2021-06-30 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update June 30, 2021 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Matt Jaeger, Steve Wohld, Josh Metcalf, John Abplanalp, Becky Butler, Lee Napier, Matt Patana, Connie Riker, Doug Carey, Linda Mastin, Tailor Arrington, Alison Puckett, Andy Caldwell, Daleyn Coleman, Doyle Sanford, Graham Gowing, Katie Conradi, Lara McRea, Meja Handlen, Scott Smitherman, Sherri Dokken Guests: Nic Scott, Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rieva Lester Lee Napier said she plans to hold off on presenting the resolution for the preliminary approval of the East Roanoke PUD located within the Centralia Urban Growth Area. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to add two consent items to the agenda for the July 3, 2021, BOCC Business Meeting. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. COVID-19 John Abplanalp said Lewis County saw 40 new COVID-19 cases for the reporting week of June 20-26. He said the county’s infection rate for the time period was two times the state’s rate and that the county’s hospitalization rate was 3.5 times the state’s rate. Commissioner Swope said he does not want to see the county extend its emergency declaration because he feels the county in no longer in an emergency situation and that extending the declaration for funding purposes alone is a disservice to the public. Erik Martin said the state Department of Health (DOH) has indicated the county’s funding will be in jeopardy if the county does not extend its emergency declaration. The group discussed what mass vaccination events continue to take place and whether the money is being well spent, especially considering the availability of vaccines elsewhere. John said he would gather information about how many vaccines are being provided and whether the clinics are serving under- or un-served populations. John noted that Bird’s Eye has reached out to those who are homeless, individuals who are homebound and employment sites that may not provide sick leave. Fireworks The commissioners discussed safety suggestions regarding fireworks. The commissioners directed Lee Napier to distribute a press release regarding fireworks safety. Announcements Steve Wohld said he and others are working on an updated mask policy. Josh Metcalf said paint for road striping remains unavailable. Josh discussed heat-related damage to area roads. John Abplanalp discussed staffing changes. Erik Martin said the Office of the Chehalis Basin Board will meet July 1. Becky Butler said she has hired a financial analyst and is interviewing to fill the newly created grants coordinator position. She discussed ARPA reporting guidelines that may affect small cities. The commissioners said they’d like to schedule discussions regarding the Lewis County Seniors in July. Becky said Munis updates will go live in July. She said a budget amendment will take place Aug. 10. Matt Patana said the Law and Justice and BOCC entrance projects are moving forward. He said he is looking into camera systems. Connie Riker said Fair wristbands will be available soon. She discussed efforts to fill staffing vacancies. Connie discussed upgrades at the fairgrounds. Steve thanked Pat Slusher for his extra efforts to keep the fair on track. Doug Carey said the credit union building will soon be torn down. He said work continues on the Law and Justice paint project. Scott Smitherman said state funding will be used to replace a microwave relay. He said grant funding will be used to help increase the number of frequencies available locally. Other The commissioners approved minutes for the week of June 7. Rieva Lester reminded the group that BOCC Business Meeting will move to 10 a.m. Tuesdays effective July 13. Meeting adjourned at 9:41 a.m.