2021-09-07 Coroner UpdateCoroner Update September 7, 2021 11:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Becky Butler, Erik Martin, Dana Tucker, Warren McLeod, Katie Conradi, Tyberius Tretheway, Lara McRea, Austin Majors Guests: Nic Scott, Janice Averill Recorder: Tammy Martin Warren McLeod introduced a new staff member, Dana Tucker. Dana Tucker is the new Chief Deputy Coroner. Warren McLeod provided the following year-to-date statistics: • Deaths: 631 total cases • Homicides: 0 • Suicides: 0 • Accidental deaths: 21 • Undetermined: 6 • Pending: 8 • Drug related: 17 confirmed, 1 pending Warren said that five children ages 2 and under passed away within 34 hours of each other during the month of August. The cases included one drowning, two natural causes and two cases that are pending. Warren noted his stated his staff handled these cases with the utmost care. Warren said for the month of July, he had expenditures amounting $11,500 for 35 removals and $11,500 for autopsies. He said this is an extraordinary amount and was not budgeted for. Warren said the Coroner’s Office typically averages 12 removals / autopsies a month. Meeting ended 11:40 a.m.