Public Hearing sign-in sheets i ,;) : '.4. , .i W O In QN co 3 to d' c W L a V a, % 0 D 7 \ Z O J W %. a) N W cc N a a, W la 6 E c c Z E O -5: 4 v > �J O Z 1 W CC t o c N = O Q V C -0 W +.; 4 > t o m R a CO z O m W ��' II--IV LL al 2 hi W o• Z S o W Z I a o \A U \� Z *, \� c 1 , Z� r N CO d' L ) (0 N 00 0) O T N CO d' r r 1— 1— r (,) J F f le vA L,`C S T- PP6e (o(z. 7 AV,it L R e o '(7 k Q ty, o e T tie LE ' t S c_c t -757 5 cA cg. N Ii0AlkD os6 CoLLNTY CO AMA ISS !o ,WCRS -iv , wA , \ 17$-`I AA4gs :L 4 * D ,7151 1 11*6 Lawls County W ton D.FAR Cokw ftrt, .ovnnnrti s.s f c Ai ta5 , NAR 3 i an E ai WRtT1Jtp 7b ASK is tt .(OT c o _Ay0pROV_C' pUs ,009- • "? 't-cc'ec avk -To vie J S -tAS TN is Cc UN TY UJe Age cN rei€ aA ( AALE aF A C 1 1 6 6 wA'R f91q1-) 6 Cott^►r C6 A Lke.1 we 4c1 /A14 7-c3 rcice 4 4c1 - e v ( t J g6) p s zt)S 'r O P )sc2l nn ce■rn 71 lUtr- 4q.4 /iu.0" 154-8 0 f€"-12S•WNS , T Sc_t g Fgou►a c i6C1124 - tPeTZSenI'S l Tsvl�-y. m�W eoujZ� t-c ov1 S€ r�u r 0 (A..) I ('Jc DO C.2akIT QL. OF 4: .k.(g., &&mac t ■ "*E-( rc'c c AO% bC -rte - pgcItT"' (5 t`it. w a S3NE. Ekts,A eo-1, 'C6CTrd N'1C PEVlce3 . "1-K6- :..TK E A, • 'kl€ Cdrk t-1 N TZ e d (i1/4J T 4" TO 1•EAL G A \'TT 1S 'FRo'MLFr✓V fN 4 Cot1AQT c 1_4'rt3 , s T * . 1.... ' t. . .. u.=tu * <A • _ .- . r_A SS AW b. e «CTr-IQA` t_Nittj S f5cpdk_ fr)Q N1L.9(7 - tS Pec.cegTwN, 64'J okTrevnyT€D 't / 167/ N -oce_s / 84-c Elto/ 13.c--C-xi Tau) 0 73F ?LAI4 NAA14 I.ery . ; &LS., = . . L kk C. k PACCZ T 7$ U U Q '^AL. klid u,t-7 12)e tai Alps) To cT id 1W IL:' if CdanantiscloI , t ki ge. 'cm f (tsc7`2 )134( Cavc,t,UFFk "rti "Cc('c-(4_ 1/1 T ec.11,) k'l-1OIJ 1- to•kri- ciAstes Tq-Eg . wrE., t\4 .N p t v p\A Ct. my )0Ds' I 0► C:::.'E . oL 1, 1 07. 0 r • o S t-TexS' 1 -‘-'06(rS of EtEC r v ,tvtA l• fric PAD(A Tt N / 4a 0 Vg.k. 4 k x.S (45k S__LU ST rTV C- 17:• -(36 S Voa).-- 1$1 .c e 7" (-I As 13 ,e,ix.r A b.0 k g^) k Qt-5t4 T Tr-C r R S1ia T ti 4 S e ej '''Co 4 A/O 5",� Tt-VF fc(6 w t yr L1s •F c(,E'cT(2ct` N\A(/n9 \c 1,AptAT\ 9 62 tN) ? ot/ rlCOr b-.c(t..L f g.Q 1V - ca__ s. i -4 ( )S1-- 00 MMM)V . 6. LL c.c .tivAmss t d 41181 T iZ E 0 E'VlI "1'N-E ArrA C.t-1 Z bd cvklv\6r\T s cARE+F L L Y Apt Po 1-06- 1 p /6f/-r- T+t'6 i A Qc Au__ t-4MD3 d ..s T'Tt€I crrr r 6 A-r I o rt, z J P.F.61174v 9'a `Tt(es€ Th LJE J , k l-c-PtkldvtiE-6z"S &euil$ C6u4k1T ' aug' sc.owMO )S eel 4c & A5 2.olct GET T6 1-•O • - A o _ • k . V . (ilV 2e4 9.2%. oZ 0 . i_ETTElk To LEw LS cutTt 44.55E SSOr< M AZeI) 1A 20 t.ETTrta, •ro TOM•it/A if gitiV L,C . 49%S SFSSa1Z t 8/AS jRc ZC1 Le r y e g o Rtz M giAL- 5-1St-WA d(-7 5 0 2. C o‘/ e /o P3A0 A n 16 T T C-1 a. To I & ur (A 1Z1_l 1J- R 4 N N 1tJ4 (a R A-(7 (°b 3 f Zoa V. 1ETTt't'L To Crye /S KuST=TO scooL 0 )sr, 5t't z °/2,7 f Q &3 LF"t�7 ' yo C C J)C - -RtEf-LASED r PANT 1A141(;oho LeTT6(Z To �( W V4eftnr -SEKT a F is rA LF T7�R _ T o Derr d F g€ V E/v'CC= r/2 1 a..;1 c.ETTE R err) ctrl 1S co own/ 'f"-kE10,-.5c- RER /17 S Cou(VT� SSC'S Cc'R 3ll ' cr 0 t.�'�TLR TO LEI �1 PILL LeTT6-xS / toFvoREb 6-0NaT' <=(2T Of RE-A/EA,Lie SOS cFR •LAI i '4f ( li/is ceg, - i . UPEg7 UFFIt.IAL o�, SCOTT TINNEY, COUNTY CLERK COURT SUMMONS LEWIS COUNTY JURY SERVICES N �; , You are hereby summoned to * ' l_;; , * 345 W. Main Street serve as a juror in Lewis County, 1v9 -ate Chehalis, WA 98532-4802 �Fwts co� , Washington for the jury term: Term Duration: OCTOBER 2019 048982 REPORT TO: Lewis County Law &Justice Center IIIhurulIIIIIIIhIIIIII11 1111IIIII'llidilellelple11IIIuuIIIIIuII ;., t; 497 345 W. Main Street iaS4... 35Timothy lmorn Creek Rd Chehalis, WA � tiiJi':i Toledo WA 98591 9616 Juror#: 244254 . ; Panel #: ' - `;t;,;3 f‘'' ' 1 j;, Mill 11101101111111111111111111111111111111I1l II WHAT TO DO. JUROR STEP 1: Read both sides of this document fully. It is both a ! SUMMONS for Jury Service and a Juror Questionnaire PARKING PASS Form. Valid Only: ' OCTOBER 2019 STEP 2: YOU MUST complete the Juror Questionnaire on both Term Duration: 1 MONTH sides and return immediately using the enclosed LOCATION:'ANY MUNICIPAL STREET envelope. ' PARKING SPACE WITH IN 2 BLOCKS OF THE COURTHOUSE. STEP 3: Follow the reporting instructions on this summons. NOT VALID FOR LOADING ZONES OR STEP 4: BRING YOUR SUMMONS WITH YOU WHEN YOU i HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES. REPORT FOR JURY SERVICE. NOT VALID FOR 13 MINUTE, 30 MINUTE Jury Message Line 360-740-1462 OR ONE HOUR PARKING SPACES. County Website www.Iewiscountywa.gov ! SCOTT TINNEY- LEWIS COUNTY CLERK Exemptions from Jury Service Except for a person who is not qualified for Jury service under RCW 2.36.070, no person may be excused from jury service by the court except upon a showing of undue hardship, extreme inconvenience, public necessity, or any reason deemed sufficient by the court for a period of time :he onurtt den:ns necessary. (RCW 2.36.100) A' cr,mpiover shall provide an employee with a sufficient leave of absence from employment to serve as a juror when that employee is summoned TOW 2.36. An employer shall not deprive an employee of employment or threat, coerce, or harass an employee, or deny en " ,>'C?;9S promotional opportunities because the employee receives a summons, responds to a summons, serves as a juror, or attends -n:;r± '':s„.:cl:ve ury service,An employer who intentionally violates subsection (1)or(2)of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. :e-s:on sumvr:oned for jury service who intentionally fails to appear as directed shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION YOU CANNOT BE EXCUSED BY TELEPHONE - ONLY WRITTEN REQUESTS MAY BE CONSIDERED "or the Entire Term? 1 OR the Following Date(s): ._----- ._ s-Yes ❑No 11 For the Following Reason(s): _Z_`AJ _J215a3.1 6 , -1— CA AJA 7- j'i-r- f• s"t-4 iv i-0 !Z Lo AK) 764c- ., (-C c Ti ZQ SvAO 4 . FAI INT-uL. ro Rr 4Rpur,up cc<- C n (,nVr(LE-LL. [='i+omrS Ittni (a WtRFc-F3S 5Y3 (c-NtMS (cAnFi) .4<SU Q4 us `' A4 UJJO ,(C.7 You will be notified by phone or mail if your request has been granted. --— .DETACH HERE AND RETURN TOP PORTION. PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH SIDES. 2 JURY REPORTING INSTR1InTSriMQ - - - -- - .. * :,/ Lewis County Jury Coordinator 1 , it_ Phbne: 360 740-2704 FAX: 360 748-1639 Panel No: 1 •. st Name :i.; , First Name Middle Initial Age 0,1,3 Lewis Prior Residence(City/State) Are You Employed?‘, IF YES,Your Type of Occupation Your Prior Occupation Spouse't Occupation . , ,Are you related to or.a close friend Have you or any member of your immediate family been a PARTY to a lawsuit? Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a traffic violation? ' ''' El Yes''''''''S No '''''' : . . . Immediate familY0 (This is not a reqlogst for excusal from Jury service, soe other side) Describe any physical condition,such as a loss of hearing Or sight,or a chronic ailment which may.affect your ability to serve as a juror,or a condition requiring assistance or accessibility.„ :..,/,-,!.. ', .. '' '-74/1 'Fr_E ' , VI k_• &I ev1FPla117 ' E : Do you drive an dOtomobile? rtwe Yes • No Are you a Lewis'County resident? , -.:' 71.1 Yes • No Have you ever been a victim of crime? 6 Yes 0 No Are you a United States citlzan? . .,. ' :i'j ,ii,,,,,aig yes:;-,r,.:•0 No Have you ever bet convicted of a felony? CI Yes 8 No Are you at least 18 years of age?•-• ' -':''''''' ''';'13:1 Ye'S''''..:.'71_3 No if yes, have you had your civil rights restored? 0 Yes 0 No Can you communicate in English? 1 :".1.)Z:,)Yes'''''.: 0 No VI:' `You are automatically disqualified If you anawered"net°any of The questions In the above column and you will not receive confirmation of tns A. I certify that theloregoing statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I acknowledge receipt of the enclosed suMmons. DETACH HERE AND'RETURN TOP PORTION. PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH SIDES. • ". / • • ■ . . f - !-- f Ii 1 1 I ; : I _ -- --I-7-- --.!-----i----1----1---.!-- ., ! : ; opfit4''c#.: 6 - •-,-- oc,:, ._ -: • sill ' ----- .-- --rh..---h-1.---i----:- .\\ ,! o _ (7. 4..u.i..0.._: .1____ _____ k 1 ! i I 1 so3..s.247 -3 1---1 I - ---[--------1---!-------Ti---- • 01 ___________.___1 ____ J_...._ . 1 1 1 ()I ilil . -.-- :L-() Y d 0\-k S o ti.l 4 ---,,,' -;-:-----• 1--- !----- r.---r_-i--1 ---1---i- t -----.----,--' - 0_ 2 ARE_60.__Aiii_p.ge.....v.., ._.iM (2....;_t1 T-7(--/.../7dx, • ii.\'t Lish._',Tirr_o_L.L EL\i_. F. al -ega klt, ( (•:.::-...' (: i r IS rrni . . .1m; GI 4 • i, _Z.1 I_ /1(..i .6.g/. ../.). . (-/ • '. ' • 7-7A' - - .._'-_.:Sc2i :+1. a a_.1.,t_r__' A: . • _nr.;_tiLls_ c_4.1..7_767..J.,.1 f... 7 •. '.:'. ■c . _. ----_(/ fa- 1 ..ki . c. FEL 01\11-ELS !._. .ri 1-3-6 • _ et/ Tir 5-, /■1,1 !.._8'.__CiAL-■<.)_.Yr=.--.) .. 7-0 I , -1-. • , -I ., 1 goil • . .. &_. ._ (:.-. • .4 mt,5" tAli.i. .._._1,-f.r .0E..11.Al L2.:.A1,;S_S.4 ! _:7-.7cTil 4s7 .:1 e. .r- i 1 1 A 7 Ist_IA.E.1_71)__, wi 6 R-.s 7-1- r y _.± .jr.....J.k.t2i._t-: --- ._ ... it PL. ----0. _.:- ._\,LE,s,,) i 1 11....Aj.VJ 1 A IL)1.1,A • • - s___&Li_E.r._}.1_. . zAmtl ____./vi_/_;t/p 1 *----)- i 1• . . - ---__71--__A.:197L.t.^11fliELR.E-1F C-g' IN' C•_&,..ii 4. ..___?4- lAi ict1.- „I-T.1.i A. Al_ II ..k . _Y =e.tv\:(it^.• -40..- .... __[____,C.)__(..P__el._ 41(1. . T TA • 6: ' nY\ __.8. T lip Fe...p .;., tvE-k -A-, P .'-''2//Y:-C 11 . 1 L.....(7......_ .___.:._._ .._4...pr&. itirr 1 s . -J_ . () .0 d.il.L.:D...._iNc-. ./: )/ ... eQ.). a_ r c-LasJ 1._. t_E141-1202 ......J.E... ..c ,.." ::::/. '7 K . ._ Z. :\(,c..d r s 5_k..t. . s_ 4A .:(0 4 . 4 c k L J I J J)s. , _ .T__.:. (51,..[7.-_.. t.:.z.-. / (!i.... C.,' • . '... .14 •_..0N_ ___-_ko. TI ty.1 _613,i(16/,\/ i ' I 1 -1 ,,J..---- t• ' - • 2;'--••• ' -. . _...:___.7.7.0.!...._0._R_u_C: _ _ - V. . A .,5,•..._____ htl v- zr_Z. _A_Fhten.4 A !,-c: re....s .2._ 5(1/4-r: 1. ._4(.4____ S...___6/.6..4(..i..4.. s: :a'...i t o.d*;,..ty1...._ --,;I',1.i v c P•.I x 4y'1./,.. 4y o.s6-2'A/s ., . 1EJ qi lz ... cz ± [i 6 J 4 A/ _1 2. • L , ; : i i ..,• . . ._.. _. . ....,.. A. a t 1 4 oh ;( `-' 10 1 f2 ) .-.79 ..ckt_ t". /.(I 9_0.( R-.5(-1,101-4 - - -J.- -- 1 -r- t - --, ---,--i- , ----- • . -- ---- -.7.. . : ____ .___.:___4._._____I ... .z_re -1?. 1 -.-1 . 1 1 ! 1 ; 21 ' ; ' . • 1 ^ 1:' 1 1.' 1 [2 1 .1 1 1 I i 1 ; , • .......___L___L___._.......,_____LL :_. .....__ .. i E.6 ' Lewis. County Assessor DIANNE DOREY r.,. Wi` ASSESSOR LEWIS COUNTY ' David Campbell Chief De ii II u∎IrMglois 1loll( 'unlo• ce ss.>.r R. C. Cavazos ChiefApprhissr 3/6/2020 Timothy Pegler 351 Salmon Creek Rd. ' Toledo, WA 98591 ' Dear Mr. Pegler, Our office received your request to inspect or copy public records, referred to as a Public Disclosure Request (PDR) on 2/21/2020. Your request states"I respectfully request a full and detailed`accounting of how the'Assessor came to the conclusions they have reached in regards to this property." • Though you have not requested any specific documents we have enclosed the trend reports that are. applicable for your properties trend factor for tax years 2019.and 2020: The County considers this particular request fulfilled and is now closed. If you believe we have misunderstood your request or the scope of your request, please let us know as soon as possible, as it is our intent to work with you to provide the records you are requesting. If you have any questions,,please feel free to contact my office at 360-740-1102 or via email at Levies@lewiscountywa.gov. Respectfully, Val cot'd)..., .. ,, , , Dianne Dorey {, Lewis County Assessor • r: Lewis County Courthouse • 360 NW North St., MS:ASR01 • Chehalis,WA 98532-1900 •'(360).740-1392•:. Fax (360) 740-1262 - . .--- - -,-- : -.! . . b ---t- •-r-,,, r--1.--r-f-r-t-h---i-f-1,---1-1--r-7 ri-7.--ii7--. (-6W.AS COQ ArrY A S t-IS,#.--9-Ri---- 't - .1--- f---1--4-- 1--1----1-----i- —i --Ir--- 'r----4-----f 77 6/1 (-- (-7 `'. 1s• J- 1 1----i.--- - - - —— .--r— 1---- r—r7 --r----,___L- , . , . ,-- , - :. - . . : - i-----1-----H1—.. ' — ' . -1--h----r--- - F.6g_____y oylg. . LO,:_-_t:r.ra.r___.../a 6:11 6 .7Lb/• .-.•II sr orris _ crii462,,(7_. T-R6-y.LiL .. P.AITA_Iwt!Ltic_6[_ ' . at • r , _ . . .....t.a.„ .., ; ex)i .s .... ._,Q0...r. ...6,,i).4..p_up;_c_c:d - . _. _ :. .. 4_771 ___. 0 A ilgri . iii'•a 1,i_i____..._ . „ _ . .(1A.L.i..e.T:MR___ _.&T Lia .42 _ ' P„,r1„,Lillifilli_wmplIP. .116,4746._Ja.r- . Bol_Ti-1. c..F. . Tii-F,.5_( L.E477. _ Z... ._ ...,..illi F_(..84" .1 rri-• . 1 ILLIT:14.-Jr_ii.),S . .• LErTUR .V I.1') ' C. -k-.5-1.r/ _ ... ..L , .4...__ ___ . .3______H___4_ . __It____I .ir _. __. i..__:___ _ .. 1-146: ri-REA.. . Do'PsT:19-. y 4 r ril I-- gr._ _ i4i3i.ute-.4r1_12;::.1grP_ 4._:. PI LT 7..?..474)(110.)..4110.475. 3 41140 A. C– ' '-' ! 40.244L7—__CalrEfijg ,1/\//47.', _ . . . 61,0.1:c1.1.,„K ....__EI.C.jg:rri_45._1 iii tiAL 1 64_ ' ' ' , ( 12/ 0 f_ja:it--___0._L4:_.(1.t.__.c0 I.V.1, 1. ri.v A/ . . .6 EL A\) z.n4.G:s1r..._ tir4___Ig_. . _41. ..0: .,R, dry __or 1 - - r:_. po,,f7-- _, . _ -.T1A0A(.11i 1-7.. --77714.q-_-_,U..)_i '4. . • .._-___ A ,: ' •ejlirgii - .,ilf,ATL ?: _ 4 iLrIritez4 r&_„-_,.,,__Ir____.. _ _, _ . _ i____1_ 1 t . _ . . . b't C,c..)4L7:".".4. r_l__Ofl. o Li a a 4 inr: . • Mfg *51:n_r_ :: _ P..)-..... -TTRA.KT /2- .C..._LE... 4, -....: Fo_igra • 77-(6--)vi_ k(111,____',_ , 4 T liF., .. AM 4-. _ti___ifilLiA , 1E4. _0..6 tiN1._ A., r, I i hi E:Ii_a_1)_,5_ &(---- . 4) . C.X.!45 T74.1 (7 P\.0._ }Mt ___.• T_T_Qi .(.5- _ _ 1 .12 • . . ( c1(..41 .77--71.. .. n's'• (.A.)Ci.zil_ A-5_154M 640.. •A__S411 7f12._ A ' A _ft• :,,,._ :_AI ,S____fr‘cl.‘„(_ . C.C.S;7 LTv___ , -- - ' - ~^.~ p --'-- ' ~ - ~~ 4111111/1 c ^ _ _^~^�^~~�-^ Tp0J ( .0 4-- .-- . .• • cn '! _. 1 )-Kc: L�7-$ (5 4 1 . • -` -_ ' . `^ FRo .^.° i-' . _ - _ _~ - `' � ~�~ r—T- 7 : - —_ .A`WI ``—.—`. ~~~. T (/..).k c-C_ re(-7 FA Y(A),g...AILY[..._r_.4.7'01S_11:itt ___NeE?.1_R...4.A4b_FR! ..19 le.,0 77-',$'. 1-1 , 6 7 .5.0 me._ po/nfrj til.-c_-_lpit.i_i[...41..p,._. Artsts2k.C_*:_f_-_c-p_a.c_t_p___tc_e_6/..c_7_.?-7- . . _-__.o '7-f _..~ �PP..`' ' / | \ ' | | i ! / ' ! '--'--r'- - \ '_'� - �+.-r -- , _-i___| �__' � | i � | � � ' ��—| �—�—/—F—,.. —t-- r—:•- -! ' Lewis County Assessor D'A�NE D°RE' ASSESSOR David Campbell LEWIS COUNTY) Chief Deputy RC Cavazos Chief Appraiser August 21, 2020 PEGLER,TIMOTHY& NUNTAWAN ti0 351 SALMON CREEK RD <� TOLEDO,WA 98591 RE: Current Use Valuation Dear Open Space Agricultural Landowner: As an owner of land classified as Open Space Farm and Agricultural under Revised Code of Washington State (RCW)84.34,you are receiving the benefit of Current Use valuation and taxation on such land, a significant reduction of taxation. The continuation of this benefit is dependent on the continued use of the land for commercial agricultural purposes. Parcels with acreages over 20 acres still need to report income,there is not a specific amount per acre. If you are under 20.00 acres,you must show $200.00 per acre annual gross income.,If you are under 5.00 acres,the income minimum is$1,500.00 annual gross income.Also,if land is leased for farming, please provide copy of lease agreement. To ensure property values are applied correctly to Current Use land,this audit is allowed under RCW 84.34.121 and Washington Administrative Code(WAC)458-30-270. The RCW and WAC authorize Washington State Assessor's Offices to require owners of classified land to report data regarding the land's use, productivity,and crop types, as well as any other information pertinent to the continued Current Use classification of the land. The information you provide will enable us to analyze whether your land still meets the program's use and income requirements. Your cooperation in this effort is required to ensure the correct classification and valuation of your land is applied fairly to you,which affects not just you but all taxpayers. Please return the enclosed form and proof of farm income satisfying your specific income requirement for three(3) of the most recent five(5)years on or before the date listed on the enclosed form. If you have owned your property in Current Use for less than three(3)years,Include proof of income for those years, and or date of purchase. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS DATA MAY CAUSE THE REMOVAL PROCESS TO COMMENCE. Removal from classification can result in payment of additional taxes, interest, and penalties. Your cooperation is requested—and needed—to av9id.that possibility. If you have any questions, please contact Tanya Hahn,the Current Use Exemptions Clerk, by phone at 360-740-1103, by email at Tanya.Hahn@lewiscountywa.gov, or in person or by mail at the Assessor's Office,351 NW North St., MS:ASR01,Chehalis,WA 98532. Thank you for your cooperation. Respectfully, (� 1ON•" _ Dianne Dorey lJ Lewis County Assessor t,�'c�JlS CouNry A5$6-ss6R3 aFF1cG 8�a8 .zo2u ;.� 129 . \ o t= z, 7--. �._To - (-tl .l.1_-!_ .F.. Y 0,66A/ vate.6GO0006O__ AN3 uJQ c iD 56- 4 P? re o v 0 c- T ►c A-n-T7 5, u r F r AJ ►'� -SAT .. -_1.LJNa_c_ r- I L-L o(Ar 1 EEQ_L-RNn ITT.;ou cit 14) S pR.e to us u‘i F _1)..c2 -Li\l &__/) /S i'(AT'F 61v _71-11_ _del 477a ry P N f� !'�CF F I C tll C T" f r S (Ti 0 Iv O_1 T _ 1_0_t/LL?.` TO_ NAY C LF CTRL) H V P_CPSF vS 17"! TV._k) c 51A'F3( l-I rY N \ C-4 -_.?Ro C uA 9C .S_ (A\L A QI c,t TL_ T O (A S ' E{..E C rK.O.A 1e ....dziay-F 11_' ovkpossrscct. roR 4A6 ro tai, eCESS o1‘ __.. 5 1>ER70■ T4f- sSNssol2s o.F ! REs19.00s131ci7 uT \1 __ eo PAF-._.AL,A2 /■J C RTI 2- $4,4A ---fVL LO ktJ 1 N -... v\iv O F519 = A t lS�'�a� .(mac w 84-, 3 3 Eon _ w a.S ff y : T 0.0.0 po.A yr .4 . P.R_0.C7R..4,n P s :. ) rFF t'r7.1" rAri, IR cRC S D FOR. Pr_Ki(l_k .. z C ._.e sc&. 5 A 5 U A .+ ?LE-PIS e BAR 1W`1 T R l 3. 'T_∎E_ ss Sss:) ti-AS DFsiC7/A_-te- NA.N.k._ - RNAM (1T C.6Rv\'\1%- cN .2-0 Ac.12 5.._ PFR pARc6J_ t fpc.A,N DE 7N c r r'N pegr,Nv`'71T s �Arv�rt-S- --s v Nk ,(iel 'vJ '∎ i'6(J k `� SSP 6.S O zi d 1;F f C(� 6'(.-.49 /A o r ()TTEArrf o j ; -Fris vV4- 4 -N 77x/ (; �-� ree<i: --, 1 ._1.t_S.-_P.F1TI N !15.....T4_._a.P. 'g.S .A__ .6^__._ F4_y_4A.7.nd.N-S._. So i-Al d t4 e A4,4../N Rev i 14 4v a g •g Fg rit=.Y - ____ _- - 4:6-_. N `R0 V1 r t,l . _6 �7_.16,_►�1_. Tb )i o v, 2 p f o wn p T ie , (5z-rZR__, ', c w I S e...oulUTy AREAcs ufzc PA-Ttl> 2//1120 rns I, '-7:,4 is cour\l-[,(..A$SE:S.CoR, D1 /vez' POg6Y f) )rt`.1 3/146.ka c _rn:R i. (, -'1,4 l S o vINTY .ASSESS() R f,i‘NN E coo R'6 ./ D F ? . /'z I z c, '-V. Pp CRT otl I, .... 6S v? A r b_-._Fol h_E_ _T_' _L_A-N_/S poi RCFt. S w (T S_6_114 F__.- _ QUl1\)6R,5 h41P-( 8-4.LB.a)_ 1 I i • Lewis County Washington 2020 Audit of Parcels in Open Space Farm and Agriculture Tax Classification Owner's Statement of Commercial Farming Date Information Requested by Assessor's Office: August 21, 2020 Date Completed Form Must Be Returned: October 21, 2020 I j r• i � �' t t.l��StJ"^l Pl r. ��t r,� �,tt Fr Pfl:. 1� j.P �'.�1 2 41 kFi V§�Otll i7I�,N: '� < a nd'Owner "ak,i 4 ". ' ,xParcelNNurnber 9-P P'A,rPrma s'$t , `�creM111;N,, PEGLER, TIMOTHY& NUNTAWAN 024860000000 12 40 PEGLER, TIMOTHY& NUNTAWAN _ .. 024859001001 23.34 31.05 ,., ��c_ � � c - t�C� 3 503^3 ►^ s'3 77 The fo!;owing information must be submitted to the Lewis County Assessor by the second date above. Please provide information for any three (3) of the last five (5)years. Parcels with acreages over 20 acres still need to report income, there is not a specific amount per acre. If you are under 20.00 acres, you must show $200.00 per acre annual gross income. If you are under 5.00 acres, the income minimum is $1,500.00 annual gross income. All income information will remain confidential. If you have owned your property in Current Use for less than three (3) years, include proof of income for those years, and or date of purchase. o_s eighty (80) percent of your classified land currently support income producing agricultural products or commercial agricultural activities approved under chapter 84.34 RCW? Yes No 2 ' :s any portion of land not used for agricultural purposes? Yes No_f 'ioecificaly describe your farm operation. Include the types of crops and acreage for each crop or livestock raised, .nci.:ring the number of animals. Be specific to each parcel participating in the program. • A & /� P an>k q(-7-1 010 4A3 /--A '{ (D c (() A.) I how many acres are: Cultivated/Grazed/Hay Land S Planted in Christmas trees %,'.'oocilot/Timber 3C�> Wasteland/Swamp Z Other (Describe "other" ‘i.e there integral home sites included in the farm program acres? Yes • No who occupies the home(s) and what is their position on the farm? your farm managed as part of a single operation,with different ownerships that meet th new definition of -1/–' jntiguous"? Yes_r—No '" (If yes, please contact the Assessor's Office for necessary certi !cation. S-Ca-C ■ (See reverse side for additional questions.) 8.) Describe the current commercial agricultural use of the property. Include such things as quantity (number of head, bushels, bales,etc.)and type of livestock or crop,plus an estimate of net profit per unit. Also estimate the number of acres devoted to each type. • Amount/ Annual Amount/ Gross Income Per Number of Acres Type Number Produced Number sold Product Devoted ' i ifv)0.ctA`i RAY 300-s_0 4.04C,c 36 0 Jr ) .00 f.fco 5 k/'eeN t{ 2ii � (ro TY' 9.) is your land leased to someone using the land for commercial agricultural purposes? Yes No Number of acres leased Amount of annual lease$ Agricultural commodity being produced Is any portion of the leased land NOT used for agricultural purposes? Yes No • If yes,describe: • Name, address, and phone number of person(s)renting or leasing your land: Name Phone Number Address City State Zip If more room is needed please add additional page with the information. Attach proof of Income for each year for three (3) of the previous five (5) years. Income Information Includes receipts from agricultural products produced on the land. IRS Schedule F documenting farm Income from your commercial farm operation Is preferable as proof of income. If the land is leased, please provide IRS Schedule E or copies of rent checks received or receipts given along with a copy of your lease agreement. Affidavit: I declare under penalties of perjury that the foregoing facts and information are correct to the best of my knowledge. Misre resentation will be grounds for re val and subject to II t reim urs en and penalties. 4.: TO tr - Li NR�-L -V-E ) tJ "' LI}1.t�1` 1b r(-6-C70 (�l`+��1Zj JSfTfVr ty Name Signe. Allff gad D.+,}A B l L./"r`{ Phone La Dated 561 C °��.P'\Q I �(� "-rpm f)6 (_ AZ L, & R nCx-T /3; 2/ zc f`f FE l rU c,Nf A (N 6 MA) c TA 7"c A1� C-)1 J ff T\ Trc)a\ict CA tiv\ tic Pi-Z•FS CAS -r C- s VA L >tkr lZ ^ y O\1Z b.5 To ? /4 (5 - T tA��� 06- V/A ZTNC) V'RO PY1 t\ e N s TI T(J7) (49Aga N 7-S ,s6 /14D UFR o (ZL To ev(.(ay rte-p))12rss r/i ct' , pi DhF-/NrZ7vN tiz.y RA. 0(-7 (61 F (AST as ,t)61 czs (<-Cr67z-A t_ �� t� un�f�cZr � s 6F Requ\Es s E R f p cz S'L ev TAT) d kJ rct-tUco</), �Ue: LA/ C>)0 .r t�E ���� C tz(r -FS roc,� c.�11.r ( c4 ' ( ( c)/4/(7 v IV C Y 1N Fc ( M(-, ( sccL ?sY'crco ( c�� C_,BAsu\sR uJ /A1 Cs A-C ON S C-.)1J e 4S (Vt6'7)/ (/-L e-0(kz T'S tkZC 14 L\t/A--S c 1 T --rc ct A t c A-AJ f� E CE-1- \1-r s p c-c-cet___ (Amu toe) T �qq 1 � �. :, +tics �7�' U T`V �NC� E) gEA�c �ti)) R)vs inky S i���? � z"mac-Zc 5 > .� SS g.S 6",J `LL (ergc TE in ATipN, 1' t f��� P ?""C�'� c F CUS cs1- oFF-(ef4c- vG C't_QwL�art i`S A c9E' N A c CA; 6 i rU C , (A1` S 0\" Yt'\q f( C-- 1-0 1,5,PtJ Ti t✓ r)o 3 X-A d )k //14 /c C7 R, CC 7- /3r z.020 I\AT ? okit ReoEvJ , sun y ( 5 R6coLm&--;D. So }P4i2 Ab L4 2 (A/ 7 S S T T / Fo (Z w AR w ( ILL/Al 70 RC- p R FS /1 r- tit JAS C4Nw t r F i Nf Th 7--9ern hn � 6LLC f- yeFk .56N3 ) T � �I� �S� 6tL12"� /l KOect-2C \"74— X.c c T t W . Tzs 1Z/U is CCU�PJ c S ti=1 c -r-c3 d A h /Re C TLY a /V r4 C v.kl3Qt �"' �-� S CS Sgld0S C 4 vs L t v •& ME Al t2 S . eAxi ro cyT 8v --)Li iknq C ' u -c--I S f-'6,7C_E",‘T , / 2 770 TEN b6 sr\:"r / 0 I-6(kb° (30C,_ ( l.STTZ C-7 lo/2-6(7-ci 1)ER C-14 c7 E k7k-\()k) - C 5 € tA3 LATh TC FoC.-towiro : L-ErTR 1-1\ rAelAyS c9F 00( urvt.(2 (1,-T'S Se mr" o NC- - 1,tdkg. ELE oFf---)ei4( s .(n/AA/r 60Rey- sce-ssok) CzoZ q6k4p... 1. \/.\ F- CC1/ cz.. "'ec.) 7/1,/(€.Et> l> 1.54-5,- F.!) c)/qc- () 1' psNY ( fi ( 77 .5 f <• E.:If 1 Rri .P F ( 'To EL-E.CT Q.0 WIC?Ocrce F (C ubS. Acc FLC go\AT- of\itsj corin))vt-a-Rsi ppe_/4 /ve FS f(N)1 gi, E CSCTIZsiNtC Dtg (C A (A5C- /AC .5* E ' -s p--Aok/ 4 ,v I> iNt\t"-wrAL IATRE5C, T sYmprom5 c) F EHciNOLLOC -714"E" f-oLo ?/,44 (10(?E- j /I')e,))(167-"t ff7t> ke.),AE.5 , f\liMAEliD (R. `/A) , (-0 CS 84(01A/Qc eN4a(cir1 to C6NeGkreA7,0E-tnoey ss-/i BLuRY U‘sroNsweAre pci S(.4 -112.14eit\-cqi KM nAn5 Arct_ 4A/b ci3goksic f.-P11(7. <6. MY eovb(T) ok) HS-s bo-Ft\ bc-T.- toR%Vri1oc7 5//vc_C WAS F-(. .sT Drri5FO tJ •Raf(r) (A) X0(9 -\-E_W vtAL? 16 cc,:p T N ,$)5`r,--(A/ y)ks //v C flAe-goN 140,v(G.setrf4E-i.: (iqH (..(1(4 CoN(..qc.:1- (TA ccEn/W47-4kY SCI-fddt_ e))) r De-CAN2C ' /-;W4 cx-7 gi4 (<1; c V‘F-e...5 0E- Rfkb(1\TI Ai IA/ V441- spit(' GT, //c) -ro cA F 77-.177,0e-hz 0/./fcc•K _ c, 14 (T4 lAttg.. 1‘tv(65•RccKER.J 'cAr tv4.& (4/v/;ec.6- r o,vccr rr 5nt-z /0/viv tahqe--c) c3). cfc-rk' fkie,-6evt: rie k 4 IT 7c!DcZ r4stiz 11-1)41- Tf-fE Rhb /A rioiv. ley ( (8 EKEY (mAs " Y vc LE-GA AA11). cE-v5Ls o E Aks co T-0E JtrwK C.Fve-C ,Ns 77., e-T- (NM /S 0 vr ilie-Sf TD <JC rAFtatize-tverf.s tsJ sfAcc bock hq m /) CE/)ST- L ciorr,s , Ay 0 L*m s Ttle rti) b( €7- COOOC.. AT rtfAr riA4C , POk-61 )+ILS 71 OFIERS 16180(.4 7- rAY (20,vbfrury 7HE") 4 c L `CO I t\Ji m re_ (Ms? 14( Dc '6.1\P</-4 (iLqC:.- T-6 -r- s€ f: vICFS , 03H-ERr T-0 r--0.-)D 7f 4407-1 I fJ v Cc 01-1 vs) TO V-SE T e rsc\ D )to '"-C FE L<T1PICA err (Fel ST t,4k-tt- 0\ rEe-rj, igLL .2)E-vics 00 A sp4e€ co m-rfz113%,12- yoT oF cze..-TRomA 4,,VF-r-rc 1Mb 1 770,(J mi A 5 piq Mrs C4,0 114AF “11+0t-e- izTIN.e . iC(C 4AJ 15 (116LeA EccrrRonoo6 (71 (oR eo\1■ 1:. bou,15 L e€- )11,) r\101-kcliJC.7 PRoDcft'AS (rt4 vv W kol)5 41\) Pit414)6) ,-Itt6-v1\ vq) FROM -1010L_ Jt3 11- IS 6/xe-e > A.nib Fityr-iclvt6', For (.T +Ark5 SEA: f±Ct4ES, NR �SCA 6A 0 'F■41T14.1.(F. , PQGE zo('Co`ik L91 Civv,i ARIP,Mb AN Q NF setldoL was se3VrOowbv, a-O■vvC St_tR)oc.(tj kJ N TIC-' Scf400 c Y6AR 8 -4A1\11 AND TAE scwooL Rid pEN6o, V (z,.TuA L y, 2 �r-rt:F A L)DLE s-Qtiooc .PRr JCipot-L. 5 e-kt.k. \OLXE. R.., #(4i g64j i,v T NFa.{S ER P kI `?Q(A 00 (40) Ma..€ BARE Sr6c14L S 06 cat aeCOvuaiA ( Ue EXp(.4 c0E6 T'a t1&Rj) VK AND 1`( 1-1(SA $V-7-('C' ( . Z 6.. {TCA(lJEp v14 AT tI tiaP Tocr-D E�C �r, etreAR�.? St�ooL ANA ASKFd KeRtfi tic � .w �fiBo-u.r 6g L -c_ t,( o17 Q1J {c 'JeU10E's? JESC r Sd. I etc ^C14//JFu 'rr ( >o,s.. �acDC�R R \x,y(TOR4 t N tyecAATT oeJ t- 'R. ►iO. J T- .. . off: S4E- A.e?RQF rOn,1 t�ca ANA A4REFD 7ro SET- \Ap . . X04 .(k4e.k.1 Fo.rz t/Pf u1 .Yivi\to o N'C C.O E'Z A vST,N) AN f 2' . (61vria Cr, .1-J N ( Lc TR 4IN‘ ..T (e-u—r- k .o4 ToyCI"«CIz.. Fdc. 1< "N -r* .EnAR 'reOcAme- ro mtifetl FoR AAJ7 . I tt) 'Lr . n1CseNoOL . k. (cA tOLb .Me- 5. 45 kA)d (,((`Q ,,o4r O r`'c.t f3..vj'C'• 2 ti A') NCS(" ��(' I I/trl� "T�F'A • TZ (7A r'.J c e.-s,. c o F 7-6(7- !)f- - 6S"Flcv.S . 74-{-C-SE 504 CORrvS�> $dHo0.■.. HAS reN T121/71, • t \. De 0 iM k-? vv1 k .\ VJ e V) . .. I p c 'e 1.,/p 'r u c l"/( P, T .. Q.Ah/( n! MC Nbfl\(S` AJD R ROP: 7-14-f. r iNtsh4 Fr? �f o R1L F . E.V.. 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P-)E (AXPite'lz.u/ek.‘ PI,A) 0-6- TT L1J Atch,__LtA.21\iaiLT OR_ ev)4c_ i314 p4_f_Aizlz tt_G" c o_K4 ciJCJj3 côrrY 9q tl..c. iN/4-*AD e v TS Wsv J ( —s. T Lodie. r----oRvz7euzi.s it - t4Fg_r‹ii.“7 Fizo Q ciK jar "114F IL. 11 A "0 T-MR Tb ■1.)LS___(.0.1.161T1 TREM4E-rtz 0-4r6-6 (ri CA.6 re 12_5 Tc. cte--1,4),s QotketIT/ ft-SS 01Z--R-A-Th-1--0- T C34-r1 nz. 513 /2:1/__rx • _ L611.16(1/7- tc_i 06 7. tA57 /(3.13-0 w/A-Cr (-A 9--c4" ( ( 3 12_0 TGR To C-f4RIC 76(.6-110 ,c'efslooLS <(.47FFz)otociviNpri,- idiz7h 77'v PcA 'KHtAn \eJ (AA 1\-) •--) 5'1 sz_ii,(0/\;)c AS' ITU `'F() scq cyq . cô y() _A-.zelyere_ALLY g_E_co 4 AS _Di5ABLoz. Isf____m_\1___airsAll 1 LI fl5 h ELE___crz6_20-P-ego-ac-7- 71 _ _ 0_1‘5_PR tlAcv-N c 6NY.11.?.424.?!.)f.pJ __..1 • _ ,a/Awr-r izt-c 5 iNTE. AA O ZS sJgS tr-M v6- R\A(-F-.4) -1-A-91711-1-1:c t-Aio UJAc MEAM7 TIL/3.E_s TR 0 0 etiL £r4 -e ' - 1c f_N a_Lc F 0P, ow olvAt_ D (ScIM1 '4-rrU n (4_6aULQA_FlOS._ __Letv__66,A i TA Tra it) b_c_iS. e 4 tSAt&E p.FR s N 7 ‘._,_E-R(YrYV 161"tv_AYTI_o cgm_A e NA o rti t3Ai- FP' ,v- :7-4r g sIEF. ilfme_gEgFry E T 6Nr b go -r _ s -Etc-_ TF A5f-t/NG7w S"-1-711-F /-.(A s AP() . ivc-uotifc . IThrt Lii.(49-fER,s ai/Lcr: N\ ) 1 AP )' MLA& 'R_ErizeZ f) 0 lit- it (cc, AiFFD TO F p..67.0./vbc"c _0)4D t■ fs b__._ 17)F Co qt:-Tx...7.76. rA_O v ? pl 4Le r0 --Se-c-rif613 S 14/1e tA s e 771 a A 477-eR , _ 14;6 Lo_K g. cc6 AVb tx). . .61v ' cptccE-D ems t-tort-ov tcf b6w4t) 6.q6 Al() e , F.pg. ThE.g -Fc 1 -7.,R-F ILE (i• LA 7-#6.-_77 A-776g Are' .oftSer A AiStkie- .vi-S3 Toc4C11_ T)isv(-7 Jw\ cM v414,5.1-iinic-?Totv AiTE 15 SER u)sc (.3 014E-iv CA- c4g. 1,17t-t;Tr7G4vL-L)/ , LS Oc-: ov672_. 46(7( 5 c.tirTv viA ec s1D..r...MC.E...1..bt Es:Fe-saw \ 5eeni cgD■qc-tT D a-TR yE- &Y r19 cm-7n vE dRusiz, AUO. th.4 T MUD(6 711) € r■Art6.k (tj.t F 1.S Et1114-6774 k5 )AT.v-r FLL A) te-Ts &6)*,^f/I, c c e R3 s P)Nre- e.N QActilikt_ 4_ 6611 6..yriv( rti S .h_gb qPi1/4--kvo 4.1C-1-‘ iL 5F-c1512.14 01\J _s •13 - tc-'g ' AP() q).1.1tAr. ) NO 612, tka cr-A.g_\•], FRE:VEIrc Z--6etzekS oF 1-4k77- KAA-7-r 617' (1,67FRAc7 -_-. . U.r\R-r- b kc cc C_C;)2_,F 1-2_)A -C) t\i r Er 7- ovt?... 6LL.=- Cr1uo ) e 1-111s.\1-€7.. 13--F-6N C-T-Ravv) . ..?_0L,LTA- Co YvQe-R_M /A) w4Fkkr cr QA:Lvt . T .77.44x-T Tfl F __c•74-c-F (A) ■,5 cr< -fir(ri 14/4-r jiy.,.KAptwT4 CAL( -701-R(rtc;, se.5sict.) 70 (z\ Th PtlArt EVR5) • ReFFE-Se-i-AinvF_S, N ) i/PFYO Ncc szt; .6T4 r..E.A.7.-Arii-Tviz. 14). grfr-&-- Tel PA( f 3 0E- 3 . , u■N,(t. - 6 4.6 oio.OLD. No ? eit)1)1 \/(P.1/14-1• 2 QvIEE-r _IAA s ) tErgF5Erk/r/A--nv F ri) C4CL. 01-P- 44) CcMcsEg. L .1.61 sp o KL.CF T vv v)) ( 6-00 -,o(7)iier-Fp - t- "rtiE rti 6 dot/ii/tEit s ArA ciA/c€ Th_E,s_c_.1 evki Fel rs E (14:n+C- f._q_a_c/C P641/4-/Ati -rst- f-'6",_FAI4LGay:Egiv_men_T CAKI kids S-Dzi4,10,_sirtie! witateu I Tla-4,4) TV AANkS GiskS e,e (N6-2 01.1 0\3 6U9-. STkre i4rs 1P TTX (QSJT AkE 621.\ Cutv■itt-LN___LivoR-ativc5 itsNb yvw_blitt Pcr 6CL WtL(. SAME E Aat.S -T1 ON b4-ti\-2-4 _ISLAT ,A72.Es 564L.ciiKECT BY. LtSkkik-C-____MkNINFtz- 041AA, 1! g_glAr.S../....5_01T'S MAN? 13e 8gOtAVIT Is1sTr cEEP \i.Dvt hbVLAAlek: "C-<\ 'r'd '-4k p( C4 7.At fr • &TATE- OF oJ i4,51 t\ 7-0 P6' cf-"te. rz: Ryv\ OF g vt---/u c:- srl9ziktoiv cR67-44 • bc, 72)C6- •. Z>(>a9R \24 F-7'6-beA fk!-vt) R e.eL 6/V3C.EO• .C.5.____6-.2.c.f.-_c117e_f_ k 5 6N-sWiT LSE . (3,E- ArRom Ni)i CET ic Fvi• 1Q \\ \& nNO -R -r■ARtg r e0/ViuO _ c cs_ver otaive-pl _ _ ?C.) u _ Th ( C- ‘\-' (\ CF yo s F403 07 _ •E= P., cick,5 (-)4PcS)-\ (q _ _--5:72NTE ? ,-5 -r) iy IsQR,m),Lik-- pc--p- 50N. \5 cp(3cF) KAI IvA-Tm t,\) Ec14r 7"<i c.)-2,oets-RkA1 t.,(fl ? ) Ai'/D ti F TT\ (-NM .5174rlz yrj 41 . F CA.s. "rt CT) E r- (-I- "ClkE :04Ts) /c/ )it,*.cAr\o,4.107_4.uf • 5P- 5- Os LA csle- mcz- F6'g\NNS ekt\J AtA TAY-FS , /14 ( so(\ Fe FARnAi Q p\77- ■C tC 17-6 R V-,I YA k.0 tylk oft /N TV eV CC OF --- STATE 0A Vara kl 1889 10 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE• A 8 811 PEGLER FARMS LLC January 19, 2021 351 SALMON CREEK RD Letter ID: L0015342464 TOLEDO WA 98591-9616 Account ID: 603-428-731 Account Type: Excise Tax Waiver Request for Mandatory E-file/E-pay Your request of waiver from mandatory electronic filing (E-file)and paying (E-pay)of your taxes has been reviewed. Your Waiver has been Granted Based on the information you provided, your request for a waiver from mandatory E-file and E-pay has been granted. This waiver is valid until June 30, 2024. You will be notified prior to the expiration date and you must re-apply in writing if you need to extend your waiver. If you have any questions about your request, please feel free to contact us at (360) 705-6213. Sincerely, Electronic Filing and Payments Taxpayer Account Administration Division ul Taxpayer Account Administration Division • _ PO Box 47476 Olympia,WA 98504-7476 ga10075 Lewis County Treasurer LEWIS COUNTY • February 21, 2020 Mr. Pegler, Our office is responding to your correspondence received in our office on February 21st, 2020. After reviewing your letter it is my understanding that you are requesting the Treasurer's office to provide you with the detailed accounting of how the Assessor's office came to their conclusions regarding the valuation of your real property. Unfortunately the Treasurer's office does not have access to nor play any role in real property valuations. The detailed reporting that you have requested rests entirely in the Lewis County Assessor's office, and we would refer you to them for that information. The only information that is held and available from our office rests in the tax statement we sent you and which you have in your possession. I wish our office could be of more help to you, but at this time we are unaware of any options for you from our office regarding your request. Feel free to contact us again with any additional and different requests and we will attempt to do our best to serve you. We consider the matter of this request to be closed based on our response provided herein. Respectfully, Arny Davis Lewis County Treasurer 360 740-1110 Cc Dianne Dorey R.C. Cavazos 0 360.740.1115 PHYSICAL ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS i Arny Davis, Treasurer F '360.740.1493 351 NW North Street P,Q.Box 509 Rodney Reynolds, Chief Deputy Treasurer TDD 360.740.1480 Chehalis WA 98532 Chehalis WA 98532-0509 Michelle Stewart, Business Manager 3 5-1 N kJ J(R:714 ST7 € T �t NtNt.-(..5 ' vs (Is 1 5 3 0 5-0 SEC 19 6 .; C, :; QEL ‹-s ( 1•7Aj-c)c ((c0 -12 (-O W e e K J (A I C c N Z"4 C T 6u( 774 7-71/E .S5 5 Scs k,5 - N 001.6'Z° U S T I rvi s`S c' RFC 64 i r c 7 77-/E/93V ✓V DFU,U�%9 7Z� �� 7(—cc� �-, :T. ,°��1 D c5A3L�,D U N 4101,0 y OFF o 1- rfi, 'R9 A 8( 6c N r) 7-3 . V'F 4-6-c77Ro 1-}1PE'2 S At S 17"t vi tAi c67 R a-c DELS FRS in a S o./(., o pr 8 E/N r, e7ka Unr 6-7,c c 7- 0/1,0( c_r,c e-C_ s , Du 6 To s rq 7-E Lac> r' Ca 4 , tPNry et4ti R e v.).c 1,Ltv icd 'Al NA T-6-6 p21N wA R/4L. 4-e0D etV M Kill vrs1 K TN e" L4-4 vJ d 10.0 (S 7'q KA 7T a n1 wi (a v1 r R� &,S it 7`/ rv. u\l" E/S (Id IQTAC T W/7/4 T. • 45,S-c- S()RS C64rV--- AFC- A�sEAy e+,\VA S , F F T-r7 -13 E/Ai AS:SA4L-T. i) ? i is f.Efg SFnts-4ri� CAN oz. AL 41 b JP\IVOA 8 RC .Z0 X311 SCR 6-C.F''TtO N /C ecr- Q �1 � (2 3 �NJ `�o �-D ► THAT r L-r S�K J 13 ).) 7f A- SSC'ss Q (Z'( ec w/ I V�f`Z v etwA-1' t o •Ci 'T't\E 5U CT E 57-4-r T' E (0Q 114 $ s 55-PA i C 5U6-S . et� et; (-K "v441 5 C/O)(10Oa Td R -7241 , Z Ot Nor (`Sfvtir -rte Ixou t/ 7'o F-/K_ -��� ( 4�s� air D `€c< < A/fu t)) Q A /LINd T ;5 tc f 1', 7 AFSKF;? f4riu) 7-6 Me- 4 cap ? OF 7$-F t4)(iJ S WO NCH 744 o -A riN 141Vb HE-- 0t1) cSNp w`c p,(Fe-t-�c) �� 7i� � 0) , Qs�� —a Mc�,rd REF- � t' �� v T�IZ � -T � S k�'C S i}rzc /A) The C(i 44E61-7 6 L7"N Ov(C off' S vJe.P• /VcLol>n> sr-AT�`r� Tp TH-E. AS c'SS01 5 ,yRr3t nf -TATI -S -tic (2,4s-r 77i L uJ ( L L OE. Fc.i CE ArrD Ka- 'S U u F 7'd Tr N E nz. cJ N i NUFD U'N SOB STq Ti Pt TED PAKCt2 VALVE -I , M ( PL(AS HIVE; COAL! UMm1USocAc"-7) . I FrNb NAvE "t , C rl01C+` 0q-s- d r \L A LAW x,417 04-Ind ST -6 Ze N rf r N 7t4(.5 11.11k1 i - kc, S pFc i Futc.c Rt.:4 U6 s1 F LL ANj) i)6r4/6,.6-/\ >� c° 0 Vt J.rl vt= (40W y rV AsrESSt, eAMf 7-6 i rlC cthie (-Vs -T t Ot RCc4 e c`(] l N 20.S TO T i s pia riZ TY. wt 61- ,Lcr- PAY/^1 7-4 S (��� PF d tFS l- PER 5• c kN Krl O w 317i v,eTE LAM A5co, 18 , fit ; PLO-se .5•(.5 nl TTY (c.&—A (ix/ T/NCl. lit/I 1)1(1(/ 3(21 �A , 1 F N C 1 R c Q o u lu Ti lk% its pR d V rp rA a )T X11 IV 7-74 )s *e& F-)z4 /c- >g LA cl1y gC F't . � 9�(% YOO (^oR R pROmFr Res Pa(VS6- 7-re rvcyi /rvQC/1A4t Lewis County Assessor DIANNE DOREY ASSESSOR AI LEWIS COUNTII- Y) David Campbell Chief Deputy Iiinbito,o n'N f ir.r(•,iuj R. C. Cavazos Chief Appraiser 2/21/2020 Timothy Pegler 351 Salmon Creek Rd Toledo, WA 98591 Dear Mr. Pegler, Our office received your request to inspect or copy public records, referred to as a Public Disclosure Request(PDR) on 2/21/2020. Your request states "I respectfully request a full and detailed accounting of how the Assessor Came to the conclusions they have reached in regards to this property." To fulfill this request, please see the checked boxes below and reply accordingly: Clarification needed: We request that you tell us what specific documents you are requesting ❑Requires Copy/Shipping Fees of ❑How would you like the documents given to you? Please select from the following list: • Emailed • Hard Copy • CD • To review in the Assessor's Office ❑ Please fill out the enclosed Public Disclosure Request form so we can better serve your needs.The form is helpful for us to understand your specific request and release any approved information in the manner • in which you prefer. You are welcome to fax(360-740-1262), email (Levies @lewiscountywa.gov), or send a hard copy to our office (351 NW North St., MS:ASR01, Chehalis, WA 98570). • If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office at 360-740-1102 or via email at Levies@lewiscountywa.gov. Respectfully, *� Dianne Dorey Lewis County Assessor • • Lewis County Courthouse • 360 NW North St., MS:,LSR01 • Chehalis,WA 98532-1900 • (360)740-1392 •. Fax (360) 740-1262 £)■ ri (vivc > ►-tC Y r\ -7 fly) rE cE-R 1-~'' J S ?o(4)rY d4SSESsv/Z 4S."1 S�(�v1r7�V �lZ ke4 3<p O e\1 co, N o(a.TN ST Td c..6 LU J W n1 s : Asgo I 9 gS7 1 9853.Z_19o0 vkAAP. c. o �c RE : TA2( pica-Koc L 01 / *7a 4 co( (A) RFSPOR 3E- T ) `/oVltz LrT T R D4T / 2/-?,J.d.zo 7-7y r Fo t-LO w ► tU (7 r ) A Co c, c S pEo V i D E13 ; -1-, KAU E KCOUES i Fb AN AOwao.r/&1 (7 OF H O 1,J Ya u Tiff UA LUE OF NlY pro k►y, . i-snlow -You( (As( SOF)-'WARF To JET eRMiArE: ? ROPE-RTy V/4144-32-32 ANA .r / 3 'CU ePN pR1n1T dur- 6 DE' - iLE0 c?pi-4/w/1T70/ ) (JR 1-}cW Ovt A UT W T NE LuE vF rf-96 sv1 3&c c-- THE- rut 18(.(C As N(! azD fc.3 log CAA ) A,rb !nr iAcT rrlis ► s You Ftg rr}Ft2 U N DETZS"i'"-N D 0 I )4 A Y � �� �ur�a�� c-Y -F6 C- T o _ - T4(A/ Pi4geeCS ►Jb FAn ES `t O.A SCE t=1 T. i \E Fl,c,\A/4,,LS p-14 A h Oc9 ) uucvzy4 LAT )p W ? fl e,„ks o,FF,c ,N Tic p�S T � �p ,)d(AU col/lE 7-0 \II°OR OF �1 C'� Tv R� �OecaW)E/1TS AS RCW(,jl�' C��) , 7 ( iS' LL er-/ANc7e� o,u P'fcV 3 oZci ( . Kilow `r)& I Odc(c.t_ (A9c- oCss. A 0- r'AG /S 4k1 ' ) 0( bgAL) bur . FEEL '.. neu-mr mu-m1 4 t/E Yowl s otv( r s ci A)' L , N E0 z eA r o tv ?-80 vin ys6_F 7-0 rl F7--p *NI acr'T�Z �N bel,SrA IJ6 AY Pos ►`rl d N, AArO 7-0 CV 1.4ATY &'/Y . qdUiz, (. F Irc Ccw (,S Cc.)LINTY AIJ cJASN(NTOA7 .sr4 Tc� ov\Fiq H f'sq E /A/ It- LA,a,S u rr, .a (\(A. 35 YCAR cii-gc- K /ti . 6-c-c- ci-t o- Mcetiptnq►e4 c &N 61N R/i\J (7 . 7146 FtRST is V Ps (IseR . rN RFS RcN tip r(\i/FLap - M -11-1- 6 F .TC�t�N�CSC S1'S.TFINAS". fi VC/,o PAD reivi rC.ft 7-t` NUCc.6-0g ItDN5Ti.Za/,gEf235FAre" H/46 tuc->4V\i i�Nv:s4r2y kx(�q ,rv<k13 . 7 t-1/4 /AO v" ) T p ES t G N iN 6 c p,ti?6:n-7, r��l /n,'.s- r I L LAD of Q ' . c.)Mru -re J AukTOcV)1T0)/U sYSYFI1 S ('/U &cAKO Al tU oweZ c-7-toF)n Iry 14CcLirrEs VF C7N rr7ti /Nrp .c-/Row i 3 -136/}, I S wAS r eV TI MATFLr P90((-4.4R u11 I JN1 6Rr-Te Crl U1 i erg 1,JKlT7Aie, sG (=71.t09lzC k) 1 &$9 RL ) 8C'5 uO N FJJ THE F(RSr Pecs e l MJe c o--- fb &)6NT(N\AC u>vT1 C. R 016 3 tt)C Qu kin-34 7146 Dcpiik--►44&4 7-s- �� TRAN5 76 `ftn o N /i A F F6- /S t r;o,>i a5 Y6A-zs /is- S(4,84orvyXAcrc ciFFNFD thirl ovJNJ C7(,08AC. f-Ur tfTlc i 1 Lsok*sf IN (Tcig aN.& 0" d f E(J v11V rr C. 2-0 ( 7 16 1 NS CAkE s ty)7(g-r F-o k T H c F6 DER L- Uc-Nt=AMA fir 5 IT kJ() K b (f)Iv P/AFCT r-): TIC'tVS Pr2?( R_IT) QcNTJZ/}C'Tc . ONC CAF' vtily rVThA/ LvAS L- A06 ReyuLA'�i CDov Co Ale uAr�E -, T, c'rA S INT,a'I4t' tY (A�v? ��a(� w ir-4 AND tr\i7 R/•r,AroN.A L RU cS n &J / CL z c) 'S , ' // 4-QS O sTV )cb WAtst9 tAA7 rb .5771-/-6" R uc.E ' A)b NFU �r1T2 /Ns Ann N07' pou-rcem_ p iRs-(fNr WtluC6 K(c-Z? c(CA-�L Vg 17E- tR '� C�4� S ��� V FS T6 r < R FMS s rcll `>' rr~i�EL(n/e?J' f(3d ut-t- II 1 L LS w RMEcy THEY DER RFspaiv c6K-o4 4AL1C- S C OAj Er FEE uA/C7 c Sao - C - .THE (AMCO/VS n T`t 77ar1/4 L C,A,uJS 8eeA/ j'�SStc�� qN� (mca-rF cow ) NUgcLy ksor f-c4i\'rN y 7-(46M. tR t � c -�A c�n/E- L ►'D R€ 2 i t1 E F1e©nom Cc yN C7 R S f O/U4 L. RC R FSFN TR T IA- '& R O i4 Sr-AR -CEO S r-A R - O c j w r\--(4 ( icl TOE' p (6T n CT r, GEC r4 F 6-n-6.e - h n1O:T4 b wrT>f y /( pgrKid r A C AN4 Sr - oo0 tc\-a cu T)tz<7 ere7) . Any ( 4 (j F40/4i,v6 e 7' v P\ tt,r T& E uiok,W NZETT vJEL L AT- T49"ir PcrriJ1 -cc 4Y' s IVO T tic ERN Cp . Z D 3CEnJ t)u//tic.? RCS Cra Kc A-T' yrF 9 T t701497' td) Vc' \ 1 C-I'.fR SS puRpci“ F SEC1<INCA Aci10+v 464(d.-1.1— - E t3t1.SH Aaml J(JTRA-TON FoR 'LL Ti /R OMZ M cRin/?E S ugAtNST. PM o-n,) 6-(Z (C-CFG4 ( ToNS )T d3 Fc f J (N 46 LV r i 1 k) SQ>/ER A L TM-10074L c--Os0( 71 (A/14-(011 CAAAF co T o N rc7 p sdW\ T7M Si q 1J6 $dmt` r;ries' . 7-4E ��Su►(TS T CAST OAST 'C N1AAfY r4vrt/DRF2 v T1`I c Af4MDs rJ)� pd(,C4RS , X46 O8AinA AD rn/rSTRATDom RF'61-LCti c,JF1T -TO rok/N o/) geocmnCor?s AMO /iP •r) ov1T MOSrSNACL 13V1S/Nt=,SSr 441416- ( tiOWDED, J rHF/j of(5AN RF666FcN AJ Nrs Aam N/S7AToR1 ? ►� t d/ ) Z iJ Acir Mq/v V LET-rc 7z , l rV cu A cry ai C/6 T uPi s ,,i1FD r Tf' TiriT Ca&AFCE X v F 1-6 H c9S?iT4- L /t., ��r?l'c 4i vr;; -rtk F' fF t U CA-k.t.,C rD 04-- I uJ is c c I- / nM wt I/4-T-t-C ci ' 4 T re-it T t o n1 0 ,3 tiAD r= VT-W (7 W (TH M -AIN- ySTr }r a,V 'Ti4OR "i-# LUIt“- 'T-RE E. F<)R ABdUT 8 YEARS . AFrc,Z T- JAS cc.\ TIOE?) 1tnwnE-Di4T"FLV X77,4 TED 111W(,I(r T'R�c� 'c&s (-tS/A/4 C' 4,1F0,T�9.3 Lc-07g )c..4? 1).EvI CF.S' ,- I CdeUTr Ic E'/j tad/A/C r'e\ S cP 'r gE5600t-C t� i�E� A L E -s a F r ( Z / F F reou ?€5. 'T 4C NAT- f\ C=JZ R61a56/V (7c,sTi`D Foil) R ? -ST S n( T4 E)R cWFS .s►TE 7 Tt-r anNIA6-R _0c as(6 • S1)FAT R C7RE, T PUi9L of T71E R V(E i cA/(1 1-61t=,5.6 ._736C4oedTS1 i4AS Race" T o FLIND Jt-1• -r N E---pFD. \, P(i.° R'T- 4 KsT-, ni Wa Ve ac 3-- l c T A Ns u/671*-0 /4- F(ta fr\ SURUF Y to t.J Y, E'rErs S 6 N,S iAre-R(z) Ti-lc Foc C STATin/E Th , TJ 1_ Woc,tcb • CF'/NrrEtY VoTF i oR T"Rta j T WAS (.4 ►r wirt-f r? CNER itiCVk)voe.' A5151, kc T wt-{ (Cif cE r ' E mpc_c Tec 1 N' p h C iA-rE-/ F.O tR ,4\!E iZ t-1 v Ul IZ S , I U,(45 7 N/ s C- V E-R e- F A I.n! F-a •egs-, IZAKNED IN iNtAtzaii Zl017 vto wrKI6-6--Av_s •Rr�-C�S� TH.47 1'H ' SA 14-4i) Los-T- e-on/reK'dC op THEIK r4k0_4_ ToCCS A.e`JD s&ivrr' i JNKe `' WAS or ,S6 n1 a (i./. .RC'TbP-. _rrJ THE O)ORL,b /46s THE ABICiTY 7 "0 CI. (yLrre- CoNT O (_ c>vC[Z (WK. 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AA i 0 bFD -FT (tenaw f4oW r- y vPte/AZ-c1-7 )� L tit 70 TH-C (4T"F711T' a F-F i Cc A7 6 O i3 T4(Ak z) c-cry c F To DFS10.', /f/5 p Si4otd,S 7-1-FE use- GC Ha 'R ANDS M)TT• Si S to r rvSGc--l) L V "TO S Y oC i4Kd W I i 4€ v,)ES • PkS d/Co WE- ti4D do RC R 'RAD cA.ST (7 (cC� >� ��wc-tom v� ►RFL s s L V 1 T1-c F �3 I N /4/- `r-D till E/Z S ri RE e lZ6 ial O Co l,/;',,cd L 6,AJ' A-S • t'1 57:4 PT 'TC f3C i/V /4i r -L- C7_CT wiTAIN /4. 60/(7 A n4( LE TIHESc TZw S . Ti• 1S . CE-R /Pd CY BEEN A Dt- rrKRAAJT- FoR 7/2.Ave-1/l A-n/A .L S Wt 3 A S 1 C A C,,q C N.DETR H C CSC= t 3 TQ . / +`15TA-c.(. i l o N o !N ceef)S►AJ(j L1 poW FRfiuL WI I SCICi1.-. A (I\J f IJI6(„I e spy!CF'S N S ZO> � .� . C &/Acid T z-/.3P/;,Q y) c 't N T 6M TFTZ 5?-- (7c.DF c F A c/L/-rir aR S KT r n/. 7)Y r 13 'U 36K sTOp-.ES , ( ki & o? NI u/vr) r ' cI?vr R N ) G\N A<SAL Fu WS w1F►'VT, fisr■ 1 -F Cc LI✓"t`V o'V('¢Y Avg' 364,1\ � i $ ►c,i"t� .F-cyR `T'R\i/N 7-0 C ep Trk`S e- "C ` Acr( -41..0 v'1 4-- - A- . 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