2021-10-13 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update October 13, 2021 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Becky Butler, John Abplanalp, Mindy Brooks, Erika Katt, Doug Carey, Steve Wohld, Ross McDowell, JP Anderson, Chris Panush, Lee Napier, Matt Patana, Austin Majors, Tammy Martin, Tiffanie Morgan, JP Anderson (9:09 a.m.), Connie Riker, Josh Metcalf Recorder: Rieva Lester Erika Katt discussed a proclamation recognizing the Great Washington Shake Out on October 21, 2021 at 10:21 a.m. Becky Butler discussed a resolution to approve a Personal Services Agreement between Lewis County and Robert K. Weidner. Chris Panush discussed a resolution to designate Lewis County Representatives on the Washington Counties Risk Pool Patrick Shults discussed WSU Approve a memorandum of agreement between Lewis County and Washington State University (WSU) Extension COVID-19 John Abplanalp said Lewis County’s COVID-19 case rates have decreased but remain higher than the state’s rates. Announcements Matt Jaeger said the PA’s Office is reviewing a request for proposals for an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) project. Fuel shops are getting upgrades. IT and the Sheriff’s Office are working on flood prevention and mitigation. Becky Budget amendment will be Oct. 26. She asked offices and departments to work with Gwen Reed to upload information to OpenGov. Matt Patana discussed upgrades to jail security and the PA’s Office. Wednesday Workshop Commissioner Pollock noted that employee recognition will take place Tuesday, Oct. 26. Recess: At 9:12 a.m., Commissioner Pollock announced that the board was going into recess until 9:45 a.m. The meeting resumed at 9:46 a.m. Broadband proposals The commissioners noted that they reviewed broadband proposals from ToledoTel, the Lewis County PUD and Comcast the previous day. Commissioner Swope noted that ToledoTel was the only applicant whose proposal appeared to meet the criteria for a federal grant available through the Department of Commerce. Becky said the county would be the fiscal lead on the project. She noted that the pre-application is due to Commerce on Oct. 18. The commissioners directed Becky to proceed with the pre-application packet. Lee Napier noted that permitting needs would need to be addressed if the county were to move forward. Commissioner Swope made a motion to approve the ToledoTel RFP for the grant proposal for the state Broadband project. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Becky said she would coordinate a meeting with ToledoTel for Oct. 18. Meeting ended at 9:53 a.m.