2021-08-03 Business Meeting Minutes LEWIS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS(BOCC) Business Meeting minutes August 3,2021 Present: Commissioner Pollock,Commissioner Swope Absent: Commissioner Stamper Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Pollock called the meeting to order at 10 a.m., determined a quorum and then proceeded with the flag salute. PUBLIC COMMENT None. NOTICE ITEMS Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve Resolutions 21-278 through 21-281. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Resolution 21-278: Call for bids for the Juvenile Court Renovation and Addition Project, Project #CFP31-2101. Bids are due to the Clerk of the Board by 2 p.m.Sept.8,2021. Capital Facilities Manager Doug Carey discussed the resolution. He said the project will create space for more treatment programs. Doug said bond funds will be used for the project. Resolution 21-279:The temporary closure of Newaukum Valley Road to all through traffic. Real Estate Services Manager Martin Roy discussed the resolution. He said the closure will be in place from Aug. 12 to Sept. 30, 2021. Resolution 21-280:The temporary closure of Stowell Road to all through traffic. Real Estate Services Manager Martin Roy discussed the resolution. He said the closure will be in place from Aug. 9 to Sept. 30, 2021,to allow for scour work on a bridge. 1 Resolution 21-281:Set a hearing to authorize closeout for a Community Development Block Grant with the State Department of Commerce for Vader Water System Condition Assessment.The hearing will take place in the Commissioners' Hearing Room at or after 10 a.m.Aug. 24,2021. Public Works Director Josh Metcalf discussed the resolution. He said the hearing is part of the formal process for the grant. Motion passed 2-0. CONSENT ITEMS Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve minutes from the July 27,2021, Business Meeting as well as Resolution 21-282. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Resolution 21-282:Approval of warrants/claims against the various county departments. Chief accountant Grace Jimenez, representing the Auditor's Office, said warrants 844,618 through 844,815 and direct disbursements numbered 3609, 3649, 3656, 3669 through 3693, 3695 through 3697, 3699 through 3704, 3706 through 3708, and 3722 through 3725 were issued in July for payments against the county totaling$3,298,880.43.She said payroll/tax deposit warrants numbered 795,841 through 795,842 and Automatic Deposits numbered 28,488 through 29,085 also were approved for payments against the county totaling$1,119,669.23. Grace noted a skip in sequence for warrants 844,584 through 844,617, which were issued on behalf of Special Purpose Districts. Motion passed 2-0. DELIBERATION ITEMS Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve Resolutions 21-283 through 21-287. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Resolution 21-283: List the bids and contractor selected for the Jackson Hwy South MP 2.11 Scour Mitigation Project,CMP Project No. 2102. Public Works Director Josh Metcalf discussed the resolution. He said Lewis County received five bids for the project. He said Steele Trucking was the lowest responsive bidder at$152,116, which is considerably lower than the engineer's estimate of$240,636. Resolution 21-284:Approve an interlocal agreement between Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department and Lewis County to access online food worker class. 2 Public Health and Social Services Director JP Anderson discussed the resolution. He said the agreement streamlines the process for food handler permits. Resolution 21-285: Approve Amendment B to Mass Vaccination Agreement between Lewis County and Bird's Eye Medical for COVID-19 vaccinations. Public Health and Social Services Director JP Anderson discussed the resolution. He said the agreement extends the agreement through Oct. 18, 2021,and adds$280,000 for a contract total of$1,030,000. Resolution 21-286: Reappoint four returning members and appoint two new members to the Southwest Washington Fair Advisory Commission. Parks&Recreation and Events Director Connie Riker discussed the resolution. She said Thomas Larson, Kendra Meek, Sybil Kuhn and George Dodd are being reappointed and that Kelly Sneed and Joshua Heinricher are being appointed. Resolution 21-287: Appoint Mirinda Moriarty to fill an unexpired term on the Lewis County Outdoor Recreation and Tourism(LCORT)Advisory Commission. Parks& Recreation and Events Director Connie Riker discussed the resolution.She said Mirinda Moriarty, a business owner, will serve on the commission. Motion passed 2-0. COVID-19 JP Anderson said the state is validating its data but that there is an upward trend in the number of COVID-19 cases locally and statewide.JP discussed the voluntary closure of UNFI,which had seen a large number of cases.JP said it looks likely that UNFI will be able to reopen over the weekend. ANNOUNCEMENTS Peter Lahmann invited the public to the Antique Fest in Centralia and a military sale at the museum. Peter said Scott Industries and Sierra Pacific recently held a hiring event. He noted that Sierra Pacific has launched a new machinist apprenticeship program. Co. Ronald Averill noted that the Farm Bureau has moved its meetings to Rib Eye in response to the closure of Spiffy's. Col.Averill provided an update on the Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP). 3 PRESS CONFERENCE No questions. ADJOURNMENT The BOCC Business Meeting adjourned at 10:24 a.m.,with the next Business Meeting scheduled for 10 a.m.Tuesday,August 10, 2021, in the Commissioners' Hearing Room (Room 223). Minutes from the BOCC Business Meeting are not verbatim. Video footage can be viewed online at no charge at https://lewiscountywa.gov/offices/commissioners/bocc-meetings/. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ••e•aioity ►i•• LEWIS COUNTY,WASHINGTON 04N Op,RD O R;9d •• • v, `�2• •„s� •,„_4 lc.',S• SINCE ' • 1845 Gary Sta per,Clair •• •�, • 0 •o , ••l cores-Gp-- •• 7 / • 11 ATTEST: •••••••• <1,--s4e1-10.5 y RA5ollock, DVM, ice Chair Rieva Lester, Clerk of the Board Sean Swope, Commissioner 4