2021-08-16 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up August 16, 2021 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Shad Hail, JP Anderson, Daleyn Coleman, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Tailor Arrington, Doug Carey, Katie Conradi, Lee Napier, Matt Patana, Meja Handlen, Alison Puckett, Washington State Parks Acting Lands Program Manager Ken Graham, Washington State Parks Parks Planner Peter Herzog, Sherri Dokken, Sherri Guenther Guests: Claudia Yaw, Dave Fenn, Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Packwood Parks transfer: Erik Martin introduced state Parks representative Ken Graham, who had reached out regarding the county’s potential takeover of a 175-acre state park. Ken said the state would like to develop an MOU with the county that outlines plans for the property for an eventual transfer. Ken said the property would only be available to be used for recreation. Commissioner Stamper asked if the state is looking for the county to develop a plan for the property, noting that the county likely would plan to leave it as-is, at least for the near future. Peter Herzog said the state would want an agreement outlining future plans as well as identifying “Friends” groups that could help with maintenance. Erik said the discussion with the county began a few years ago because the state was considering selling the property as surplus. Peter said surplus discussions were put on hold because the county had expressed an interest in the property. Peter and Ken said they would submit a draft MOU / MOA the county could review. Juvenile Probation Manager position: Shad Hail said he would like permission to increase the salary of Rickie Anders to retain her. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to approve the Juvenile Probation Manager personnel authorization form. Commissioner Swope seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Gerald Grill retirement / succession planning: Daleyn Coleman said Gerald Grill will retire Sept. 1 after 54 years of service. She said the commissioners will appoint his successor. She said a rate of pay will need to be set. Undersheriff Wes Rethwill said the Civil Service Commission would like to forward to the BOCC the names of the potential appointees. He suggested the group reach out to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to determine how to best move forward. Daleyn said she will work with the PA’s Office to determine the next steps. Citizens Budget Committee: Becky asked the commissioners to review the applications received for each of their districts and to plan to make recommendations about potential appointees during the Aug. 23 BOCC Wrap-Up. Citizen engagement for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA): Becky provided a recap of the recent Polco presentation regarding its citizen engagement tools. She and Commissioner Pollock noted that the service would address citizen engagement requirements for ARPA funding, efforts for which the county does not have staff time. The commissioners said they are in support of the move. Southwest Washington Grain Project: Dave Fenn discussed hiccups regarding the Southwest Washington Grain Project. Dave said the state Legislature has provided funding totaling $1.2 million. Dave said the group needs funding to hire a grant writer to submit a grant on behalf of the Port of Chehalis. Commissioner Stamper said he or the EDC would reach out to Mike Peroni regarding options moving forward. Renewable energy: Commissioner Pollock said there had been recent discussions regarding a code change for renewable energy. Commissioner Swope suggested meeting with Chris Roden, Joe Clark and Kelly Johnston regarding the Energy Innovation Coalition’s proposal. Hulk RVs: Commissioner Pollock said Grant Towing has expressed concern regarding the lack of payment for tracking down and removing abandoned RVs. She suggested reaching out to the state regarding reimbursements for the towing companies that the cities and counties reach out to. Commissioner Swope said he’d reach out to Reps. Abbarno and Orcutt. Commissioner Pollock said she will reach out to the 19th District representatives. Aug. 31 Overdose Awareness event: Commissioner Swope said he will stop by the event. Southwest Washington Fair kickoff, COVID-19 precautions, etc.: JP Anderson said Lewis County rates fourth in the state regarding the 14-day rate for new COVID cases. He said the county leads the state in hospitalizations. JP said he believes it’s likely there will be a statewide masking order announced later in the year. JP said area hospitals are implementing a round-robin response for medical emergencies. Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging (LMTAAA) vacancies: The commissioners directed staff to re-advertise the vacancies. Activity reports Commissioner Swope said he has been meeting with constituents concerned about the governor’s recent vaccine mandate. Commissioner Pollock said she spent the weekend talking with emergency personnel. She said she feels the county will need to address continuity of operations moving forward. Commissioner Stamper said he and the other commissioners attended the Morton Loggers Jubilee over the weekend. The commissioners reviewed their calendars. The commissioners approved minutes for the weeks of Aug. 2, 2021. Announcements Erik Martin said he had just learned that the Chehalis Basin Board voted to approve its budget earlier in the morning. Meeting ended at 10:07 a.m.