2021-06-28 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up June 28, 2021 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Chris Panush, Katie Conradi, Lara McRea, Wes Rethwill, Lee Napier, Josh Metcalf, Doug Carey, Steve Wohld, Scott Tinney, Andy Caldwell, Erika Katt, Glenda Forga, Ron Averill, Nora Davis, J.P. Anderson, Alison Puckett, Jonathan Meyer, Arny Davis, , Matt Patana Guests: Claudia Yaw, Susan DeLaire, Edna Fund, Nic Scott, Eric Rosane, Frank Corbin, Nicole Kiddoo, Heidi Palmer Recorder: Tammy Martin Agenda changes Commissioner Pollock made a motion to add to the June 28, 2021, Business Meeting Agenda the following items: • Resolution 21-239: Restrict outdoor burning on all unincorporated lands regulated by Lewis County • Resolution 21-240: Ratifying a purchase and sale agreement for 57 W. Main Street, Chehalis Commissioner Swope seconded. Commissioner Stamper and Lee Napier discussed Resolution 21-239. With the way everything has dried out, this is necessary for public safety. The press release gives guidance for campfire regulations. Motion passed 3-0. Andy Caldwell said the air conditioning will be turned on at the Expo Hall in case any of the adult care centers should experience the need to relocate clients. The updated list of local cooling centers is located online at the Lewis County website. Due to excessive heat, a red flag warning has been issued. People are trying to be outside for outdoor recreation in effort to cool down, but this can allow for burns and heat exposure. Discussion of resolution 21-245 - Extending the local declaration of a state of emergency in response to the COVID-19 virus in Lewis County Commissioner Swope is concerned about extending the state of emergency. He said he feels that Lewis County is in a recovery mode and that there hasn’t been any documentation stating Lewis County needs to be in a state of emergency unless required. Commissioner Pollock suggested continuing the emergency due to requirements for contracts including Senior meal delivery, the Incident Management Team’s FEMA funding and Department of Health’s mass vaccinations. Infrastructure Commissioner Pollock said the federal funding information will be available soon and that she would like to have ideas for a long-term master plan instead of responding to individual requests. MOU understanding with Lewis County Seniors: Nicole Kiddoo said potential ARPA funds will be available for senior meals. Nicole said they need a list of prioritized needs to continue to serve at levels they are currently serving. ARPA funds are not yet available, but Nicole would like to be to have a game plan in place when funding does become available. Nicole said there are funds from Older Americans Act funding that can be used. Glenda said they serve 430 clients, and some of those seniors will go back to the senior centers to receive meals. Glenda said they need more paid help to maintain cleaning and food prep. Colonel Averill is concerned about individuals that do not qualify for the meals-on-wheels program. Colonel Averill is also concerned about the state of the current senior centers. They all need thorough cleaning and repairs. There are building inspections under way. There are issues with the HVAC systems and mold. Commissioner Stamper asked to add the extension of the MOU to the Business Meeting Agenda Commissioner Pollock made a motion to add that to the agenda and Commissioner Swope made a motion to second. Passed 3-0 ARPA ARPA Guidance Becky provided information for general guidance for ARPA funds. Becky said the interest revenue is unrestricted. Becky said it can be placed in the general fund or towards specific projects. She recommends keeping the interest revenue in the ARP funds until decisions have been made. The Commissioners agreed to keep the unrestricted interest revenue in the American Rescue Plan fund 1420 and Treasurer Arny Davis did ask for the decision to keep the funds of unrestricted revenue be in writing. Public Health Office Admin PAF J.P. said this is a new request and creates no impact on the budget. Elected Salaries Jonathan Meyer said there are different layers for tying salaries into the Superior Court Judge. The elected commissioners cannot make a decision to set their own salaries. The salary commission was created to make those decisions and not having a salary commission concedes control to the state if they choose to tie the elected commissioner salaries to the Superior Court Judge. Erik Martin provided the Commissioners with different options to consider. Legislative Update Jonathan Meyer is providing a 3 hour training June 29, 2021, for legislative update requirements. Activity reports Commissioner Stamper: Commissioner Stamper said in a Forest Service call last week and said timber contracts will be more consistent. Commissioner Stamper said they discussed fees and items that were out of their control. Commissioner Pollock: Commissioner Pollock said there are positions that are not funded with animal control. These were identified in The Chronicle. Commissioner Pollock also said there is a meeting on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, for Opioid Litigation and she will be joining the call. Commissioner Swope: NA Correspondence: Commissioner Swope received numerous signatures in support of a sanctuary county. Commissioner Swope believes it would be advantageous to support the second amendment and to uphold the constitution. Commissioner Stamper asked to move this idea on and craft a document. Meeting ended at 10:16 a.m.