2021-07-07 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update July 7, 2021 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Scott Tinney, Warren McLeod, Jonathan Meyer, Charles Edmonson, Chris Panush, Matt Jaeger, Josh Metcalf, JP Anderson, Becky Butler, Graham Gowing, Matt Patana, John Abplanalp, Scott Tinney, Doug Carey, Willie Painter, Arny Davis, Alison Puckett, Andy Caldwell, Dianne Dorey, Lara McRea, Larry Grove, Sara Heinricher, Steve Wohld Guests: Claudia Yaw, Susan DeLaire, Nic Scott, Roger Morningstar, various members of the public Recorders: Rieva Lester, Tammy Martin Salary Commission / electeds' salaries Commissioner Stamper reviewed four options regarding electeds’ salaries: • Amend the Salary Commission to only include BOCC salary review and tie the salary for the Clerk, Treasurer, Auditor, Assessor, Coroner, Prosecutor and Sheriff to the Superior Court judges’ salaries based on a percentage. • Remove the Salary Commission completely and tie the Commissioners and Clerk, Treasurer, Auditor, Assessor, Coroner, Prosecutor and Sheriff to the Superior Court judges’ salaries based on a percentage. • Retain the current Salary Commission resolution to review Commissioners, Clerk, Treasurer, Auditor, Assessor and Coroner. Retain the resolution in place for the Sheriff (Sheriff could be added, this is optional by the BOCC). • Remove the Salary Commission and place the electeds on the county non-represented grid at the top step of the selected grade and provide for COLAs as adjusted for all non-represented employees at the discretion of the BOCC annually with budget adoption. Clerk Scott Tinney, Coroner Warren McLeod, Treasurer Arny Davis and Assessor Dianne Dorey discussed their roles. Prosecuting Attorney Jonathan Meyer noted that his position historically has been discussed separate from the positions of Auditor, Assessor, Treasurer, Coroner and Clerk. Agenda items for July 13 Business Meeting Josh Metcalf discussed a notice to request a statement of qualifications for consultant services to complete a Combined Water and Sewer Infrastructure Needs Assessment for Lewis County in its entirety. Charles Edmonson discussed a resolution to approve Agreement No. WQAIP-2022-LeCoNW-00037, with WA Dept. of Ecology, for control of noxious weeds at Mineral Lake. Graham Gowing discussed a resolution to approve a Tenth Supplement Agreement between SBGH Partners, LLC and Lewis County. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to authorize a contract between Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments (CWCOG) and Lewis County for costs of transportation planning work performed. JP Anderson discussed a resolution to approve Amendment #3 between Health Care Authority (HCA) Contract K3962 and Lewis County to provide treatment and recovery support services to individuals in the CJTA. The group discussed a resolution to sunset the local declaration of a state of emergency in Lewis County and remaining under the state's declaration of emergency. Commissioner Swope said the county should sunset mass vaccination events. He said funding for the Lewis County Seniors could come from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding instead of the Coronavirus Relief Fund. Becky Butler said she reached out to the U.S. Treasury about whether the county could continue receiving ARPA funds if were to sunset its local declaration of emergency. She said she has not yet heard back. JP Anderson discussed vaccine sites available elsewhere. JP said the county would not be eligible for reimbursements for mass vaccination sites if it sunset its local declaration of emergency. He said there is concern that the Delta variant may cause an increase in demand. JP said the contract with Bird’s Eye is a three-month contract. He said the county has other contracts – such as one for the Sears building – that would be affected if that county were to sunset its declaration of emergency. Becky said she has urged the Health department to submit billings. The commissioners said they would like to change the sunset date to July 31, 2021. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to move one notice item, two consent items and five deliberation items to the Tuesday, July 13, 2021, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Swope seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. COVID-19 JP Anderson said the county saw 21 new COVID cases for the week of June 27 to July 3. He said there were two new deaths. Commissioner Swope asked for contact information for the Office of Financial Management (OFM), noting that the state Department of Health has indicated it needs the OFM’s approval to move away from the Lakeview quarantine site. Wednesday Workshop PUD request for letters of support: Willie Painter discussed the PUD’s request for letters of support regarding two broadband grants it is seeking. Rieva Lester left at 10:13 a.m. and Tammy Martin took over as recorder. The board approved signing the letters of support. Water Conservancy Board vacancies: The commissioners discussed a request from former Water Conservancy Board Chair Chris Vandenberg, who had asked the commissioners to reappoint two alternates as full WCB members and to seek applications for two alternate positions. The commissioners approved the requests and directed staff to draft a resolution for the two appointments and issue a call for applications for the two alternate positions. Second amendment / citizens’ rights proclamation: The board agreed to merge elements of the two sample proclamations and place the new version on the agenda for the July 13, 2021, Business Meeting. Lewis County Seniors: Becky Butler said this is on the agendas as a placeholder. Erik Martin said the senior centers are their own entity. He said IPAC and the Health Department have provided the Lewis County Seniors with a list of recommendations to help and improve the area centers. He stressed that the list includes recommendations only, not requirements. Erik said there are items on the list that the Lewis County Facilities department can help facilitate, such as cleaning and filter maintenance. Erik said Facilities has looked into retrofitting the senior centers’ HVAC units to provide better filtration. Erik reiterated that Lewis County and IPAC do not control the Lewis County Senior Centers or when they open to the public. Frank Corbin from the Veterans Advisory Committee said there are several openings on the committee. He said Veteran issues are important to the community. Matt Jaeger said Munis will have updates this weekend. JP reminded the board about the community fair planned for July 10 at the Valley View Health Center in Centralia. Becky said rates are due. She said she will be attending a virtual NACO conference July 12-16. Announcements: Commissioner Pollock said she attended a recent Pe Ell town hall during which the participants discussed using ARPA funds to fund a town marshal. She said Pe Ell officials are still researching the requirements. Meeting adjourned at 10:41 a.m.