2021-08-25 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update August 25, 2021 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Meja Handlen, Matt Jaeger, Josh Metcalf, Steve Wohld, Chris Panush, Doug Carey, Lee Napier, Austin Majors, Scott Smitherman, John Abplanalp, Connie Riker, Becky Butler, Tailor Arrington, Alison Puckett, Katie Conradi, Lara McRea, Tammy Martin, Matt Patana, Sherri Dokken, Patrick Shults Guests: Claudia Yaw, Nic Scott, Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rieva Lester Rieva Lester discussed a proclamation of Remembrance & Commemoration to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Rieva Lester discussed a proclamation proclaiming September 5-11, 2021, as Suicide Prevention Week and September 2021 as Recovery Month. Josh Metcalf discussed the temporary closure of Shorey Road to all through traffic. Lee Napier discussed a notice of hearing to consider Ordinance 1329, amending Lewis County Shoreline Master Program and Lewis County Code (LCC) 17.25 Shoreline Management. Meja Handlen discussed an agreement between Lewis County and Compass Career Solutions to provide individual employment and inclusion services in the amount of $74,000. Meja Handlen discussed an agreement between Lewis County and The Salvation Army to provide case management and rapid rehousing services. Meja Handlen discussed Memorandum of Understanding Amendment B between Valley View Health Center and Lewis County to extend agreement providing COVID-19 testing. Josh Metcalf discussed an amendment to the agreement between Lewis County and the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) for Berwick Creek Barrier Removal and Realignment (Logan Hill Road MP 0.103, CMP 1805). Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to list the bids received and contractor selected for the Lewis County 2021 Snow Sand Proposal. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve the terms of a franchise between Vader Water and the City of Vader to install, construct, operate and maintain water facilities within the city limits of Vader. Josh Metcalf discussed Resolution 21-315: List the bids received and contractor selected for the Cowlitz River Public Access Park Project, CMP 15-1606. (Held from Aug. 24, 2021, Business Meeting.) Josh noted that the project has come in over budget. The group discussed applying for lodging tax funding to help offset the costs. Josh Metcalf discussed a hearing for a franchise to Enchanted Valley Vader Water to install, construct, operate and maintain water facilities in Lewis County road rights of way. Josh Metcalf discussed a hearing for a franchise to Middle Fork Water & Sewer to install, construct, operate and maintain water and sewer facilities in Lewis County road rights of way. Commissioner Swope made a motion to move two presentations, two notice items, two consent items, seven deliberation items and two hearings to the Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2021, BOCC Business Meeting agenda. Commissioner Pollock seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. COVID-19 John Abplanalp said the county has seen a decrease in COVID-19 case counts. He said the area’s hospitalization rate has increased. He said the county’s hospitalization rate is roughly three times higher than the state average. Roundtable Josh Metcalf said Public Works is finishing its chip seal work. He noted that the county is facing an oil shortage and therefore cannot complete projects for a few area city governments with which the county had approved MOUs. Josh said the county was able to secure enough paint to paint recently chip-sealed roads. Chris Panush praised safety measures taken during the fair the previous week. Erik Martin reminded the group to start work on budgets. Scott Smitherman discussed a project to replace solar panels at one of the county’s radio sites. Becky Butler said documents outlining how to process budgets can be found on the intranet. Connie Riker said attendance was down but that revenue was up at the fair. Steve Wohld noted that the Centralia Farmers’ Market has invited the Garlic Fest vendors to attend the Aug. 27 Centralia Farmers’ Market. Commissioner Pollock noted that the BOCC will honor Gerald Grill, who is retiring after 54 years of service on the Civil Service Commission, during the Aug. 31 Business Meeting. Meeting ended at 9:32 a.m.