The proposed vacation of a portion of the John W. Berry Road No. 293 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF: RESOLUTION NO. 21-115 THE PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF THE JOHN W. BERRY ROAD NO. 293 WHEREAS, RCW 36.87 authorizes the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to vacate useless county roads or portions thereof; and WHEREAS, the BOCC has received information indicating that a portion of the John W. Berry Road No. 293 may be useless as a part of the county road system and that the public may be benefited by its vacation, and the BOCC intends to proceed to determine whether the road should be vacated and abandoned; and WHEREAS, when considering vacation of a county road, the BOCC may by resolution declare its intention to vacate the road and direct the County Road Engineer to report on such vacation. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Road Engineer is instructed to examine all that part of the following described portion of the John W. Berry Road No. 293 as required by RCW 36.87.010 and LCC 12.15 and report his recommendations to the BOCC: All of the John W. Berry Road No. 293 that lies within property located in the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1/2 NE1/4) of Section 31, Township 13 North, Range 2 West, W.M., conveyed by deed recorded under Lewis County Auditor's File No. 3539017. DONE IN OPEN SESSION this 23rd day of March, 2021. Page 1 of 2 Res. 21-115 APPROVED AS TO FORM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jonathan Meyer, Prosecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON Eric Eisenberg Gary Stamper By: Eric Eisenberg, Gary Stamper, Chair Chief Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney ATTEST: •'�°""-)c,F . • Lindsey R. Pollock, DVM•• ° Lidsey R. Pollock, DVM, Vice Chair •0 NCE p S145 •.:,, Rieva Lester '•'g:;SiT� s ;:c*. Sean D. Swope Rieva Lester, Sean D. Swope, Commissioner Clerk of the Lewis County Board of County Commissioners Page 2 of 2 Res. 21-115 t‘.et Sierra Pacific Industries SIERRA PACIFIC Ryderwood Tree Farm • 3115 Kuper Road • Centralia, WA 98531 • INDUSTRIES (360) 736-5417 Growing Forests For Our Future February 19, 2021 Lewis County Public Works Attn: Kelly Albert 2025 NE Kresky Ave Chehalis, WA 98531 Dear Mrs Albert, As I mentioned on the phone yesterday, Sierra Pacific would like to propose to Vacate a portion of the County ROW that extends off the end of the unmaintained County ROW on Berry RD, Winlock, WA. The intent of Sierra Pacific is to be able to conduct forestry operations in this area while having a little impact on our neighbors as possible. We would propose to Vacate that portion where the unmaintained County ROW off Berry Rd enters into Sierra Pacific ownership in Parcel#018293002004 to facilitate future forest operations. We would be willing to provide any necessary additional info and/or resources for you to full evaluate this proposal. Feel free to contact me on my cell phone at 360-957-0579. Thanks for your consideration, Lai Billy I,anglois Forester Sierra Pacific Industries—Ryderwood District (M) 360-957-0579 (0) 360-736-5417 SUSTAINABLE f l FORESTRY INITIATIVE' SFI 00027 ^'"� -----V • p Qi , , , ___ , , i M N 1 C " C i 5 t _ O O '---\---(-- 1 i —Stearns Cteek Secbon_30 I Q Section 31 ____ r, `,\ R Pleasant T i h Valley Rd H o ?- r L i 1 6 a J \ J 1 . Proposed M' M Vacation of c c r O O Pt.John W. iJ p p vi Berry Road in in N ` ■ s NIIIumi Y' Ate Section 31, Township 13 North, Range 2 West, W.M. I- BOCC AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Resolution: BOCC Meeting Date: March 23, 2021 Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Deliberation The proposed vacation of a portion of the John W. Berry Road No. 293 Contact: Josh Metcalf Phone: 2762 Department: PW - Public Works Description: The property owner abutting a portion of John W. Berry Road has requested that the County vacate the right of way. Any and all interests other than the requesting parties will be evaluated as part of the Engineer's Report. Passing the resolution would instruct the County Road Engineer to examine the portion of road, evaluate the request, and file an Engineer's Report, as required by RCW 36.87.010 and LCC 12.15. A copy of the request from the property owner is attached. Instruct the County Road Engineer to examine the road as required by RCW 36.87.010 and LCC 12.15 and report his findings to the Board of County Commissioners. Approvals: Publication Requirements: Publications: User Status Kim Amrine Pending PA's Office Approved Rose Williams Pending Additional Copies: Cover Letter To: Kelly Albert, Kim Amrine, Martin Roy, Matt Hinderlie, Tim Fife