2021-08-24 Budget UpdateBudget Update August 24, 2021 2:00 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Austin Majors, Grace Jimenez Guest(s): Frank Corbin, Usha Sahadeva-Brooks Recorder: Tammy Martin Budget Planning Departments and Offices are in the process of preliminary budgets. Becky said they are working out all the quirks as they go. The Parks Department will be moving under the Fair budget instead of being under Facilities’ budget. Becky would like to establish a security budget. COVID-19 funding will continue to have weekly updates. This will help complete FEMA worksheets for easier reimbursement. Collecting accurate and correct information is the biggest challenge for processing reimbursements Becky said the FEMA senior nutrition contract is on hold and currently waiting for approval. The last Senior billing needed corrections and is still under review. Citizens Budget Committee recommendations Participants selected by Commissioner Swope to represent District 1 on the Citizens Budget Committee are: • Trish Geist • Nancy Keaton Participants selected by Commissioner Pollock to represent District 2 on the Citizens Budget Committee are: • Usha Sahadeva-Brooks • Brian Mittge TO-DO LIST / RECAP Partner with Arny Davis & Matt Jaeger: General Transfer for a technology fund The next step will be to get Commissioner Stamper’s recommendations and then to schedule an orientation. OpenGov Becky demonstrated how information can be presented going forward at a recent Auditor Treasurer Update. Becky asked for feedback from the Commissioners. Commissioner Swope like the tables and the ease of understanding. Commissioner Pollock liked the idea of MUNIS reporting in monthly increments. Becky signed off on the integration portion of OpenGov and has a goal of having a budget book by the end of January. Becky said there will need to be some governing policies for reporting to include the levels of detail and how each department can utilize the information. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) planning, management and reporting The first report due August 31, 2021 was turned in August 24, 2021. Becky has questions about the lost revenue calculations. There has not been clear communication about requirements from the Treasury Department because there has not been clear guidance on how calculations are derived. The Treasurer’s Office is taking the lead on completing the first calculations based on current Treasury guidance. Becky does have a draft application and contracts to identify any mitigation needed for the Juvenile Department. This will provide the Board with time to review documents for any requests. Staffing Becky said there is a potential offer for a grant analyst in the Auditor’s Office. Staffing has been tough. General fund transfer – technology Becky said she would like to discuss how Lewis County will handle creating a reserve for technological costs. The biggest challenge is not having a revenue source. Commissioner Swope would like to see if they should set an amount or a percentage. Creating an ER&R fund is also an option. Both Commissioners agreed the discussion should be sooner rather than later. 3.5% sales and use tax is to support capital needs. The technology piece needs a separate fund from capital maintenance needs. This would allow for allocation of funds appropriately. 2021 for 2022 lodging tax allocations Commissioner Pollock and Commissioner Swope agreed to allocate $600,000.00 for 2022 LTAC grant funds and at a later date, offer an additional grant. Meeting ended 2:30 p.m.