Approve Amendment No. 1 to Rural Arterial Program Project Agreement for Construction Proposal, Centralia Alpha Road Improvements Project BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF: RESOLUTION NO. 21-132 APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE RURAL ARTERIAL PROGRAM PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPOSAL CONTRACT BETWEEN LEWIS COUNTY AND THE COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION BOARD FOR THE CENTRALIA ALPHA ROAD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT - CRP 2084, AND AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES THEREON WHEREAS, in accordance with WAC 136-161-070 (1)(b), Lewis County and the County Road Administration Board (CRAB) desire to amend the original Rural Arterial Program (RAP) Project Agreement for Construction Proposal contract to allow a change of scope to the Centralia Alpha Road Improvements Project - CRP 2084; and WHEREAS, the change of scope is to shift the project limits from mileposts 10.60-11.85 to mileposts 10.638-11.85, which changes the project length from 1.25 miles to 1.212 miles. This change avoids the project expenses of replacing an existing culvert with a much larger, longer and expensive structure, and the relocation and construction of a new road approach to the Thousand Trails campground. These two items were not accounted for in the original cost estimate, and the existing culverts and road approach function properly, are in good condition and meet design standards; and WHEREAS, the Lewis County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) has had an opportunity to review Amendment No. 1 to the Rural Arterial Program Project Agreement for Construction Proposal for CRP-2084, Centralia Alpha Road Improvements Project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the BOCC has determined Amendment No. 1 to the Rural Arterial Program Project Agreement for Construction Proposal for CRP- 2084, Centralia Alpha Road Improvements Project to be in the best public interest and is hereby approved, and the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners is authorized to sign the same. DONE IN OPEN SESSION this 6th day of April, 2021. Page 1 of 2 Res. 21-132 APPROVED AS TO FORM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jonathan Meyer, Prosecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON Eric Eisenberg Gary Stamper By: Eric Eisenberg, Gary Stamper, Chair Chief Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney ATTEST: •'C°."V'' 1s•. Lindsey R. Pollock DVM �Rp OF's, Y Rieva Lester, Clerk of the Boac k °iN � i4 sey R. Pollock, DVM, Vice Chair S ;. 1845 j4;4 Lara McRea '•:s,�„«o?;. • Sean D. Swope By: Lara McRea Sean D. Swope, Commissioner Page 2 of 2 Res. 21-132 cog;)MAC STk47,Q,y �°� Washington State County Road Administration Board 2404 Chandler Court SW, Suite 240 Olympia,WA 98502 www.crab.wa.gov 360-753-5989 March 9, 2021 Tim D. Fife, PE, County Engineer Lewis County Public Works 2025 NE Kresky Avenue Chehalis, WA 98532 RE: Scope Change for Centralia Alpha Road Improvements Project RAP Project Number 2119-01 Dear Tim, Your request for a scope change to Centralia Alpha Road, in which you requested reducing the project length by revising the BMP to MP 10.638, is approved as indicated in the attached amendment to the CRAB /County contract for the RAP funded project. The increased length did not change the project worksheet score, and therefore did not alter the project's position on the original array. Since the potential turn lane proved unwarranted, the reduction in length will save considerable time and effort in the completion of this project, as you described, without altering the intent of the project. Please have your commissioner sign and return all three originals, unaltered, for our final execution and processing within 45 calendar days of the date of this letter. Please call 360-350-6081 or email steve.johnson@u,crab.wa.gov if you have any questions. Sin rely, \a •hn Koster, Director ounty Road Administration Board cc:project file Attachment: RAP contract(x3) STATE OF WASHINGTON -COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION BOARD RURAL ARTERIAL PROGRAM PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROPOSAL AMENDMENT NO. 1 Submitting County: Lewis Project Number: 2119-01 Date Approved:04/25/2019 Road Number(s) Road Name(s) BMP(s) EMP(s) Segment# 94001 Centralia Alpha 10.638 11.850 1 This is Amendment No. 1 to the above described Project Agreement, between the County of Lewis, hereinafter the"County"and the State of Washington County Road Administration Board, hereinafter the"CRABoard." WHEREAS, the COUNTY and CRABoard desire to amend the original Project Agreement to allow a change in project scope under the conditions described in WAC 136-170-030. NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to chapter 36.79 RCW and in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performance contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The following new language is added as section 15 to the Project Agreement: The BMP of the project is revised to: MP 10.638 2. All other terms and conditions of the original Project Agreement shall remain in full force and effect except as modified by this Amendment No. 1. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the PARTIES hereto have executed this AMENDMENT No. 1 as of the PARTY's date last signed below. COUNTY R ' ,V iir • : • RDA Lewis UNTY: By: ,, Date: c//34.5LI Date: 1/7 (20 Z/ Page 1 of 1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 ' Lewis County Department of Public Works LEWIS COUNTY/ '� Josh S. Metcalf, PE, Director Tim D. Fife, PE, County Engineer Change of Scope Request 3/3/2021 Agency: Lewis County Project Title: Centralia Alpha Road Improvements Project Project Number: CRP-2084 and RAP No. 2119-01 Scope Change This Scope Change request is to shift the project limits from mileposts 10.60 - 11.85 to mileposts 10.638 — 11.85, which changes the project length from 1.25 miles to 1.212 miles. This is a reduction of approximately 200 feet in project length. All of the other parameters in the Prospectus will remain the same. No additional RAP funding will be necessary to complete this project as proposed. History Lewis County was previously awarded a $2,200,000 RAP grant to complete roadway improvements on Centralia Alpha Road between mileposts 10.60 and 11.85 for a total length of 1.25 miles in the 2019-2021 Biennium. The total project cost was initially estimated to cost $4,333,000 at the time of the submittal. Approximately $1,634,000 of Lewis County Rural STP funding has been programmed and approved by for the construction phase of this project. The balance of the project will be funded with Lewis County Road Funds. This project was submitted as an RC-Reconstruction project. The project included widening of the existing 26' wide road to a 30' roadway, providing guardrail, the improvement of intersection alignments, and other safety work. The beginning milepost (10.60) of the project was chosen in order to realign a vertical curve and to assess the entrance to a campground for a turn lane for their road approach. As our design has progressed we have determined that no turn lane is warranted, and the vertical curve can be constructed within the proposed project limits (10.638 - 11.85). In order to complete the Road Maintenance & Administration, Engineering,Utilities, Solid Waste Services Fleet Services Real Estate Services & Traffic Post Office Box 180 476 West Main St. 2025 NE Kresky Ave. Centralia,WA 98531 Chehalis, WA 98532 Chehalis, WA 98532 0 360.740.1451 0 360.740.3380 0 360.740.1123 F 360.330.7805 360.740.2741 F 360.740.1479 required roadway widening between mileposts 10.60 and 10.638 it would require us to replace an existing culvert with a much larger, longer, and expensive structure, and to relocate and construct a new road approach to the campground. These two items were not accounted for in the original cost estimate, and the existing culverts and road approach function properly, are in good condition, and meet design standards. In addition, the property owners within this section have given us the indication that any Right-of-Way acquisition may be challenging and could potentially cause delays in construction, and Thousand Trails has not been receptive to the idea of relocating their road approach. Justification By shifting the entire length of the project to the new mileposts we anticipate the following: 1. Avoidance of the substantial cost of replacing an existing culvert with a much larger/longer structure. 2. Avoidance of the additional costs to relocate the driveway access to the Thousand Trails Campground. Thousand Trails is a 300-acre campground with 315 campsites. The existing road approach meets current standards. 3. Avoidance of project delays anticipated by Right-of-Way challenges from adjacent property owners. 4. No additional RAP funding will be necessary to complete this project. 5. Our review of the project scoring for this project resulted in no scoring change. Therefore, this project would have been funded in the 2019-2021 Biennium if it would have been submitted with the termini proposed in this scope change. Please consider this as Lewis County's formal request for this Scope Change. The completed Change of Scope Request Form has also been uploaded to RAP Online. 3 - V- Z/ Tim D. Fife, P.E. Date County Engineer Attachments:Change of Scope Request Form,SWR RAP Rating Worksheet,Vicinity Map,accident data REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN SCOPE - RAP FUNDED PROJECT COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION BOARD- (If requesting additonal RATA funds,increase request form must also be attached) Insert Information in shaded areas. » Lewis County requests a change in scope to the RATA funded project listed below: ROAD NAME: Centralia Alpha RAP PROJ NO. 2119-01 BEGIN M.P. 10.60 END M.P. 11.85 RATA approved: 04/2512019 Project RATA funds paid to the County: 98,965.00 Proposed milepost limits 10.64 to 11.85 >> The proposed scope change will revise the prospectus items and rating points as follows: Road conditions affected by Rating points affected by Scope Change Scope Change Prospectus: Proposed Original Proposed Project Length 1.25 1.212 Design Speed Accident History Traffic Volume Roadway Width Lane I Pavement Width Shoulder Width Vertical Alignment/Grade _- Horizontal Alignment Structural Section (Visual structural or surface condition points will be re-scored by CRABstaff) Revised prospectus Worksheets and Vicinity Map are: X attached to be sent to CRAB »The county requests this scope change because: This Scope Change Request is to shift the project limits from mileposts 10.60 -11.85 to mileposts 10.638 - 11.85, and the project length from 1.25 miles to 1.212 miles(approximately 200'). All of the other parameters in the Prospectus will remain the same. No additional RAP funding will be necessary to complete this project as proposed. (attach additional sheets if necessary) >> The scope changed project is or will be funded from the following secured or potential sources: Name of funding source: Amount: Secured? RATA $ 2,200,000.00 Yes STP-R $ 1,634,000.00 Yes County Funds $ 499,000.00 Yes Total cost $ 4,333,000.00 » Scope change request submitted by: 1 !, on: 3- 'ZI Public orks Director•r Engineer date hap./fwww.crab.wa.godgrants/SCOPEAls 4123/96 County: Lewis RAP RC project Project Name: Centralia Alpha Road Improvements SW REGION & viser/ RC RATING SUMMARY: Possible Scored Points Points TRAFFIC: TRAFFIC VOLUME 10 10.00 TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS 10 4.00 TRAFFIC SUBTOTAL 20 14.00 ROAD CONDITION Surfaced Roads 50 50.00 Dirt or Gravel Roads 50 0.00 STRUCTURE SUBTOTAL 50.00 GEOMETRIC Pavement Width 10 1.00 Road Bed Width 10 10.00 Gravel, Roadbed Width only 15 0.00 Horiz. and Vert. Alignment 20 0.00 GEOMETRICS SUBTOTAL 30 11.00 Available Raw Score Final STRUCTURE AND GEOM. COMBINATION 80 61.00 61.00 TOTAL SWR RAP WORKSHEET RATING 100 75.0C Note: 1. Points for the Road Surface Condition Rating other than Gravel Surfaced will be assigned by CRAB staff. 2. No points are allowed for conditions not to be improved by the project. 3. Points assigned must be in proportion to percent of the minimum design standard achieved. Proposals below design standards may require WSDOT deviation approval. Centralia Alpha RC Worksheet 7/14/04 TRAFFIC Last 3 full years: ACCIDFNTR 1 P.D.ONLY ACCIDENTS 768 AADT 3 INJURY(non fatal)ACCIDENTS 1.21 LENGTH,(miles) FATALAC3IDENTS 07 !FUNCTION CLASS STRUCTURE RATING PAVEMENT SURFACE PSC preformed by CRAB PSC provided by CRAB 55 RC Score 50 i Pavement distress types and measurements are defined by Northwest Pavement Management Association Pavement Surface Condition Field Rating Manual for Asphalt Concrete and Portland Cement Concrete. POINTS PSC (RC) 0 20 10 25 20 30 30 35 40 40 50 45 60 50 70 40 80 25 90 15 100 0 • GEOMETRY EXIST See tables at right PROPOSED STANDARD P'.MT WIDTH,Lanes (Paved 24 24 22 F'VMT ROADBED WIDTH Roads) 24 or 30 30 ROAD GRAVFI ROADBED WIDTH ROAD 'Roadbed'is shoulder to shoulder TERRAIN FLAT Minimum Des.Speed: ROLLING x 40 MOUNTAINOUS LIST ALL DEFICIENT CURVES HnR17 CURVES• VERT CIIRVFS See aeeihaelthelso See sheets belaw Ball Bank Proposed Percent = Exist.Sight Length of Proposed Percent Exist.Sal= Speed Speed fmprnverl U flicranra Curve,it Speed frnprnverl 4 ao 50 50 1 360 400 50 45 50 50 2 344 400 50 44 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 _ 0.011 Points 1111% Avg, 0.00 Points lnn% CUM.Avg 800 Deficient length Visual/ RATA RATA Short Bie ■ CountyNam■ RoadName - Ty -' BM!■ EIV -!SurfTvl Point171 Request - Authori; - Fundi■ 16 Grays Harbor Garrard Creek Road Realignment RC 3.10 3.60 81.16 1,287,000 1,235,833 51,167 16 Cowlitz South Cloverdale Road 3R 0.13 0.79 71.52 1,300,000 1,217,243 82,757 16 Thurston Vail Road SE 3R 1.76 3.27 64.63 1,800,000 1,186,443 613,557 18 Lewis Jackson Hwy 5 DR 2.09 2.13 74.68 499,500 355,300 144,200 18 Mason North Shore-Cady Creek DR 6.90 7.00 67.00 500,000 465,972 34,028 18 Pacific Stringtown Road Culvert DR 0.12 0.17 51.53 499,500 372,568 126,932 18 Wahkiakum Eden Valley Road drainage improve DR 1.90 2.10 50.00 481,500 206,500 275,000 18 Clark NE Munch Road 3R 0.00 0.59 45.82 950,000 700,000 250,000 18 Skamania Wind River Road 2R 1.99 3.51 34.10 670,500 504,000 166,500 ----> Lewis Centralia Alpha RC 10.60 11.85 50 Wahkiakum Loop Road RC 1.05 1.25 45 Cowlitz Dike Road 2R 3.05 5.32 38 Lewis Hwy 603 3R 10.90 11.70 30 Pacific Raymond-South Bend Road 3R 1.45 1.62 30 Skamania Washougal River Road 3R 11.62 12.96 30 Wahkiakum Jacobson Road 3R 0.00 0.33 30 Clark SE Blair Road 2R 2.47 3.91 26 Pacific Udell Hansen Road 3R 0.00 0.73 25 Pacific South Fork Road 3R 3.60 5.52 25 Lewis Bunker Creek 3R 2R 0.28 0.82 21 Mason Old Belfair Hwy 3R 1.20 1.60 15 Mason Cloquallum Rd Phase 2 3R 5.26 5.85 15 Grays Harbor Ocean Beach Road Overlay 2R 0.00 2.50 13 Cowlitz South Silver Lake Road 3R 1.45 2.84 10 Thurston McCorkle Rd-113th to CRP 614 3R 0.00 1.28 10 Wahkiakum Elochoman Valley Road 3R 0.00 0.87 10 Cowl itz Delameter Road 3R 2.33 3.20 10 Cowlitz Tower Road 3R 0.00 1.50 4 Mason Cloquallum Rd Phase 1 3R 4.60 5.26 4 Mason North Shore-Great Bend DR 16.60 16.70 4 Thurston 113th-Bloom's Ditch to Tilley 3R 13.06 14.00 4 Thurston 113th-Tilley to McCorkle 3R 14.00 15.22 4 Grays Harbor Wynooche Valley Road Culvert DR 7.17 7.23 2 Grays Harbor Wishkah Rd Culvert Replacement DR 4.35 4.45 2 Lewis Bunker Creek Culvert DR 5.65 5.71 2 Cowlitz Cloverdale Road DR 1.75 1.81 1 Lewis King DR 3.72 3.75 1 Estimated SW Region Revenue=$6,800,000 � a t t .2 J .J b N t L Z L Z J O O O 0 N 0 O N M 3 o M U U Ur 0 L, € C La a La `z m .5 u 5 U cc U U o t $ c V O o m c z = CS moo N a. 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B I B 1 I g V C ti� 5 ' wC I 1 C I , a D - _ D et, 1 r "a 1 Jested Begin Project Milepost 10.638 End Project Milepost 11.85 1 E 11 - E / ��Q` Centralia Alpha 4 G if c1.0 ad G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4tivittligtI) Lewis County, Washington r 94001 Centralia-Alpha Road LEWIS COUNTY Milepost 10.638 to 11.85 BOCC AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Resolution: BOCC Meeting Date: April 6, 2021 Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Deliberation Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Rural Arterial Program Project Agreement for Construction Proposal contract between Lewis County and the County Road Administration Board for the Centralia Alpha Road Improvements Project - CRP 2084, and authorizing signatures thereon. Contact: Josh Metcalf Phone: 2762 Department: PW - Public Works Description: Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Rural Arterial Program Project Agreement for Construction Proposal contract between Lewis County and the County Road Administration Board for the Centralia Alpha Road Improvements Project - CRP 2084, and authorizing signatures thereon. Approvals: Publication Requirements: Publications: User Status PA's Office Pending Additional Copies: Cover Letter To: Tim Fife-PW, Geoff Soderquist-PW, Rose After signed, please send all three originals, Williams-PW unaltered, for final execution and processing within 45 days of 3/9/2021. Please send to: County Road Administration Board 2404 Chandler Court SW, Suite 240 Olympia, WA 98502