2021-10-13 American Rescue Plan ActAmerican Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) planning October 13, 2021 10:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Becky Butler, Lee Napier, Josh Metcalf, Todd Chaput, Tiffanie Morgan, Tammy Martin, Heather Locke of Polco, Mindy Brooks, Willie Painter, Lindsey Shankle Guest: Lisa Striedinger Recorder: Rieva Lester Citizen engagement Heather Locke of Polco discussed surveys Polco is spearheading on behalf of Lewis County. She said Polco will provide templates for announcements, press releases, etc., to share information about the survey. Heather said Polco will send postcards to 8,000 randomly-selected homes. Commissioner Swope recommended including a QR code for the survey. Becky Butler directed Heather to look into the addition of QR codes. Heather said she also would provide the survey questions. Heather left at 10:52 a.m. Becky discussed how the survey questions can be used to determine what services are needed in Lewis County. EDC update Todd Chaput provided the following updates: • Reporting to the county continues to improve • EDC continues to review funding opportunities • Still missing PUD, small town and telecom data for the GIS map • Working to include Puget Sound Energy information on GIS map • Will meet with Vader soon and working on plans to meet with Mossyrock and Winlock • Working with lobbyist to outline strategy American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Becky said the U.S. Treasury has moved its reporting deadline from October 2021 to January 2022. Becky noted that county staff time will be eligible for ARPA funding. Becky reviewed funding the county has received – funding it has obligated – to date. She noted that Matt Jaeger is reviewing what would be required to complete the courts project. She said funding also has been requested for a water infrastructure project. Josh Metcalf said he will meet with the BOCC on Oct. 18 to review an agreement with a water / sewer infrastructure consultant. He noted that another governmental entity has reached out regarding funding for its stalled infrastructure project. Lindsey Shankle said Public Health and Social Services has been reaching out to area communities regarding youth mental health, including educational resources. Broadband projects Willie Painter said the PUD would like to be considered for its proposed project to provide Packwood and Randle service zones: • Customers passed: 2,966 • Project cost: $11,209,753 The commissioners directed staff to draft a letter of support for the PUD’s project. Meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m.