012 HR -Risk Increase_Request_Form_2022 Risk II2022 EXPENDITURE INCREASE REQUEST FORM Office/Department: Contact Name Request For Budget Increase Fund/Department Number: Status: New or Enhancement Establishing: (One time or Ongoing expenditure) Total Request: Source of Funds: Explanation of Source of other funding: Use of Funds: Description FTE - Records Manager Brief Description of Program or Service Enhancement: The County does not currently have a records manager on staff. It is imperative the County maintain records in accordance with the PRA (Public Records Act). This position would be tasked with creating, implementing, managing, and educating records retention policies and procedures for all County offices and departments. Advantages of Approval: This a risk reduction measure. The County has many paper and digital records that have far outlived their retention requirement. This position would provide for a means to dispose or retain records in accordance with State law. Implications of Denial: The County is at risk with the number of paper and digital records in existence. This position is supported by other elected officials and directors who struggle to keep up with the retention requirements. The implications of not having the training of the PRA and mismanagement of records retention can be costly. Budget Department Use Only Approval Status: Budget Status: Added to Budget Detail cc: Office/Dept. Initials: Self Insurance - Risk Chris Panush x1209 100000 Fund Balance ORG CODE # (no object required) 1251900 Total Request Split 012 New Ongoing If Other, Please Explain Below 01251900 01251900 Expenditure Amount $$ 100000 100000