2021-10-18 All-day budget meetingsPreliminary 2022 Budget Meetings
October 18, 2021
10:10 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Budget Services
Manager Becky Butler, Tiffanie Morgan, Tammy Martin, Austin Majors, Lara McRea, department / office
representatives (listed with each discussion start time), Katie Conradi, Michelle Sauter, Sherri Dokken
Citizens Budget Committee members: Frank Corbin, Nancy Keaton, Trish Geist, Usha Sahadeva-Brooks,
Omroa Bhagwandin (1:30 p.m.)
Guests: Nic Scott
Recorder: Rieva Lester
HR / Risk
Discussion start time: 10:10 a.m.
Department representatives: Chris Panush, Steve Wohld
Chris Panush said he is requesting $100,000 to create a records manager position to maintain records in
accordance with the PRA (Public Records Act). He said the position would create, implement and
manage records retention policies and procedures. He said the total expenditure would be roughly
$110,000, including office setup.
Erik Martin said he and the Prosecuting Attorney are in favor of the creation of the records management
position. Becky Butler noted that PDR manager falls under general liability.
Becky noted that the most recent reorg added 1.5 FTEs to HR / PDR / Risk.
Chris discussed the duties of the HR department. He said his department is short 1.5 FTEs.
Chris said he is seeking approval for the creation of an HR/Risk assistant ($75,000).
Becky noted that costs for HR / Risk are allocated throughout the offices and departments countywide.
At 10:45 a.m., Commissioner Pollock announced that the board was recessing until 11 a.m.
Sheriff’s Office
Discussion start time: 11 a.m.
Department representatives: Sheriff Snaza, Undersheriff Wes Rethwill, Chief Christopher Tawes, Chief
Dusty Breen
Sheriff Snaza outlined the following requests:
• Support Tech I to help with costs associated with body cameras (salary / benefits, Computer,
etc.): $68,941.
• Vehicle camera installations: $14,000.
Becky noted that the following amount already had been approved and paid out:
• Body-worn camera / car video program - year two payment: $47,388.
Undersheriff Wes Rethwill noted that the second-year costs already had been paid as part of the 2021
Sheriff Snaza said he is requesting the following
• Two additional Patrol Deputy Positions (salary/benefits, equipment, training, etc.): $432,494.00
The meeting paused at 11:11 a.m. as staff was alerted to possible audio troubles.
At 11:12 a.m., Sheriff Snaza and Becky Butler provided a recap of the earlier information for those
attending via Zoom.
Sheriff Snaza said his department has added a Commercial Vehicle Officer and an Animal Control Officer.
However, he noted, staffing remains at low numbers despite increased population.
Sheriff Snaza noted that Lewis County also is providing law enforcement services for Pe Ell and that the
area has lost coverage of state troopers as a result of the statewide vaccine mandates. Sheriff Snaza
discussed challenges created by recent changes in legislation statewide.
Sheriff Snaza and Undersheriff Rethwill discussed the costs associated with training new deputies and
also discussed staffing concerns within the cities in Lewis County.
Sheriff Snaza discussed the costs associated with additional vehicles for additional hires. He noted that
the county takes cost-saving measures where it can, such as purchasing used uniforms and buying used
At 11:53 a.m., the commissioners recessed the meeting until 1:30 p.m.
The meeting resumed at 1:30 p.m.
Treasurer’s Office
Discussion start time: 1:30 p.m.
Department representative: Treasurer Arny Davis
Treasurer Arny Davis said he is requesting $40,000 to create a .50 FTE at a 116-1 and reclassify positions
held by Rodney Reynolds and Shelly Stewart. He said Shelly would become chief deputy and Rodney
Reynolds would begin a long-term investment pool. Arny said having Rodney begin working on
investments will the county and its junior taxing district. Arny said the half-time position would be a
cashier whose efforts would free another cashier’s efforts so the tenured employee could help Rodney.
Arny said the move could create $133,000 in investment growth the first year alone.
Arny said Walla Wall, Clark, King, Benton, Thurston and Spokane counties all do their own investments.
Arny said he would provide an org chart and would fill out a formal request. He noted that he would
have to approve the change through the Finance Committee as well.
Assessor’s Office
Discussion start time: 1:57 p.m.
Department representatives: Assessor Dianne Dorey and Deputy Director Dave Campbell.
Dianne Dorey said she would like to create a Chief Deputy Assessor position at a 122 to prepare for the
planned retirements of the Chief Deputy Assessor and the Chief Appraiser by the end of 2022.
Dianne said the county’s salary consultant recommended the creation of the position, the costs for
which she estimated at the following:
• Salaries, wages and benefits: $73,900.
• Office remodel, work station: $5,000.
Dianne said she would follow up with an org chart and job description.
At 2:08 p.m., Commissioner Pollock announced that the BOCC was taking a five-minute recess.
The meeting resumed at 2:15 p.m.
Discussion start time: 2:16 p.m.
Department representative: Charles Edmonson
Noxious Weed Control Program Manager Charles Edmonson discussed the services the Weed board
provides. He said he is seeking permission to create a Noxious Weed Specialist at $66,407.60). Charles
noted that the new hire would be dedicated to field work.
Charles noted that the weed assessment went into effect roughly three years ago.
Meeting adjourned at 2:28 p.m.