The proposed vacation of a portion of W.F. Cole Road No. 700. 3551100 VAC 05/13/2021 10:03:31 AM Total Pagges: 6 Fees: 10hing Larry `E.. GIro^vs, CPPR,,Lewis County Ruditor, Chehalis. Washington AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: ,III 11'I•■ I �I 1�1 I� iI�l�iil�IiI� ,I II PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE(S)(OR TRANSACTIONS CONTAINED THEREIN): Urea ° REFERENCE NUMBER(S)OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED/RELEASED: GRANTOR/BORROWER(LAST NAME FIRST,FIRST NAME AND INITIALS): 60(Lj cey-Luvf-ti ce-ynkil,tdd ADDITIONAL NAMES LISTED ON PAGE OF DOCUMENT. GRANTEE/ASSIGNEE/BENEFICIARY(LAST NAME FIRST,FIRST NAME AND INITIALS): p(jibe_ ADDITIONAL NAMES LISTED ON PAGE OF DOCUMENT. LEGAL DESCRIPTION(ABBREVIATED:I.E.LOT,BLOCK,PLAT OR SECTION,TOWNSHIP,RANGE) te+ -� S 5 / 77g / . (A") COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS LISTED ON PAGE OF DOCUMENT. ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S) THE AUDITOR/RECORDER WILL RELY ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM. THE STAFF WILL NOT READ THE DOCUMENT TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INDEXING INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN. BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON All of W.F. Cole Road No. 700 lying within Government Lot 12 in Section 5, Township 12 North, Range 5 West, W.M. Except the West 110 feet of said Government Lot 12 in Section 5 to be retained for turnaround purposes IN THE MATTER OF: ORDER OF VACATION NO. 21-003 (Cole) THE PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF W.F. COLE ROAD NO. 700 FIRST: That on February 22, 2021, in regular session, the BOCC duly passed Resolution 21-073 entered upon their minutes declaring their intention to proceed to determine whether or not that certain road in Lewis County named and designated as a portion of W.F. Cole Road No. 700 should be vacated and abandoned, and ordered and directed the County Engineer to make an examination of the road. SECOND: That said portion of road does not abut a body of water. THIRD: That on March 31, 2021, the County Road Engineer filed his report in writing with the BOCC setting forth all things required by law to be set forth in the engineers report. FOURTH: That the BOCC by order duly passed on April 13, 2021, Resolution 21-142, which fixed May 11, 2021, at or after the hour of 2 p.m., in the Commissioners Hearing Room on the 2nd Floor of the Historic Courthouse, Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington, as the time and place for the hearing on the report of the County Engineer, and that the BOCC duly caused notice thereof to be published and posted as required by law, and the BOCC now finds there to have been compliance with all legal requirements. FIFTH: And that on May 11, 2021, the vacation of a portion of W.F. Cole Road No. 700 came regularly on for hearing, and due proof having been made to the satisfaction of the BOCC by affidavit of the publication and posting of the notices of hearing, and the BOCC having considered the engineers report and all evidence relative to such vacation, now here finds this portion of W.F. Cole Road No. 700 not to be a public necessity. Page 1 of 2 Vac. 21-003 (Cole) NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED by the BOCC that all provisions of RCW 36.87 and LCC 12.15 have been met and Order of Vacation No. 21-003 is approved and the portion of W.F. Cole Road No. 700 be and is hereby vacated as follows: All of W.F. Cole Road No. 700 lying within Government Lot 12 in Section 5, Township 12 North, Range 5 West, W.M. Except the West 110 feet of said Government Lot 12 in Section 5 to be retained for turnaround purposes. DONE IN OPEN SESSION this 11th day of May, 2021. APPROVED AS TO FORM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jonathan Meyer, Prosecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kevin McDowell Gary Stamper By: Kevin McDowell, Gary Stamper, Chair Deputy Prosecuting Attorney ATTEST: ••c""-"--, is;. Lindsey R. Pollock, DVM L o tdsey R. Pollock, DVM, Vice Chair •. NCE . SI z. :r g45 ••sY:�NGTONs:'• Rieva Lester Sean D. Swope Rieva Lester, Sean D. Swope, Commissioner Clerk of the Lewis County Board of County Commissioners Page 2 of 2 Vac. 21-003 (Cole) IN THE MATTER OF: } The Order of the Lewis County Board of Commissioners for } ENGINEERS REPORT the proposed vacation of a portion of W.F. Cole Road No. 700 } } TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: I,the undersigned County Engineer of Lewis County,Washington,to whom was referred on the 22nd day of February,2021 by Resolution 21-073, ordering me to examine all that portion of W.F.Cole Road No. 700 in the Government Lot 12 in Section 5,Township 12 North,Range 5 West, W.M.,stating that said Board intends to proceed to determine whether said road should be vacated and abandoned for the reason that it is useless as a part of the County road system and that the public will be benefited by its vacation and abandonment, herewith submit my report thereon: FIRST: The W.F. Cole Road No. 700 was established as a county road,April 01, 1929 at a width of 60 feet. SECOND: The portion of right of way proposed for vacation is approximately 1,483 feet in length and is unmaintained by the County. THIRD:The road is adjoined by property owned by Rodney Davidson.who has requested this vacation. FOURTH:This portion of right of way does not abut a body of water,nor is the right of way necessary as part of the county road system and is useless for County road purposes. FIFTH:As a condition of vacation,the property owner has agreed to provide the County additional right of way adjacent to the un-vacated portion of Cole Road for the purposes of a turnaround. The Property Owner has conveyed the right of way to the County. The deed is being held,unrecorded, by the Public Works Department until such time that the vacation is granted by the Board of County Commissioners. SIXTH: The Property Owner has paid all administrative fees and publication costs associated with this vacation. SEVENTH: Utility companies known to service the general area have been contacted and are not opposed to the vacation. In my opinion,this portion of right of way should be vacated for the reason that the public will be benefited by its vacation,returning the property to the tax rolls. I include with this report a map showing the road proposed to be vacated. Respectfully submitted this jf day of ,2021. Tim Fife, .E., County Engineer Portion of W.F. Cole Road No. 700 Vacation Location Map A Nine i l Creek.... Can nonbaYCreek_ \ ,,91iropiY� 30 29 28 ° 27 , a N rc e ' etI P.:HIA:k 1 u City of PeEll 4 31 32 \ 33 1DTREE DLAa 6 34,i s o 4•C Creek Area of vacation, 4t', e9 w see detail map v cTpwnshipr.13-05W 6"Nr,,,,i J i_ r,A T•wnship 12-05W w a f , ' a I 3 It 1 ? 1 Cole Rd 1....4:i •.,I State Route 6 iii 1 b`"A weI Rci 65, 4 0 3 6 Rock Creek 4 ` l ti t Mahayey Creek" n in 1 Portion of W.F. Cole Road No. 700 Vacation Detail Map v Area in Red, 60' Right of Way i Area to be secured Est. 1929 to be vacated rr •, for turnaround • End of County El s-. .,%04.y + , Maintenance ' 1 ` of Cole Road ` '" ---4-- Ro .l,'�y DJ i'on �,t • a !qny �- Wr ay.4 +4' • +� f' A 4+� Rodney Davidson ' �! ?f � +s 'jar ----.•� .( J°, 4 4. 4.ter. l ` e,, / • 4 w Wit. t, {. ' State Route 6 ..1! , to PeEll BOCC AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Resolution: 21-003 (Cole) BOCC Meeting Date: May 11, 2021 Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Hearing - Vacation The proposed vacation of a portion of W.F. Cole Road No. 700 Contact: Josh Metcalf Phone: 2762 Department: PW - Public Works Description: Hearing to approve the vacation of a portion of W.F. Cole Road No. 700. Approvals: Publication Requirements: Publications: User Status PA's Office Approved Additional Copies: Cover Letter To: Martin Roy, Matt Hinderlie, Tim Fife, Kim Amrine, PW, Mike Kroll, PW, Gary Hurly