2021-10-26 Senior UpdateSenior Update October 26, 2021 11:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, Meja Handlen, Nora Davis, Austin Majors, Colonel Averill, Carol Brock, Katie Conradi, Sherri Dokken, Frank Corbin, Dr. Zora Grandpre, Becky Butler (11:51 a.m.) Guest: Eric Rosane and Nic KELA Recorder: Tammy Martin Financial Report Nora Davis provided an explanation regarding the financial reports. Nora said 80-90% of the funds received by the Lewis County Seniors to date are reimbursable from different funding sources such as grants from Lewis County and contracts with Lewis Mason Thurston Area Agency on Aging (LMTAAA). The amount spent by the Lewis County Seniors has been submitted to LMTAAA and is pending payment. An audit for the Lewis County Seniors is beneficial for grant opportunities. Nora said they have been partnering with Mountain View CPA. The Lewis County Seniors group is asking for assistance paying for the audit. The audit is not a full yellow book audit, and at this time, the Lewis County Seniors is not at the threshold that requires a yellow audit. Nora said that with the audit, they can apply for grants that would cover any future expenses for a full yellow book audit. An audit counts as regular business requirements and the amount of transparency from an audit provides. Meja Handlen said the financial review will prepare them for a yellow book audit and recommends this as financial verification for reporting to the state. Carol Brock said this will make all reporting and book keeping easier. All grants applied help the Lewis County Seniors become self-sustainable. Commissioner Pollock asked for more documentation for billing purposes that outline expenditures and what the billing covers and to include a written estimate for the audit. Congregate / emergency meals The Lewis County Seniors are seeing more meals being needed from fewer participants to the congregate program. Colonel Averill estimates approximately 100 people still require the care this program provides. They still serve meals to 300+ senior citizens. Cleaning Contract Heritage Restoration has been contracted to clean the Lewis County Senior Center buildings. The deposit has been paid and work is expected to begin shortly. Commissioner Pollock asked about the concerns with the Winlock Senior Center. The Board from the Winlock Senior Center has asked to disassociate itself from the Lewis County Senior Centers. Nora said Lewis County Seniors will no longer require financial contributions for services such as rent. The Winlock Senior Center would be responsible to provide funding for themselves. The congregate meal program is not a part of the center and is funded federally. The enrichment program would become the responsibility of the Winlock Senior Center. Colonel Averill said the Winlock Board is merely an advisory group to the collective program. The idea going forward for reopening is to have a uniform program for all centers with unique ideas based on each center’s needs. Meeting ended at 12:02 p.m.