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Public Hearing informing public of Community Development Block Grant General Purpose Grant opportunities BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF: RESOLUTION NO. 21-138 PUBLIC HEARING INFORMING THE PUBLIC OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT GENERAL PURPOSE GRANT OPPORTUNITIES WHEREAS, Lewis County is applying to the Washington State Department of Commerce for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) General Purpose grant; and WHEREAS, Lewis County is required by the Department of Commerce CDBG rules to hold a public hearing to provide opportunity for community members to propose projects or offer input on the proposed activities; and WHEREAS, the Lewis County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) has held a public hearing on April 6, 2021, and received testimony regarding the CDBG grant opportunities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that at or after the hour of 2 p.m. on April 6, 2021, in the Commissioners' Hearing Room on the second floor of the Historic Courthouse in Chehalis, Washington, the BOCC has fulfilled the requirement of a public hearing for CDBG grant opportunities. DONE IN OPEN SESSION this 6th day of April, 2021. APPROVED AS TO FORM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jonathan Meyer, Prosecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kevin McDowell Gary Stamper By: Kevin McDowell, Gary Stamper, Chair Deputy Prosecuting Attorney '•°""T' ATTEST: '" '• Lindsey R. Pollock, DVM 7� �i of rod•. Rieva Lester, Clerk of the Board,V Ldsey R. Pollock, DVM, Vice Chair s' x$45 •'�����'CTpN;�• Lara McRea Sean D. Swope By: Lara McRea Sean D. Swope, Commissioner Page 1 of 1 Res. 21-138 Lewis County Water District #1 PO Box 493 Randle, WA 98377-0493 360-497-7745 March 24, 2021 Dear Lewis County Board of County Commissioners. I am writing to formally request that Lewis County apply for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding this year on behalf of Lewis County Water District 1 (LCWD1) for a new 158,000 gallon water reservoir and replacement of approximately 1,600 linear feet of water line on SR 131, including a bridge crossing. Background LCWD1 completed a Water System Plan Update, which was approved by Department of Health Office of Drinking Water(DOH ODW) in Summer 2020. Need for Project— Reservoir. Several years ago, DOH ODW required LCWD1 to disconnect the water system's 'Hampton reservoir' from the rest of the water system, due to concerns about water quality. Since then,the Hampton reservoir has been bypassed except for high demands such as significant fire flow. However, if used during a fire, unsafe water from the reservoir would be injected in large quantities into potable distribution piping.The Hampton reservoir's connection to the system thus represents a health safety hazard which must be eliminated. In February 2021, DOH ODW notified LCWD1 that the Hampton reservoir poses an unacceptable contamination hazard to potable water supply. That hazard must be eliminated by disconnection of the reservoir or equivalent means soon. This impacts the ability of LCWD1 to provide the required fire flow to the White Pass School District property in Randle. LCWD1 Board President Bill McMahan has discussed this situation with officials from the school district. LCWD1 proposes to address this situation by building a new water reservoir that is sized to provide the required fire flow to the school district. Water Main Replacement. The existing 2-inch water main is undersized and in poor condition. The line is responsible for a large portion of the current high level of distribution system leakage. OM • COMMISSIONERS: Bill McMahan position ni Frank Peterson position az Avy Creighton,Administrative Assistant Income Survey In March 2021, LCWD1 conducted a CDBG-required household income survey in order to determine if the district is eligible to receive CDBG area benefit funding. We are in the process of validating the survey, however it appears LCWD1 is well above 51% low- to moderate- income,therefore eligible to receive CDBG funding. Cost Estimate Our engineering consultant, Grayling Engineers, is updating cost estimates. At this point we anticipate the overall cost estimate will be $1,500,000 or less. We would like to apply for $900,000 from CDBG, and we will apply for a Public Works Board loan on July 15 for the remainder of needed costs. Lewis County BOCC April 6 Public Hearing I plan to attend your April 6 public hearing (remotely), at which you will be taking proposals for CDBG applications this year. Please let me know if you would like any additional information before then. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Bill McMahan LCWD1 Board President T A ` ' .. COMMISSIONERS: Bill McMahan posit on ai Frank Peterson position 02 Avy Creighton,Administrative Assistant r A -.. ._ 8,•.•,rte ''c(.'.,.�,�'t . • Washington State .- �� Department of - - rl�r-. -�"� � ,#'-_ '40 Commerce _ ( s We strengthen communities ..y w RURAL COMMUNITY GRANTS FOR ACTIVITIES THAT BENEFIT LOW-AND MODERATE-INCOME PERSONS COMVUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOC < GRANT (CDBG) General Purpose Grants $12,000,000 Agency contact For planning or construction of public infrastructure,community Jon Galow facilities, affordable housing, and economic development projects. SECTION MANAGER Competitive. Maximum grant up to$900,000 based on project type. Application materials available in March and due in June. Local Government Division jon.galow Housing Enhancement Grants $200,000 Phone: 509.847.5021 For off-site infrastructure or the community facility component of a state Housing Trust Fund project. Competitive. Maximum grant is $200,000,with potential additional hardship funding. Initial CDBG ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: application forms are submitted with a HTF Stage 2 application. Washington State cities/towns with less than 50,000 in Public Services Grants $1 ,500,000 population and not participating For 17 counties and community action agencies to fund new or in a CDBG entitlement urban county consortium; and counties expanded services for lower income persons. Allocated by a with less than 200,000 in formula based on population and poverty.Application materials population. A complete list is on available in February and due in April. Commerce's CDBG webpage. Other public and non-profit National O bj e ct i ve s entities and Indian tribes are not eligible to apply directly for state Funded by the US Department of Housing& Urban Development, CDBG funding, but may be a CDBG activities must meet one of these national objectives: partner in projects and subrecipient of funding with an • Principally benefits low-and moderate-income (LMI) persons. eligible city/town or county. • Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. • Addresses imminent threat to public health or safety COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Funding is contingent on HUD approval of the state CDBG Action Plan. BLOCK GRANT February 2021 ,j..,..-.. - +...yam•.. ..n."' -we,...�... , -«r ..L ' 1 44,; '.,.;- r :. . 4 Washington State Department of .'o r �# _ !i J Commerce _. UN 1W '4,y-Il■ _ : -.. •- _ We strengthen communities i AYUNDANDO LAS COMUNIDADES RURALES CON PROYECTOS QUE BENEFICIAN PERSONAS DE INGRESO BAJO Becas Consolidadas para el Desarrollo Communitario BECAS DE PROPOSITO GENERAL INFORMACIONDECONTACTO Para planeamiento o construccion de infraestructura publica, facilidades comunitarias,viviendas economicas o proyectos de Jon Galow desarrollo economico. Competitivo. El maximo de becas Ilega hasta DIRECTOR DE PROGRAMA $900,000 basado en el tipo de proyecto. Las solicitudes estan Division del Gobierno Local disponibles en Marzo y son recibidos en Junio. $12,000,000 jon.galow Telefono: 509.847.5021 BECAS DE MEJORAMIENTO DE VIVIENDAS Para infraestructura externa o el componente del proyecto de facilidad comunitaria del fondo de vivienda del estado. Las solicitudes son aceptadas mientras hayan fondos disponibles. Competitivo. El maximo DIRECTIVAS DE ELEGIBILIDAD: de becas es generalmente de$200,000. El material de solicitud esta E Los solicitantes elegibles son aceptado con una solicitud de del HTF Etapa 2. $200,000 ciudades/pueblos del Estado de Washington con una poblacion de BECAS DE SERVICIO PUBLICO menos de 50,000 y que estan Para proveer fondos a agencias de condados y accion comunitaria que participando en el derecho al expandan sus servicios y ofrezcan servicios nuevos a personas de consorcio del condado urbano de bajos recursos. La solicitud esta disponible en Febrero para ser la CDBG;y condados con una poblacion de menos de 200,000 recibidos en Abril. $1,500,000 habitantes. Las ciudades/pueblos elegibles y condados estan HUD O B J ET I V O S N A C I O N A L E S dellatados en la paging de la web CDBG Los proyectos del CDBG deben cumplir con los tres Objetivos Nacionales del HUD: • Debe beneficiar personas de ingreso bajo o moderado • Ayuda a Ia prevenciOn o eliminaciOn de Ia contaminaciOn COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • Trata las amenazas inminentes a la salud del publico BLOCK GRANT(CDBG) Febrero 2021 BOCC AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Resolution: BOCC Meeting Date: April 6, 2021 Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Hearing - Resolution Public Hearing informing the public of Community Development Block Grant General Purpose Grant opportunities Contact: Josh Metcalf Phone: 3607402762 Department: PW - Public Works Description: This Resolution will satisfy the Washington State Department of Commerce requirements to hold a public hearing to provide an opportunity for community members to propose projects or offer input on the proposed activities. Lewis County is applying to the Washington State Department of Commerce for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) General Purpose grant and invited public participation to inform residents of the availability of CDBG funds and provided an opportunity for community members to propose projects or offer input on the proposed activities. A public hearing is held in the Commissioners Hearing Room on the 2nd floor of the Historic Courthouse in Chehalis, Washington, on April 6, 2019 at or after 2:00 p.m. in order to satisfy the Washington State Department of Commerce requirements. The public hearing was advertised in The Chronicle on March 25 and April 1, 2021. Approvals: Publication Requirements: Publications: User Status Josh Metcalf Pending PA's Office Pending Additional Copies: Cover Letter To: Robin Saline, PW; Kim Amrine, PW; Josh Metcalf, PW