1- WSUExt_BudgetandNarrativeY2022 BUDGET NARRATIVE **************************************************************************************** Source Total Dollars WSU Matching Funding (Attachment A) $543,857 Volunteer Service (Attachment B) $351,371 Estimated County Revenues $17,000 Total Benefit to Lewis County $912,229 Cost to County (2022 Preliminary budget) $248,803 WSU Extension\Lewis Co. generates $663,426 additional resources to the county In the WSU Extension office personnel include: 1)County Director/Extension Forester Patrick Shults 2)4-H Faculty Pam Watson 3)Office Manager Julie Pirtle 4)Master Gardener Coordinator Jason Adams 6)Snap Ed Coordinator (part time)Melissa Davis 7)Snap Ed Coordinator (part time)Elizabeth Stratton Y2022 BUDGET Y2020 Y2021 Y2022 SALARIES AND WAGES Salary for Administrative Secretary $67,603 0 0 Extra Help $800 $800 $800 PERSONNEL BENEFITS Industrial Insurance $373 0 0 FICA $5,172 0 0 Retirement $8,572 0 0 Health Insurance $22,342 0 0 Life Insurance $53 0 0 Family Sick Leave $99 0 0 SUPPLIES $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Inventory $100 $100 $100 Prof. Services $250 $250 $250 COMMUNICATIONS Postage $50 $50 $50 Telephone $720 $770 $1,170 Repairs and Maintenance $1,160 $1,160 $1,160 Misc. $1,250 $1,250 $1,250 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Prof. Services/Contract Services $59,601 $182,739 $175,105 Amounts shown reflect salary match as proposed by WSU. Interfund Computer Services $27,766 $27,344 $28,534 Mail Room Services - $1,554 $1,786 MUNIS $1,762 ER&R-IT $2,220 $2,352 $2,448 Self Insurance $124 $124 0 County Insurance $1,185 0 0 Unemployment 0 0 0 Facilities $ 28,895 $25,560 $26,367 Lease Principal $ 2,880 $2,880 $3,120 Lease Interest 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT EXPENSE TOTAL $238,235 $253,954 $248,803 ESTIMATED REVENUE FOR 2022 Sales & Use Tax 0 Extension Services $12,000 Space and Facilities 0 Private Sources $5,000 ____________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT REVENUE TOTALS $17,000 Matching Funding from WSU ATTACHMENT A WSU Faculty: = $221,020 Fiscal support from WSU for Lewis Co. Faculty for Y2020. Salary & Benefits = $216,196.33 Travel = $2,653.00 L & I for volunteers = $2,171.00 SNAP-Ed Program: = $65,345 Salaries, benefits and operating funds for SNAP-Ed Program. Gifts and Grants for WSU (Lewis County): = $10,621 = $246,871 Organizational support costs from WSU WSU provides $246,871 in programmatic, technical, and organizational support for the Lewis Co. Extension office. This includes information technology support (e-mail, web sites, webinars, reporting networks, and technical support); program planning and professional development support; budget and financial services; travel; personnel services; publication services; and department specialist support. TOTAL = $543,857 Volunteer Service ATTACHMENT B 4-H Program Volunteers: In 2020, 106 adult volunteers gave 52 hours each = 5,545 hours $28.54 /hour X 5,545 hours = $158,254 Master Gardener Volunteers In 2020, 55 adult volunteers 105 hours each = 5,798 hours $28.54 /hour X 5,798 hours =$165,475 Master Composters Volunteers In 2020, 16 adult volunteers gave 34 hours per year = 544 hours $28.54 /hour X 544 hours = $15,511 Volunteer Totals Total number of volunteers = 187 Total number of hours to the community = 12,157 Total hours per volunteer = 65 hours per year Total value of their service to the community = $351,371 *COVID-19 inhibited volunteer activities in 2020. See Attachment C with 2019 numbers for reference *The Master Food Preserver program was on hiatus in 2020 due to a change in program standards at WSU that required additional training for volunteers. The training occurred in the summer of 2021 and Lewis Co. MFP’s and the program will be active again in 2022. *Value of volunteer time for WA = $28.54 (https://independentsector.org/value-of-volunteer-time- 2021/) Volunteer Service ATTACHMENT C *2019 volunteer numbers (for reference to non-COVID year) 4-H Program Volunteers: In 2019, 92 adult volunteers gave 81 hours per year = 7,452 hours $27.20 /hour X 7,452 hours = $202,694 Master Gardener Volunteers In 2019, 71 adult volunteers 142 hours each per year = 10,082 hours $27.20 /hour X 10,082 hours =$274,230 Master Composters Volunteers In 2019, 20 adult volunteers gave 61 hours per year = 1,220 hours $27.20 /hour X 1,342 hours = $33,184 Master Food Preservers Volunteers In 2019, 10 adult volunteers 27 hours each per year = 270 hours $27.20 /hour X 380 hours = $7,344 Volunteer Totals Total number of volunteers = 193 Total number of hours to the community = 19,024 Total hours per volunteer = 99 hours per year Total value of their service to the community = $517,452 Value of volunteer time for WA = $27.20 https://independentsector.org/value-of-volunteer-time-2020/