2021-08-23 Auditor - Treasurer UpdateAuditor / Treasurer Update August 23, 2021 3:01 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Arny Davis, Austin Majors, Shelly Stewart, Katie Conradi, Grace Jimenez, Larry Grove, Becky Butler, Gwen Reed, Rodney Reynolds Guest: Frank Corbin Recorder: Tammy Martin Arny Davis said a distribution error in the Treasurer’s Office led to an excess of funds. This mistake had a positive outcome by allowing Lewis County to pay back funds to the Department of Revenue as well as providing an additional surplus of funds to the fire districts and cemetery districts. Rodney Reynolds provided updates about the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP). He said there was a .10 % increase of basis points. The American Rescue Fund Act now has its own account and overall, the general fund is performing well. Collections of taxes for the year are at 58%. Rodney said the most current lodging tax report totaled $476022.52. Based on reports from the Department of Revenue, the AirBNB has had a huge increase of tax revenue for Lewis County totaling $279,266.52. Grace Jimenez said the internal services funds are a bit behind due to staffing shortages. She said she expects it to be current by the next update. Grace expects the SAO audit reports to be complete by September. There will be audits of internal service funds and federal grants. Grace said the audit is going smoothly. MUNIS has helped with reporting and providing information. Grace said the Auditor’s Office has taken on password resets and workflow for new hires. Larry said the recount for Napavine Fire levy will be certified this afternoon. Licensing has a shortage of plates and temporary plates will be printed on paper. Larry said they have quicker access to specialty plates because they are printed instead of stamped. Meeting adjourned at 3:32 p.m. Legislative update