2021-08-24 Update with Lewis County SeniorsUpdate with Lewis County Seniors August 24, 2021 3:31 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Austin Majors, Carol Brock, Ron Averill, Nora Davis, Glenda Forga, Frank Corbin, Meja Handlen, Nicole Kiddoo Guest: Claudia Yaw Recorder: Rieva Lester Glena Forga reviewed the Lewis County Seniors’ revenues and expenses for nutrition. She noted that the final FEMA billing was submitted in July. Glenda said the Lewis County Seniors group has not yet finalized its contract with the Lewis Mason Thurston Area Agency on Aging. She said the Lewis County Seniors group needs to contract with businesses to clean the buildings and the HVAC units at the county-owned senior center buildings. Glenda said private donations have dropped significantly in the past year. She said she will implement an outreach and advertising plan. Glenda said the Lewis County Seniors group has not yet requested the second $50,000 donation from Lewis County. Glenda said the group is serving fewer meals than it did in the same time period the previous year. Ron Averill said the Meals on Wheels contract with Catholic Community Services expires at the end of the year. He noted that the Lewis County Seniors group applied for the 2022 contract. Glenda said the group’s plans to reopen in July were derailed due to IPAC’s recommendations. She noted that HVAC units need to be cleaned and that the Toledo building has black mold. Glenda said Matt Thuston toured the Toledo site and the Twin City site, which has shifted and has tiles falling from the classroom ceiling. She said she is still awaiting repairs or contact from the county. Commissioner Swope said he would touch base with Facilities regarding the two senior center buildings. Ron said the group would like to expand the kitchen area of the Twin Cities site if the group were to secure the Meals on Wheels contract. Meeting adjourned at 4:02 p.m.