Business Meeting minutes
May 18,2021
Present: Commissioner Stamper,Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Commissioner Stamper called the meeting to order at 2 p.m., determined a quorum and then proceeded
with the flag salute.
Commissioner Stamper presented County Engineer Tim Fife with the Certificate of Good Practice from
the Washington State County Road Administration Board (CRABoard).Tim discussed the importance of
earning the certificate.
Commissioner Pollock made a motion to approve Resolution 21-190. Commissioner Swope seconded.
Resolution 21-190: Notice of hearing regarding a franchise to Cowlitz Indian Tribal Housing to install,
construct,operate and maintain water and sewer facilities in Lewis County rights of way.The meeting
will take place in the Commissioners' Hearing Room at or after 2 p.m.June 1.
Real Estate Services Manager discussed the resolution. He said the hearing date needs to be changed to
June 8, 2021.
Commissioner Pollock made a motion to amend the resolution to reflect that the hearing would take
place at or after 2 p.m.June 8, 2021, instead of June 1, 2021.
Commissioner Swope seconded.
Motion passed 3-0.
Martin further discussed the proposed non-exclusive,five-year franchise.
Motion passed 3-0.
Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve minutes from the May 11,2021, meeting as well as
Resolution 21-191. Commissioner Pollock seconded.
Resolution 21-191:Approval of warrants/claims against the various county departments.
Chief accountant Grace Jimenez, representing the Auditor's Office, said warrants 841,489 through
841,895 were issued in May for payments totaling$1,170,582.08. She said payroll/tax deposit warrants
numbered 795,829 through 795,830 and Automatic Deposits numbered 25,580 through 26,155 also
were approved for payments totaling$1,071,086.87.Grace noted a skip in sequence for warrants
841,469 through 841,488, which were issued on behalf of Special Purpose Districts.
Motion passed 3-0.
Commissioner Pollock made a motion to approve Resolutions 21-192 through 21-200. Commissioner
Swope seconded.
Resolution 21-192:Approve a Title VI Non-Discrimination Agreement between Lewis County and
Washington State Department of Transportation and authorizing signatures thereon.
County Engineer Tim Fife discussed the resolution. He noted that the word "Agreement" had been
corrected to read "Plan" in the resolution.
Resolution 21-193:Approve an amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between Lewis Conservation
District and Lewis County.
Community Development Director Lee Napier discussed the resolution. She said the agreement
increases the funding amount by$21,000, increasing the total to$221,000.
Resolution 21-194: Establishment of the Capital Projects Fund:Communications Building and
Equipment Fund No. 3300.
Chief accountant Grace Jimenez discussed the resolution.She said the new fund will be used to account
for and report financial resources that are restricted, committed or assigned to expenditures related to
the new Communications building, as well as equipment acquisition and replacement.
Resolution 21-195:Approve Amendment A to the MOU between Valley View Health Center and Lewis
County to extend ending date, provide testing strike teams and administer COVID-19 vaccines to
residents of Lewis County.
Public Health&Social Services Director JP Anderson discussed the resolution, which ratifies an
amendment to agreement#141P6226-COVIDVAC, extending the contract through July 20, 2021.
Resolution 21-196:Approve an MOU between Valley View health Center and Lewis County to provide
testing strike teams and administer COVID-19 vaccines to residents of Lewis County.
Public Health&Social Services Director JP Anderson discussed the resolution. He said the agreement
provides funding for testing strike teams and that work will be reimbursed by the state.
Resolution 21-197:Approve an agreement between the Department of Housing and Urban
Development,through the McKinney Transitional Housing Program,and Lewis County to provide
funding for rapid housing for homeless families with children.
Public Health &Social Services Director JP Anderson discussed the resolution. He said the funding will
total $161,727.00 and that the contract will run from May 1, 2021,through April 30, 2022.
Resolution 21-198: Name Gary Stamper as the BOCC representative on the Lewis County Outdoor
Recreation and Tourism (LCORT)Advisory Commission.
Commissioner Stamper discussed the resolution. He said he will replace Commissioner Pollock, who has
stepped down from the commission.
Resolution 21-199: Approve an MOU between Lewis County and Lewis EDC to facilitate and plan
stakeholder meetings as it relates to strategic infrastructure initiatives tied to the American Rescue
Plan Act(ARPA)funds.
Budget Services Administrator Becky Butler discussed the resolution. She said Lewis EDC will facilitate
and plan stakeholder meetings as they relate to the strategic infrastructure initiatives tied to the
American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)funds. EDC Executive Director Richard DeBolt discussed EDC's plans for
spearing the community conversations regarding the county's allocations of ARPA funding.
Resolution 21-200: Approve a grant agreement with the Washington State Office of Public Defense for
representation of eligible individuals seeking to obtain orders to vacate felony convictions or have
felony resentencing hearings pursuant to State v. Blake,481 P.3d 521 (2021).
Budget Services Administrator Becky Butler discussed the resolution, which approves the acceptance of
one-time grant funds totaling$84,396 to represent individuals seeking to obtain orders to vacate felony
convictions—as well as those who have felony resentencing hearings—pursuant to State v. Blake.
Motion passed 3-0.
JP Anderson said Lewis County hasn't seen the case number decrease many other communities have. He
noted that Lewis County is waiting for L and Ito provide guidance regarding the relaxed mask mandates.
Ron Averill of Centralia said the Lewis County Seniors understand the need to reopen the senior centers,
noting that the socialization is vital to seniors' well-being. He said meal preparation has limited staff
availability to reopen the sites.
Edna J. Fund and Commissioner Stamper noted that the day—May 18—marked the 41st anniversary of
the eruption of Mount St. Helens.
No questions.
The BOCC Business Meeting adjourned at 2:37 p.m.,with the next Business Meeting scheduled for
2 p.m.Tuesday, May 25, 2021, in the Commissioners' Hearing Room (Room 223).
Minutes from the BOCC Business Meeting are not verbatim. Video footage can be viewed online at no charge at
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ATTEST: Linsey Rollock, DVM,Vice Chair
Rieva Lester, Clerk of the Board Se Swope om i oner