2021-05-11 Business Meeting Agenda Lewis County Courthouse 351 NW North Street Board of County Commissioners Chehalis,WA98532-1900 ` ;i111111.11111111111111114111A16 LEWIS COUNTY BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA 2 p.m.Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Commissioners' Hearing Room (Room 223) Call to order Determination of quorum Flag salute Zoom guidelines Public comment(limited to 3 minutes per person) PRESENTATION(S) Proclamation : Honoring the 2021 District 4 Fastpitch Champions:The Adna Pirates, Proclamation : Proclaim May 16-22, 2021.as Public Works Week. Proclamation : R- •.nizin. M. 1 . P-. - •ffi -r M-m•r'.I D. .n. th- --k of M. 9-1 2021 . N.ti•n.I Pali - W-- Proclamation : Proclaim May 16-21, 2021.as EMS Week. NOTICE ITEM(S) Resolution 21-186: Notice of hearing regarding Lewis County 2021 budget appropriations for the American Rescue Plan Act Fund No. 1420.The meetin. will take •lace in the Commissioners' Hearin. Room at or after 2 ..m. Ma 25. CONSENT ITEM(S) Resolution 21-187: Approval of warrants/payroll, Approval of minutes from the May 4, 2021, Business Meeting. DELIBERATION ITEM(S) Resolution 21-188: Approve a Professional Services Agreement between PPC Solutions and Lewis County for the 2021-2022 Law and Justice Center Security Services. Resolution 21-189: Th- .r.•. -. a • i ition of .ddition.l ri•ht if wa f•r -ntr. i. AI•h. Road Im.rov-m-nt Pro.- t. HEARING(S) Vacation 21-003 Cole : Th- .r.•o -. va ati.n •f a ..rtion •f W.F. • - Ro.. N.. 70.. Vacation 21-004 Berry):Th- .r..o -• vacati.n of a .•rtion •f •hn W B-r R•.• N. 2• COVID-19: Cases, response,supplies,services, policies,funding and allocation Announcements Calendars Press conference Animal Shelter complaint--executive session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) Adjournment The Lewis County Commissioners are providing the public access to their official meetings through alternative means (online and by phone). Please see the following: PARTICIPATE ONLINE:To attend this meeting via Zoom,go to httos://zoom.us/j/92770578873.The passcode is 085336. PARTICIPATE BY PHONE: Call 888-475-4499.The meeting ID is 927 7057 8873,and the passcode is 085336. •Official BOCC meetings take place in the old historic courthouse at 351 N.W.North Street,Chehalis,unless otherwise noted.Agendas for official BOCC meetings are available online at https://lewiscountywa.gov/offices/commissioners/agendas-calendar/. •The BOCC legislative session(Business Meeting)is held in the Commissioners'Hearing Room(Room 223),which is barrier free.Attendees who require special assistance or accommodations should contact the Commissioners'Office at 360-740-1120 at least 72(seventy-two)hours in advance. • Written public comments regarding agenda or non-agenda items(excluding public hearing and bid award items)may be submitted in person,by email, or by regular mail at any time following publication of the meeting agenda and before adjournment of the BOCC's legislative session(Business Meeting). •Video footage of the BOCC's Business Meeting can be viewed online at LewisCountyWa.gov/bocc-meetings and on the commissioners' Facebook page at www.facebook.com/LewisCountyCommissioners. Sean D. Swope Lindsey R. Pollock, DVM Gary Stamper Commissioner, District 1 Commissioner, District 2 Commissioner, District 3