2021-09-13 Update with PFDQuarterly Update with PFD September 13, 2021 2:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Austin Majors, Ron Averill, Dale Pullin Recorder: Tammy Martin Colonel Averill said construction is almost complete. At this time, he projects there will be a balance that will not be in the negative. They received a grant from the Distressed Counties (.09) fund of $300,000. The Twin Cities Sports Commission receives a tax from the hotels from the cities of Centralia and Chehalis. This amounts to $2.oo per night per hotel room stay and generates a large amount of revenue. The money is used for incentives to promote tournaments. The Sports Commission gave grants of $60,000 from the TPA to support local area hotels during the pandemic. Colonel Averill provided updates on all the change orders for the Sports Hub. He said there are now several paved lots with ample parking spaces. They are up to date with drainage and city standards. There were flooring change orders to include extra paint for volleyball courts. The elevator was increased 10 feet to allow for maintenance and the project was updated to include more lighting and equipment for basketball courts. There is a balcony addition being looked into. This will be an outdoor balcony that will go out for bids to determine if there is enough funding to complete the project. Dale Pullin said the Hub expansion is almost complete. They are in the process of acquiring occupancy permits. This is expected to be approved once the fire suppression system is complete. Meeting adjourned at 3:08 p.m.