s N ,.y N 'a O- 0 ". .= Q 3 3 Z -< o 0, -• .+ O Q .ter Q. a) CD j 3 N p3, 3" S N a) 3 N (D .' 3 T o S O O �, C * a �,• 3 • m Z ,; O a) d a 3 m 3 3• N 13 -a CU• N . O of << - .,•t O T N of CD "' o, 7 co N O C co 0, 3 N (-`D K m. r. 3 O n a) 3 c n, v n 3 0. D, S N O (FD N' S m :^ m O 0, EP a N3 (D 0 n n D N .r -' 3 m m O S m A re• -' N O, 3 N S N 0 < 0) N CT m 0 — N 0- .s N PC a r� - O p o n d O O n— 0 3 O m N 3 O_ < 00 • 73 m _ 3 .n+ v) ° v o X. 0 x o=) > - rD 0 3 o o 3 T o o ° 3 0 T D n -p < n D T 73 , N C n S N' ("1 -,r.• -0, (l ° 0, m < • m < so G) - < o - -< o m v (D < N K < H C o c N 3 a () m S , S n O N r (D n•,.r (D C T v -4 T N M r 0) N T 3 ,w T 3 (D N (D T D a) T (D ^+ S 00 71/4- Q 00 < 00 0 Q V 0 ° v 0 0 - (fD •• a) w �l z O 0, N N f., (D b C Q •P ,. "6 W pD 3 0) O N - 0) < (D I--' fl T rD ° .7<- - — O o°, 3 t m n n 0 < _ 0 0) •% a � v N < t, a ° 3 Q. 7r c, = = -� 3 Q. N fD '^ °' 0) • 0) ,-. •D 0 •-+ (7 "a C C r v X Cu ° -., (_'D N O r: 0) �. ° 0) O G (D in S o n 0) < 3 000 0r ; n n 3 N Q. _ ••►. 00 .•r O. _ (D (D a 3 0 0 0 C r•. =,,; N 0O 3 S S N' a" (D -0 D C C N 0 LAN • p el. .0 n X S -. 3 o 2 ' N O a) C D O0)-0 0 (D v 0) < 00 '` < l D 0) p - o Q• S Cl O _ C 3 Q .•r CD 0. 7C Q j N .- N -1 3 0) y W w 0. X' o� O 3. C) In ' G 3 3 .+ _ -° •< 0)00 011' ,-. f1 �+ D• N C. O. j' -I (D n 0) 0) S N (D •• 3 p 00 3 p' 0) _ 3 3 O fi D cc,r 0 a .+ O 0 (D -' 0 - (l '< -0 O 3 fl S 3 ° ° ° ` O N ' a d v fl S-. is � y � :^ 7 N 0 N N 7 n n (D 0) N .-•. O d dQ (p N n O D FD ° .r • Q S 0 N N -4 -p (D N m o 3 m CT v 0 C 0 ° c v CD o o 0- S 0 n 0 o o m 0 = 3 0 C1 r O) (> r d O r T r (D-1 0 00 -O r • c - c "< O Cr C < ' (0 n < GI 0 O 0 a < < N O '.. 7 D C O C O C-, 0/ N (D n N DO r n > Q N a -, n 0 0 () .•. •~ r) (D -n 0) (D m N 0 -n I- r ° - T cm CD -n O D S T N lip 7 ,t tD O N (0 t) t0 (/1 D O 00 00 C 00 (D 00 o 3' • 5 0 • Q 0) < F-, O (OD -c. 1)1 _ (7D ? Q n AO IN O Ott < (D '+ 7 O q = (D O (D 3 0) 0) °1 C) CD 0) a' CD 0 C 3 n CL�. O •< ,< 0 3 -, Q ^O O O• (D �. ° (D n �' 'C C -, CD 0 03i 3 7 r D 3 CD 0 VI D N rri f(D _ Q co -D o S < � D 0' n D 0. .M D O -, 0 X C .-e N N 0 7 (1 00 3 - vv, 0 E (D -n to o/ -• d '6 (D tai+ Cu A .Oi C S Q N D ,-r -D 0) D N 0) 0 O� '< C C 0 O.. n (ND co 3 v N '+ 0) C 0) �. 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O -4, C v. — C r 0' n * C O () .< S rD N O N 3 r0 D 0, X a) .+ n Q O 0 r _K 0) of ..< C (D Q ,-. 3 v v (o v N ( H -4 o y v+ p CI M O, m O < 0 a. -< 00 -0 CD j c ," O VI no 3 °• °1 (-D I 0- 0 3 3 0' (ND 3 - 3 m CD d ▪ < n 0 c N C Q -' C 0 3 -1 N O C �' D -' N 7 Q- O (ND ''* ,, 0) O- a) N co CD 3' K 3 O c co N '"• S 0, n Q N fD 7 C ;n C Q as tA 3 0) 2 v, a j S "'+ 0) Oc, ' CD ■Z 3 0' "' = UU S m °, 7 S Q -< O C Q < Q ..y, r. Q C 3 ° ° n C n o c '* -� Q • 0' 3 CU fD = (D Q CO C (D N 0 rD r. CO C O • -S (D - m • 1 0, n 00 00 00 > v -o (D -0 • • y 3' N -0 3 -0 3 v 'O co rno, 0-v o O O ccr, 0 (XD -0 0 ^. o O n O fl Q < O 3 c N n { 3 rD -< x , _. ,, 6 < c -< 0, m -< to C 0 Q Q Q -d c 9 3 c 7,• n 0 m �. N c o) C m - "a C S (D Ol v.. 0) 0' 0) () Q 3 n r-' C 3 iU S n cm (7 rD N n cu Oro In 5. .Ln rD rD fD - (D F-' O �` F-+ 00 N •0 O Q a) ,1 —CD T X Q T 0 3 0 0 -, -, -, D 7 O N , O 0) 0o to 0) < 7 O S O N fl rs. O v, °_' 3 °' 3 F, rn D� to Q S c<i ro p v' (�—D `�° o00 ^' 0) 13 °; 0_ Q 3' = )-+ °; i1 0 ti, T O 01 'O Q 0 (11 ,N+ IA N O N , Q Q N al 0� CD rCi o S 3 N N (D S ,., O n ,,, v. N 0, W ? 0 Q n rD 6 O O- • dW Q CQ s rD r<D rt O - v' p- - '+ ''' 7 N < C (D O 3 a 13 n 3 41 < a fl; �+ (D O N N N C 3 a n' O tn CD a) Q 0-'• N 7 (-D C O fD v lD "` �, — r. Q X CU to 0 3 Fe; O. .< • (SD a N (D (D x O) N 0) 03j -. r. O N N p CD .d pi. S Q 3 .a .N-. Q 3' to d 'D 0 . .O. Dlo -d p (D C ,d,' C 7. v.)i CX (7D C , 0/0 (D �- (D -0 G d fD 0' 0- cu fD N r. O r_r o o r+ co Q r.. n ac O CD oj c N p r: ,to 3 (D to ^.. N N 7 O • 0, m N O Q -, < N '+ < d * • Q o N CD C rn. X (D 0 V-- ton CCDD n co 3 3 cc (D 70(t) N 3 0' s (D O 3 O 0 3 0' tcn a i m 0r+ N 3 (� El. O (D• X' �. d Q C 0 (D '* rnD * -s a d d O v O O O D n 2 -, N( N T Q O - . O fD S N C N �' n '< -' (D 3 rr rD < co' a) Q rND 3 N r-`D a) ' Q o ? m 0 X. O O 7 n 0 rD "* n) 0 7 n P1 G rD frtD y Or O CO rD n 0 v, n m" a. 3 r a) rD p) C 0 0 kr) _ m N M -< - -< < C < 3 (1, N c- r+ < 3 7 3 (D < GI U1 r. Vt r► co •-h rD p C 0 C -. a) C 0Q a) -a O 7' C m .O+ rD p C = 9. (7) 0 0 -I .+ rp r+ 3 -n 0 -n a- rD n -' ? n 0 rD -n "+ (D "+ 3 Ti 3 O D a v d �' rt 1 N o N �' O �• n m N a = n 7. N rD c D 7 . �' m In C -G W O 7 N Q - F-, p 3. O a rx O\ �: C �„ rD v a. tpi u m v0 ; O t"D p m 73 LA 3 (D co N Oo Q !D O� O� N 3 ? rD <• (D CU 3 5. — O 0 n * S O 7 v, _ <O O n of rD < 3 • < c O '+ (D n r! a O '. rD n al c o rip▪ r° r<p o o• d -aa z CD .n -^ v, ? 7 a. to• — r+ -" o, 3 a) O rD r+ a) a) ,-' . rD 3 a) y X N a fD rv'. -0 CU.� X• fD ut N rD 7 N '+ N -, fD 3 rD fp o, IL tpi, ,--* a) v' O a a. c+ n upt X -0 K CD (7D C - rD 7 7 - V, ( V, a) V, S Z ft H n a 7 �` a_ a. -'. rD •(D cC'f a_ • lD 3 O r+ N • .. 3 a. —_ .-+ = X r+ 0 .•+ = .y, O C S rD p) v, �, O c Z" (D rD to N "•' < CD D C N v .••r N n rD r c a) rD n co n n _3 0) v rD a a3) 3 a) O N 7 a) ,I. O r.D 7 m 0 VI 3 C o CD 3 ( a C Q• 0 in a- a. ° o -• ar a. a g * G1 • (D a) 7 (D a) D p n) m O " 3 0.. p 0) rD tD �n r+ to ,-• -i _ 0 0 = r v+ r! -� n O O ,0 0 rD O O O cD co rD a O p p v a 70 P• .3i a) '^ -t, 3 - 0 O C V n Q 0 (0 =- (D .-+r+ -1 C 'v '' "•' C -0 -o C V1 r f'1 7 C H r rD 00 • 0 K N 0 en 0 H N rD < .3+ Gl r C r7+ CD• < v, f 7 rr < 7. N N < e CI •, 3 C < 0 � -1 '< v C O� -O a) rs C 7 7 c C S 0 g c a l f••••, D 3 Q n T 0 z N T _: of „ at D - r+ - w 3 w D * rD c N v �' a n o N 0) rp a_ 7 N N p 3 N 3• N D 0 7 co (D .-1 S 7 r-,+ W ,7-r 3 N Cu H' .a b ,'^+ — Q rD r v y .a .-r 7 -1 — m rn a. 13 33 Xi 7 3 O rD S O, 3 n rD = r* C -I a. a_ n do < O n 7 O O_ 7 p < eh ,'1 C (D a. cy 3 a) o) n S 7 v+ 3 rD d O 3 r+ 3 a) O rD a) 00 ,, a. 3 'a aJ : n -o a. -4 n 7 r+ -' 7 H 0 — r7+ (j -1 r+ m n rD 3 r+ to rD a s Q. • a) -w O 7 r+ a. o) O a) 'a O �* a) -i -a c a = m n 3 3 N C N r0+ (DD C rD •G as n r? CD rD a) rp v' 00 rD '� V, < K " to C ao :^ rD rD n " 'II D O d (1) M rD < fD a) a- S O 7 tal "0 in << 0) a) n 7 rD 7 at r+ 7 C a rD 7 3 rD v, �? a) n 7• a) n 7 n 7 co N 7 OD N C u-, •� a4 3 r+ a) rD rD (7) put d a- •G ao a rD a. o CD a ` ° D p v, 7 v -., mfD v0, 3 7 "n•' C ,-; a i ,N-r 3 "+ .7+ fl. .u'+ r+ +n to N O 5 5' 7 — 5. • a) a (D fD DT a n N 0. 7- 7 rD a- N• w 3 r+ n °. v C' � d d 3- 5 r rD r+ v. 7' n p -z rD ao C * O a) rD N• C. 7 DV 7 VA 0. n N -0 C —I o, n - n c z v GI (moo r -v -a n -0 o� c m w o CD T C °o ° C > Cr v o 0 0 o o ° ° �• m ,n, m A co < o G1 m n a. < ,3-► G1 v < n, c < v; O. ,< * G' Cl r. 0 f7 ro' c .c 0 C v. c 3' v N c o 3 C -. 0 —I T 3 r- * T r- D 0 Q. T D c CDD T 0 m -nn On i 70 r-v ►-' C 1 ° N r iv (o ►-, v 5' c r+ -' c 1-, n cu rn 3. am g X cn VI �. < - v, 3 3 C * . 3 p D �* — C cu — D — a r. r 3- O 12 Z o. c m V1 yrD 3 c n ° y rD CU v) o l7 n 3 v- ° r« �. �. 3 rr 0 '. a. .< v, D c <' o. ,-r n 'f LA c ET— 0 m — 3 c 5. r. N 0. ° N _ Cr m 3' 0 3 C N r« C (o ❑- D a (nD C -a O . a) O 0 O .�+ 3 v, Q n 3 -. Q 3 CD 0, O n 3 CS 0 (D c a) v, 3 3 O o a) C 3 o r. E Q — 3 —" 3 r. co N 7- C �' 5 (D— < 0 00 rD 0) UO C (3D 0� 0 0 to a) CU 0 n < r..� -, a)5• S -o v, co O S '. r rD rt 3' O n CD -1 m-0 .-) .< .< ^' C r4 3 a? a0) K — CD 07 r CD H CD M fl 6 3 v,' S O. 3 a) •-•.► 3 of • V, - r p -0 n (D C m (D N 'O > r. n 'v < -1 no v N 0 M o O O 3 n N x. .:-. O Or n H o) O v Cu 0 '+ 3 r-- * 3 .r: C N T N ui S (D C S 'O Q 00 On) .< n K r = T a T 0 pSj D —I :-' 0, 0) 0) T ..< M n T Q Q T v, -., 0) (D Q �_, .3-. 0- N O- " I. D (D -o Q '* ,-, • r. 0 }--, rD F-,rt• CDD 0 n (D 0 v, v < v fD m y r v, 'O < 5. Orn o 3 o C N 01 is °- 0- - 0 ~' r* N i- a) vyi b 0 p f-D (D A 3 '+ W co N CD O < 3 CD al — C 0 Us"o (DD N 3 �- O rD - in O 0) N N 3 r► C 03 'N+ v' . d0 O< d A- Q IA v, 0S) v n rD x ° d _ r- c m ' c 'a) CD 0 O .O o a? 3 c �° c - ('1 c a n rt• 0 < C a. °) O () rD CD Cr 0) T1 m fl- v, 3 N -0 O O tJ 0 Cr re o 011 cro 03, �_ M. Q- d n g ° ° ° C? r .... 3 iv " ti. N 3 v, ? ,� < (CD Q 0- v CD v, -o rD r) C3 o r! rr m (1. ; N (D 3 Uo (D 0) (D r* = u0, �, N m a�i n c x v a y r v q _ v+ _ 0) O N On o- O H u CD (D w 7, (D 3 '' . 0 0 r. 0 -5 `30 3 co — v. 3 ut' 0) ry: (D r•. 3 0 (D rD •-. 0 rD ' n (D C rD 0 3 - o' 0_ p y O a) Q v, N n 0 0) a) `•"• a- '0 ° o 0- 3" 3 3 .. vv. ED 0 ro — C rt 3 '0 (o Q (D 77 Q c rD (° w c c- c CD n• S O r. _0 j c X C • 3 0• K o 'moo I 0) r (Del . 0) 'a+ fft) v FIT o C v) �8' n, (D C •'y (D r. r. co tD 0• '3•r S CD h H 3 (D 7 Q fl1 CD 3 m Q_ ~` n v a C) v a Q_ 0) — v 0 n 70 v Cl 0) v • fl. 3 rD a 7 0 n 0 rD 0 3 0 0 rD 0 ,0+ — 3 Or d j O O C00 C A 0 � r .._ 3 Q_ _a r • a 7,: N < 7. C < O (D:CO a < -a Cr -- < O) a O -• < S 3 rD C S .-.1. n (D rD C 7 "' C ("ti 3 '8 O C °' " rD C '* N c rD C rD C N O. rD =4; H � C') 00 a n Q_ o) al Cl n m N C1 O 7- 7 m n N 2. Q_ - N rD A r+ ■T O �; T rD ,.. ,+ -n •< ,7,. .-f •n 7 rD �G N m et, n CD n N 0_ -r rD �--� ,7i (D F-, N a) (, m 1"' a, ,,. 1-, `0 N rD I""' a ,.. a, ,•+ N c -� 4 O' V N n O a v N < tD v -• cu .7+ •v N a) N A rD O 0 �1 rD rD b 0 0 n C in A co m :p a rD w 7, 0 = 0 _ Q_ rD -r, r=)' -s a .< O O c ,-, a 7 O' < < v tCi+ N N O 7 CD 7 (D N a n 7 O rD rD C n y CD .CD 00 .A+ r3. n rD p < al. C N 6' a r<D O = 00 UO fl C— O O ,-, �' �< CD Q_ N O O rD O m -., 3 C j 0 C 0) Oh C fl, 7 N _h n fop .< p- 7 :I Q N N a _ Al O — ," - 3 O 7 v — CD O 7 10 -a Q_ 7 -. O N S N 0) d < O O 3 (D N rD 7 rp rD CD 0 0 (7D 3 Q a 0 -< Q_ c 7 .+ O' N a n, O CD n Q 3' S �. 00 D N — Q 0 rp Q. c O 0 cf Di in 3 Q ,on,, 00)1 ,A• -. m CCD -0 o =CT 'Oo �. 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